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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Greeting" script:language="StarBasic">REM ***** BASIC *****
- ' Todo: Identifizieren der Standardseitenvorlage über ihren programmatic Name
- ' Todo: Fertigstellen-Button muss disabled werden, wenn noch keine Grafik ausgewählt
- ' ist und die Checkbox 'ChkPictureFirstPage' gewählt ist.
- ' Todo: Unter Umständen braucht die Tools Bibliothek nicht geladen werden
- Dim oDocument as Object
- Dim oDocText as Object
- Dim oGraphic as Object
- Dim oBookmarks as Object
- Dim GalleryDir as String
- Dim oTextShape as Object
- Dim Greetingmode as Integer
- Public Occasions(4,11,1) as String
- Public Const SBEXTRAVAGANT = 0
- Public Const SBCARDFOLD = 1
- Public Const SBDUPLEX = 2
- Sub StartExtravagantMacro()
- GreetingMode = SBEXTRAVAGANT
- DlgGreeting.Load
- DlgGreeting.OptRight.Enabled = False
- DlgGreeting.OptLeft.Value = True
- ShowGreetingDialog()
- End Sub
- Sub StartDuplexMacro()
- GreetingMode = SBDUPLEX
- DlgGreeting.Load
- DlgGreeting.OptRight.Value = True
- ShowGreetingDialog
- End Sub
- Sub StartCardFoldMacro()
- GreetingMode = SBCARDFOLD
- DlgGreeting.Load
- DlgGreeting.OptRight.Value = True
- ShowGreetingDialog
- End Sub
- Sub LoadLanguage()
- With DlgGreeting
- .FrmFirstPage.Caption = "Erste Seite"
- .ChkPictureFirstPage.Caption = "Bild auf 1. Seite"
- .ChkTextFirstPage.Caption = "Text auf 1. Seite"
- .TxtFirstPage.Text = "Alles Gute zum Thema"
- .CmdOwnPicture.Caption = "Bild wählen"
- .LblPictureFile.Caption = "<kein Bild gewählt>"
- .FrmInside.Caption = "Innenseite"
- .TxtInside.Text = "Alles Gute zum Thema"
- .OptLeft.Caption = "&Linke Innenseite"
- .OptRight.Caption = "&Rechte Innenseite"
- .OptNoText.Caption = "Kein &Text"
- .CmdCancel.Caption = "&Abbrechen"
- .CmdOk.Caption = "&Fertig stellen"
- .Caption = "Grußkarten-Assistent"
- End With
- End Sub
- Sub ShowGreetingDialog()
- LoadLanguage()
- ' BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools")
- oDocument = StarDesktop.CurrentFrame.Controller.Model
- oDocText = oDocument.Text
- oBookmarks = oDocument.BookMarks
- oTextShape = oDocument.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.drawing.TextShape")
- oGraphic = oDocument.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.text.Graphic")
- GalleryDir = GetPathSettings("Gallery", False, 0)
- GalleryDir = ConvertToURL(GalleryDir)
- DlgGreeting.ChkPictureFirstPage.Value = True
- DlgGreeting.ChkTextFirstPage.Value = True
- DlgGreeting.Show
- End Sub
- Sub CloseDialog
- DlgGreeting.Unload
- End Sub
- Sub DisOrEnablePictureControls()
- DlgGreeting.CmdOwnPicture.Enabled = DlgGreeting.ChkPictureFirstPage.Value
- DlgGreeting.LblPictureFile.Enabled = DlgGreeting.ChkPictureFirstPage.Value
- DlgGreeting.TxtFirstPage.Enabled = DlgGreeting.ChkTextFirstPage.Value
- End Sub
- Sub DisOrEnableTextBox()
- DlgGreeting.TxtInside.Enabled = Not DlgGreeting.OptNoText.Value
- End Sub
- Sub EnableControls(bEnabled as Boolean)
- With DlgGreeting
- .FrmFirstPage.Enabled = bEnabled
- .ChkPictureFirstPage.Enabled = bEnabled
- .ChkTextFirstPage.Enabled = bEnabled
- .CmdOwnPicture.Enabled = bEnabled
- .LblPictureFile.Enabled = bEnabled
- .FrmInside.Enabled = bEnabled
- .TxtInside.Enabled = bEnabled
- .OptLeft.Enabled = bEnabled
- .OptRight.Enabled = bEnabled
- .OptNoText.Enabled = bEnabled
- .CmdOk.Enabled = bEnabled
- End With
- End Sub
- Sub InsertGreetingObjects()
- Dim oStandardPageStyle as Object
- Dim oPageStyles as Object
- Dim oFrame as Object
- Dim oCursor as Object
- Dim WmfUrl as String
- Dim aPoint As New com.sun.star.awt.Point
- Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
- Dim oBookmark as Object
- ' oDocument.LockControllers
- WmfUrl = GalleryDir & "/clipart/car.wmf"
- EnableControls(False)
- oBookMark = oBookmarks.GetbyName("TitlePage")
- oCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
- oCursor.GoRight(1,True)
- oGraphic.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AS_CHARACTER
- ' oGraphic.Backtransparent = False
- oGraphic.GraphicURL = WmfUrl
- Select Case GreetingMode
- ' Zweiseitig, einfach gefaltet
- ' Spiegele die Grafik
- ' Der Text wird in eine Zeile unter der Grafik geschrieben.
- oCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oGraphic,True)
- oFrame = oDocument.TextFrames.GetByName("Picture and Title")
- oCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oTextShape,True)
- AdjustTextShape(oFrame)
- oTextShape.SetString(DlgGreeting.TxtFirstPage.Text)
- oCursor.CollapseToEnd()
- oCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oGraphic,False)
- oGraphic.VertMirrored = True
- oTextShape.RotateAngle = 18000
- ' Die Breite muss so groß sein, dass die Textshape oberhalb der Grafik steht.
- oFrame = oDocument.TextFrames.GetByName("Picture")
- oCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oGraphic,True)
- ChangeSizeofGraphic(oFrame, oGraphic)
- If DlgGreeting.ChkTextFirstPage.Value Then
- ' Insert Text in the frame "Title"
- oFrame = oDocument.TextFrames.GetByName("Title")
- oCursor = oFrame.CreateTextCursor
- oCursor.SetString(DlgGreeting.TxtFirstPage.Text)
- End If
- End Select
- If Not DlgGreeting.OptNoText.Value Then
- If DlgGreeting.OptLeft.Value Then
- InsertTextToPlaceholder("LeftPage", DlgGreeting.TxtInside.Text)
- InsertTextToPlaceholder("RightPage", "")
- ElseIf DlgGreeting.OptRight.Value Then
- InsertTextToPlaceholder("LeftPage", "")
- InsertTextToPlaceholder("RightPage", DlgGreeting.TxtInside.Text)
- End If
- End If
- DlgGreeting.Unload
- ' oDocument.UnlockControllers
- End Sub
- Sub InsertTextToPlaceHolder(sPosition as String, sCaption as String)
- Dim oBookMark as Object
- Dim oBookmarkCursor as Object
- oBookMark = oBookmarks.GetbyName(sPosition)
- oBookMarkCursor = oBookMark.Anchor.Text.CreateTextCursorByRange(oBookMark.Anchor)
- oBookMarkCursor.GoRight(1,True)
- oBookMarkCursor.SetString(sCaption)
- End Sub
- Sub ChangeSizeofGraphic(oFrame as Object, oGraphic as Object)
- Dim NewGraphWidth as Long
- Dim NewGraphHeight as Long
- Dim OldGraphWidth as Long
- Dim OldGraphHeight as Long
- Dim PageWidth as Long
- Dim RightPageBorder as Long
- Dim TopPageBorder as Long
- Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
- OldGraphWidth = oGraphic.Size.Width
- OldGraphHeight = oGraphic.Size.Height
- PageWidth = GetPageWidth()
- RightPageBorder = PageWidth - oFrame.HoriOrientPosition - oFrame.Size.Width
- TopPageBorder = oFrame.VertOrientPosition
- NewGraphWidth = CInt(((PageWidth/2 - TopPageBorder - RightPageBorder) * OldGraphWidth) /( OldGraphWidth + OldGraphHeight))
- NewGraphHeight = CInt(((PageWidth/2 - TopPageBorder - RightPageBorder) * OldGraphHeight) /( OldGraphWidth + OldGraphHeight))
- aSize.Width = NewGraphWidth
- aSize.Height = NewGraphHeight
- oGraphic.Size = aSize
- End Sub
- Function GetPageWidth()
- Dim oPageStyles as Object
- Dim oPageStyle as Object
- oPageStyles = oDocument.StyleFamilies.GetbyName("PageStyles")
- ' Todo: Call template by Programmatic name
- oPageStyle = oPageStyles.GetByName("Standard")
- GetPageWidth = oPageStyle.Size.Width
- End Function
- Sub ChooseGreetingGraphic()
- ' Todo: attach Call of Dialog
- Msgbox("Jetzt soll eine Grafik ausgewählt und die Caption des Controls" & chr(13) & _
- "'LblPictureFile' entsprechend aktualisiert werden", 16, "StarOffice 6.0")
- End Sub
- Sub AdjustTextShape(oFrame as Object)
- Dim aSize As New com.sun.star.awt.Size
- Dim FrameWidth as Long
- oTextShape.TextAutoGrowWidth = True
- oTextShape.TextMaximumFrameWidth = oFrame.Size.Width
- oTextShape.AnchorType = com.sun.star.text.TextContentAnchorType.AS_CHARACTER
- End Sub
- </script:module>