home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Autotext" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
- Public UserfieldDataType(14) as String
- Public oDocAuto as Object
- Public BulletList(7) as Integer
- Sub Main()
- Dim oCursor as Object
- Dim oStyles as Object
- Dim oSearchDesc as Object
- Dim oFoundall as Object
- Dim oFound as Object
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim sFoundString as String
- Dim sFoundContent as String
- Dim FieldStringThere as String
- Dim ULStringThere as String
- Dim PHStringThere as String
- ' Initialization...
- BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools")
- UserfieldDatatype(0) = "COMPANY"
- UserfieldDatatype(1) = "FIRSTNAME"
- UserfieldDatatype(2) = "NAME"
- UserfieldDatatype(3) = "SHORTCUT"
- UserfieldDatatype(4) = "STREET"
- UserfieldDatatype(5) = "COUNTRY"
- UserfieldDatatype(6) = "ZIP"
- UserfieldDatatype(7) = "CITY"
- UserfieldDatatype(8) = "TITLE"
- UserfieldDatatype(9) = "POSITION"
- UserfieldDatatype(10) = "PHONE_PRIVATE"
- UserfieldDatatype(11) = "PHONE_COMPANY"
- UserfieldDatatype(12) = "FAX"
- UserfieldDatatype(13) = "EMAIL"
- UserfieldDatatype(14) = "STATE"
- BulletList(0) = 149
- BulletList(1) = 34
- BulletList(2) = 65
- BulletList(3) = 61
- BulletList(4) = 49
- BulletList(5) = 47
- BulletList(6) = 79
- BulletList(7) = 58
- oDocAuto = ThisComponent
- oStyles = oDocAuto.Stylefamilies.GetByName("NumberingStyles")
- ' Prepare the Search-Descriptor
- oSearchDesc = oDocAuto.createsearchDescriptor()
- oSearchDesc.SearchRegularExpression = True
- oSearchDesc.SearchWords = True
- oSearchDesc.SearchString = "<[^>]+>"
- oFoundall = oDocAuto.FindAll(oSearchDesc)
- 'Loop over the foundings
- For i = 0 To oFoundAll.Count - 1
- oFound = oFoundAll.GetByIndex(i)
- sFoundString = oFound.String
- 'Extract the string inside the brackets
- sFoundContent = FindPartString(sFoundString,"<",">",1)
- sFoundContent = LTrim(sFoundContent)
- ' Define the Cursor and place it on the founding
- oCursor = oFound.Text.CreateTextCursorbyRange(oFound)
- ' Find out, which object is to be created...
- FieldStringThere = Instr(1,sFoundContent,"Field")
- ULStringThere = Instr(1,sFoundContent,"UL")
- PHStringThere = Instr(1,sFoundContent,"Placeholder")
- If FieldStringThere = 1 Then
- CreateUserDatafield(oCursor, sFoundContent)
- ElseIf ULStringThere = 1 Then
- CreateBullet(oCursor, oStyles)
- ElseIf PHStringThere = 1 Then
- CreatePlaceholder(oCursor, sFoundContent)
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- ' creates a User - datafield out of a string with the following structure
- ' "<field:Company>"
- Sub CreateUserDatafield(oCursor, sFoundContent as String)
- Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- Dim sTextFieldNotDefined as String
- Dim sFoundList(3)
- Dim oUserfield as Object
- Dim UserInfo as String
- Dim UserIndex as Integer
- oUserfield = oDocAuto.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.ExtendedUser")
- sFoundList() = ArrayoutofString(sFoundContent,":",MaxIndex)
- UserInfo = UCase(LTrim(sFoundList(1)))
- UserIndex = IndexinArray(UserInfo, UserfieldDatatype())
- If UserIndex <> -1 Then
- oUserField.UserDatatype = UserIndex
- oCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oUserField,True)
- oUserField.IsFixed = True
- Else
- If InitResources("'Template'", "tpl") Then
- sTextFieldNotDefined = GetResText(1400)
- Msgbox(UserInfo &": " & sTextFieldNotDefined,16, GetProductName())
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- ' Creates a Bullet by setting a soft Formatation on the first unsorted List-Templates with a defined
- ' Bullet Id
- Sub CreateBullet(oCursor, oStyles as Object)
- Dim n, m, s as Integer
- Dim StyleSet as Boolean
- Dim ostyle as Object
- Dim StyleName as String
- Dim alevel()
- StyleSet = False
- For s = 0 To Ubound(BulletList())
- For n = 0 To oStyles.Count - 1
- ostyle = oStyles.getbyindex(n)
- StyleName = oStyle.Name
- alevel() = ostyle.NumberingRules.getbyindex(0)
- ' The properties of the style are stored in a Name-Value-Array()
- For m = 0 to Ubound(alevel())
- ' Set the first Numbering template without a bulletID
- If (aLevel(m).Name = "BulletId") Then
- If alevel(m).Value = BulletList(s) Then
- oCursor.NumberingStyle = StyleName
- oCursor.SetString("")
- exit Sub
- End if
- End If
- Next m
- Next n
- Next s
- If Not StyleSet Then
- ' The Template with the demanded BulletID is not available, so take the first style in the sequence
- ' that has a defined Bullet ID
- oCursor.NumberingStyleName = oStyles.GetByIndex(5).Name
- oCursor.SetString("")
- End If
- End Sub
- ' Creates a placeholder out of a string with the following structure:
- '<placeholder:Showtext:Helptext>
- Sub CreatePlaceholder(oCursor as Object, sFoundContent as String)
- Dim oPlaceholder as Object
- Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- Dim sFoundList(3)
- oPlaceholder = oDocAuto.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextField.JumpEdit")
- sFoundList() = ArrayoutofString(sFoundContent, ":" & chr(34),MaxIndex)
- ' Delete The Double-quotes
- oPlaceholder.Hint = DeleteStr(sFoundList(2),chr(34))
- oPlaceholder.placeholder = DeleteStr(sFoundList(1),chr(34))
- oCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oCursor,oPlaceholder,True)
- End Sub
- </script:module>