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- <tree_view version="Autocreated: Mon Nov 5 11:12:55 2001">
- <help_section id="2" application="sbasic" title="%PRODUCTNAME Basic 帮助">
- <topic id="68317">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="68530">Create a Basic Dialog</topic>
- <topic id="68537">Create Controls in the Dialog Editor</topic>
- <topic id="68536">Properties of Controls in the Dialog Editor</topic>
- <topic id="68538">Show a Dialog Using Program Code</topic>
- <topic id="68535">Program Examples for Controls in the Dialog Editor</topic>
- <node id="66480" title="Programming with %PRODUCTNAME Basic">
- <topic id="66480">一览表</topic>
- <node id="66517" title="Basics">
- <topic id="66517">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66575">%PRODUCTNAME Basic is modular</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66461" title="'Technical Data'">
- <topic id="66461">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66464">Variables</topic>
- <topic id="66465">Objects</topic>
- <topic id="66513">Procedures and Functions</topic>
- <topic id="66460">Libraries, Modules and Dialogs</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66478" title="Integrated Development Environment (IDE)">
- <topic id="66478">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66468">IDE Overview</topic>
- <topic id="66501">Creating and Organizing Libraries and Modules</topic>
- <topic id="66459">The Basic Editor</topic>
- <topic id="66471">Debugging</topic>
- </node>
- <topic id="66494">Additional Options</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66530" title="Run-Time Functions">
- <topic id="66530">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66631">Comparison Operators</topic>
- <node id="66499" title="Screen I/O Functions">
- <topic id="66499">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66500">Display Functions</topic>
- <topic id="66538">Functions for Screen Input</topic>
- <topic id="66587">Color Functions</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66466" title="File I/O Functions">
- <topic id="66466">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66419">Opening and Closing Files</topic>
- <topic id="66430">Input/Output</topic>
- <topic id="66576">File Positioning</topic>
- <topic id="66379">Managing Files</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66506" title="Date and Time Functions">
- <topic id="66506">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66392">Converting Date Values</topic>
- <topic id="66635">Converting Time Values</topic>
- <topic id="66476">System Date and Time</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66398" title="Error-Handling Functions">
- <topic id="66398">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66634">Erl Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66624">Err Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66536">Error Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66582">Error-Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66498">On Error GoTo...Resume Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66492" title="Logical Operators">
- <topic id="66492">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66434">And-Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66529">Eqv-Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66533">Imp-Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66420">Not-Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66418">Or-Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66621">Xor-Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66442" title="Mathematical Operators">
- <topic id="66442">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66503">'-' Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66395">'*' Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66488">'+' Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66511">'/' Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66383">'^' Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66551">Mod-Operator [Runtime]</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66542" title="Numeric Functions">
- <topic id="66542">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66544">Trigonometric Functions</topic>
- <topic id="66421">Exponential and Logarithmic Functions</topic>
- <topic id="66479">Generating Random Numbers</topic>
- <topic id="66481">Square Root Calculation</topic>
- <topic id="66490">Integers</topic>
- <topic id="66482">Absolute Values</topic>
- <topic id="66573">Expression Signs</topic>
- <topic id="66516">Converting Numbers</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66484" title="Controlling Program Execution">
- <topic id="66484">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66448">Condition Statements</topic>
- <topic id="66449">Loops</topic>
- <topic id="66447">Jumps</topic>
- <topic id="66589">Further Statements</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66457" title="Variables">
- <topic id="66457">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66608">CBool Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66509">CDate Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66532">CDbl Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66437">CInt Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66599">CLng Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66600">Const Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66546">CSng Function[Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66435">CStr Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66616">DefBool Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66591">DefDate Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66422">DefDbl Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66428">DefInt Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66423">DefLng Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66425">DefObj Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66440">DefVar Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66441">Dim Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66380">ReDim Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66618">IsArray Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66507">IsDate Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66393">IsEmpty Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66431">IsNull Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66406">IsNumeric Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66407">IsObject Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66408">LBound Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66401">UBound Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66410">Let Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66596">Option Base Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66450">Option Explicit Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66603">Public Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66623">Static Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66391">TypeName Function; VarType Function[Runtime]</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66628" title="Strings">
- <topic id="66628">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66515">ASCII/ANSI Conversion in Strings</topic>
- <topic id="66547">Repeating Contents</topic>
- <topic id="66565">Editing String Contents</topic>
- <topic id="66433">Editing String Length</topic>
- </node>
- <node id="66548" title="Other Commands">
- <topic id="66548">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="66412">Beep-Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66566">Shell Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66543">Wait Statement [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66474">GetSystemTicks Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66525">Environ Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66427">GetSolarVersion Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66569">TwipsPerPixelX Function [Runtime]</topic>
- <topic id="66400">TwipsPerPixelY Function [Runtime]</topic>
- </node>
- </node>
- <node id="68245" title="%PRODUCTNAME帮助视窗">
- <topic id="68245">一览表</topic>
- <topic id="68248">内容 - 帮助的主题</topic>
- <topic id="68246">索引 - 在帮助中进行索引条目搜寻</topic>
- <topic id="68247">搜寻 - 全文搜寻</topic>
- <topic id="68250">管理书签</topic>
- <topic id="68249">帮助助理、提示帮助和说明文</topic>
- </node>
- </help_section>
- </tree_view>