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INI File
1,082 lines
Opera Preferences version 2.0
; Do not edit this file while Opera is running
; This file is stored in UTF-8 encoding
[First Time Setup Dialog]
Title = Quick setup
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 400, 300, Size, End
Label, "Welcome to Opera", Welcome_label , 0, 0, 300, 50, Size right
Label, "Choose your preferred skin and icon size", , 0, 50, 300, 23, Size right
Group, 0, , 10, 80, 300, 105, Size
Radiobutton, "Opera Standard", skin_standard, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Radiobutton, "Classic Windows", skin_windows, 0, 25, 300, 23, Size right
Radiobutton, "My skin", skin_current, 0, 50, 300, 23, Size right
Dropdown, , size_dropdown, 0, 80, 60, 23, Size right, End
Label, "Choose your preferred toolbar setup", , 0, 195, 300, 23, Size right
Group, 0, , 10, 225, 300, 80, Size
Radiobutton, "Standard toolbars", toolbar_standard, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Radiobutton, "Minimal toolbars", toolbar_minimal, 0, 25, 300, 23, Size right
Radiobutton, "My customized toolbars", toolbar_current, 0, 50, 300, 23, Size right, End
Label, "More skins and toolbar setups are available on my.opera.com", , 0, 315, 300, 23, Size right
[Cookie Warning Dialog]
Title = 19020
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 400, 300, Size, End
MultilineEdit, 0, Cookie_info_edit, 0, 0, 350, 75, Size
Label, 14108, Url_label, 0, 90, 100, 23, Size right
Label, 0, Url_content, 100, 90, 200, 23, Size right
MultilineEdit, 0, Cookie_content, 0, 120, 300, 69, Size
[Cookie Patherror Dialog]
Title = 19019
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 400, 300, Size, End
MultilineEdit, 0, Cookie_info_edit, 0, 0, 350, 92, Size
Label, 14108, Url_label, 0, 120, 100, 23, Size right
Label, 0, Url_content, 100, 120, 200, 23, Size right
MultilineEdit, 0, Cookie_content, 0, 150, 300, 69, Size
Checkbox, 14503, Do_wholedomain_check, 0, 230, 300, 69, Size right Move down
[Ask Text Dialog]
Title = 19008
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 400, 300, Size, End
MultilineEdit, 0, Description_label, 0, 0, 280, 46, Size
Edit, 0,Text_edit, 0, 60, 280, 23, Size right Move down
[Ask Cookie Dialog]
Title = 19005
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 400, 240, Size, End
Label, 14114, Url_label, 0, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
Label, 0, Url_content_label, 100, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Button, 11406, View_cookiecommenturl_button, 320, 0, 80, 23, Move right
MultilineEdit, 0, Cookie_info_edit, 0, 30, 400, 140, Size
Label, "What would you like to do with the cookie?", , 0, 180, 400, 23, Move down
Dropdown, 0, Cookie_action_dropdown, 0, 210, 400, 23, Size right Move down
[Security Password Dialog]
Title = "Password"
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 440, 300, Size, End
MultilineEdit, 0, Password_info_label, 0, 0, 280, 46, Size right
Label, "Password", Password_label, 0, 90, 150, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0,Password_edit, 150, 90, 100, 23, Size right
[Install Certificate Dialog]
Title = ""
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 320, 330, Size, End
MultilineEdit, 0, Cert_info_label, 0, 0, 320, 69, Size right
Listbox, 0, Cert_listbox, 0, 90, 250, 69, Size
Button, "View", View_authcert_button, 260, 90, 80, 23, Move right
[Certificate Details Dialog]
Title = "Certificate"
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 440, 300, Size, End
Browser, 0, Cert_browserview, 0, 30, 400, 200, Size
Checkbox, 10758, Allow_connections_to_cert, 5, 240, 370, 23, Size right Move down
Checkbox, 10759, Warn_before_data_to_cert, 5, 270, 370, 23, Size right Move down
[Manage Certificates Dialog]
Title = "Certificate Manager"
Group, "Personal", , 0, 0, 440, 300, Size
Treeview, 0, Personal_cert_treeview, 0, 30, 350, 330, Size
Button, "View...", View_perscert_button, 360, 30, 80, 23, Move right = Show Certificate Details
Button, "Delete", Delete_perscert_button, 360, 60, 80, 23, Move right
Button, "Import...", Import_perscert_button, 360, 100, 80, 23, Move right
Button, "Export...", Export_perscert_button, 360, 130, 80, 23, Move right, End
Group, "Authorities", , 0, 0, 440, 300, Size, End
Treeview, 0, Authorities_cert_treeview, 0, 30, 350, 330, Size
Button, "View...", View_authcert_button, 360, 30, 80, 23, Move right = Show Certificate Details
Button, "Delete", Delete_authcert_button, 360, 60, 80, 23, Move right
Button, "Import...", Import_authcert_button, 360, 100, 80, 23, Move right
Button, "Export...", Export_authcert_button, 360, 130, 80, 23, Move right, End
[Change Masterpassword Dialog]
Title = 10749
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 300, 190, Size, End
MultilineEdit, 0, Password_info_label, 0, 0, 280, 46, Size right
Label, "Current password", Current_password_label, 0, 60, 150, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0,Current_password_edit, 150, 60, 100, 23, Size right
Label, "New password", Password_label, 0, 90, 150, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0,Password_edit, 150, 90, 100, 23, Size right
Label, "Confirm new password", Confirm_password_label, 0, 120, 150, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0,Confirm_password_edit, 150, 120, 100, 23, Size right
[Registration Dialog]
Title = 19059
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 300, 160, Size, End
MultilineEdit, 11193, Info_label, 0, 0, 280, 46, Size right
Label, 11194, Name_label, 0, 60, 100, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0,Register_name, 100, 60, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 11195, Organization_label, 0, 90, 100, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0,Register_organization, 100, 90, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 11196, Code_label, 0, 120, 100, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0,Register_code, 100, 120, 150, 23, Size right
[Download Dialog]
Title = 67176
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 270, 250, Size, End
Label, 17020,, 0, 0, 100, 23
Label, 0, File_info, 100, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 17021,, 0, 30, 100, 23
Label, 0, Server_info, 100, 30, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 22080,, 0, 60, 100, 23
Label, 0, Type_info, 100, 60, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 67179,, 0, 90, 100, 23
Label, 0, Open_icon, 82, 92, 16, 16,
Label, 0, Open_info, 100, 90, 150, 23, Size right
Button,67178,, 260, 90, 80, 23, Move right = Change
Label, 67180,, 0, 120, 350, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 17015, Always_ask_checkbox, 0, 150, 350, 23, Size right, End
[Filetype Dialog]
Title = 14128
Group, 0, , 10, 10, 350, 300, Size, End
Label, 10129,, 0, 0, 100, 23, Size right
Edit, 0, Mimetype, 0, 30, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 67181,, 150, 0, 100, 23, Move right
Edit, 0, Fileextensions, 150, 30, 150, 23, Move right
Label, 10706,, 0, 60, 100, 23, Size right
Group, 0, Action_group, 5, 85, 300, 300, Size
Radiobutton,67182, Action_show_downloaddialog, 0, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Radiobutton,10128, Action_open_Opera, 0, 25, 200, 23, Size right
Radiobutton,10127, Action_save, 0, 50, 200, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 14129, Action_save_open, 5, 75, 250, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 14130, Action_save_directly, 5, 100, 250, 23, Size right
Folderchooser, 0, Action_save_directly_location, 5, 125, 295, 23, Size right
Radiobutton,10546, Action_open_default_application, 0, 150, 200, 23, Size right
Edit, 0, Action_open_defaultapplication, 5, 175, 295, 23, Size right
Radiobutton,10133, Action_open_other_application, 0, 200, 200, 23, Size right
Filechooser, 0, Action_open_otherapplication, 5, 225, 295, 23, Size right
Radiobutton,10717, Action_open_plugin, 0, 250, 200, 23, Size right
Dropdown, 0, Plugins_dropdown, 5, 275, 295, 23, Size right
[Account Subscription Dialog]
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 350, 250, Size, End
Quickfind, 0, Quickfind_edit, 0, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
;Label1, 67053, Accounts_label, 120, 0, 70, 23, Fixed
Dropdown2, 0, Accounts_dropdown, 120, 0, 150, 23, Size right
Button3, "New account...", New_account_button, 280, 0, 110, 23, Move right=New account
Treeview8, 0, Groups_treeview, 0, 30, 390, 200, Size
Button4, 67183, New_folder_button, 400, 30, 80, 23, Move right=New folder
Button5, 67184, Del_folder_button, 400, 60, 80, 23, Move right, End=Delete
[Customize Toolbar Dialog]
Title = 67185
Group0, 67017, , 10, 10, 400, 325, Size
Label1, 67186, Big_label, 0, 0, 400, 25, Fixed
Toolbar2, 0, Customize Toolbar Big, 0, 25, 400, 300, Size, End
Group3, 67018, , 10, 10, 400, 325, Size
Label4, 67186, Small_label, 0, 0, 400, 25, Fixed
Toolbar5, 0, Customize Toolbar Small, 0, 25, 400, 300, Size, End
Group6, 67019, , 10, 10, 400, 325, Size, End
Label7, 67187, Fields_label, 0, 0, 400, 25, Fixed
Toolbar8, 0, Customize Toolbar Fields, 0, 25, 400, 300, Size, End
[Delete Mail Dialog]
Title = 67188
Group0, 0, , 14, 10, 430, 43, Center, End
Label1, 67189, , 0, 0, 430, 23, Fixed
Label2, 67190, , 0, 20, 430, 23, Fixed, End
[Mail Index Properties Dialog]
Group0, 67000, , 10, 148, 380, 23, Center
Label1, 13301, Indexname_label, 0, 0, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit2, 0, Indexname_edit, 100, 0, 280, 23, Fixed, End
Group3, 67014, , 10, 11, 380, 298, Center, End
Label4, 67191, Filters_label, 0, 0, 80, 23, Fixed
Treeview5, 0, Filters_treeview, 0, 30, 380, 140, Fixed
Dropdown6, 0, Operator_dropdown, 0, 180, 50, 23, Fixed
Label7, 67192, Operator_label, 0, 180, 50, 23, Fixed
Dropdown8, 0, Field_dropdown, 60, 180, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown9, 0, Option_dropdown, 170, 180, 100, 23, Fixed
Edit10, 0, Search_edit, 280, 180, 100, 23, Fixed
Button11, 67193, New_filter_button, 280, 215, 100, 23, Fixed=New filter
Button12, 67194, Remove_filter_button, 280, 245, 100, 23, Fixed=Delete
Label13, 67195, Spamfilter_label, 0, 215, 80, 23, Fixed
Dropdown14, 0, Spamfilter_dropdown, 100, 215, 170, 23, Fixed
Checkbox15, 67196, Mark_read_checkbox, 0, 245, 230, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Inherit filter from parent", Inherit_filter_checkbox, 0, 275, 230, 23, Move right
Checkbox16, 67197, Refilter_checkbox, 0, 305, 230, 23, Fixed, End
[Search Mail Dialog]
Title = 26512
Group0, 0, , 29, 10, 290, 283, Size, End
Label1, 67198, Search_text_label, 0, 0, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit2, 0, Search_text_edit, 90, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Label3, 67199, Field_label, 0, 30, 80, 23, Fixed
Dropdown4, 0, Field_dropdown, 90, 30, 200, 23, Size right
Label5, 67200, Period_label, 0, 60, 80, 23, Fixed
Dropdown6, 0, Period_dropdown, 90, 60, 200, 23, Size right
Label7, 67201, Option_radio_label, 0, 90, 80, 23, Fixed
Group8, 0, Option_radio_group, 90, 90, 200, 50, Fixed
Radiobutton9, 67202, Option_exact_phrase, 0, 0, 200, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton10, 67203, Option_any_word, 0, 25, 200, 23, Fixed, End
Label11, 67204, Folders_label, 0, 150, 80, 23, Fixed
Treeview12, 0, Folders_treeview, 90, 150, 200, 100, Size
Checkbox13, 67205, Include_subfolders_checkbox, 90, 260, 200, 23, Move down, End
[Authentication Dialog]
Title = 26502
Group, 0, , 49, 10, 280, 113, Center, End
Label, 67563, Server_message_label, 0, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
Label, 0, Server_message_info, 100, 0, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 67053, Server_label, 0, 30, 100, 23, Fixed
Label, 0, Server_info, 100, 30, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 67130, Message_label, 0, 60, 100, 23, Fixed
Label, 0, Message_info, 100, 60, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 26500, Username_label, 0, 100, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Username_dropdown, 100, 100, 150, 23, Size right
Label, 26501, Password_label, 0, 130, 100, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Password_edit, 100, 130, 150, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 67206, Remember_password, 100, 160, 150, 23, Size right, End
[Simple Dialog]
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 330, 25, Center, End
MultilineEdit, 0, Simple_message, 0, 0, 330, 25, Fixed, End
[New Account Wizard]
Title = 26504
Group0, 0, , 65, 70, 290, 180, Center
Label1, 67207, Account_label, 0, 0, 280, 23, Fixed
Listbox2, 0, Account_type_listbox, 0, 30, 250, 150, Fixed, End
Group3, 0, , 110, 73, 200, 173, Center
Label4, 26505, Name_label, 0, 0, 200, 23, Fixed
Edit5, 0, Name_edit, 0, 30, 200, 23, Fixed
Label6, 26507, Mail_label, 0, 60, 200, 23, Fixed
Edit7, 0, Mail_edit, 0, 90, 200, 23, Fixed
Label8, 26506, Organization_label, 0, 120, 200, 23, Fixed
Edit9, 0, Organization_edit, 0, 150, 200, 23, Fixed, End
Group10, 0, , 110, 103, 200, 113, Center
Label11, 0, Username_label, 0, 0, 200, 23, Fixed
Edit12, 0, Username_edit, 0, 30, 200, 23, Fixed
Label13, 26509, Password_label, 0, 60, 200, 23, Fixed
Edit14, 0, Password_edit, 0, 90, 200, 23, Fixed, End
Group15, 0, , 110, 73, 200, 173, Center
Label16, 0, Incoming_label, 0, 0, 200, 23, Fixed
Edit17, 0, Incoming_edit, 0, 30, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox18, 67208, Incoming_secure_checkbox, 0, 60, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox19, 67209, Leave_on_server_checkbox, 0, 90, 200, 23, Fixed
Label20, 26511, Outgoing_label, 0, 120, 200, 23, Fixed
Edit21, 0, Outgoing_edit, 0, 150, 200, 23, Fixed, End
Group22, 0, , 110, 100, 200, 120, Center
Label22, 67210, , 0, 0, 250, 23, Fixed
Listbox23, 0, Import_type_listbox, 0, 30, 250, 150, Fixed, End
Group24, 0, , 60, 38, 300, 243, Center
Treeview25, 0, Import_setimportaccount, 0, 0, 200, 92, Fixed
Checkbox26, 11424, Import_settings_check, 0, 94, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox27, 67211, Import_contacts_check, 0, 117, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox28, 67212, Import_messages_check, 0, 140, 200, 23, Fixed
Label29, 0, Account_path_label, 0, 166, 180, 23, Fixed
Label30, 0, Account_path, 0, 186, 300, 23, Fixed
Button31, 67213, Account_path_browse, 230, 220, 70, 23, Fixed, End
Group32, 0, , 10, 130, 400, 60, Center
Label33, 0, Import_info_label, 0, 0, 400, 23, Fixed
Label34, 0, Import_progress_label, 0, 30, 400, 23, Fixed
Progress35, 0, Import_progress_bar, 0, 50, 300, 10, Fixed, End
Group36, 0, , 110, 148, 200, 23, Center, End
Label37, "Not implemented yet.. sorry!", Notimplmented_label, 0, 0, 200, 23, Fixed, End
[Join Chat Dialog]
Title = 26513
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 350, 48, Center, End
Label1, "Account", Accounts_label, 0, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown2, 0, Accounts_dropdown, 100, 0, 170, 23, Fixed
Button3, "New...", New_button, 270, 0, 80, 23, Fixed=New account
Label4, "Room", Room_label, 0, 25, 100, 23, Fixed
Edit5, 0, Room_edit, 100, 25, 170, 23, Fixed
Button6, "List...", List_button, 270, 25, 80, 23, Fixed, End
[Change Nick Dialog]
Title = 26503
Group0, 0, , 66, 10, 216, 23, Center, End
Edit1, 0, Nick_edit, 0, 0, 216, 23, Fixed, End
[Wand Dialog]
Group0, 0, , 66, 10, 216, 23, Center, End
Label1, 67214, Wand_label, 0, 0, 350, 23, Size right
Label2, 67215, Wand_label2, 0, 30, 350, 23, Size right
Dropdown, 67216, Wand_how, 0, 60, 250, 23, Fixed, End
[Wand Match Dialog]
Group0, 0, , 66, 10, 260, 23, Center, End
Label1, 67217, Wand_label, 0, 0, 216, 23, Fixed
Listbox1, 0, Match_list, 0, 30, 216, 80, Fixed
Button1, 67218, Delete_button, 220, 30, 80, 23, Fixed=Delete, End
[Go To Page Dialog]
Title = 19029
Group, 0, , 10, 10, 330, 55, Size right, End
Label, 67219, Address_label, 0, 0, 330, 25, Fixed
Address, 0, Address_field, 0, 30, 330, 25, Size right
Edit, 0, Nick_field, 0, 30, 330, 25, Size right, End
[Error Dialog]
Title = 67015
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 468, 398, Size, End
MultilineEdit1, 0, Error_multilineedit, 0, 0, 468, 398, Size, End
[Mail Filter Dialog]
Title = 67220
Group, 67014, , 10, 10, 530, 298, Size, End
Label, 22127, Folders_label, 0, 0, 80, 23, Fixed
Treeview, 0, Folders_treeview, 0, 30, 130, 295, Size
Label, 67221, Filters_label, 150, 0, 120, 23, Move right
Treeview, 0, Filters_treeview, 150, 30, 380, 140, Move right
Dropdown, 0, Operator_dropdown, 150, 180, 50, 23, Move right
Label, 67192, Operator_label, 150, 180, 50, 23, Move right
Dropdown, 0, Field_dropdown, 210, 180, 100, 23, Move right
Dropdown, 0, Option_dropdown, 320, 180, 100, 23, Move right
Edit, 0, Search_edit, 430, 180, 100, 23, Move right
Button, 67193, New_filter_button, 430, 215, 100, 23, Move right=New filter
Button, 67194, Remove_filter_button, 430, 245, 100, 23, Move right=Delete
Label, 67195, Spamfilter_label, 150, 215, 80, 23, Move right
Dropdown, 0, Spamfilter_dropdown, 250, 215, 170, 23, Move right
Checkbox, 67196, Mark_read_checkbox, 150, 245, 230, 23, Move right
Checkbox, "Inherit filter from parent", Inherit_filter_checkbox, 150, 275, 230, 23, Move right
Checkbox, 67197, Refilter_checkbox, 150, 305, 230, 23, Move right, End
[Contact Properties Dialog]
Group0, 19015, , 10, 38, 330, 243, Center
WebImage1, 0, Picture_image, 90, 0, 150, 150, Size
Label2, 67227, Name_label, 0, 160, 90, 23, Move down
Edit3, 0, Name_edit, 100, 160, 230, 23, Size right Move down
Label4, 26507, Email_label, 0, 190, 90, 23, Move down
Edit5, 0, Email_edit, 100, 190, 230, 23, Size right Move down
Label6, 13307, Homepage_label, 0, 220, 90, 23, Move down
Edit7, 0, Homepage_edit, 100, 220, 230, 23, Size right Move down, End
Group8, 19014, , 10, 53, 330, 213, Center
Label9, 13311, Address_label, 0, 0, 90, 23, Fixed
MultilineEdit10, 0, Address_edit, 0, 30, 330, 100, Size
Label11, 13315, Phone_label, 0, 160, 90, 23, Move down
Edit12, 0, Phone_edit, 100, 160, 230, 23, Size right Move down
Label13, 13313, Fax_label, 0, 190, 90, 23, Move down
Edit14, 0, Fax_edit, 100, 190, 230, 23, Size right Move down, End
Group15, 19016, , 10, 80, 330, 160, Center
Label16, 67228, Otheremail_label, 0, 0, 330, 23, Fixed
Edit17, 0, Otheremail_edit, 0, 30, 330, 23, Size right
Label18, 13309, Notes_label, 0, 70, 90, 23, Fixed
MultilineEdit19, 0, Notes_edit, 0, 100, 330, 100, Size, End
Group20, 67016, , 10, 30, 330, 260, Center, End
Label21, 67229, PictureURL_label, 0, 0, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit22, 0, PictureURL_edit, 100, 0, 230, 23, Size right
Label23, 67230, Icon_label, 0, 30, 90, 23, Fixed
Listbox24, 0, Icon_listbox, 100, 30, 230, 230, Size, End
[Startup Dialog]
Title = 67222
Group0, 0, , 34, 10, 300, 185, Size, End
Group1, 0, , 0, 0, 300, 185, Size, End
Radiobutton2, 67223, Continue_lasttime_radio, 20, 10, 200, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton3, 67224, Continue_session_radio, 20, 40, 200, 23, Fixed
Treeview4, 0, Sessions_treeview, 30, 70, 250, 43, Size
Radiobutton5, 67225, Start_homepage_radio, 20, 130, 200, 23, Move down
Radiobutton6, 67226, Start_nowindows_radio, 20, 160, 200, 23, Move down, End
[Bookmark Properties Dialog]
Title = 22115
Group0, 67000, , 10, 10, 330, 323, Center, End
Label1, 25103, Name_label, 0, 0, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit2, 0, Name_edit, 100, 0, 230, 23, Size right
Label3, 10943, Nick_label, 0, 30, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit4, 0, Nick_edit, 100, 30, 230, 23, Size right
Label5, 10944, URL_label, 0, 60, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit6, 0, URL_edit, 100, 60, 230, 23, Size right
Label7, 10945, Description_label, 0, 90, 90, 23, Fixed
MultilineEdit8, 0, Description_edit, 100, 90, 230, 53, Size right
Label9, 10824, Created_label, 0, 150, 90, 23, Fixed
Label10, , Created_text, 100, 150, 230, 23, Size right
Label11, 10825, Visited_label, 0, 180, 90, 23, Fixed
Label12, , Visited_text, 100, 180, 230, 23, Size right
Label13, 10820, Parent_label, 0, 210, 90, 23, Fixed
Bookmarks, 0, Parent_view, 100, 210, 230, 53, Size
Checkbox15, 54023, ShowOnPersonalbar_check, 0, 270, 230, 23, Move down
Checkbox16, 67323, ViewInPanel_check, 0, 300, 230, 23, Move down, End
[Account Properties Dialog]
Title = 67123
Group, 67000, , 10, 100, 330, 143, Center
Label, 67324, Accountname_label, 0, 0, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Accountname_edit, 130, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 67325, Name_label, 0, 30, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Name_edit, 130, 30, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 67326, Mail_label, 0, 60, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Mail_edit, 130, 60, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 26506, Organization_label, 0, 90, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Organization_edit, 130, 90, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 67327, Replyto_label, 0, 120, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Replyto_edit, 130, 120, 200, 23, Size right, End
Group, 67001, , 10, 10, 330, 323, Center
Label, 67328, Incoming_label, 130, 0, 200, 23, Fixed
Label, 67329, Inserver_label, 0, 30, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Inserver_edit, 130, 30, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 26500, Inusername_label, 0, 60, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Inusername_edit, 130, 60, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 26509, Inpassword_label, 0, 90, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Inpassword_edit, 130, 90, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 67330, Inport_label, 0, 120, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Inport_edit, 130, 120, 30, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67331, Insecure_checkbox, 180, 120, 150, 23, Fixed
Label, 67332, Outgoing_label, 130, 180, 200, 23, Fixed
Label, 67329, Outserver_label, 0, 210, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Outserver_edit, 130, 210, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 26500, Outusername_label, 0, 240, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Outusername_edit, 130, 240, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 26501, Outpassword_label, 0, 270, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Outpassword_edit, 130, 270, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 67330, Outport_label, 0, 300, 120, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Outport_edit, 130, 300, 30, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67331, Outsecure_checkbox, 180, 300, 150, 23, Fixed, End
Group, 67002, , 10, 25, 330, 293, Center
Checkbox, 67209, Leaveonserver_checkbox, 0, 0, 330, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67333, Readifseen_checkbox, 0, 30, 330, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67334, Downloadbody_checkbox, 0, 60, 330, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67335, Keepbody_checkbox, 0, 90, 330, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67336, Checkevery_checkbox, 0, 120, 225, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Checkevery_edit, 225, 120, 40, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67337, Checkmanually_checkbox, 0, 150, 330, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67338, Playsound_checkbox, 0, 180, 330, 23, Fixed
Filechooser, 0, Playsound_chooser, 0, 210, 330, 23, Size right
Edit, 0, Rootpath_edit, 0, 270, 330, 23, Fixed
Label, 67339, Rootpath_label, 0, 240, 330, 23, Fixed, End
Group, 67006, , 10, 45, 330, 253, Center, End
Dropdown, 0, Outcharset_dropdown, 130, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 67127, Outcharset_label, 0, 0, 120, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67340, Wordwrap_checkbox, 0, 30, 330, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67341, Queuemessages_checkbox, 0, 60, 330, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67562, Sendaftercheck_checkbox, 0, 90, 330, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, 67349, Addcontact_checkbox, 0, 120, 330, 23, Fixed
Label, 67342, Signature_label, 0, 150, 330, 23, Fixed
MultilineEdit, 0, Signature_edit, 0, 180, 330, 70, Size
Label, 67343, Sentpath_label, 0, 260, 120, 23, Move down
Dropdown, 0, Sentpath_dropdown, 130, 260, 200, 23, Size right Move down, End
[Account Manager Dialog]
Title = 67122
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 440, 300, Size, End
Treeview1, 0, Accounts_treeview, 0, 0, 350, 300, Size
Button2, 67344, New_button, 360, 0, 80, 23, Move right=New account
Button3, 67218, Delete_button, 360, 30, 80, 23, Move right=Delete
Button4, 67346, Edit_button, 360, 60, 80, 23, Move right, End=Edit properties
[Setup Download Dialog]
Group, 0, Firstpage, 0, 0, 0, 0, Size
Label, 0, Question, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Progress, 0, Download_progress_bar, 0, 30, 300, 12, Size right
Label, 0, Download_progress_text, 0, 30, 300, 23, Size right, End
Group, 0, Secondpage, 0, 0, 0, 0, Size, End
Label, 0, Name_label, 0, 0, 100, 23, Size right
Label, 0, Skin_name, 100, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 0, Author_label, 0, 25, 100, 23, Size right
Label, 0, Skin_author, 100, 25, 200, 23, Size right
Label, 0, Question2, 0, 50, 300, 23, Size right
Label, 0, Image, 300, 0, 75, 75, Size right
[Discount Dialog]
Group0, 0, Disount_group, 10, 10, 330, 25, Center
Label1, 0, Discount_header, 0, 0, 330, 40, Size right
Label1, 0, Discount_first_line, 0, 40, 330, 25, Size right
Label1, 0, Discount_second_line, 0, 60, 330, 25, Size right
Label1, 0, Discount_third_line, 0, 80, 330, 25, Size right, End
[Bookmark Manager Dialog]
Title = 21525
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 440, 300, Size, End
Quickfind, 0, Quickfind_edit, 0, 0, 120, 23, Fixed
Bookmarks, 0, Bookmarks_view, 0, 30, 350, 330, Size
Button, 67345, , 360, 30, 80, 23, Move right=New bookmark
Button, "New folder", , 360, 60, 80, 23, Move right=New folder
Button, 67346, , 360, 90, 80, 23, Move right=Edit properties
Button, 67347, , 360, 150, 80, 23, Move right=Cut
Button, 21207, , 360, 180, 80, 23, Move right=Copy
Button, 67348, , 360, 210, 80, 23, Move right=Paste
Button, 67218, , 360, 240, 80, 23, Move right=Delete
Button, 162500, , 360, 300, 80, 23, Move right=Show popup menu, "Bookmarks Import Menu"
Button, 162560, , 360, 330, 80, 23, Move right=Export bookmarks
[Contact Manager Dialog]
Title = "Manage contacts"
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 440, 300, Size, End
Quickfind, 0, Quickfind_edit, 0, 0, 120, 23, Fixed
Contacts, 0, Contacts_view, 0, 30, 350, 330, Size
Button, 67345, , 360, 30, 80, 23, Move right=New contact
Button, "New folder", , 360, 60, 80, 23, Move right=New folder
Button, 67346, , 360, 90, 80, 23, Move right=Edit properties
Button, 67347, , 360, 150, 80, 23, Move right=Cut
Button, 21207, , 360, 180, 80, 23, Move right=Copy
Button, 67348, , 360, 210, 80, 23, Move right=Paste
Button, 67218, , 360, 240, 80, 23, Move right=Delete
Button3, 162500, , 360, 300, 80, 23, Move right=Import contacts
Button3, 162560, , 360, 330, 80, 23, Move right=Export contacts
[Link Manager Dialog]
Title = "Links"
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 440, 300, Size, End
Quickfind, 0, Quickfind_edit, 0, 0, 120, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Lock", Lock_checkbox, 150, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
Links, 0, Links_view, 0, 30, 350, 330, Size
Button, "Open", , 360, 30, 80, 23, Move right=Open link
Button, "Open in", , 360, 60, 80, 23, Move right=Show popup menu, "Links Manager Open Menu"
Button, "Save as...", , 360, 120, 80, 23, Move right=Download url as
Button, "Download", , 360, 150, 80, 23, Move right=Download url
Button, "Bookmark", , 360, 210, 80, 23, Move right=Add link to bookmarks
Button, "Copy", , 360, 240, 80, 23, Move right=Copy
[Input Manager Dialog]
Title = "Input Manager"
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 440, 300, Size, End
Quickfind, 0, Quickfind_edit, 0, 0, 120, 23, Fixed
Treeview, 0, Input_treeview, 0, 30, 350, 330, Size
Button, 67345, , 360, 30, 80, 23, Move right=New shortcut
Button, 67346, , 360, 60, 80, 23, Move right=Edit properties
Button, 67218, , 360, 90, 80, 23, Move right=Delete
Button, "Default", , 360, 130, 80, 23, Move right=Reset shortcuts
[Server Manager Dialog]
Title = "Server Manager"
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 440, 300, Size, End
Quickfind, 0, Quickfind_edit, 0, 0, 120, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Cookies", Cookies_checkbox, 150, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Wand logins", Wand_checkbox, 250, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
Treeview, 0, Server_treeview, 0, 30, 350, 300, Size
Button2, 67345, New_server_button, 360, 30, 80, 23, Move right=New server
Button4, 67218, Delete_button, 360, 60, 80, 23, Move right=Delete
Button4, 67346, Edit_properties_button, 360, 90, 80, 23, Move right, End=Edit properties
Group, 0, Cookie_server_group, 0, 170, 300, 150, Size right move down
Checkbox, "Use default cookie settings", Use_default_cookies_checkbox, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Use as domain", Use_as_domain_checkbox, 20, 30, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Accept cookies for server/domain", Accept_cookies_checkbox, 20, 60, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Accept third party cookies for server/domain", Accept_third_party_checkbox, 20, 90, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Allow illegal paths", Allow_illegal_paths_checkbox, 20, 120, 300, 23, Size right, End
[Server Properties Dialog]
Title = "Server Properties"
Group0, 0, , 10, 10, 440, 300, Size, End
Edit, 0, Server_name_edit, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Group, 0, Cookie_server_group, 0, 30, 300, 150, Size right move down
Checkbox, "Use default cookie settings", Use_default_cookies_checkbox, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Use as domain", Use_as_domain_checkbox, 20, 30, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Accept cookies for server/domain", Accept_cookies_checkbox, 20, 60, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Accept third party cookies for server/domain", Accept_third_party_checkbox, 20, 90, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Allow illegal paths", Allow_illegal_paths_checkbox, 20, 120, 300, 23, Size right, End
[Clear Private Data Dialog]
Title = 19011
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 330, 350, Size, End
MultilineEdit, 25155, Description_label, 0, 0, 300, 50, Size right
Checkbox, 25156, Delete_temporary_cookies, 0, 50, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25159, Delete_all_cookies, 0, 80, 200, 23, Size right
Button, "Manage cookies...",, 200, 80, 150, 23, Move right = Manage cookies
Checkbox, 25157, Delete_passworddocs_and_data, 0, 110, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25164, Clear_cache, 0, 140, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25160, Clear_visited_pages, 0, 170, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25161, Clear_typedin_addresses, 0, 200, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25163, Clear_visited_links, 0, 230, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25165, Clear_transferred_files_history, 0, 260, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25162, Clear_email_account_passwords, 0, 290, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25169, Clear_wand_passwords, 0, 320, 200, 23, Size right
Button, "Manage Wand passwords...",, 200, 320, 150, 23, Move right = Manage wand
[Save Session Dialog]
Title = 19058
Group, , , 0, 0, 330, 100, Size, End
Label, 10661, , 0, 0, 330, 23, Size right
Filechooser, 0, Sessionfile_chooser, 0, 30, 330, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 10665, Use_session_on_startup, 0, 60, 330, 23, Size right
[Image Properties Dialog]
Title = 16055
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 230, 200, Size right, End
Label, 16056, Image_dimension_label, 0, 35, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 16060, Image_dimension_edit, 80, 35, 220, 23, Fixed
Label, 16057, Image_depth_label, 0, 60, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 16061, Image_depth_edit, 80, 60, 130, 23, Fixed
Label, 16059, Image_type_label, 0, 85, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 16063, Image_type_edit, 80, 85, 50, 23, Fixed
Label, 16065, Image_filesize_label, 0, 110, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 16066, Image_filesize_edit, 80, 110, 130, 23, Fixed
Label, 16058, Image_address_label, 0, 135, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 16062, Image_address_edit, 80, 135, 220, 23, Size right
[Auto Window Reload Dialog]
Title = 19010
Group, , , 0, 0, 300, 100, Size, End
Checkbox, 14509, Auto_reload_enabled, 0, 60, 330, 23, Size right
Dropdown, 0, Autoreload_minutes, 20, 90, 50, 23, Move right
Label, 14518, , 70, 90, 80, 23, Move right
Dropdown, 0, Autoreload_seconds, 160, 90, 50, 23, Move right
Label, 14513, , 210, 90, 80, 23, Move right
Checkbox, 14516, Reload_only_expired, 0, 120, 200, 23, Size right
[Set Homepage Dialog]
Title = 19068
Group, , , 0, 0, 300, 100, Size, End
Label, 67494, , 0, 0, 110, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Own_homepage_edit, 110, 0, 190, 23, Size right
Group, , , 0, 30, 200, 90, Size Right
Radiobutton, 67491, Use_current_homepage, 0, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Radiobutton, 67492, Use_opera_homepage, 0, 30, 200, 23, Size right
Radiobutton, 67493, Use_own_homepage, 0, 60, 200, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 25371, Start_with_homepage, 0, 120, 300, 23, Size right
[Print Options Dialog]
Title = "Print Options"
Group, 0, , 0, 0, 260, 260, Size
Checkbox, 11080, Print_page_background, 0, 30, 225, 23, Size right
Checkbox, 14212, Print_headers_footers, 0, 55, 225, 23, Size right
Label, 11115, , 0, 90, 160, 23, Size right
Dropdown, 0, Print_scale_to, 160, 90, 65, 23, Fixed
Label, 10257, , 0, 120, 160, 23, Fixed
Label, 10268, , 10, 145, 50, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Print_top, 70, 145, 50, 23, Fixed
Label, 10269, , 140, 145, 50, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Print_bottom, 200, 145, 50, 23, Fixed
Label, 10266, , 10, 170, 50, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Print_left, 70, 170, 50, 23, Fixed
Label, 10267, , 140, 170, 50, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Print_right, 200, 170, 50, 23, Fixed
[Validate Source Dialog]
Title = 25268
Group, , , 0, 0, 200, 50, Size, End
Label, , Window_title, 0, 0, 400, 23, Size right
MultilineEdit, 25267, Description_label, 0, 30, 400, 40, Size
[Add Web Language Dialog]
Title = "Accept language"
Group, , , 0, 0, 280, 100, Size, End
Label, "Select Web language", 0, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Treeview, 0, Add_Web_language_treeview, 0, 30, 300, 150, Size
Label, "User defined", 0, 0, 190, 100, 23, Move down
Edit, 0, Add_Web_language_edit, 100, 190, 200, 23, Size right Move down, End
[Link Style Dialog]
Title = "Link Style"
Group, , , 0, 0, 280, 100, Size, End
Label, "Not visited", 0, 0, 0, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Underline", Underline_link_checkbox, 150, 0, 150, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Strike through", Strikethrough_link_checkbox, 150, 30, 150, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Color", Color_link_checkbox, 150, 60, 100, 23, Size right
Button, " ", Color_link_button, 260, 60, 40, 23, Fixed=Choose link color, 0
Label, "Visited", 0, 0, 100, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Underline", Underline_visited_checkbox, 150, 100, 150, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Strike through", Strikethrough_visited_checkbox, 150, 130, 150, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Color", Color_visited_checkbox, 150, 160, 100, 23, Size right
Button, " ", Color_visited_button, 260, 160, 40, 23, Fixed=Choose link color, 1
Label, "Visited links marked", 0, 0, 190, 150, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Mark_visited_days_edit, 150, 190, 40, 23, Fixed
Label, "days", Mark_visited_days_label, 200, 190, 50, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Mark_visited_hours_edit, 260, 190, 40, 23, Fixed
Label, "hours", Mark_visited_hours_label, 310, 190, 50, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Always border on image links", Border_image_links_checkbox, 150, 230, 200, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Always border on links", Border_links_checkbox, 150, 260, 200, 23, Size right, End
[Select Font Dialog]
Title = "Select Font"
Group, , , 0, 0, 280, 100, Size, End
Label, "Font", 0, 0, 60, 170, 23, Fixed
Listbox, 0, Font_listbox, 0, 85, 170, 105, Size
Label, "Size", Size_label, 180, 60, 40, 23, Move right
Listbox, 0, Size_listbox, 180, 85, 60, 105, Move right Size down
Checkbox, "Italic", Italic_checkbox, 0, 200, 100, 23, Move down
Checkbox, "Underline", Underline_checkbox, 0, 220, 100, 23, Move down
Checkbox, "Overline", Overline_checkbox, 0, 240, 100, 23, Move down
Checkbox, "Strikeout", Strikeout_checkbox, 0, 260, 100, 23, Move down
Label, "Weight", Weight_label, 100, 205, 50, 23, Move
Dropdown, 0, Weight_dropdown, 155, 205, 85, 23, Move
Label, "Color", Color_label, 100, 235, 50, 23, Move
Button, " ", Color_button, 155, 235, 40, 23, Move=Choose font color
Label, "Sample", Sample_label1, 0, 285, 100, 23, Move down
Edit, "", Sample_edit1, 0, 310, 240, 60, Move down
Label, "Sample", Sample_label2, 0, 190, 100, 23, Move down
Edit, "", Sample_edit2, 0, 215, 240, 60, Move down, End
[International Fonts Dialog]
Title = "International fonts"
Group, , , 0, 0, 280, 100, Size, End
Label, "Choose font to be used when text is not correctly displayed.", 0, 0, 0, 400, 23, Size right
Label, "Writing system", 0, 0, 30, 200, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Encoding_dropdown, 200, 30, 190, 23, Fixed
Label, "Normal font", 0, 0, 60, 200, 23, Fixed
Treeview, 0, Normal_font_treeview, 0, 90, 190, 100, Size down
Label, "Monospace font", 0, 200, 60, 190, 23, Fixed
Treeview, 0, Monotype_font_treeview, 200, 90, 190, 100, Size down
Label, "", Normal_font_preview, 0, 200, 190, 46, Move down
Label, "", Monotype_font_preview, 200, 200, 190, 46, Move down, End
[Proxy Servers Dialog]
Title = "Proxy servers"
Group, , , 0, 0, 300, 150, Size, End
Checkbox, "HTTP", Http_checkbox, 0, 0, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Http_server_edit, 80, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "Port", 0, 290, 0, 40, 23, Move right
Edit, 0, Http_port_edit, 330, 0, 40, 23, Move right
Checkbox, "HTTPS", Https_checkbox, 0, 30, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Https_server_edit, 80, 30, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "Port", 0, 290, 30, 40, 23, Move right
Edit, 0, Https_port_edit, 330, 30, 40, 23, Move right
Checkbox, "FTP", Ftp_checkbox, 0, 60, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Ftp_server_edit, 80, 60, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "Port", 0, 290, 60, 40, 23, Move right
Edit, 0, Ftp_port_edit, 330, 60, 40, 23, Move right
Checkbox, "Gopher", Gopher_checkbox, 0, 90, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Gopher_server_edit, 80, 90, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "Port", 0, 290, 90, 40, 23, Move right
Edit, 0, Gopher_port_edit, 330, 90, 40, 23, Move right
Checkbox, "WAIS", Wais_checkbox, 0, 120, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Wais_server_edit, 80, 120, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "Port", 0, 290, 120, 40, 23, Move right
Edit, 0, Wais_port_edit, 330, 120, 40, 23, Move right
Checkbox, "Do not use proxy on the addresses below", No_proxy_checkbox, 0, 160, 300, 23, Size right
MultilineEdit, 0, No_proxy_multiline, 20, 190, 350, 100, Size right
Checkbox, "Use automatic proxy configuration", Automatic_proxy_checkbox, 0, 300, 300, 23, Size right
Edit, 0, Automatic_proxy_edit, 20, 330, 350, 23, Size right, End
[Name Completion Dialog]
Title = "Server name completion"
Group, , , 0, 0, 300, 150, Size, End
Checkbox, "Look for local network machine", Local_machine_checkbox, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Try name completion, using", Completion_checkbox, 0, 30, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Prefixes", Prefixes_label, 20, 60, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Prefixes_edit, 100, 60, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "Suffixes", Suffixes_label, 20, 90, 80, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Suffixes_edit, 100, 90, 200, 23, Size right, End
[Security Protocols Dialog]
Title = "Security protocols"
Group, , , 0, 0, 300, 150, Size, End
Checkbox, "Enable SSL 2", Enable_SSL_2_checkbox, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Enable SSL 3", Enable_SSL_3_checkbox, 0, 30, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Enable TLS 1", Enable_TLS_1_checkbox, 0, 60, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Select ciphers to enable", 0, 0, 90, 300, 23, Size right
Treeview, 0, Ciphers_treeview, 0, 120, 340, 200, Size, End
[Find Text Dialog]
Title = "Find"
Group, , , 0, 0, 300, 150, Size, End
Label, "Find what", Find_what_label, 0, 0, 300, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Find_what_edit, 0, 23, 250, 23, Size right
Button, "Find next", Find_next_button, 260, 23, 80, 23, Move right
Checkbox, "Match whole word only", Match_whole_word_only_checkbox, 0, 50, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Match case", Match_case_checkbox, 0, 73, 200, 23, Fixed
Group, , , 200, 50, 140, 46, Size, End
Radiobutton, "Search up", Search_up_radio, 0, 0, 140, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Search down", Search_down_radio, 0, 23, 140, 23, Fixed
[Preferences Dialog]
Title = "Preferences"
Group, "Start and exit", Prefs Personal, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Group, 0, Start_radio_group, 0, 30, 300, 120, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Continue from last time", Start_continue_browsing_radio, 0, 0, 300, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Start with saved session", Start_saved_session_radio, 0, 30, 300, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Start with no pages", Start_no_windows_radio, 0, 60, 300, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Start with my home page", Start_homepage_radio, 0, 90, 300, 23, Fixed, End
Edit, "", Startpage_edit, 20, 150, 280, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Show startup dialog", Show_startup_dialog_checkbox, 0, 220, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Confirm exit", Confirm_exit_checkbox, 0, 250, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Close dial-up connections on exit", Close_dialup_checkbox, 0, 280, 300, 23, Fixed, End
Group, "Languages", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "User interface language", UI_language_label, 0, 0, 380, 23, Size right
Filechooser, 0, UI_language_chooser, 0, 30, 380, 23, Size right
Treeview, 0, Web_language_treeview, 0, 80, 290, 170, Size
Button, "Add...", Add_language_button, 300, 80, 80, 23, Move right=Add web language
Button, "Remove", Remove_language_button, 300, 110, 80, 23, Move right=Delete
Button, "Up", Move_language_up_button, 300, 140, 80, 23, Move right=Move item up
Button, "Down", Move_language_down_button, 300, 170, 80, 23, Move right=Move item down
Label, "Encoding to assume for pages lacking specification", Fallback_encoding_label, 0, 270, 380, 23, Size right Move down
Dropdown, 0, Fallback_encoding_dropdown, 0, 300, 380, 23, Size right Move down, End
Group, "Personal Information", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "This information can be pasted into forms using the right mouse button", Personal_info_details, 0, 0, 400, 23, Size right
Label, "First name", Firstname_label, 0, 30, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Firstname_edit, 100, 30, 100, 23, Fixed,
Label, "Last name", Lastname_label, 210, 30, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Lastname_edit, 300, 30, 100, 23, Size right
Label, "Address", Address_label, 0, 60, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Address_edit, 100, 60, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "City", City_label, 0, 90, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, City_edit, 100, 90, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Region/State", Region_label, 0, 120, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Region_edit, 100, 120, 100, 23, Fixed,
Label, "Postal code", Postal_label, 210, 120, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Postal_edit, 300, 120, 100, 23, Size right
Label, "Country", Country_label, 0, 150, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Country_edit, 100, 150, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Telephone", Telephone_label, 0, 180, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Telephone_edit, 100, 180, 100, 23, Fixed,
Label, "Mobile/Fax", Mobile_label, 210, 180, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Mobile_edit, 300, 180, 100, 23, Size right
Label, "E-mail", Email_label, 0, 210, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Email_edit, 100, 210, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Homepage", Homepage_label, 0, 240, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Homepage_edit, 100, 240, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Special 1", Special1_label, 0, 270, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Special1_edit, 100, 270, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Special 2", Special2_label, 0, 300, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Special2_edit, 100, 300, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Special 3", Special3_label, 0, 330, 90, 23, Fixed
Edit, 0, Special3_edit, 100, 330, 300, 23, Size right, End
Group, "Advertising", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "You can set these options if you wish to see specific types of ads", Advertising_details, 0, 0, 400, 23, Size right
Label, "Year of birth", Age_label, 0, 30, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Age_dropdown, 100, 30, 150, 23, Fixed
Label, "Sex", Sex_label, 0, 60, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Sex_dropdown, 100, 60, 150, 23, Fixed
Label, "Marital status", Marital_status_label, 0, 90, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Marital_status_dropdown, 100, 90, 150, 23, Fixed
Label, "Education level", Education_level_label, 0, 120, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Education_level_dropdown, 100, 120, 150, 23, Fixed
Label, "Household income", Income_label, 0, 150, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Income_dropdown, 100, 150, 150, 23, Fixed
Label, "Country", Ads_country_label, 0, 180, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Ads_country_dropdown, 100, 180, 150, 23, Fixed
Treeview, 0, Ads_categories_treeview, 260, 30, 170, 323, Size, End
Group, "Search", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "Select default search engine for new windows", Web_search_label, 0, 0, 400, 23, Size right
Treeview, 0, Web_search_treeview, 0, 30, 400, 200, Size
Label, "You can perform Web searches in the address field", Web_search_details, 0, 240, 400, 23, Size right Move down
Label, "Entering 'g opera' will search for Opera using the Google search engine", More_Web_search_details, 0, 260, 400, 23, Size right Move down
Label, "Preferred number of search results per page", Search_results_label, 0, 300, 290, 23, Size right Move down
Dropdown, 0, Search_results_dropdown, 300, 300, 100, 23, Size right Move down, End
Group, "Skin", Prefs Browser, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Treeview, 0, Skin_file_treeview, 0, 0, 340, 220, Size
Button, "Delete", Delete_skinconfig, 350, 0, 80, 23, Move right = Delete skin
Group, , Toolbar_background, 0, 230, 340, 80, Size right Move down
Label, "File Edit View Navigation Bookmarks Mail Window Help", , 5, 0, 335, 23, Size right
Toolbar, , Browser Toolbar, 0, 23, 340, 57, Size right
Label, , Toolbar_browser_window_background, 0, 0, 340, 80, Size right Move down
Label, , Toolbar_window_background, 0, 0, 340, 80, Size right Move down, End
Checkbox, "Enable special effects", Special_effects_checkbox, 0, 320, 140, 23, Move down
Label, "Size", 0, 180, 320, 60, 23, Move
Dropdown, 0, Skin_zoom_dropdown, 240, 320, 100, 23, Move, End
Group, "Toolbars and menus", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 350, Center
Treeview, 0, Toolbar_file_treeview, 0, 0, 290, 110, Size right
Button1, "Rename", , 300, 0, 80, 23, Move right = Rename toolbar setup
Button2, "Duplicate", , 300, 30, 80, 23, Move right = Duplicate toolbar setup
Button3, "Delete", , 300, 60, 80, 23, Move right = Delete toolbar setup
Checkbox, "Lock buttons", Lock_toolbars_checkbox, 0, 120, 290, 23, Size right
Label, "Progress bar", Progress_bar_label, 0, 150, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Progress_bar_dropdown, 100, 150, 190, 23, Size right
Treeview, 0, Menu_file_treeview, 0, 210, 290, 110, Size right
Button4, "Delete", , 300, 210, 80, 23, Move right = Delete menu setup
Checkbox, "Enable hotclick menu", Hotclick_checkbox, 0, 330, 300, 23, Size right, End
Group, "Mouse and keyboard", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 420, Center
Treeview, 0, Mouse_treeview, 0, 0, 290, 110, Size right
Button0, "Edit...", , 300, 0, 80, 23, Move right, = Manage mouse
Button1, "Duplicate", , 300, 30, 80, 23, Move right = Duplicate mouse setup
Button2, "Delete", , 300, 60, 80, 23, Move right = Delete mouse setup
Button3, "Rename", , 300, 90, 80, 23, Move right = Rename mouse setup
Checkbox, "Enable mouse gestures", Mouse_gestures_checkbox, 0, 120, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Left-handed back and forward gestures", Left_handed_checkbox, 0, 150, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Enable tooltips", Tooltips_checkbox, 0, 180, 300, 23, Size right
;Checkbox, "Underline list items when pointing", Underline_list_items_checkbox, 0, 180, 300, 23, Size right
Treeview, 0, Keyboard_treeview, 0, 210, 290, 110, Size right
Button0, "Edit...", , 300, 210, 80, 23, Move right, = Manage keyboard
Button1, "Duplicate", , 300, 240, 80, 23, Move right = Duplicate keyboard setup
Button2, "Delete", , 300, 270, 80, 23, Move right = Delete keyboard setup
Button3, "Rename", , 300, 300, 80, 23, Move right = Rename keyboard setup
Checkbox, "Enable auto-completion dropdown", Autocompletion_checkbox, 0, 330, 300, 23, Size right, End
Group, "Windows", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Checkbox, "Open pages in new window", Open_in_new_window_checkbox, 100, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Reuse existing page", Reuse_page_checkbox, 100, 30, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Show scroll bars", Show_scrollbars_checkbox, 100, 60, 300, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Show window size", Show_window_size_checkbox, 100, 90, 300, 23, Size right
Label, "Pop-ups", Popups_label, 0, 120, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Popups_dropdown, 100, 120, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "New pages", New_pages_label, 0, 150, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, New_pages_dropdown, 100, 150, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "Cycle pages", Cycle_pages_label, 0, 180, 100, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Cycle_pages_dropdown, 100, 180, 200, 23, Size right, End
Group, "Sounds", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Checkbox, "Enable program sounds", Program_sounds_checkbox, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Treeview, 0, Program_sounds_treeview, 0, 30, 290, 200, Size
Button, "Choose", Choose_sound_button, 300, 30, 80, 23, Move right=Choose sound
Button, "Clear", Clear_sound_button, 300, 60, 80, 23, Move right=Delete
Button, "Test", Test_sound_button, 300, 90, 80, 23, Move right, End=Test sound
Group, "Fonts and colors", Prefs Pages, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Treeview, 0, Fonts_treeview, 0, 30, 340, 200, Size
Button, "Choose", Choose_font_button, 350, 30, 80, 23, Move right=Choose font
Label, "Minimum font size (pixels)", Minimum_font_size_label, 0, 240, 190, 23, Size right Move down
Edit, 0, Minimum_font_size_edit, 280, 240, 40, 23, Move
Label, "Background color", Background_color_label, 0, 270, 190, 23, Size right Move down
Button, " ", Choose_background_color_button, 280, 270, 40, 23, Move=Choose background color
Label, "Link style", Link_style_label, 0, 310, 190, 23, Size right Move down
Button, "My link style...", Link_style_button, 170, 310, 150, 23, Move=Show link style
Label, "International", International_fonts_label, 0, 350, 190, 23, Size right Move down
Button, "International fonts...", International_fonts_button, 170, 350, 150, 23, Move, End=Show international fonts
Group, "Page style", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "Default zoom", Default_zoom_label, 0, 0, 190, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Default_zoom_dropdown, 0, 30, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Author mode as default", Author_mode_default_checkbox, 0, 60, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Enable frames", Enable_frames_checkbox, 200, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Enable inline frames", Enable_inline_frames_checkbox, 200, 30, 200, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Show active frame border", Show_frame_border_checkbox, 200, 60, 200, 23, Size right
Label, "Author mode", Author_mode_label, 0, 100, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Page style sheet", Author_page_style_sheet_checkbox, 0, 130, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Page fonts and colors", Author_page_fonts_and_colors_checkbox, 0, 160, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "My style sheet", Author_my_style_sheet_checkbox, 0, 190, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "My fonts and colors", Author_my_fonts_and_colors_checkbox, 0, 220, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "My link style", Author_my_link_style_checkbox, 0, 250, 190, 23, Fixed
Label, "User mode", User_mode_label, 200, 100, 190, 23, Size right
Checkbox, "Page style sheet", User_page_style_sheet_checkbox, 200, 130, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Page fonts and colors", User_page_fonts_and_colors_checkbox, 200, 160, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "My style sheet", User_my_style_sheet_checkbox, 200, 190, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "My fonts and colors", User_my_fonts_and_colors_checkbox, 200, 220, 190, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "My link style", User_my_link_style_checkbox, 200, 250, 190, 23, Fixed
Label, "My style sheet", My_style_sheet_label, 0, 290, 300, 23, Size right
Filechooser, 0, My_style_sheet_chooser, 0, 320, 400, 23, Size right, End
Group, "Multimedia", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Group, 0, Images_radio_group, 0, 0, 300, 90, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Show images", Show_images_radio, 0, 0, 300, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Show cached images only", Cached_images_radio, 0, 30, 300, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Show no images", No_images_radio, 0, 60, 300, 23, Fixed, End
Checkbox, "GIF animation", Gif_animation_checkbox, 0, 120, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Smooth zooming of images", Smooth_image_zoom_checkbox, 0, 150, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Embedded audio", Embedded_audio_checkbox, 0, 180, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Java", Java_checkbox, 0, 210, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Plug-ins", Plugins_checkbox, 0, 240, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "JavaScript", Javascript_checkbox, 0, 270, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Open JavaScript console on error", Javascript_console_checkbox, 20, 300, 280, 23, Fixed, End
Group, "Programs and paths", Prefs Extensions, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "Opera directory", Opera_directory_label, 0, 0, 300, 23, Size right
Folderchooser, 0, Opera_directory_chooser, 0, 30, 400, 23, Size right
Label, "Download directory", Download_directory_label, 0, 60, 300, 23, Size right
Folderchooser, 0, Download_directory_chooser, 0, 90, 400, 23, Size right
Label, "Source viewer", Source_viewer_label, 0, 150, 300, 23, Size right
Filechooser, 0, Source_viewer_chooser, 0, 180, 400, 23, Size right
Label, "Telnet program", Telnet_label, 0, 210, 300, 23, Size right
Filechooser, 0, Telnet_chooser, 0, 240, 400, 23, Size right
Label, "TN3270 program", TN3270_label, 0, 270, 300, 23, Size right
Filechooser, 0, TN3270_chooser, 0, 300, 400, 23, Size right, End
Group, "E-mail", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Group, 0, Email_radio_group, 0, 0, 400, 150, Size right
Radiobutton, "Use Opera", Use_Opera_email_radio, 0, 0, 200, 23, Size right
Button, "Manage accounts...", Manage_accounts_button, 20, 30, 200, 23, Fixed=Manage accounts
Radiobutton, "Use default e-mail client on computer", Use_system_email_radio, 0, 60, 200, 23, Size right
Edit, 0, Use_system_email_edit, 20, 90, 380, 23, Size right
Radiobutton, "Use specific e-mail client", Use_specific_email_radio, 0, 120, 200, 23, Size right, End
Filechooser, 0, Specific_email_chooser, 20, 150, 380, 23, Size right, End
Group, "File types", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
QuickFind, 0, Filetypes_quickfind, 0, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Hide file types opened with Opera", Show_all_file_types_checkbox, 150, 0, 300, 23, Fixed
Treeview, 0, File_types_treeview, 0, 30, 360, 270, Size
Button, "New...", File_types_new_button, 370, 30, 80, 23, Move right=New file type
Button, "Delete", File_types_delete_button, 370, 60, 80, 23, Move right=Delete
Button, "Edit...", File_types_edit_button, 370, 90, 80, 23, Move right=Edit file type
Group, 0, MIME_radio_group, 0, 310, 400, 60, Size right Move down, End
Radiobutton, "Determine action by MIME type", Action_by_mime_radio, 0, 0, 400, 23, Size right
Radiobutton, "Determine action by file extension if MIME type is unreliable", Action_by_extension_radio, 0, 30, 400, 23, Size right, End
Group, "Default application", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "File types handled by Opera", Default_application_files_label, 0, 30, 200, 23, Fixed
Label, "Protocols handled by Opera", Default_application_protocols_label, 200, 30, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "HTML documents", Default_html_checkbox, 0, 60, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "XML documents", Default_xml_checkbox, 0, 90, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "URL shortcuts", Default_url_checkbox, 0, 120, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "GIF images", Default_gif_checkbox, 0, 150, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "JPEG images", Default_jpeg_checkbox, 0, 180, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "PNG images", Default_png_checkbox, 0, 210, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "BMP images", Default_bmp_checkbox, 0, 240, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "XBM images", Default_xbm_checkbox, 0, 270, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "http", Default_http_checkbox, 200, 60, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "https", Default_https_checkbox, 200, 90, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "ftp", Default_ftp_checkbox, 200, 120, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "news", Default_news_checkbox, 200, 150, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "mailto", Default_mail_checkbox, 200, 180, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "gopher", Default_gopher_checkbox, 200, 210, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "wais", Default_wais_checkbox, 200, 240, 200, 23, Fixed
Button, "Select all", Default_check_all, 300, 300, 100, 23, Fixed=Check all
Checkbox, "Check if Opera is default browser on startup", Default_check_on_startup_checkbox, 0, 330, 300, 23, Fixed, End
Group, "Network", Prefs Network, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "Browser identification", Browser_id_label, 0, 0, 150, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Browser_id_dropdown, 150, 0, 200, 23, Fixed
Button, "Proxy servers...", Proxy_servers_button, 150, 40, 200, 23, Fixed =Show proxy servers
Button, "Server name completion...", Name_completion_button, 150, 70, 200, 23, Fixed=Show name completion
Label, "Max connections to a server", Max_connections_to_server_label, 0, 110, 150, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Max_connections_to_server_dropdown, 150, 110, 60, 23, Fixed
Label, "Max total connections", Max_connections_total_label, 0, 140, 150, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Max_connections_total_dropdown, 150, 140, 60, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Synchronous DNS", Sync_dns_checkbox, 150, 180, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Encode international Web addresses with UTF-8", International_address_checkbox, 150, 210, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Always show server errors", Always_show_server_response_checkbox, 150, 240, 300, 23, Fixed
Group, 0, Ftp_path_group, 150, 280, 300, 60, Fixed, End
Radiobutton, "FTP paths relative to user directory", Ftp_path_relative_checkbox, 0, 0, 300, 23, Fixed
Radiobutton, "Absolute FTP paths", Ftp_path_absolute_checkbox, 0, 30, 300, 23, Fixed, End
Group, "History and cache", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "Typed in addresses", Typed_in_history_label, 0, 0, 150, 23, Fixed
Label, "Visited addresses", Visisted_history_label, 0, 30, 150, 23, Fixed
DropDown, 0, Typed_in_history_dropdown, 150, 0, 130, 23, Fixed
DropDown, 0, Visited_history_dropdown, 150, 30, 130, 23, Fixed
Button, "Clear", Typed_in_history_button, 300, 0, 100, 23, Fixed=Clear typed in history
Button, "Clear", Visited_history_button, 300, 30, 100, 23, Fixed=Clear visited history
Label, "Memory cache", Memory_cache_label, 0, 70, 150, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Memory_cache_dropdown, 150, 70, 130, 23, Fixed
Label, "Disk cache", Disk_cache_label, 0, 110, 150, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Disk_cache_dropdown, 150, 110, 130, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Cache documents", Cache_documents_checkbox, 150, 140, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Cache images", Cache_images_checkbox, 150, 170, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Cache other", Cache_other_checkbox, 150, 200, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Empty on exit", Empty_cache_on_exit_checkbox, 150, 230, 150, 23, Fixed
Button, "Empty now", Empty_cache_now_button, 300, 110, 100, 23, Fixed=Clear disk cache
Label, "Check documents", Document_check_label, 0, 270, 150, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Document_check_dropdown, 150, 270, 130, 23, Fixed
Label, "Check images", Image_check_label, 0, 300, 150, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Image_check_dropdown, 150, 300, 130, 23, Fixed
Label, "Check other", Other_check_label, 0, 330, 150, 23, Fixed
Dropdown, 0, Other_check_dropdown, 150, 330, 130, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Always check redirect", Always_check_redirect_checkbox, 300, 270, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Always check redirect", Always_check_redirect_images_checkbox, 300, 300, 150, 23, Fixed, End
Group, "Privacy", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Checkbox, "Enable referrer logging", Enable_referrer_logging_checkbox, 150, 0, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Enable automatic redirection", Enable_redirection_checkbox, 150, 30, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Use cookies to trace password protected pages", Trace_password_protected_pages_checkbox, 150, 60, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Enable cookies", Enable_cookies_checkbox, 150, 110, 300, 23, Fixed
Label, "Normal cookies", Normal_cookies_label, 0, 140, 150, 23, Fixed
DropDown, 0, Normal_cookies_dropdown, 150, 140, 250, 23, Fixed
Label, "Third party", Third_party_cookies_label, 0, 170, 150, 23, Fixed
DropDown, 0, Third_party_cookies_dropdown, 150, 170, 250, 23, Fixed
Button, "Edit server filters...", Edit_server_filters_button, 150, 200, 250, 23, Fixed=Manage cookies
Checkbox, "Throw away new cookies on exit", Throw_away_new_cookies_checkbox, 150, 240, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Display warning for illegal domain", Display_illegal_domain_warning_checkbox, 150, 270, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Accept illegal path", Accept_illegal_path_checkbox, 150, 300, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Display warning for illegal path", Display_illegal_path_warning_checkbox, 170, 330, 280, 23, Fixed, End
Group, "Security", Prefs None, 65, 70, 300, 300, Center
Label, "Wand", , 0, 0, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Enable Wand", Enable_wand_checkbox, 150, 0, 300, 23, Fixed
Button, "Manage Wand passwords...", , 150, 30, 200, 23, Fixed = Manage wand
Label, "Master password", , 0, 70, 150, 23, Fixed
Button, "Set password...", Set_password_button, 150, 70, 200, 23, Fixed = Change masterpassword
Label, "Ask for password", Ask_for_password_label, 0, 100, 150, 23, Fixed
DropDown, 0, Ask_for_password_dropdown, 150, 100, 200, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Use as master password for e-mail and Wand", Master_password_checkbox, 150, 130, 300, 23, Fixed
Button, "Security protocols...", Configure_security_button, 150, 170, 200, 23, Fixed = Show security protocols
Button, "Manage certificates...", Manage_certificates_button, 150, 210, 200, 23, Fixed = Manage certificates
Label, "Warnings", , 0, 250, 150, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Ask before submitting a form insecurely", Ask_insecure_form_checkbox, 150, 250, 300, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Ask before submitting a page for validation", Ask_validation_checkbox, 150, 280, 300, 23, Fixed, End
[Voice Preferences Dialog]
Title = "Voice Preferences"
Group, "Voice", Voice_group, 0, 30, 220, 100, Fixed
Label, "Listening Mode", Listening_mode_label, 0, 0, 100, 23, Fixed
DropDown, 0, Listening_mode_dropdown, 100, 0, 120, 23, Fixed
Label, "PTT Key", PTT_key_label, 0, 30, 100, 23, Fixed
DropDown, 0, PTT_key_dropdown, 100, 30, 120, 23, Fixed
Checkbox, "Mouse key down cancels voice", Mouse_key_down_cancels_voice_checkbox, 0, 60, 220, 23, Fixed, End