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- ===============================================================================
- copying.emx emx 0.9d LICENSE 19-Dec-1998
- ===============================================================================
- Copyright (c) 1990-1998 by Eberhard Mattes
- GNU General Public License (GPL)
- --------------------------------
- emx is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- emx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with emx; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- See \emx\doc\COPYING for details.
- Exceptions
- ----------
- As a special exception, some parts of emx can be distributed without
- source code if and only if the code has not been modified and a notice
- is included where the source code can be obtained. This special
- exception applies to the following files:
- \emx\bin\emx.exe
- \emx\bin\emxd.exe
- \emx\dll\emx.dll
- \emx\dll\emxio.dll
- When distributing modified copies of those files, the GPL applies
- without exceptions and you have to remove all references to this
- exception from the source code and the documentation. You must not
- change the existing Copyright notice. If you modify a source file, a
- notice to that effect must be added to the source file.
- As a special exception, if you bind emxl.exe or emx.exe to an
- executable file (using emxbind), this does not cause the resulting
- executable file to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This
- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the
- executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- However, if you bind a modified copy of emxl.exe or emx.exe to
- an executable file (using emxbind), you have to include source code
- for emxl.exe or emx.exe, respectively.
- The emx libraries are not distributed under the GPL. Linking an
- application with the emx libraries does not cause the executable to be
- covered by the GNU General Public License. You are allowed to change
- and copy the emx library sources if you keep the copyright message
- intact. If you improve the emx libraries, please send your
- enhancements to the emx author (you should copyright your enhancements
- similar to the existing emx libraries). Of course, all this does not
- apply to the libraries which are distributed under the GPL or the GNU
- Library General Public License (LGPL, see \emx\doc\COPYING.LIB) or the
- BSD license (see \emx\doc\COPYING.BSD), such as termcap.a, gpp.a and
- curses.a.
- Code derived from code released by the University of California,
- Berkeley, is released under the terms of \emx\doc\COPYING.BSD. This
- applies to the libraries `bsd', `btermcap', `curses', and `db'.
- There is also a special exception for the GNU standard C++ library,
- libstdc++, see \emx\doc\COPYING.SCP. This applies to stdcpp.a and
- stdcpp.lib.
- You are allowed to use, copy, and change the programs in \emx\sample
- if you keep the copyright message intact. The test programs in
- \emx\test are in the public domain.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the
- manuals written by Eberhard Mattes provided the copyright notice is
- preserved on all copies. If you modify those manuals, a notice to
- that effect must be added to the manual.
- Summary
- -------
- 1. Redistributing emx and GNU programs
- If you redistribute emx and the GNU programs, you also have to
- redistribute the source code:
- emxdev1.zip, emxdev2.zip -> emxsrcd1.zip, emxsrcd2.zip
- emxrt.zip -> emxsrcr.zip
- gnudev1.zip, gnudev2.zip -> gccsrc1.zip, gccsrc2.zip, gccsrc3.zip,
- gdbsrc1.zip, gdbsrc2.zip, gnusrc.zip,
- gbinusrc.zip
- gnuinfo.zip -> gnusrc.zip
- gppdev.zip -> gppsrc.zip, gccsrc1.zip, gccsrc2.zip,
- gccsrc3.zip
- gobjcdev.zip -> gccsrc1.zip, gccsrc2.zip, gccsrc3.zip
- 2. Distributing applications
- There are no copyright restrictions on applications created with the
- emx tools and the GNU C compiler and linked with the emx libraries.
- However, there are restrictions for applications linked with GNU or
- BSD libraries.
- 3. Distributing the emx runtime package
- If you distribute emxrt.zip, you also have to redistribute
- emxsrcr.zip. If you electronically distribute an application which
- requires the emx runtime package, I recommend putting a pointer to
- emxrt.zip into the documentation instead of distributing emxrt.zip.
- That way, users usually get the latest version of emxrt.zip.
- 4. Distributing applications and emx.dll, emxio.dll and emx.exe
- For small programs, redistributing emxrt.zip may be inconvenient.
- You are allowed to distribute emx.dll, emxio.dll, and emx.exe with
- your application as long as emx.dll, emxio.dll, and emx.exe have not
- been modified. You should include a notice in the documentation
- which tells users where they can get the complete emx package.
- Note that you can create stand-alone OS/2 applications (using the
- -Zomf -Zsys options of GCC) which do not need emx.dll.
- 5. Distributing modified copies
- If you modify an emx tool, the GPL will apply without exception,
- that is, you have to include full source code. See COPYING for
- details. If you distribute a modified emx.dll, please choose
- another name for the DLL to avoid compatibility problems. For
- instance, if someone adds feature A to emx.dll, and someone else
- adds feature B to emx.dll, programs using feature A cannot be run
- simultaneously with programs using feature B because only one
- instance of any DLL can be active (either feature A or feature B
- will be present, but not both). If the DLLs are named emx_a.dll and
- emx_b.dll, that problem does not arise. The -E option of emxbind
- selects the name of the emx DLL to use.
- Copyright
- ---------
- The emx runtime and the emx development tools are
- Copyright (c) 1990-1996 by Eberhard Mattes.
- emxfpemu (originally known as wm-FPU-emu) is
- Copyright (c) 1992-1994 by W. Metzenthen.
- The emx C library is
- Copyright (c) 1990-1996 by Eberhard Mattes
- Copyright (c) 1991-1993 by Kolja Elsaesser
- Copyright (c) 1992-1993 by Steffen Haecker
- Copyright (c) 1992-1996 by Kai Uwe Rommel
- [...this place is reserved for your name...]
- The emx graphics library, the emx video library and the emx OMFLIB
- library are
- Copyright (c) 1987-1996 by Eberhard Mattes
- DUEL has been written by Michael Golan and is in the public domain.
- The GNU programs and libraries, including GCC, GAS, GDB, and libg++,
- are
- Copyright (c) by Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- The curses library (curses.a), the BSD C library (bsd.a), the BSD
- database library (db.a), and the BSD termcap library (btermcap.a) are
- Copyright (c) by University of California, Berkeley
- Files
- -----
- This is an incomplete overview over the executables and libraries. It
- is provided for your convenience only. If the information in the
- source code contradicts this table, the information in the source code
- takes precedence.
- For .lib and .obj files, see the corresponding .a and .o file,
- respectively.
- File | License | Copyright owner | Source ZIP
- ------------------------+---------------+---------------------+------------
- \emx\bin\ar.exe | GPL | FSF | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\as.exe | GPL | FSF | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\cc1.exe | GPL | FSF | gccsrc[123]
- \emx\bin\cc1obj.exe | GPL | FSF | gccsrc[123]
- \emx\bin\cc1plus.exe | GPL | FSF | gccsrc[123]
- \emx\bin\cpp.exe | GPL | FSF | gccsrc[123]
- \emx\bin\emx.exe | GPL+ | em | emxsrcr
- \emx\bin\emxbind.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxcat.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxd.exe | GPL+ | em | emxsrcr
- \emx\bin\emxdoc.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxexp.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxfpemu | GPL | W. Metzenthen | emxsrcr
- \emx\bin\emxaout.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emximp.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxinst.cmd | GPL | em | emxdev[12]
- \emx\bin\emxl.exe | GPL+ | em | emxsrcr
- \emx\bin\emxload.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcr
- \emx\bin\emxomf.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxomfar.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxomfld.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxrev.cmd | GPL | em | emxrt
- \emx\bin\emxstack.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcr
- \emx\bin\emxtsf.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\emxupd.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\gasp.exe | GPL | FSF | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\gcc.exe | GPL | FSF | gccsrc[123]
- \emx\bin\gdb.exe | GPL | FSF | gdbsrc[12]
- \emx\bin\gprof.exe | BSD | UCB | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\info.exe | GPL | FSF | gnusrc
- \emx\bin\ld.exe | GPL | FSF | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\listomf.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\makeinfo.exe | GPL | FSF | gnusrc
- \emx\bin\nm.exe | GPL | FSF | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\objdump.exe | GPL | FSF | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\pmgdb.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\size.exe | GPL | FSF | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\strip.exe | GPL | FSF | gbinusrc
- \emx\bin\texi2dvi.cmd | GPL | em | gnuinfo
- \emx\bin\texindex.exe | GPL | FSF | gnusrc
- \emx\bin\touch.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\bin\updt.exe | GPL | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\dll\emx.dll | GPL+ | em | emxsrcr
- \emx\dll\emxio.dll | GPL+ | em | emxsrcr
- \emx\dll\emxlibc.dll | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\dll\emxlibcm.dll | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\dll\emxlibcs.dll | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\dll\emxwrap.dll | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\dll\gppdemid.dll | GPL | FSF, em | gnusrc
- \emx\lib\bsd.a | BSD | UCB | bsdsrc
- \emx\lib\btermcap.a | BSD | UCB | bsdsrc
- \emx\lib\c_alias.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\c_static.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\curses.a | BSD | UCB | bsdsrc
- \emx\lib\db.a | BSD | UCB | bsdsrc
- \emx\lib\emx2.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\emxio.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcr
- \emx\lib\g.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\gcc.a | emx-lib, GPL+ | em, FSF | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\gcc_p.a | emx-lib, GPL+ | em, FSF | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\gpp.a | LGPL | FSF | gppsrc
- \emx\lib\graph.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\m.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\moddef.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\omflib.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\os2.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\os2_p.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\regexp.a | regexp | Henry Spencer | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\socket.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\stdpp.a | GPL+ | FSF | gppsrc
- \emx\lib\termcap.a | GPL | FSF | gnusrc
- \emx\lib\tmalloc.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\video.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\wrap.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\mt\c.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\mt\c_app.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\mt\c_dllrt.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\mt\c_dllso.lib | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\mt\c_import.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\mt\emx.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\mt\malloc1.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\mt\objc.a | GPL+ | FSF | gccsrc[123]
- \emx\lib\mt\sys.lib | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\c.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\check.a | GPL | Richard W.M. Jones | gccsrc[123]
- \emx\lib\st\c_app.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\c_app_p.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\c_dllrt.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\c_dllso.lib | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\c_import.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\c_p.a | emx-lib | em and contributors | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\emx.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\malloc1.a | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- \emx\lib\st\objc.a | GPL+ | FSF | gccsrc[123]
- \emx\lib\st\sys.lib | emx-lib | em | emxsrcd[12]
- Legend:
- BSD BSD license (see \emx\doc\COPYING.BSD)
- em Eberhard Mattes
- emx-lib emx library, see above
- FSF Free Software Foundation, Inc
- GPL GNU General Public License (\emx\doc\COPYING)
- GPL+ GPL with special exceptions
- LGPL GNU Library General Public License (\emx\doc\COPYING.LIB)
- regexp see \emx\src\regexp\COPYRIGH
- UCB University of California, Berkeley
- ------------------------- END OF COPYING.EMX -------------------------------