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- #
- | README file for
- |
- | POWERdraft for AutoCAD R13, Ver. 1.01.06
- |
- | ELSA WINNER 1000
- | ELSA WINNER 2000
- | ELSA GLoria
- |
- | Copyright (c) 1994-96 ELSA GmbH, Aachen (Germany)
- |
- | Subsidary:
- | ELSA GmbH ELSA Inc.
- | Sonnenweg 11 2150 Trade Zone Blvd.
- | D-52070 Aachen Suite 101
- | Germany San Jose, CA 95131
- | USA
- |
- | Phone : +49-241-9177-0 Phone: +1-408-935-0350
- | Support Fax: +49-241-9177-213 Phone: 1-800-272-ELSA
- | BBS (modem): +49-241-9177-981 Fax : +1-408-935-0370
- | BBS (ISDN) : +49-241-9177-7800 BBS : +1-408-935-0380
- | CompuServe : GO ELSA CIS : GO ELSA
- | WWW : http://www.elsa.de WWW : http://www.elsa.com
- |
- | 04/15/96, mb
- Table of Contents
- 1. Overview
- 2. Directory Contents
- 3. Installation
- 4. Notes
- 5. Release Notes
- 6. Caveats / Known Problems
- **********************************************************************
- 1. Overview
- This disk contains all components of the drivers
- POWERdraft for AutoCAD R13.
- Complete documentation can be found in the file LANG13EN.HLP,
- which can be opened in the Windows file manager.
- This help may contain more recent information than the
- printed documentation.
- **********************************************************************
- 2. Directory Contents
- The root directory contains the following files:
- README.TXT this file
- LIESMICH.TXT German version of this file
- LANG13EN.HLP Windows help files in English and German
- SETUP.EXE Installation program for Windows
- (all others) files that will be installed
- **********************************************************************
- 3. Installation
- Start the program SETUP.EXE under Windows 3.1/3.11 or
- Windows NT 3.5/3.51 or Windows 95. You can use the menu item
- File/Run in the Program Manager or double click SETUP.EXE in
- the file manager.
- **********************************************************************
- 4. Notes
- For a complete description of the driver configuration please
- see the help file as described above.
- **********************************************************************
- 5. Release Notes
- Changes from version 1.0 to version 1.01:
- - POWERdraft now supports the dual (or multiple) screen modes
- under Windows NT and Windows 3.1x.
- - Rendered images are restored to screen and can be saved
- to disk.
- - The driver was ported to the DEC Alpha platform, is shipped
- as a separate driver.
- - Now plot-Preview also works fine with tilemode turned off.
- - Non-Orthogonal cursors are cleared properly, even if another
- window overlaps.
- - The screen menu area is restored properly.
- - Windows 95 is supported. Use at least AutoCAD R13c4.
- **********************************************************************
- 6. Caveats / Known Problems
- Our tests showed AutoCAD R13 to be more stable under
- Windows NT. You should use at least R13c3.
- Under Windows 3.1x you should avoid full screen DOS boxes while
- POWERdraft is running. Windowed DOS boxes are uncritical,
- however.
- The application Genius R13 is supported, you need version 13.1
- or later, however.
- Under Windows NT 3.5x after logout and login of an user
- POWERdraft may not recognize the ELSA display driver and
- therefore AutoCAD R13 combined with POWERdraft can't be
- restarted. To solve this problem you should add the ELSAATOM.EXE
- to your autostart group while you share your NT platform with
- other users.
- if d: is your current CD drive.