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- How to register
- 1. From Europe
- Send us the order form together with
- - an Eurocheque in Swiss Francs, in the amount of SFr. 35.-+5.-(Personal
- Licence+S&H)
- - cash (foreign currency: banknote-exchange rate buy, no coins please), at your
- own risk!
- - a simultaneous transfer of SFr. 35.-+5.-(Personal Licence+S&H) to my Swiss
- postal account Nr 30-87193-6. This works fine from most European countries.
- Please do not forget to write on the coupon your name, address and country!
- 2. From the USA
- Send us the order form together with
- - a personal check or cashier's check drawn on a US bank in the amount of
- US$ 36.-
- - check in Swiss francs drawn on a Swiss bank.
- - Cash: US$ 36.-, at your own risk!
- 3. From Canada or Australia
- Send us the order form together with
- - a check in CAN$/AUS$ in the amount of CAN$/AUS$ 44.-+$6.-S&H (drawn on a
- Canadian / Australian bank)
- - the same amount in cash
- 4. From South Africa
- If you live in South Africa, I have now an official distribution site there!
- Please send a check or Postal Order or your Credit Card details together with
- the order form to
- Windows Commander Registration
- S.P. Systems cc
- P.O. Box 74749
- Lynnwood Ridge
- 0040
- At the moment, I'm not setting up new distribution sites because of bad
- experience in one country.
- 5. On CompuServe
- 1. In WINCIM, click on the traffic light icon and type SWREG.
- This brings you to the Software registration forum.
- 2. Choose option 2, Register Shareware. The price per registration is
- US$ 32.- + US$ 5 S&H.
- 3. In the search criteria, choose option 1, the REGISTRATION ID.
- The registration ID for the English (and international) version is 2013.
- The registration ID for the German version is 2014.
- 4. Make sure the displayed program description fits to Windows Commander and
- the correct language. You are prompted to enter your address and the number
- of copies you want. See below for the calculation of the multiple licences
- discount! You will get one Disk for each SWREG order, together with the
- licence to install the program on the desired number of computers.
- Your Compuserve account will then be charged with the registration fee, and
- we'll be noticed of your registration. Please allow at least 2 weeks for
- delivery.
- IMPORTANT: If you want your company name in the title bar, you must enter an X
- and a ":" in front of the company name, e.g. X:MYCOMPANY. Otherwise, your
- name will appear in the title bar!!!
- Calculation of the discount for multiple licences (Compuserve SWREG): You
- normally need to fill in a smaller number of licences than you actually need!
- First, calculate the cost for the desired amount of licences in Swiss francs
- (Use table on the order form). Multiply the result with 0.9 to get the amount
- in $US. Multiply by 1,177 (Compuserve fees). Divide the result by 37.- (price
- per single licence on CIS) and round up to the next integer number. The
- resulting number must be given to SWREG.
- Example: You want 25 licences of Windows Commander
- Price in SFr.: 1x35.- + 9x20.- + 15x15.-+5.-S&H = SFr. 445.-
- Price in $US: SFr. 445.- * 0.9 = $US 400.50
- With Compuserve fees (x1.177) = $US 471.40
- divided by 37 = 12.74
- Rounded up to next integer: 13
- You would have to pay for only 13 licences to get 25. Compuserve will bill you
- for 13x37+5S&H=$US481.-. If you have questions (or the calculation is too
- complicated for you), just send EMail to my CIS ID. For large quantities, it
- is much cheaper to send a cheque!
- Updates
- As soon as you are registered, (until further notice) all updates are free,
- provided that you get the latest version yourself. Just install the new
- (shareware) version over the old one. The only important thing is to keep the
- file wincmd.key. You can find the latest shareware version on CompuServe
- WINSHARE, Lib 2, file name wcmd????.zip, and on the Internet:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wincmd/
- If you don't have access to a modem, you can get the program directly from us
- by sending a check in the amount of US$/SFr. 15.- or US$ 10.-/SFr. 10.- cash.
- Bug reports
- If you find a bug in Wincmd you can report it at one of the addresses mentioned
- below. Please provide the following information:
- - an exact description of the bug (how can it be reproduced?)
- - version number and repease date of Windows Commander (see Help-about Wincmd)
- - Windows version
- - The file wincmd.ini
- - For GPFs: The error address, and if possible a sowie drwatson.log produced
- by drwatson.exe (Windows 3.1) or the contents of the error box displayed by
- Windows 95.
- Support
- Please first read the FAQ and visit our WWW page on the internet:
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/wincmd/
- If you still have questions or bug reports, you can reach me at the following
- addresses:
- - If you're on the Internet, write to 100332.1175@compuserve.com. This address
- can also be reached from Fidonet and AOL (ask your sysop!).
- - On Compuserve, write to my CIS account 100332,1175.
- - On ILINK or SWISSLINK, write to Christian Ghisler in the Windows conference.
- - If you live in South Africa, call my official distributor S.P. Systems cc at
- (012) 348-6060
- - You can also write to my postal address:
- C. Ghisler & Co.
- Christian Ghisler
- Lindenmattstr. 60
- CH-3065 Bolligen
- Switzerland
- - Please do NOT call me at home!