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- JP Software
- Shareware Disk Vendor Documentation
- 4DOS, 4OS2, 4DOS for Windows NT
- Take Command, Take Command/32
- August, 1995
- Copyright 1988 - 1995, JP Software Inc., All Rights Reserved. Published
- by JP Software Inc., P.O. Box 1470, E. Arlington, MA 02174 USA, (617)
- 646-3975.
- This file provides information for shareware disk vendors and user
- groups on the distribution of 4DOS, 4OS2, 4DOS/NT, Take Command/16, and
- Take Command/32.
- We are glad to work with you in the distribution of our products, as
- user groups and disk vendors are an important part of the shareware
- distribution system.
- Before placing any JP Software product, or any part of any JP Software
- program package, in any shareware or other disk library, or distributing
- shareware copies for a fee in any way, you must meet one of these
- conditions:
- * If you are a U.S.-based shareware disk vendor, you must be an
- approved member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP),
- and your application must be fully approved in writing by the ASP,
- not simply submitted or awaiting review. If you are not an ASP
- member, we cannot currently offer you permission to distribute our
- products. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you, but
- we have found that the administrative overhead required to handle
- non-ASP vendors from within the U.S. is simply too high.
- * If you are a U.S.-based, non-profit, tax-exempt user group, you may
- place shareware copies of our programs in your library without prior
- written permission, provided you obtain a diskette copy from another
- vendor (not a downloaded copy), and notify us in writing within 15
- days of doing so.
- * If you are a disk vendor based outside the U.S., you must either be
- an ASP member, or you must obtain prior written permission from us
- before distributing our products.
- If you meet one of these criteria and would like to carry our programs,
- you may obtain them from another vendor if the other vendor has received
- their copy directly from us. If you prefer to distribute shareware
- obtained directly from the author, please write us and we will send you
- a copy on diskette at no charge. In either case, please send us a copy
- of your catalog for our files.
- racks, please do NOT contact us for approval of rack distribution, as it
- will be denied (however if you wish to understand the reasons behind
- this policy feel free to contact us; please use email if possible).
- This applies even if you have distributed our products via rack or CD-
- ROM in the past.
- CD-ROM distribution is permitted but ONLY if (a) you meet the
- requirements for diskette distribution stated above, and (b) you contact
- us for permission prior to starting distribution of any JP Software
- product via CD-ROM. You only need to contact us once for each product,
- not separately for each edition of your CD-ROM. We reserve the right to
- revoke permission for CD-ROM distribution at any time, and for any
- reason. If we do so you must cease distribution of our products on CD-
- ROM the next time your CD is remastered after we notify you of the
- revocation.
- Non-ASP vendors who wish to consider becoming ASP approved can obtain
- information from:
- Association of Shareware Professionals
- 545 Grover Road
- Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
- For information on posting our products on a BBS, see the file
- You can contact JP Software at any of the addresses below. The fastest
- methods are CompuServe, Internet, phone, or fax. Please mail your
- materials to us at the P.O. Box address.
- CompuServe JP Software section of the PC Vendor B forum (GO JPSOFT
- or GO PCVENB); or CompuServe Mail to 75020,244 (sales /
- customer service), or 75300,1215 (technical support)
- Internet 75020.244@compuserve.com (customer service), or
- 75300.1215@compuserve.com (technical support)
- BBS Channel 1, Boston, 617-354-3230. User discussions and
- limited direct technical support are available via 4DOS
- conferences on the PC Relay, ILink, SmartNet, and
- FidoNet networks. The sales and customer service staff
- is not available directly via BBS.
- Voice (617) 646-3975, days Eastern US time
- Fax (617) 646-0904
- US Mail JP Software
- P.O. Box 1470
- E. Arlington, MA 02174, USA