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- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Unicom 4.0 - 32 bit Release Notes
- // Windows 95 Version
- //
- // 10/16/95
- //
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- & If your modem is not listed in the modem setup
- Try selecting a similar modem or model from the list.
- If you have a string for your modem from another source,
- try adding it into the manual modem setup under "User
- Entered Init String" then select the User Entered
- radio button. If none of the above suggestions work for
- you, select the "NOT LISTED" option and contact us for
- an updated modems.dat file.
- At this point you may wish to construct your own string
- using your modem reference manual. Unicom requires
- the following: Hardware Handshaking (CTS/RTS),
- Carrier Detect (CD) follows line state, Modem set to
- Fixed DTE.
- & Unicom 16550 FIFO Indicator and Windows 95
- Support for the 16550 chip is provided by your
- serial port driver which is external to this program.
- Unicom can neither detect or control the 16550.
- The Unicom FIFO indicator will light if you
- have configured Windows 95 properly to use this
- device whether the device exists or not.
- To configure the 16550, access the system icon
- from the Windows 95 control panel. Access the
- desired com port and select the Advanced option.
- A window will appear to let you enable the
- 16550 and set the RX and TX trigger levels.
- & Fax Implementation Notes
- Fax support provided in this release is specific
- to CLASS 1 and CLASS 2 fax modems only. The
- less popular CAS standard is not supported in
- this release. Most fax modems are Class 1 or 2.
- Class 2.0 is more recent that Class 2. Since
- we could not find a Class 2.0 modem before
- releasing Unicom 4.0, no compatibility is implied.
- Please contact Data Graphics for information regarding
- support for Class 2.0 modems.
- Unicom supports GROUP 3, one-dimensional fax
- encoding according to the TIA T.4 specification.
- Both Hi and Low resolution modes are supported
- and are set automatically.
- The optional higher fax speeds: 14.4k and 12k are not
- supported when using Class 1 in this release.
- The network fax support is limited to forwarding
- received faxes as Email using MAPI compatible
- networks to one or more destinations.
- This product has been tested on various fax modems based
- on ROCKWELL and SIERRA fax class 1 and 2 chip sets.
- & Solutions to Faxing Problems
- How can I tell what Class of fax support is
- provided by my modem?
- From Unicom's modem setup window, select
- the TEST button. Unicom will report the capability
- and select the corresponding capability option for you.
- The fax aborts during transmission or reception.
- What is wrong?
- Check the handshake option in Unicom's Comm Port
- Setup Window. Try using the hardware or none
- options. Also, make sure that a screen saver is
- not engaging and that disk intensive applications
- are not being used during fax operations. Also, make
- sure that your port is set to 19200, 8-N-1. Higher
- baud rate settings may cause loss of data.
- If the above solution does not work, and you are using
- a class 2 fax modem, add the following initialization
- to your modem setup string: +FDCC=1,3
- Also check that your computer does not have an IRQ
- conflict.
- Faxes sent with Unicom appear squished with no vertical
- spacing.
- You need to obtain an updated Universal Printer Driver file
- from Microsoft named UNIDRV.DLL. It should replace the file
- of the same name located in your Windows\System directory.
- Received faxes appear partially or fully scrambled with
- no apparent form. What's wrong?
- Some fax modems like FRECOM reverse the bit order
- of the image. To correct this problem, place the
- following line in the UNICOM.INI file located in the
- Windows directory:
- I can't re-transmit a fax file that I received as a
- fax. What's wrong?
- If the fax was received with ERRORS, these errors are
- being re-transmitted and the fax send may fail.
- Errors in the fax will show up as image distortion when
- viewing the fax. If all your received faxes have some
- clutter on the top of the page, you may need to add
- the entry in your Unicom.ini as described in the
- previous question.
- & Solutions to File Transfer Problems
- QUESTION: What is causing many errors during file transfers?
- If you see frequent CRC errors and are getting
- unacceptable performance, check to make sure
- that HARDWARE HANDSHAKING is being used. This
- is set in Unicom's Comm Port setup window.
- Your modem may also require an initialization
- string to enable hardware handshaking.
- If this doesn't correct the problem, an IRQ
- conflict may exist with your modem port.
- A noisy phone line can also cause this problem.
- ALSO, make sure your modem is being configured
- with a correct string to turn on HARDWARE HANDSHAKING.
- & Call Director Notes
- The Call Director feature is designed to take advantage
- of Adaptive Answer capable fax modems. Some fax modems
- like the USR Sportster cannot distinguish between an
- incoming fax or data call.
- If your fax modem is not capable of adaptive answer,
- the Call Director must be set for FAX ONLY or DATA ONLY
- operation. If you are not sure if your fax modem is
- capable, clear any Adaptive Answer String entry in the
- Call Director Setup window. Unicom will then try to
- activate the feature using a +FAA or +FAE command when
- the Call Director feature is activated.
- Incoming calls directed to certain destinations may cause
- Unicom to enter a wait mode thus preventing subsequent calls
- from being answered. After a call is answered and directed
- for processing, only until control is returned to the Call
- Director can subsequent incoming calls be answered.
- Please note the following:
- Host Mode - Control is returned to the Call Director
- immediately after a remote user logs out.
- Terminal - Control is returned to Call Director upon
- loss of a data carrier detect signal.
- Script - Control is returned when the script terminates.
- Other Pgm - Unicom enters a wait mode. Control returns to
- Call Director when the external program
- terminates execution (closes).
- Unicom Fax - Unicom returns control after the fax is received.
- Other Pgm - Same as Other Pgm above
- ** Some fax modems must be set to fax mode for adaptive answer to
- work. Unicom, by default, will set the modem to data mode.
- To change this, add the following to the Adaptive answer init
- string in the Call Director Setup: +FCLASS=2 (for class 2) -or
- +FCLASS=1 (for class 1)
- & Unicom 4.0/32 bit and Windows 95
- This version is designed for Windows 95. It is a true
- 32-bit application. Therefore, it will not run on Windows 3.x.
- A 16 bit version is available for Windows 3.x.
- & Ordering Unicom
- TO REGISTER QUICKLY: order by phone!
- To get registered immediately, just
- call (206) 432-1201 anytime between 9am and
- 5pm Pacific time weekdays.
- Have your VISA or MasterCard/EuroCard Ready.
- You will be issued a temporary registration
- number over the phone.
- BY FAX: send your completed order form to
- Data Graphics fax at (206)432-8673 (24hrs)
- BY MAIL: Enclose payment and mail to:
- Data Graphics
- P.O. Box 58517
- Renton,WA 98058 U.S.A.
- Site licenses and other distribution
- licenses are available. Please contact
- Data Graphics for more info at
- Tel: (206) 432-1201 Pacific Time
- Fax: (206) 432-8673 24hrs
- Technical support is available for registered users
- by phone at (206) 432-1201. Support hours may vary
- at times. By Email, send your request to:
- INTERNET: 71631.464@CompuServe.Com or, on
- COMPUSERVE: 71631,464
- Please remember to include your Control # with
- your support request.
- No Control # = No Support
- Please do not send both your license and control
- number in Email. The control number is all you need
- to get support.
- Unregistered support is available and limited to help
- getting the program started or setup. Information
- regarding program capability or features will gladly
- be given.
- & Where to Find UNICOM
- There are now two versions of Unicom.
- A full retail version and a limited trial version.
- The retail version is available only from
- Data Graphics or from an Authorized Distributor.
- If you are already registered and would like to order the
- latest retail version update, please call or see the
- order form for details.
- UNICOM trial copies may also be found on CompuServe in the
- following forums: ZENITH, WINSHARE.
- Browse the forum shareware or new uploads library
- using the keyword "UNICOM"
- & Release Notes
- 1) The manual incorrectly refers to a UNIFAX fax print driver.
- This should read "UNICOM" fax print driver.
- 2) Unicom supports 14.4 and 28.8kb modems. Though there is not a
- specific setting for these speeds, select the closest higher speed
- in the Comm Port setup window and in all data phone book entries.
- 3) The Data Phone book option: "Set Port to Modem Connect Speed"
- is intended to be used for some older modems that change the
- speed to your PC when connecting to another modem. THIS
- characters appear when you connect after dialing, this
- option may be at fault.
- 4) The Prefix/Suffix option in the Data Phone book has been replaced
- with Dialing Services. For information on how to use this feature,
- see the Fax Phone Book discussion in the manual or on-line help.
- 5) Twain support remains at 16 bit due to a lack of 32 bit drivers.
- Just install your existing 16 bit drivers for Win 3.1.
- & Bug Fixes and Updates
- NEW : Now a true 32-bit app for Windows 95 operating system
- NEW : Chat mode now echos remotely typed characters back to remote
- FIXED: Some TWAIN scanners would not work with Unicom 4.0 for Win31
- FIXED: Unicom fonts were not available at the program start
- CHANGED:Unicom now prompts you to save any setup changes at the
- end of a session.