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- /**************************************************************************
- TBLT.C - transparent blt
- **************************************************************************/
- /**************************************************************************
- (C) Copyright 1994 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
- You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and
- distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in
- any way you find useful, provided that you agree that
- Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any
- Sample Application Files which are modified.
- **************************************************************************/
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <wing.h>
- #include "..\utils\utils.h"
- extern void PASCAL far TransCopyDIBBits( WORD DestSelector, DWORD DestOffset,
- void const far *pSource, DWORD Width, DWORD Height, long DestWidth,
- long SourceWidth, char unsigned TransparentColor );
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This function ignores the source origin and blts the entire source.
- */
- BOOL TransparentDIBits( BITMAPINFO far *pBufferHeader,
- void huge *pBufferBits,
- int nXOriginDest, int nYOriginDest, void const far *pBits,
- BITMAPINFO const far *pBitmapInfo, int nXOriginSrc, int nYOriginSrc,
- int iUsage, char unsigned TransparentColor )
- {
- BOOL ReturnValue = FALSE;
- int NewDestinationXOrigin;
- int NewDestinationYOrigin;
- int DestinationDeltaX;
- int DestinationDeltaY;
- int Width;
- int Height;
- int NewSourceXOrigin;
- int NewSourceYOrigin;
- int Orientation = 1;
- int DestinationHeight = DibHeight(&pBufferHeader->bmiHeader);
- int SourceWidth = DibWidth(&pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader);
- int SourceHeight = DibHeight(&pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader);
- char unsigned huge *pSource;
- WORD DestSelector;
- DWORD DestOffset;
- RECT SourceRectangle = { nXOriginDest, nYOriginDest,
- nXOriginDest + SourceWidth, nYOriginDest + SourceHeight };
- RECT DestinationRectangle;
- RECT ClippedRectangle;
- if(DestinationHeight < 0) // check for top-down DIB
- {
- Orientation = -1;
- DestinationHeight = -DestinationHeight;
- }
- DestinationRectangle.top = 0;
- DestinationRectangle.left = 0;
- DestinationRectangle.bottom = DestinationHeight;
- DestinationRectangle.right = DibWidth(&pBufferHeader->bmiHeader);
- // intersect the destination rectangle with the destination DIB
- if(IntersectRect(&ClippedRectangle,&SourceRectangle,
- &DestinationRectangle))
- {
- // default delta scan to width in bytes
- long DestinationScanDelta = DibWidthBytes(&pBufferHeader->bmiHeader);
- NewDestinationXOrigin = ClippedRectangle.left;
- NewDestinationYOrigin = ClippedRectangle.top;
- DestinationDeltaX = NewDestinationXOrigin - nXOriginDest;
- DestinationDeltaY = NewDestinationYOrigin - nYOriginDest;
- Width = ClippedRectangle.right - ClippedRectangle.left;
- Height = ClippedRectangle.bottom - ClippedRectangle.top;
- pSource = (char unsigned huge *)pBits;
- NewSourceXOrigin = DestinationDeltaX;
- NewSourceYOrigin = DestinationDeltaY;
- pSource += ((long)SourceHeight - (NewSourceYOrigin + Height)) *
- (long)DibWidthBytes(&pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader)
- + NewSourceXOrigin;
- // now we'll calculate the starting destination pointer taking into
- // account we may have a top-down destination
- DestSelector = HIWORD(pBufferBits);
- if(Orientation < 0)
- {
- // destination is top-down
- DestinationScanDelta *= -1;
- DestOffset = (long)(NewDestinationYOrigin + Height - 1) *
- (long)DibWidthBytes(&pBufferHeader->bmiHeader) +
- NewDestinationXOrigin;
- }
- else
- {
- // destination is bottom-up
- DestOffset = ((long)DestinationHeight -
- (NewDestinationYOrigin + Height))
- * (long)DibWidthBytes(&pBufferHeader->bmiHeader) +
- NewDestinationXOrigin;
- }
- TransCopyDIBBits(DestSelector,DestOffset,pSource,Width,Height,
- DestinationScanDelta,
- DibWidthBytes(&pBitmapInfo->bmiHeader),
- TransparentColor);
- ReturnValue = TRUE;
- }
- return ReturnValue;
- }