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- #
- # mac-sym
- #
- # From the rtf distribution. Required at run-time by the rtf2html
- # translator
- #
- #
- # $Id: mac-sym,v 1995/03/17 00:12:38 stuart Exp $
- #
- # RTF Macintosh character set (\mac) Symbol font map
- # Field 1 is the standard character name which the character value in
- # field 2 maps onto. (It doesn't mean "to produce the character in field 1,
- # use the value in field 2.)
- # The character value may be given either as a single character (which will be
- # converted to the ASCII value of the character), or in numeric format, either
- # in decimal or 0xyy as hex yy. Single or double quotes may be used to quote
- # characters.
- # characters in ASCII range (00-127)
- formula 0x06
- nobrkhyphen 0x1e
- opthyphen 0x1f
- space " "
- exclam !
- universal '"'
- mathnumbersign #
- existential $
- percent %
- ampersand &
- suchthat "'"
- parenleft (
- parenright )
- mathasterisk *
- mathplus +
- comma ,
- mathminus -
- period .
- slash /
- zero 0
- one 1
- two 2
- three 3
- four 4
- five 5
- six 6
- seven 7
- eight 8
- nine 9
- colon :
- semicolon ;
- less <
- mathequal =
- greater >
- question ?
- congruent @
- Alpha A
- Beta B
- Chi C
- Delta D
- Epsilon E
- Phi F
- Gamma G
- Eta H
- Iota I
- # J J
- Kappa K
- Lambda L
- Mu M
- Nu N
- Omicron O
- Pi P
- Theta Q
- Rho R
- Sigma S
- Tau T
- Upsilon U
- varsigma V
- Omega W
- Xi X
- Psi Y
- Zeta Z
- bracketleft [
- backslash \
- bracketright ]
- asciicircum ^
- underscore _
- quoteleft "`"
- alpha a
- beta b
- chi c
- delta d
- epsilon e
- phi f
- gamma g
- eta h
- iota i
- # j j
- kappa k
- lambda l
- mu m
- nu n
- omicron o
- pi p
- theta q
- rho r
- sigma s
- tau t
- upsilon u
- # xxx v
- omega w
- xi x
- psi y
- zeta z
- braceleft {
- bar |
- braceright }
- mathtilde ~
- # non-ASCII characters (128-255)
- # Adieresis 0x80
- # Aring 0x81
- # Ccedilla 0x82
- # Eacute 0x83
- # Ntilde 0x84
- # Odieresis 0x85
- # Udieresis 0x86
- # aacute 0x87
- # agrave 0x88
- # acircumflex 0x89
- # adieresis 0x8a
- # atilde 0x8b
- # aring 0x8c
- # ccedilla 0x8d
- # eacute 0x8e
- # egrave 0x8f
- # ecircumflex 0x90
- # edieresis 0x91
- # iacute 0x92
- # igrave 0x93
- # icircumflex 0x94
- # idieresis 0x95
- # ntilde 0x96
- # oacute 0x97
- # ograve 0x98
- # ocircumflex 0x99
- # odieresis 0x9a
- # otilde 0x9b
- # uacute 0x9c
- # ugrave 0x9d
- # ucircumflex 0x9e
- # udieresis 0x9f
- # dagger 0xa0
- # degree 0xa1
- minute 0xa2
- lessequal 0xa3
- fraction 0xa4
- infinity 0xa5
- florin 0xa6
- club 0xa7
- diamond 0xa8
- heart 0xa9
- spade 0xaa
- arrowboth 0xab
- arrowleft 0xac
- arrowup 0xad
- arrowright 0xae
- arrowdown 0xaf
- degree 0xb0
- plusminus 0xb1
- second 0xb2
- greaterequal 0xb3
- multiply 0xb4
- proportional 0xb5
- partialdiff 0xb6
- bullet 0xb7
- divide 0xb8
- notequal 0xb9
- equivalence 0xba
- approxequal 0xbb
- ellipsis 0xbc
- arrowvertex 0xbd
- arrowhorizex 0xbe
- carriagereturn 0xbf
- aleph 0xc0
- Ifraktur 0xc1
- Rfraktur 0xc2
- weierstrass 0xc3
- circlemultiply 0xc4
- circleplus 0xc5
- emptyset 0xc6
- intersection 0xc7
- union 0xc8
- propersuperset 0xc9
- reflexsuperset 0xca
- notsubset 0xcb
- propersubset 0xce
- reflexsubset 0xcf
- angle 0xd0
- gradient 0xd1
- registered 0xd2
- copyright 0xd3
- trademark 0xd4
- product 0xd5
- radical 0xd6
- periodcentered 0xd7
- logicalnot 0xd8
- logicaland 0xd9
- logicalor 0xda
- arrowdblboth 0xdb
- arrowdblleft 0xdc
- arrowdblup 0xdd
- arrowdblright 0xde
- arrowdbldown 0xdf
- lozenge 0xe0
- angleleft 0xe1
- registersans 0xe2
- copyrightsans 0xe3
- trademarksans 0xe4
- Sigma 0xe5
- # Ecircumflex 0xe6
- # Aacute 0xe7
- # Edieresis 0xe8
- # Egrave 0xe9
- # Iacute 0xea
- # Icircumflex 0xeb
- # Idieresis 0xec
- # Igrave 0xed
- # Oacute 0xee
- # Ocircumflex 0xef
- apple 0xf0
- angleright 0xf1
- # Uacute 0xf2
- # Ucircumflex 0xf3
- # Ugrave 0xf4
- # dotlessi 0xf5
- # circumflex 0xf6
- # tilde 0xf7
- # macron 0xf8
- # breve 0xf9
- # dotaccent 0xfa
- # ring 0xfb
- # cedilla 0xfc
- # hungarumlaut 0xfd
- # ogonek 0xfe
- # caron 0xff