"Can't load class `%s'." = "Klasse %s konnte nicht geladen werden.";
/* Alert(BookView): */
"I think, that's not an Electronic-Book-Disc!" = "Dies ist kein Electronic Book";
/* Alert(BookView): */
"Eject current disc?" = "Aktuelles Electronic Book auswerfen?";
/* This is the default icon in the BookShelf! */
/* The operation of exiting the application. */
"Quit" = "Verlassen";
/* Message(BookShelf): */
"stop after %d of %d matches" = "Abbruch nach %d von %d Stichworten";
/* BookShelf: Keyword-Browser title */
"Keywords" = "Fundstellen Liste";
/* AlertPanel: Wrong class version */
"Sorry, can't read this!\nOld Version of: %s!" = "Die Datei konnte nicht gelesen werden!\nAlte Version von: %s";
/* Menu(BookShelf): */
"Word" = "Stichwort";
/* Message given to user when he tries to quit the application without saving all of his documents. */
"You have unsaved documents." = "Es existieren noch ungesicherte Dokumente.";
/* Icon for displaying text links */
/* Menu(BookShelf): */
"Endword" = "Wortende";
/* Hypertext cursor */
/* AlertPanel: Demo of PaperOut */
"Sorry, this is a demo version of PaperOut!" = "Dies ist eine Demo-Version von PaperOut";
/* Message(BookShelf): */
"Volume selected!" = "Kapitel wurde ausgew┘hlt";
/* Default shelf suffix */
/* Error(BookShelf): ebvollookup() */
"ebvollookup() error ...";
/* Alert(BookView): */
"Please insert disc:\n\n%s" = "Bitte legen Sie folgende Disc ein:\n\n%s";
/* AlertPanel: Save-Button. */
"Don\'t Save" = "Nicht sichern";
/* Alert(BookView): */
"Can't write service file %s." = "Dienste-Datei `%s' konnte nicht geschrieben werden!";
/* Inspector: Empty Inspector View */
"No Selection" = "Keine Auswahl";
/* Alert(Controller): */
"Can't open book `%s'." = "Das Buch\n%s\nkonnte nicht ge≡ffnet werde.";
/* Alert(BookView): */
"Mountpath is NULL!";
/* AlertPanel: Text for Cancel-Buttons */
"Cancel" = "Abbruch";
/* Choice (on a button) given to user which allows him to quit the application even though he has not saved all of his documents first. */
"Quit Anyway" = "Trotzdem verlassen";
/* Alert(BookView): */
"Wrong book checksum!" = "Falsche Checksumme des Buches!";
/* Message(BookShelf): Initialized */
"Initialized" = "Initialisiert";
/* This is the highlight icon in the BookShelf! */
/* Default library path */
/* EBMenu: Menu-Browser title */
"Table Of Contents" = "Inhaltsverzeichnis";
/* Icon for displaying sound links */
/* Alert(BookView): */
"Can't eject current disc!" = "Disc kann nicht ausgeworfen werden!";
/* Error: */
"No alternate font available!" = "Kein alternativer Font verf÷gbar!";
/* Menu(BookShelf): */
"Multi %d" = "Auswahl %d";
/* The operation of closing a window usually generated by choosing the Close Window option in the Windows menu. */
"Close" = "Schlie√en";
/* Choice (on a button) given to user which allows him to review all his unsaved documents if he quits the application without saving them all first. */
"Review Unsaved" = "Einsehen";
/* Alert(EBMenu): */
"Can't load volume" = "Kapitel kann nicht geladen werden";
/* Icon for displaying graphic links */
/* AlertPanel: Text for Ok-Button. */
/* Alert(Controller): */
"Can't open shelf `%s'." = "B÷cherregal:\n%s\nkann nicht ge≡ffnet werden!";
/* Default shelf name */
"UNTITLED.shelf" = "KEINNAME.shelf";
/* Question asked of user when he tries to close a window, either by choosing close from the menu or clicking the close box or quitting the application, and the contents of the window have not been saved. The %s is the name of the document. */
"%s has changes. Save them?" = "%s wurde ge┘ndert. Sichern?";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"Starting up the licence server failed!\nPlease connect your system administrator." = "Der Lizenz-Server konnte nicht gestartet werden!\nBitte fragen Sie Ihrem Systemverwalter nach einer L≡sung!";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"Trying to start up licence server!\nPlease wait..." = "Versuche Lizenz-Server zu starten!\nBitte warten...";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"No licence server running, I'm trying\n to start licence server on host `%s.'" = "Lizenz-Server l┘uft nicht! Versuche Lizenz-\nServer auf dem Rechner `%s' zu starten!";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"Command `%s'\nfailed with error:\n%s" = "Folgendes Kommando konnte nicht gestartet werden:\n\n%s\n\nFehlermeldung:\n\n%s";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"LicenceServerName not defined!" = "Default-Variable `LicenceServerName' ist nicht definiert!";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"Connecting licence server!\nPlease wait..." = "Verbindung zu Lizenz-Server!\nBitte warten...";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"You don't have a licence" = "Sie haben keine Lizenz!";
/* AlertPanel: Text for Info-Button. */
/* AlertPanel: Text for Help-Button. */
"Help" = "Hilfe";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"All licences in use" = "Zur Zeit ist leider keine Lizenzen frei!\nBitte versuchen Sie es sp┘ter noch einmal.";
/* AlertPanel: LicenceServer */
"Licence granted." = "Lizenz wurde erteilt.";
/* Menu item which switches to the alternate font. */
"Alternate Font" = "Alternativer Font";
/* Menu item which switches to the default font. */