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- LV1.82 to LV1.85:
- Included:
- - DELETE of images 'D'-key during fileselection
- - RENAME of images 'R'-key during fileselection
- - UNDO function 'U'-key reloads the original image to the display
- - RAS Sun raster files.
- - OS2 DIB and BMP RLE4-compression
- - ICO Windows Icons
- - TIF compression 5 (LZW) with less than 8 BPS
- - EPS Encapsulated Postscript
- - RIX 16 and 24 BPS
- - PCX 24 BPS
- - WPG 256 color raster images from Word perfect 5.1
- - TXT,DOC,BAT,HLP Textfiles to be viewed and converted as grafic
- - PMC,VMG A4TECH scanner format for 640x480x256 images
- - SFI SIS-Framegrabber format for DOS based menu
- - COL Kontron IBAS Lookup table files used when loading IMG files
- - ANI IFF animationfiles to show the first image
- - /h parameter to take use of HICOLOR chips
- - recognize VESA VRAM VGA's with non continuous RAM (e.g. Diamond Stealth)
- - TEMP-File errors, if it's to big or unable to create LV aborts with a message
- - prepared for 1280x1024x256 resolution display (but not tested jet)
- Modifications:
- - Improved speed and quality of grey loaded Images with more than 256 colors
- - TGA and JPG files are now recognized only by the fileextension
- - Fixed bug TIF RLE8 to be loaded correctly for variable x sizes
- - Fixed bug TIF use 1BPS as default if not specified in the header
- - Fixed bug TIF R2G2B2 images use correct colors (Epson scanner)
- - Fixed bug prevent from hang up if CUT file is corrupt
- - Fixed bug YUV to RGB conversion with correct greenintensity (JPG,FLM)
- - Fixed bug in Animation (SLD-Files) when color and grey images combined
- - Fixed bug OS2 DIB and BMP RLE8-compression
- LV1.85 to LV1.86:
- Included:
- - JPG can be saved in two qualityclasses.
- - A timebar is shown when saving images.
- Modifications:
- - Fixed bug DIB 8 to be loaded correctly for variable x sizes.
- - Fixed bug JPG Huffmandecoder correctly loads koefficients greater 10Bit.
- LV1.86 to PV2.01:
- - Coloroptimizing controlled by menukey 'P'
- - Filemask to be set by 'Y'
- Modifications:
- - Totaly new outfit
- - Increased maximum count of files per directory to 1024
- - Speed up JPG loading 15%
- - Fixed bug JPG loading of YUV 4:4:4 color images
- - Fixed bugs resulting from the new menue PV2.0 to PV2.01
- PV2.02:
- - Added 360x512, 720x512, 320x200 VGA resolution to be selected by the menu.
- - Fixed bug handling ALCHEMY's V1.51 JPEG variable lenght huffman tables.
- - Added erosion, median, dilation filter.
- PV2.03
- - Fixed bug in dilation filter.
- - Fixed bug converting monocrome SCx and BMP into other fileformats.
- PV2.04
- - Added JPEG with vertical component resolutions 2:1:1 and 4:1:1;
- PV2.05
- - Added EPS 24Bit
- - Included all characters (exept $0d,$0a) to be shown when converting Text
- - Fixed bug in DIB RLE for accepting the EOL code within a line
- - Fixed bug in converting Amiga LBM 6Bps graylevel image
- - Fixed bugs in saving images from a 16 color/gray displaymode
- PV2.10
- - Added home/end to fileselectionbox
- - Added InfoBox message
- - Added 640x480x16 to be selected by the menu.
- - Added full NOVELL netware fileselection capabilities
- - Fixed bug in loading bilevel TIFF with compression $8005
- - Fixed bug in loading GIF when local BPS number differes to the global
- - Fixed bug with AheadA-VGA 256 color modes
- PV2.11
- - Fixed bug in JPEG horizontal component resolution (4:1:1)
- - Speed up JPEG and FLM Color images to be loaded 20% faster
- - Reduced Heap memory requirement when coloroptimizing
- - Added loading of GIF images contained in GRASP GL files
- - Added loading of FLI animations contained in GRASP GL files
- - Fixed bug with Video_7 mode 1024x768x16
- - Added *.VI Jovian images with 1,2,4,8,16,24 BPS
- - Fixed bug loading TGA files with 19 Byte header
- - Added new DL fileformat
- - Added GIF and TIFF to be saved with BPS 1,2,4.
- PV2.12
- - Added the Load_all_palette - entry in Autodesk Animator FLI files
- - Fixed bug in saving GIF with BPS 1,2,4 (since 2.11)
- PV2.13
- - Exit if called in CMD-line mode with a file that could not be loaded
- - Loaded faster in CMD-line mode.
- PV2.14
- - Fixed bug converting with resizing sometimes produces big tempfiles or
- unusable results (since V1.85). - I'm sorry.
- - Modified GIF saving. Some (E.g. alchemy V1.5) had problems to load it.
- - Added DCX FAX format.
- PV2.15
- - PV available with full german dialog.
- - Linked a 8x14 font into PV, some adapters do not provide fonts at all modes.
- - Added EGA BLOAD format.
- - Added TGA recognizion of offset byte 2.
- PV2.16
- - Fixed bug saving TIFF with 3,5,6,7 Bps.
- - Fixed bug loading GIF89 when extensionblock includs more than one block.
- - Improved sorting of filenames.
- - Enhanced the contrast of displayed binary images, it may be that ATI mode $65
- (1024x768x16) may not work in this case from now on.
- - removed saving GIF with 1Bps. Many programs have problems to read it.
- PV2.17
- - Added colorcycling.
- - Added destination path to be selected by the menu.
- - Added KO-23 (UO-22) satellite imageformat.
- PV2.18
- - Fixed bug at BMP 24 Bps wordalign.
- - Fixed bug when JPG E0 marker length exceedes 8KB (Logitech Fototouch color V1.0).
- - Added FLC format from Autodesk animator pro.
- - Fixed bug in VESA detect (some VESA VGA hang up if called without Parm $C0000).
- - Prior check for VESA than for the VGA chiptype minimizes the SVGA problems.
- following changes not included in the CSL sharewareversion 2.18:
- - Fixed a bug in FLC with fillword sequence.
- - conversionnumber added to /C parameter enables converting within a batch.
- PV2.19
- - Fixed bug JPG Files smaller 8KB were refused since changes made in V2.18.
- - Added JTIFF Class Y TIFF with YCbCr and JPEG compression.
- - Modified Text to graphic conversion to get higher conversionspeed, also
- 'Reduce' works (if you do not want to reduce use 'N' for cut).
- PV2.20
- - Fixed bug in DCX FileFax format.
- - Added some SLD functions: 'C'lear, 'S'kip, 'Q'uit.
- - expanded SLD maximum lines to 256.
- PV2.21
- - Added Starwriter SGF format ( Star Division ).
- - Fixed a bug in saving TIFF with 1BPS and odd number of pix per line.
- - No longer limitations to the unregistered version but just some msg's.
- - Created PVLITE, a small commandline Pictureviewer.
- PV2.22
- - Prevent corrupt PCX from painting beyond the last line.
- - All images to be loaded about 5..10% faster on 386/486.. .
- - Slowmotion FLI,FLC,GL when keeping the right-shift-Key pressed.
- - PV2.22m experimental MOD player version.
- PV2.23
- - Modified DL to do the realtime animation instead showing the overview.
- - Modified GL to automaticaly initialize graylevel for PIC's without colortable.
- - Modified registrationprocedure
- PV2.24
- - Added Kodak Photo CD Baseformat 768x512.
- PV2.25
- - Images with more than 256 colors are automaticaly converted in 24Bit quality,
- when converting into TGA, TIFF, BMP , JPG Files.
- - Corrected blue intensity on Kodak PCD YCC to RGB conversion.
- PV2.26
- - Added SAT satellite images from Eumetsat (BXTSAT via Austria).
- - Fixed bug in loading Kontron COL Files when they contain random coments.
- - Fixed bug, 720x512 Mode and other 16 color modes did not work correctly
- since V2.25.
- - Added softscrolling with up to 1024 virtual lines at 1MB SVGA by PGUP,PGDN.
- - Changed saturationcontrol to be selected by the left and right keys.
- - Fixed bug to load ICO Windows Icons others than 4 BPS correctly.
- - Fixed warp around in some modes at some VGA's when loading big Gif's when
- you choose 'cut to displaydimensions'.
- - Increased the size of TXT,DOC,.. to a maximum of 128x73 Characters.
- PV2.27
- - Modified WPG Bitmaprecognizion
- - Modified ICO Recognizion
- - Changed softscrolling to Cursor up/down to use with the mouse too
- - Changed saturation to be selected by F9 F10
- - Fixed bug new parameter /S doesn't work correctly in V2.26
- - Speed up unkompressed 24 and 16 BPS fileformats (TGA, BMP,..) about 10%
- - Added [I]nfo function to the mainmenu
- - Added FLM Screemachine II YUYV Subsampling.
- PV2.28
- - Added Macintosh PICT format.
- - Added extended GEM format XIMG.
- PV2.30
- - Added all Hicolor and Truecolor modes of the ATI Ultra 2MB
- - Provided the VESA Hicolor support by comandlineparameter.
- - Modified IFF to allow MiniPics with up to 20KB before Body
- PV2.31
- - Fixed bugs from 2.30. Some truecolor images cannot be converted correctly
- in the conversionmode. Overwriting images in the displaymode may cause a
- corrupt strip at the top of the image. In Trucolor display modes the
- Helpmessage destroyes a part of the image. Sorry for these bugs.
- - Added VESA Hicolor/truecolor recognizion.
- - VESAINFO utility to check your VESA VGA.
- - Added CVP format.
- PV2.32
- - Fixed bug CEG Chip did not work correctly on CEG files since LV V1.8
- - Added Sierra Hicolor recognizion and /o to disable Hicolor if fail.
- - Added TIFF 24 Bit with $8005 compression
- - Added proportional reduce function for a correct aspectratio
- - provided a special color setting for messages in graphicmode to ensure that
- text could be seen. this may cause temporary wrong colors for the displayed
- image.
- - Fixed a bug 320x200 didn't work correctly at Trident 8800 since softscrolling.
- - Fixed bug at 1280x1024x16 mode at segment border.
- - Added RSTm marker handling to JPG decompression (Aldus).
- PV2.33
- - Added VM Videomachine fileformat.
- - Added FRM Echolab imagegenerator fileformat.
- - Fixed bug loading some ICO with 1BPS.
- - Fixed bug recognizing the correct x-size on some BMP with 1BPS.
- - Added PCX with 0 - compression.
- PV2.34
- - Experimental printersupport for HP DJ500C.
- - Included REGISTER.EXE to make registrations
- - Drastically increased the speed of FLI,FLC loading from CD-ROM
- PV2.35
- - Added change path comand P:[Path] to SLD.
- - Added /b parameter if 24Bit modes show red and blue exchanged
- (Diamond Stealth Pro, Genoa).
- - Fixed bug 8514/A adapters combined with VESA VGA did not work since V2.30 .
- - Added coloroptimizing to PVLITE.
- - Added 3 more lines in the fileselectionbox.
- PV2.36
- - Fixed bug recognizing the readonly flags on directories.
- - FLI,FLC,DL animations repeat continuously.
- - Fixed bug when displaying upsidedown images (TGA,BMP) in true-/hicolor modes.
- - Finally found the correct YCC to RGB colorconversion for Kodak PCD.
- - Fixed bug in SLD with P: ChangePath comand.
- - Added the PCD.SLD slidefile to provide a Diashow with your Photo-CD. You just
- have to edit it for your CD driveletter.
- - Added Flip XY and Rotate for true-\hicolor modes.
- PV2.40
- - Added CDR,CCH Corel Draw Icon
- - Added SKD Autosketch Icon
- - Added SCR Word capture
- - Changed LUT programming done by BIOS for ATI Mach32 VESA221 1280x1024x256.
- - Fixed bug ATI Mach32 true/hicolor first bank was not selected since V2.34
- - Fixed bug recognizing the archive flags on directories.
- - Fixed bug PV hangs up when a MOD is used in a SLD.
- - Official licence from Marc Cox to use MODOBJ within PV.
- - Added CMYK to JPG (Adobe).
- - Added CMYK to TIFF.
- - Fixed bug TGA with interline compression.
- - Fixed bug PCX 256 colortable recognizion with double 0c marker.
- - Expanded SLD entries to 32 char per line.
- - Added t: comand to enable subscript text within the SLD.
- - Added a: comand to enable VGA Mode autodect before loading.
- - Added file tagging. ^T tags all files, ^U untags all and T tags single files.
- - Added /V parameter to disable higher resolutions than 1024 for slow monitors.
- - Added AVI Video for Windows
- - Added 32Bit TIFF.
- - Added Mitsubishi CP200 Thermosublimation videoprinter.
- - Added a pixelpicker to analyse the intensities ('K' when image is displayed).
- PV2.41
- - Added BBS files to be viewed as Text
- - Added child-process-call-capability for any extensions "EXT" with EXT.BAT,
- see ZIP.BAT to list zipped files or ANS.BAT to show ANSI 80x25 in textmode.
- - Added ANS true ANSI sequences can be displayed.
- - Added saving BMP as 4BPS too.
- - Fixed bug some hires 16 color modes are displayed with line stepwidth of
- 8 lines with 7 blanked lines between since changes made in V2.34. Sorry !!
- - Added define window function "W" also available in hi/truecolor modes.
- - speed up JPG 15..50% . This seems to be the maximum speed available for
- calculating without tables and not giving up 286 compatibility. May be a
- faster coloroptimizing and YCbCr to RBG conversion would do another 10 %.
- - added <space> key to abort delay within a SLD and continue with the next file.
- - Modified OAK VGA driver. Added Cirrus recognizion. Added NCR, Realtek, Genoa
- VGA support without recognizion, but with new CMD line parmameters.
- - Added /n cmdlineparameter to prevent PV to switch into textmode after leaving.
- PV2.42
- - Added Chip&Tech 655x0 VGA-chips.
- - Fixed Bug Ansi-display didn't work with DOS Share installed.
- - Added rotated PCD images to be displayed correctly and speed up normal PCDs.
- - Added compressed VM Videomachine format.
- - Added FLX 15BPS animations. (15 Bit Hicolor VESA VGA required).
- - Added Ventura Publisher 24BPS IMG
- - Added First Publisher ART
- - Added Fontasy BSG
- - Added Atari PCP
- - Added Turbo-Pascal TPI
- PV2.43
- - Added many common FAXG3 formats (FAX, WFS, QFX, BFX, ..)
- - Added also TIFF Class F FAXG3
- - Added OS/2 V2.1 BMP and RLE
- - Added Macintosh PICT Truecolor
- - Added Printerportselection
- - EPS TIFF Tender now used if included instead of searching for dataarrays
- - PVLITE defaults to a proportional reduce of big images
- - Fixed bug at TIFF with 4BPS and $8005 compression
- - Fixed bug at DCX FAX format
- - Fixed bug at Macintosh 8 Bit PICT
- - Added ATI Mach 32 PCI recognizion