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- *** Press a key or click the mouse to exit. *** (This file is GDSABOUT.TXT)
- G.D.S.- Copyright(c)1991-94 Raxsoft Incorporated. All rights reserved.
- 1781 Barcelona Street Internet: photodex@netcom.com
- Livermore, CA 94550
- (510) 449-9079 - Voice Order Line: 510-449-9079 9AM-5PM PST
- (510) 449-3519 - Fax GDS is $39.95+S/H (US funds)
- ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- ███████████████████████████████ DESCRIPTION ██████████████████████████████████
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- GDS is a file viewer and cataloger. It helps you manage image files. It
- is "ShareWare", not "FreeWare", which means you must pay for it if you
- want to keep using it. When you buy GDS, you also get a printed manual,
- several enhanced features, and the option to upgrade to future releases at
- reduced rates.
- $39.95 - Registered (paid for) version
- To order GDS, send a check or money order for $39.95 (US funds) plus
- $3.00 shipping and handling, made payable to "Photodex", or call our order
- line and use your VISA or MASTERCARD. Sorry, foreign checks are not
- accepted. International and express shipping is extra, please call for
- the exact amount. See the registration form for more detailed information.
- ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- ████████████████████████████████ HIGHLIGHTS ██████████████████████████████████
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- CATALOGS - GDS painlessly creates catalog GIF images of even the most
- disorganized directories. Once the GIF files are saved, you can click on
- images in them and see the large version from within GDS. The Smithsonian
- Institute and CompuServe have been using GDS for years.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- FAST VIEWING - GDS is far faster than most viewers. GDS's interface was
- designed in an environment where ease of use and speed were critical.
- Even when the hardware can't handle the raw picture, GDS instantly
- converts the image on the fly, allowing you to see what most viewers would
- display poorly.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- FORMAT CONVERSION - GDS can convert just about any format to just about any
- other format. Just select the file(s) and choose the destination format
- from the conversion menu. In seconds, your file(s) are complete. Some
- have called GDS "the DOS DeBabbelizer," however, the 24 to 8 bit color
- reduction in GDS is the cleanest in the industry.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- SLIDE SHOWS - GDS makes slide shows a snap. Just select the pictures you
- want, click once in the lower right of the screen, and GDS is off with
- a slide show. Giving a presentation? No problem, just use the arrow
- keys to move through the pictures if your presentation timing gets
- delayed! (The left arrow will go to the previous picture!)
- ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- ███████████████████████████████ WHO USES GDS? ████████████████████████████████
- ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- Hundreds of thousands of copies of GDS have circulated since February 1991,
- when GDS became the premier graphics file catalog system for PC's.
- CompuServe invented GIF, and uses GDS to catalog all of their online
- image files. CompuServe's system operators choose GDS as their "first
- choice" for cataloging files because GDS is fast, easy and reliable.
- Tens of thousands of people around the world are using GDS. Among them
- are some of the most reputable companies in the world. Some of them
- include: Microsoft, IBM, Intel, National Geographic, The Smithsonian
- Institute, CompuServe, Epson, Sony, Hewlett Packard, Microtek, US Dept.
- of Defense, US Dept. of Energy, Mobil, AutoDesk, Hercules Graphics,
- Digital Vision, and more. The list grows every day as GDS orders arrive.
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- █████████████████████████████ UPGRADE POLICIES ███████████████████████████████
- ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- The full price for new GDS users is $39.95 in US dollars. Add $3.00 for
- shipping and handling for orders within the continental US, foreign
- customers please contact us for the correct shipping amount. Orders
- submitted with incorrect shipping added will be returned unprocessed.
- -If you have GDS 1.x, the upgrade price for the current version is $29.95
- plus $3.00 shipping and handling for standard shipping.
- -If you bought GDS 2.x within the last calendar year, the upgrade is $10.00.
- There is no shipping charge for standard shipping within the continental US.
- -If you bought GDS 3.x within the last six months and are upgrading to a new
- version of GDS 3.x, the upgrade is $10.00 and there is no shipping charge
- for standard shipping within the continental US.
- -All minor upgrades past six months after version 3.0 will be billed at the
- standard upgrade price of $29.95.
- -If this version of GDS is old, please call Photodex at (510) 449-9079 for
- new product information and policy changes.
- Photodex reserves the right to change these policies without notice.
- ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- ███████████████████████████ WHY PAY FOR SOFTWARE? ████████████████████████████
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- You should contribute to the development of the software you use. This
- software is a valuable tool to help you, and it is worth paying for. You
- are allowed to use this software for a reasonable "trial period" of not
- more than 21 days, after which time you must either pay for the enhanced
- version or stop using the shareware version. Paying for the enhanced
- version of this software insures that you will be informed of valuable
- updates and other product information.
- Shareware is a way for you to "try before you buy". It is not "free" or
- "public domain". It is NOT software you can quietly avoid paying for.
- Good shareware, like commercial software, is expensive to produce. The
- reason shareware is inexpensive is because there is very little spent on
- marketing. This allows the shareware publishers to offer you even more
- value for a very small amount of money. The shareware mechanism is here to
- help you to decide which software to invest in. So support good software
- publishers and buy their enhanced versions...and tell your friends!
- Once you buy the enhanced version of GDS, you will become one of the many
- thousands of satisfied GDS users who rely on GDS for their graphics needs!
- ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- ██████████████████████████████████ FEATURES ██████████████████████████████████
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- Automatic detection of HGC, CGA, EGA, VGA, and SVGA displays
- Highest quality convertions to and from any supported formats
- Easily generates color image catalogs automatically
- Handles up to 2,848 files at once, in any number of directories!
- Includes complete batch file management commands (copy/move/rename/delete)
- Displays any file on any supported graphics card, including smooth scaling
- Smooth 24 bit antialising when enlarging or reducing image size
- Rotate in increments of 90 degrees
- Flip images horizontally and vertically
- Automatically supports TIGA in extended resolutions
- Supports most file formats:
- .BBM - Deluxe Paint "brush" files (1/4/8 bit)
- .BMP - All Windows BMP (1/4/8/24 bit)
- .FLI - Comes with QUICKFLI.EXE and plays .FLI files
- .GIF - Certified 100%% GIF87/GIF89a compliant by CompuServe
- .GL - Comes with GRASPRT.EXE and plays .GL files
- .IFF - Electronic Arts' IFF files (1/4/8 bit)
- .LBM - Deluxe Paint II PC compatible (1/4/8 bit)
- * .MAC - MacPaint (monochrome page files)
- .PCC - PCX "clip" files (similar to PCX)
- .PCX - Verified with 47 separate weird PCX dialects (1/2/4/8/24 bit)
- .SCx - ColorRIX PC/Windows compatible
- .TGA - Supports Targa files (8/15/16/24 bit)
- ** .TIF - All TIF formats (1/2/4/8/15/16/24 bit)
- * Supported for reading only.
- ** Compressed TIF not supported. Compressed TIF files are generally
- not recommended for being transportable.
- ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
- END OF GDSABOUT.TXT - Thank you for choosing GDS.