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- What is the SpeedCommander ?
- We think the SpeedCommander is 'the' commander for WINDOWS.
- It connects the advantages of a graphical user surface with the
- usual functions of the well-known DOS-Commander.
- The SpeedCommander provides a graphical surface in which you can
- administrate your files and directories.
- You can use the SpeedCommander to copy files and to move them. You can
- run application programs out of it, print documents, administrate diskettes,
- delete files as well as archive them.
- The SpeedCommander includes Mod4Win lite, too. With that it is possible to
- play MOD files. For this a sound card is required.
- The SpeedCommander works like the well-known Norton Commander.
- In its left or right window you can select files to move, delete
- copy etc. The SpeedCommander also supports DRAG & DROP.
- In the SpeedCommander you see a bar with symbols representing menu com-
- mands. This bar is called SpeedBar. Clicking a symbol is faster than cal-
- ling up the corresponding command via menu. You can also arrange the
- SpeedBar yourself with the command Modify symbol bar in the menu
- Settings.
- The SpeedCommander provides the possibility to enter DOS commands and
- Windows commands directly to the command line.
- The SpeedStarter is also included in this package. The SpeedStarter is a
- symbol bar to run programs quickly. Each symbol represents a program. The
- corresponding program is run by a simple mouse click. If you pull files
- from a directory window to a symbol in the SpeedStarter, the programm runs
- and the marked files are opened. For a better overview it is possible to
- create groups of programs. Going to the corresponding groups requires a
- mouse click.
- The SpeedCommander also supports Windows for Workgroups┤network functions.
- You can establish a connection to another network drive of another
- computer in your workgroup and also cancel this connection. Furthermore
- you can enable the directories of you computer to other members of your
- workgroup and disable them.
- Installation
- ---------------------------
- The SpeedCommander requieres the enhanced mode of MICROSOFT WINDOWS 3.1
- To setup SpeedCommander, please run INSTALL.EXE.
- If you are working with an older version of the SpeedCommander, DO NOT
- START INSTALL.EXE until the older SpeedCommander is running. Please use
- the WINDOWS FILEMANAGER to install the SpeedCommander.
- Quick Reference
- ---------------------------
- FILES....
- - Select one ore more files: Right mouse buttons or the INS key
- To select more than one file, please hold down the SHIFT key.
- A mouse click on an unselected file will deselect all selected files.
- To select or deselect files, you can also use the menu item
- 'Files : Select..'
- - Quick Search : Keep SHIFT KEY pressed and press first letter of file you
- want to find. Pressing further letters encloses searched file.
- - Copy files, move files : If you work with a mouse you can
- copy files quickly by selecting the files and pulling them to the
- target. To move the files, please hold down the CTRL key.
- - Select drives : Open the corresponding drive box with the mouse , then
- select a drive or press ALT-F1 to open drive list of left drive box or
- ALT-F2 to open drive list of right drive box, select drive with arrow
- keys press ENTER to close drive box.
- - Connected programs : A double click on a file item opens the file, if
- the file is an executable, the file will be started. If the file is con-
- nected to an external program, the corresponding will be executed.
- - Create directories : To create directories, you can use the menu item
- 'Files : Directory' or the F7 key.
- - Rename files or directories : To rename files or directories, you can
- use the menu item 'Files : Rename' or the F9 key.
- - Run DOS-Shell : To run COMMAND.COM, please use the menu item
- 'Files : Run DOS-Shell'.
- - File attributes : To change file attributes, please use the menu item
- 'Files : Attributes'.
- - Between both directory windows are some icons. Pulling a marked file
- on the printer will print it, pulling a marked file on the trash will
- delete it, pulling a packed archive on the 'Packer'-icon will unpack it,
- pulling a marked file on the 'Editor'-icon will load the marked file
- into the editor and pulling a marked file on 'Viewer'-icon will load
- the marked file into the viewer.
- - Search files : To search files, please use the menu item
- 'Files : Search' or ALT-F7.
- The menu item 'Directory always correponds to the current directory
- window.
- - Change view of a directory window :
- In a directory window you can either display only file names or size,
- creation date and creation time in addition to the file names.
- Change view of a directory window with the mouse this way
- 1. Select directory window for which you want to change view.
- 2. Select symbol in the SpeedBar.
- Change view of a directory window with the keyboard this way
- 1. Select directory window for wich you want to change view.
- 2. Select command Detail information in the menu Directory.
- Display a group of files
- You can display a group of files in the current directory, e. g. files
- with a certain file name extension or files of a certain type.
- Display a group of files this way
- 1. Select command Filter in the menu Directory.
- 2. Select files you want to display in the directory window in the dialogue field File type.
- 3. Enter desired file name extension in the editor field.
- 4. If you want to display sytem files or hidden files, mark check field System / Hidden.
- 5. Select "OK".
- - Sort files and directories :
- As standard files are listed by names in alphabetical order. You can
- also display files sorted by file name extension in alphabetical order,
- by size (descending), by date (beginning with first changed file) or
- display them unsorted.
- Sort files this way
- Select command 'Sorted by name', 'Sorted by extension', 'Sorted by time',
- 'Sorted by size' or 'Unsorted' in the menu 'Directory'.
- - Compare directories :
- The SpeedCommander provides the possibility to compare two directories. It compares both current
- directories. In each window it marks files which do not exist in the
- other directory or which differ in the creation date.
- Compare directories this way
- 1. Select directories you want to compare in each directory window.
- 2. Select command 'Compare' directories in the menu 'Directory'.
- - Calculate required space of files and directories :
- The SpeedCommander can advise whether marked files and directories you want to copy or move will fit on
- the data carrier or whether there won┤t be enough space. Subdirectories are taken into consideration.
- Calculate required space of files and directories this way
- 1. Mark files and directories you want to copy or move. If no entry is
- marked the SpeedCommander calculates space for all files and
- subdirectories in the current directory.
- 2. Select command Check free space in the menu Directory or press
- DISK...
- Administrate diskettes
- - Format diskettes :
- You can format your diskettes with the SpeedCommander.
- Format diskettes this way
- 1. Select command Format diskette in the menu DISK.
- 2. Select the data carrier you want to format and its size.
- 3. Press "Write".
- - Copy diskettes :
- Copy diskettes this way
- 1. Select command Copy diskette in the menu Data carrier.
- 2. Select the drive you want to copy in the field Data carrier.
- 3. Mark whether target diskette shall be formatted and whether
- SpeedCommander shall verify written data in the field Options.
- 4. Press "Read".
- 5. Insert target diskette and press "Write".
- - Configuration
- Switch confirmation messages on/off, change position of SpeedStarter,
- general settings.
- - Compress programs
- Set program paths of compress programs.
- - External programs
- Set program paths for external viewer and external editor.
- - User menu
- Create or edit user menu
- - Font
- Change font of directory windows.
- - Colors
- Change colors of directory windows.
- - Define symbol bar
- Add symbols to the symbol bar or delete symbols.
- - Read program groups
- Read group files of program manager and setup SpeedStarter.
- - Save Setup
- Save current settings of directory windows as standard.
- Functions of the SpeedStarter.....
- A lot of registered users asked for a SpeedCommander with an 'inbuilt'
- SpeedStarter. Here is it...
- Definition of SpeedStarter is made with the right mouse key. Clicking a
- symbol lets a Popup menu appear which only includes current commands.
- For further information, please refer to the on-line-help.
- Importent notice :
- ------------------
- - The 'inbuilt' SpeedStarter can't use the group files of the 'stand-
- alone' SpeedStarter. If the 'stand-alone' SpeedStarter is already
- installed, please install the SpeedCommander into another directory.
- - If you are using the command ' Files : Search', you can edit the dis-
- played files, too. But the inbuilt editor only works correct with
- files up to 34 KB. Longer files are clipped. Don't save files which
- take more than 34 KB disk space.
- Please change the item FileSysChange to 1 ( [386ENH], SYSTEM.INI ).
- Otherwise WINDOWS does not inform the SpeedCommander about changes
- in directories etc.
- - If you wish to use the SpeedCommander as a WINDOWS SHELL, please add
- SpeedCommanders path to the path command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
- - This package includs SpeedTask. A double click with the LEFT mouse
- buttons at SpeedCommanders background starts it.
- You can use it as the 'standard'-taskmanager, too.
- If you wish to use SpeedTask as a standard WINDOWS taskmanager, please
- copy it into your WINDOWS directory and rename to TASKMAN.EXE.
- SpeedCommander and networks
- --------------------------------
- To run the SpeedCommander 2.2 in a network, please follow the steps
- below listed:
- 1) Install the SpeedCommander on your server.
- 2) Add in the SPEDCMDR.INI the item 'NETWORK=1'
- 3) Add in the SPEDVIEW.INI the item 'NETWORK=1'
- Add in the SPEDEDIT.INIthe item 'NETWORK=1'
- 4) All netusers have to copy following files in their local
- WINDOWS directory :
- 5) If the SpeedCommander does not display the upper-directory-points
- (..), please follow the steps below listed:
- - Before running IPX and NETX, change in that directory, in which
- these files are located.
- - Create an ascii file with the following commands :
- cache buffers=20
- show dots=on
- file handles=90
- The name of this ascii file MUST BE SHELL.CFG !
- Only one NET.CFG is allowed. Before running the network-driver,
- change in their directory.
- ---------
- SpeedCommander is shareware. Please feel free to share it with your
- friends and all other interested users, but we do not allow to change
- the included files or to remove one or more included files.
- In no event will the author of this package be liable to you for any
- damages, including lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental or
- consequential damages, arising out of the use or inability to use these
- programs.
- All product names referenced herein are trademarks of their respective
- companies.
- Copyright (c) 1992,1993,1994 Sven Ritter
- Usedomer Straße 17
- 01968 Senftenberg
- CIS: 75240,1075
- All rights reserved.
- To receive a registered copy of the SpeedCommander, please sent
- 30 US$ + 5 US$ shipping & handling to :
- JDS Software Jens Driese
- Postfach 1269
- 26302 Varel / Germany
- Telefon: 0049- 4451 / 85743 ( 10.30 am to 6.00 pm european time)
- Fax: 0049-4451 / 860500
- Btx: DRIESE#
- Compuserve: 100273,2252
- We are setting up a registration service through COMPUSERVE, and in
- future it should be possible too, to accept order via VISA or MASTER-
- CARD. When we finished setting up these services we place a notice in
- this README.TXT.
- Please do not sent checks, because german banks take 15.-DM ( 8 US$ )
- fees for checks from other countries.
- When we get an order for the SpeedCommander ( with money ), we mail
- the registered copy the same day we get the order to the customer.
- If users or companies order more than one copy, we can mail the
- registered copies with FEDERAL EXPRESS, too. It is not a cheap service,
- but if we use FEDERAL EXPRESS the odered copies should be in the United
- States in 2 days.