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Text File | 1994-09-01 | 129.2 KB | 4,380 lines |
- A File Viewing and Browsing Utility
- Version 9.0
- (c) Copyright Vernon D. Buerg 1983-93. All rights reserved
- LIST is a copyrighted program. LIST is NOT public domain. LIST may be copied
- for personal use only subject to the restrictions set forth in the last chapter.
- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
- __________________________________________________________________________
- Getting Started ...................................................... 2
- Introduction ..................................................... 2
- Installation ..................................................... 2
- Printing the manual .............................................. 3
- Varieties of LIST.COM ............................................ 4
- Definition of DOS terms .............................................. 6
- DOS Redirection .................................................. 6
- DOS Filters ...................................................... 6
- DOS Pipes ........................................................ 8
- Command line ......................................................... 9
- Command line syntax .............................................. 9
- Command line switches ............................................ 9
- How to use LIST ...................................................... 12
- Starting LIST .................................................... 12
- Exiting LIST ..................................................... 13
- Entering Commands ................................................ 13
- Display Format ................................................... 14
- Status Line Format ............................................. 14
- Command Line Format ............................................ 17
- Scrolling ........................................................ 19
- Positioning to Lines ............................................. 20
- Filtering ........................................................ 22
- Wrap Filter .................................................... 23
- Hi-bit Filter .................................................. 23
- Star Filter .................................................... 23
- Junk Filter .................................................... 23
- Hex Format Filter .............................................. 24
- Tab expansion filter ........................................... 24
- Scanning for text ................................................ 25
- Marking and Extracting Lines ..................................... 28
- Printing ......................................................... 30
- Displaying multiple files ........................................ 31
- Split Screen Display ............................................. 33
- Telephone dialer ................................................. 34
- DOS considerations ................................................... 35
- File Sharing ..................................................... 35
- Invoking DOS Commands ............................................ 35
- Screen Saving .................................................... 35
- File Selection Menu .................................................. 37
- LIST PLUS Display ................................................ 37
- Movement Keys .................................................... 38
- Changing Directories ............................................. 39
- List file ........................................................ 39
- Contents 1 LIST User's Guide
- T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S
- __________________________________________________________________________
- Copy file ........................................................ 39
- Delete file ...................................................... 39
- Edit file ........................................................ 39
- Invoke file ...................................................... 41
- Move file ........................................................ 41
- Path changing .................................................... 41
- Rename ........................................................... 41
- Sort filenames ................................................... 41
- Attribute display/change ......................................... 43
- 1-9 up display ................................................... 43
- ViewArc .......................................................... 44
- Command key summary .................................................. 45
- Cursor keys ...................................................... 45
- F- function keys ................................................. 45
- Letter keys ...................................................... 47
- Control- keys .................................................... 49
- Alt- keys ........................................................ 51
- Configuring LIST ..................................................... 53
- Screen Colors .................................................... 53
- Cloning .......................................................... 54
- Modifying LIST.COM ................................................... 56
- Locations of option values ...................................... 56
- LIST Plus offsets ............................................... 57
- Reassigning keys ................................................ 59
- Table of Routines ............................................... 60
- ARCE - Extract ARC File Utility ...................................... 63
- ARCE Version 4.0g ................................................ 63
- Description ..................................................... 63
- Format .......................................................... 63
- Parameters ...................................................... 63
- ARCE Examples .................................................... 65
- ARCE Messages .................................................... 66
- FV - Verbose Archive Directory Lister ................................ 70
- FV - Version 1.45 ................................................ 70
- Description ..................................................... 70
- Format .......................................................... 70
- Parameters ...................................................... 70
- FV Examples ...................................................... 72
- Restrictions ......................................................... 73
- Registration ......................................................... 74
- Copyright/License/Warranty ........................................... 75
- Contents 2 LIST User's Guide
- Copyright/License/Warranty
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST is a user supported program. It is not public domain.
- You may use LIST and give it to your friends, but you may
- not sell it or use it in business without obtaining a
- license. See the last page for information about licensing.
- LIST User's Guide Page 1
- Getting Started
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Introduction
- You use LIST to display files on your monitor, line by line with the
- aid of scrolling, positioning and filtering commands.
- LIST PLUS has many new commands which go beyond usual file viewing
- and browsing. We will explain how LIST is used, and then how the
- new file management commands are used.
- Before going into all of the ways in which LIST can be used to
- display files, let's look at the three different varieties of LIST
- so that you understand the capabilities of each. Then, we'll go on
- and define certain terms like: redirection, piping, and filtering.
- In this way, you will better understand how you can use these things
- with LIST.
- Installation
- There are three varieties of the LIST program on the disk that you
- received (or in the file that you downloaded). This allows you to
- pick the version of LIST that is right for you, and to configure it
- to be exactly the way YOU want it to be.
- Decide which of the LIST programs you would like to use and copy the
- .COM file to your working disk, or into a subdirectory on your hard
- disk. Selecting a directory that is in your PATH will allow you to
- use LIST from anywhere on your system.
- You may rename the program file to any convenient name, such as
- L.COM, READ.COM, LST.COM or leave it as LIST.COM. For example,
- place the distribution disk into drive A and enter the commands:
- A:
- to copy the Plus version to the root directory of your C drive,
- renaming the program to L.COM in the process.
- Page 2 LIST User's Guide
- Getting Started
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Introduction
- Printing the manual
- To print the documentation, set your printer for six lines per inch,
- and 10 characters per inch. Then, use the DOS PRINT command. For
- example,
- You may also print out the documentation by using redirection and
- entering:
- Better yet, use LIST to print the manual. Enter
- then press Ctrl-P (the Ctrl and P keys at the same time).
- The documentation file is marked with | before new and changed
- lines. It is marked with a double asterisk ** for LIST PLUS
- only features.
- LIST User's Guide Page 3
- Getting Started
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Varieties of LIST.COM
- - LISTS.COM small version
- - runs in about 30k
- - limited to smaller files (around 600kb),
- - excludes the Alt-X (screen saving) function
- - excludes the Alt-G (goto DOS) function
- - the Help screen is minimal.
- - LISTR.COM regular version
- - runs in about 80K
- - handles files up to 16 mb
- - excludes the Alt-V (file selection) function
- - excludes the Alt-I (insert filename) function
- - the Alt-W (windowing function) is minimal, i.e. you get two
- equal sized windows; there is no ability to change window
- dimensions
- - LIST.COM PLUS version
- - plus Alt-V file selection menu
- - plus file management functions like copy and delete
- - plus Alt-I hypertext-like file selection
- - plus a help screen for the file selection Alt-V functions
- - plus a second help screen for regular functions
- - plus the Ctrl-T telephone dialer
- - LISTOS2.EXE OS/2 v1.2 version (for registered users only)
- - same as LIST Plus except for the following
- - long file names are not supported
- - mouse support is different
- Page 4 LIST User's Guide
- Getting Started
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Varieties of LIST.COM
- There is also a commercial version of LIST called LIST Enhanced.
- The main differences between LIST Plus and LIST Enhanced are:
- - the File Selection menu has:
- - file tagging, including tag all, untag, retag, etc.
- - archive file extract and add/update commands
- - a sweep command to execute a specified program with all of
- the tagged files
- - a hardcopy (print) command for printing files with a user program
- - commands to change screen colors for all displayable items
- - shell to DOS
- - change video modes
- - a directory tree display command
- - the rename command that can rename directories
- - a command to create new directories
- - the viewer part has:
- - the alt-E command presents a menu offering up to 6 video modes
- including 132x25, 132x43, 80x43, etc., if the video adapter
- supports that text mode
- - viewing of EBCDIC and ASCII files
- - handling of fixed-length record files like database files at two
- or more times the usual speed
- - optional number (on the left side) of each record
- - command line parameters to position to a given record number, or
- to the end of file
- - handling of files up to 32 mb or 500 mb in size (larger upon request)
- - the wrap option splits the line at a word boundary
- - in general:
- - allocates memory more efficiently: can run in as little as 100k
- with all functions
- - supports UltraVision video utility
- - options to use regular DOS input routines that take advantage of
- PCED, DOSKEY, or other keyboard utilities; or, to use an internal
- input routine which allows command line editing
- - a customization program that can be used to set any of the LIST
- options or toggle, and save them to a file, or read the options
- saved in a file; the customization program can define other
- printer names, can define all the names of archive programs used,
- - a 170-page spiral bound manual
- - a 6-panel Quick Reference card of all commands
- - one year of free updates
- - telephone, FAX, and BBS support
- LIST Enhanced may be purchased at computer stores or ordered directly
- from Buerg Software. Registered users of LIST receive a $20 discount.
- LIST User's Guide Page 5
- Definition of DOS terms
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- DOS Redirection
- The output of a DOS command can be "redirected" to a device other
- than the standard output device, which is in most cases, the
- monitor. This is done simply by entering the command, followed by a
- ">" and then the name of the desired device. For example.
- If you type "DIR > FILE.LST" you will see nothing on your screen and
- then suddenly your DOS prompt will reappear. What happened? The
- "output" of the DIR command was "redirected" to the file, FILE.LST.
- In the same manner, you could enter the following command and send
- the contents of FILE.LST to your printer, like so: "TYPE FILE.LST >
- LPT1"
- The ">" symbol stands for redirection of output to another device.
- Broken down simply, the following command is saying:
- (send output of this) (TO) (This device, which is a file)
- By the same token, you can also redirect "input" to a DOS command or
- a program like SORT by using the "<" symbol. Here is an example:
- "SORT < FILE.LST" This command would take the information in
- FILE.LST and "redirect" it into SORT. For more information on
- redirection, you may want to consult a DOS manual or other such
- reference.
- DOS Filters
- FILTERS are commands, or programs, that read data from an input
- device, and then rearranges or "filters" the data before it then
- outputs the filtered information to an output device. DOS comes
- with several "filters", one of which is SORT. The following command
- would sort the file in alphabetical order.
- You are redirecting the file, FILE.LST through the SORT filter and
- it is rearranging the file. Taking what you know about redirection
- and filters, you could now send your alphabetical list to yet
- another file by entering: SORT < FILE.LST > ALPHA.LST, which
- redirects FILE.LST into the SORT "filter" and then redirects the new
- output to the file ALPHA.LST. LIST also has some very helpful
- "filters" built right into it and we'll discuss these later on.
- Simply keep in mind that when you use a "filter" it will rearrange
- or alter the information into a form that is more presentable, or
- Page 6 LIST User's Guide
- Definition of DOS terms
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- useful, to you.
- LIST User's Guide Page 7
- Definition of DOS terms
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- DOS Pipes
- Pipes are quite similar, in some ways, to redirection. They are
- "connections" between two programs or two commands or a command and
- a program. Pipes take data that is output from one program and
- redirect it as input to a second program. The DOS symbol for a pipe
- is the vertical bar "|". To redirect the output from one program or
- command to another, you simply type the first command followed by a
- vertical bar and then followed by the second command. Here is an
- example of piping.
- DIR | FIND "-88"
- This command tells DOS to send the output of the DIR command, which
- you would normally see on the screen, and send it through the FIND
- filter. FIND would be searching each line for the string "-88".
- Only the files in the current directory that have a 1988 date stamp
- would be displayed on the screen! You can use more than one "pipe"
- in a command. Take this final example:
- DIR | FIND "-88" | SORT/+14 > PRN
- A "pipe" takes the output of the DIR command and converts it into
- input for the FIND filter. Then, a second "pipe" is used to send
- the output from FIND as input to the SORT filter. As a last step,
- output from SORT is redirected to the printer! What would this
- command do?? It would take the DIR of the current directory and
- pipe it through the FIND filter, looking for files created in 1988.
- Then the next pipe would SORT that information, sorting the files by
- SIZE (the 14th column of each line) and then send the output to the
- printer. For more information on PIPES, consult a DOS manual or
- other reference.
- Now that you have a basic understanding of redirection, filtering,
- and piping, we will go on to discuss the command line of LIST.
- Page 8 LIST User's Guide
- Command line
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Command line syntax
- The command line format is:
- LIST [filespec...filespec] [/switches]
- You may supply one or more file specifications (filespecs). LIST
- will display each file which has a filename matching one of the
- filespecs. If you do not supply one, LIST will prompt you for a
- filespec, or present you with a file selection menu.
- Command line switches
- /? displays LIST usage information
- /B tells LIST to use the BIOS for displaying data
- instead of using direct screen writes
- /D forces display of the File Selection menu for the
- specified files, e.g. *.TXT for a menu display of
- only files with an extension of TXT
- /E tells LIST to begin displaying the files from the
- end of each file instead of from the beginning
- /K disables the mouse; both /M and /K mouse options
- are clonable
- /Q toggles sounding of beeps; the same as Alt-Q
- /V causes a verify operation to be performed after
- any Copy or Move operation; the /V option defaults
- to the value of the DOS VERIFY setting
- /4 places LIST into 43 (or 50) line display mode;
- this requires an EGA or VGA display adapter
- /S indicates viewing a piped or redirected file
- /J sets Junk filter on
- /7 sets 7-bit display
- /8 sets 8-bit display
- /* sets star filter on
- /W sets Wrap on
- LIST User's Guide Page 9
- Command line
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- /H sets Hex dump mode
- /L sets pre-Loading on
- /M allows use of a mouse for moving the cursor
- /K disables mouse for cursor positioning
- Page 10 LIST User's Guide
- Command line
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Command line switches (cont'd)
- /Ftext begins a text search through all of the selected files
- and is case insensitive
- /Ttext searches all files immediately for the 'text' and is
- case sensitive; the /Ftext and /Ttext options MUST be
- the last options on the command line; both cannot be
- used at one time
- /#nnnn begins displaying the file at record 'nnnnnn'
- The command line switch character is normally a slash, "/", but LIST
- will use whatever character that is defined to DOS as the command
- line switch character, e.g. a dash, "-". Depending on your needs,
- you could load LIST using any of these command line switches, such
- as:
- LIST MYFILE.TXT /W which would set Word Wrap ON.
- LIST MYFILE.TXT /J which turns on the JUNK filter
- The L, W, M, S and /J command line switches may be used to disable
- the corresponding option by adding a minus symbol to them. For
- example, /-W or /W- will set wrap off.
- The B, D and Q switches are toggles. That is, specifying them
- reverses the default, or cloned, setting.
- LIST User's Guide Page 11
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Starting LIST
- To start LIST, you type the command LIST, at the DOS prompt,
- followed by the name(s) of the files that you want to see. For
- example:
- C:>LIST CONFIG.SYS (displays file CONFIG.SYS)
- C:>LIST *.DOC (displays all DOC files in current directory)
- The "filename" is optional. If omitted, LIST PLUS will bring up a
- display of ALL files and subdirectories in the current directory.
- You may use the cursor keys to highlight the file that you would
- like to work on and press ENTER. Or, you may highlight any sub-
- directory entry and press ENTER to change to that subdirectory.
- You may also use LIST to display piped or redirected files. A
- discussion of redirection, piping, and filtering is at the beginning
- of this manual.
- To display a redirected file, use a < (less than symbol) before the
- name of the file that was redirected and add the /S parameter to the
- LIST command.
- For example, the output of the DIR command can be written to a file
- called XYZ, and then LIST can be instructed to read that file.
- dir a: >xyz
- list <xyz /s
- To see a piped file, omit the filename, but supply the /S.
- dir a: | list /s
- Or, to LIST a file within an ARC archive:
- ARC /p arcname.arc filename.ext | list /s
- - or -
- ARCE arcname filename.ext /p | list /S
- Here, the ARC or ARCE program is invoked to extract the
- 'filename.ext' file. The /P switch for these programs sends the
- output to the standard output device, and this output is piped to
- LIST. Once the file is displayed on your screen, you may use the
- cursor positioning keys to move around and see different parts of
- the file. There are also commands to search for text, print, split
- the screen, display other files, change colors, change the way
- the data is displayed, and many other operations.
- Page 12 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Exiting LIST
- There are several ways to exit LIST depending on how you want the
- screen to look.
- The F10 command returns you to DOS with the DOS prompt on the bottom
- line. The last page that was displayed by LIST is left on the
- screen.
- The ESCape key also returns you to DOS without changing the screen.
- In LIST PLUS, the ESCape key is also used to cancel an operation, or
- to exit file selection menu.
- The X command returns you to DOS and clears the screen. The DOS
- prompt is on the top line of the screen.
- The Alt-X command uses the screen saving feature. It returns you to
- DOS and displays the screen that you had before LIST was run.
- Entering Commands
- You enter commands by pressing a single key, or a combination of
- keys. There are often several ways to perform the same function
- with different keys. For example, D and PgDn both perform a scroll
- down one page function. This lets you pick the keys that you are
- most accustomed to.
- When you press keys, they are entered into a keyboard buffer.
- Holding down a key can put many copies of that key into the buffer.
- This means that when you let up on a key, the program can still be
- processing input from the keyboard buffer. For example, by holding
- down the PgDn key, LIST scrolls down one page for each time the PgDn
- key is placed in the keyboard buffer. When you let up on the key,
- the buffer may not yet be empty and LIST will continue to page down.
- To make LIST stop when you let up on a key, you use the Alt-K
- key-ahead toggle.
- Keyboard enhancement utilities, such as PCED, may also change the
- way that LIST reads the keyboard. With PCED, for example, pressing
- the ESCape key at a prompt is different. You do not see the / that
- DOS normally sends when you cancel an input line.
- Operation with DOSKEY, 4DOS and NDOS is not special.
- LIST User's Guide Page 13
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Display Format
- The monitor display is defined in terms of lines and columns. A
- typical monitor can display 25 lines of 80 columns each. LIST
- attempts to use the number of lines and columns for the monitor mode
- in use. For example, if the monitor is in 132 column mode, LIST
- displays 132 characters per line. If the monitor is set for other
- than 25 lines, such as 35, 43, or 50 lines, LIST displays that many
- lines per screen.
- If you use the Alt-E command to change EGA/VGA modes, the EGA
- palette, cursor, and other settings are set to the DOS default
- values. LIST does not preserve fonts or palettes.
- The top line of the display is called the Status line. The bottom
- line is called the Command line. The remaining lines are called the
- primary display window, and are usually lines two through 24.
- Status Line Format
- The Status line has two formats. The default format is:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ LIST lllll nnnnnnn +sss mm/dd/yy hh:mm - filename │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- where,
- 'LIST' is the name of this program
- 'lllllll' is the line number of the first line in the primary
- display window (under the status line)
- 'nnnnnnn' is the line number of the last record of the file;
- if the last record of the file has not been read,
- | or if the % (percent) command has been used, this
- field shows the percentage of the file that has
- been read
- '+sss' if displayed, this is the Scroll amount, in multiples
- of 10, corresponding to the number of columns that
- the display has been shifted to the right to view
- records longer than 80
- 'mm/dd/yy' is the file's creation date (not today's date); or
- 'dd-mm-yy' is the file's date in European format
- 'hh:mm' is the file's creation time (not today's time)
- Page 14 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Display Format
- 'filename' is the name of the file you are currently viewing
- Note: The date and time shown on the top line is NOT the current
- date. It is the date and time that the file was created.
- LIST User's Guide Page 15
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Display Format
- Use the Alt-Z command to change the Command Line to this format:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ LIST 70 2153 +20 09-02-89 18:12 LIST.DOC │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- By using the Alt-R ruler toggle, the top status line becomes:
- ┬┬┬┬┼┬┬┬10┬┬┬┬┼┬┬┬20┬┬┬┬┼┬┬┬30┬┬┬┬┼┬┬┬40┬┬┬┬┼┬┬┬50┬┬┬┬┼┬┬┬60┬┬┬┬┼┬┬┬70┬┬
- or, in Hex Dump (Alt-H) display mode:
- Offset: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F ----- DATA -----
- Page 16 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Command Line Format
- The Command line has two formats. The default format is:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Command Keys: ^v-><- PgUp PgDn F10=exit F1=Help │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- and the optional format after using the Alt-Z toggle is:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Command Toggles: h8kMpswTclJ F10=exit F1=Help │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- where,
- 'command' indicates the current process:
- 'Command ' function prompt; you are being asked to enter
- a command; enter the letter, or press the keys
- for the action to be performed
- 'Reading ' the file data is being read
- 'Filter ' the file data is being formatted for display
- 'Looking ' the Scan/Find text is being searched for
- 'Scan ' you are being asked to enter text to locate
- 'Find ' in the file, up to 31 characters may be entered
- '# lines?' you are being asked to enter a 1 to 5 digit
- number that is the amount of lines to skip
- 'Line #? ' you are being asked to enter a 1 to 5 digit
- line number to which the display is to be
- positioned
- 'message' may be one of:
- '*** Text not found ***'
- the Scan/Text was not found in the file
- ' *** Top of file ***'
- the first line of the file is being displayed
- ' *** End-of-file ***'
- the last line of the file is being displayed
- LIST User's Guide Page 17
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Command Line Format
- Toggles: indicate status of toggles, lower case means OFF, upper
- case means the option is ON.
- 'H' indicates that the hex Dump display option is in use
- 'b' the 'b' is replaced by a 7, 8, or * depending
- on which of those options is in effect
- 'K' indicates that the Keyboard flush option is in use
- 'M' indicates that tests for monitor retrace are not made
- 'P' indicates that Print is in use
- 'S' indicates file sharing option is in use
- 'W' indicates that the Wrap mode is in effect
- 'T' indicates that TAB characters are expanded
- 'C' toggles continuous scrolling
- 'L' indicates that the pre-loading option is on
- 'J' indicates that line feeds are added to lone carriage
- return control characters, and backspaces are handled
- A sample Command Line might look like this, after looking for
- a word that was not found:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Command *** Text not found *** Toggles: h*kMpswTclJ F10=exit F1=Help│
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Page 18 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Scrolling
- You view different parts of the file by scrolling. That is, you use
- the cursor positioning keys up, down, left and right to move the
- display one increment in that direction. For example, press the
- down arrow key to move the display one line in the file, i.e.
- display the next line in the file.
- The PgDn and PgUp cursor keys move the display one full screen in
- either direction.
- Rather than press the up and down keys once for each line, you may
- use continuous scrolling. Use the C key to toggle continuous
- scrolling on or off. The default is off. When toggled on, pressing
- the up or down arrow keys results in a moving display. For example,
- when you press the down arrow, the next line of the file is
- displayed automatically every second, or so. It is like holding
- down the arrow key. To stop the continuous scroll, press the space
- bar.
- The speed of the continuous scroll can be adjusted by pressing the +
- (plus) or - (minus) key while the display is moving. The plus key
- makes the display move faster, and the minus key makes it move
- slower. You can save the speed value by using the cloning command
- (see Configuring LIST, Cloning, later on in this documentation. The
- speed is independent of the computer speed and can be adjusted from
- approximately 50 lines per minute to 1000 lines per minute.
- Summary of scrolling commands:
- right arrow - move display right 10 columns
- left arrow - move display left 10 columns
- down arrow - display next line of file
- up arrow - display previous line of file
- PgUp key - display previous "page", 23 (or 41) lines back
- PgDn key - display next "page", 23 (or 41) lines ahead
- C key - turns continuous scrolling on or off
- spacebar - or any key, interrupts continuous scrolling
- + (plus) - makes continuous scroll incrementally faster
- - (minus) - makes continuous scroll slower
- LIST User's Guide Page 19
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Positioning to Lines
- Each displayable line of the file is assigned a line number. The
- first line is assigned line number 1. The highest allowable line
- number is 16 million.
- In order to determine the last line number of a file, the entire
- file must be read. For this reason, the first time that the END
- (bottom) command is issued, it will take longer to process. This is
- not necessary if the file has been completely read (see the Alt-L
- preloading option).
- If the Wrap option is in effect, there is one line number required
- for each 80 bytes of the file's records. Thus, the line number does
- not represent the actual number of lines in the file.
- If the hex dump option is in effect, there is one line number
- required for each 16 bytes of the file. For example, an 80-byte
- line will be displayed as 5 lines.
- You may position to a specific line number by using the Ctrl-Home,
- or the # key. When Ctrl-Home is entered, you are prompted for the
- line number. Enter the line number. The display will now begin
- with that line number at the top of the screen.
- To position forward or backward, you may use the + (plus), or -
- (minus) keys. You are prompted to enter the number of lines to be
- skipped. The display resumes at the line number shown on the top
- (status) line, plus or minus the number of lines that you specified.
- When you change a filter option, such as Wrap, the line numbering
- changes. An attempt is made to retain the same file position, but
- the file may be repositioned at the top.
- You may also reposition to the last "active" line by using the Alt-Y
- bookmark command. The last active line is one displayed after a
- Scan or Find command, or marked using the Alt-M or Alt-B commands,
- or the line set by the Ctrl-Y bookmark command. Up to ten book mark
- lines may be saved by Ctrl-Y and recalled by Alt-Y
- Summary of positioning commands:
- Ctrl-HOME, or # - Prompts for exact line number to display
- + (plus) - Prompts for the number of lines to skip
- for positioning further ahead in the file
- Page 20 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Positioning to Lines
- - (minus) - Prompts for the number of lines to skip
- for positioning to an earlier line
- Alt-Y - Reposition to the last bookmark
- Ctrl-Y - Set new bookmark line number
- LIST User's Guide Page 21
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Filtering
- Filtering is the term used to describe the process that LIST uses to
- format file data for displaying on a monitor. After data is read
- from a file, it is filtered. The method of filtering depends upon
- the options in effect. LIST is fastest with no filter options set.
- For a typical ASCII text file, the filter removes carriage return
- and line feed characters, and expands TAB characters.
- Because files contain different kinds of data, there are several
- commands to tell LIST how to display the data. The process that
- LIST uses to make the file data readable is called filtering. The
- filters in LIST can:
- o replace non-text and control characters with blanks
- o expand TAB characters
- o display line drawing characters
- o change 8-bit (W*) data to readable 7-bit text **
- o display the hexadecimal values for each character
- o remove "junk", such as control codes and backspaces
- ** W* is an abbreviation for WordStar (tm) formatted files
- which contain 'high-bit' characters. Using the '*' filter
- makes these files easier to read.
- LIST was designed primarily to display ASCII files; that is, files
- which contain text, and not binary or control codes. Text
- characters, like A-Z and 0-9, are in the 7-bit range. Binary files
- like .COM and .EXE files, contain the full range of 8-bit characters
- and the Alt-H (hex dump display) command is available for viewing
- them.
- Characters above 127 (the 8-bit range) may be valid graphic
- characters, and may be displayed if the '8' command is in effect.
- To insure that characters above ASCII value 127 are NOT displayed,
- use the '7' command to limit the display to characters in the 7-bit
- range.
- Page 22 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Filtering
- Wrap Filter
- The file is displayed with one logical record on each display line:
- usually 80 characters. A logical record ends in a linefeed and may
- be up to 2048 characters long. If a record exceeds 80 characters,
- you may view the portion beyond the 80 columns by using the scroll
- right command, or by using the Wrap feature. The Wrap (W) command
- toggles ON or OFF the wrapping of lines longer than 80 characters.
- With Wrap on, lines are displayed in their entirety, 80 characters
- per display line. The scroll left (arrow) and right (arrow)
- functions are disabled when Wrap is ON.
- Hi-bit Filter
- The 7, 8, and * (asterisk) commands determine whether characters
- above ASCII-127 are displayed. If the hi-bit option is off (7
- command), the filter strips the high order bit from each character.
- If the hi-bit option is on (8 command), all characters, including
- graphic characters above ASCII-127, are displayed.
- Star Filter
- The star (* or asterisk) command displays only ASCII characters
- below 128 (x'80'), but treats the special characters x'8A' and x'8D'
- as line-feed and carriage-return control characters. Any other
- characters above 127 are treated as spaces, and control codes below
- ASCII-26 are replaced by blanks.
- Junk Filter
- The Alt-J command toggles the "junk" filter which insures that
- carriage returns in the file also result in a new line. Also,
- backspace characters result in "backing up" the display by one
- position. This allows more readability of files that use
- backspacing to emphasize, or over-write, characters.
- LIST User's Guide Page 23
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Filtering
- Hex Format Filter
- The hex dump option (Alt-H) causes the filtering to reformat the
- file data into a DEBUG-like display format. The largest file that
- can be displayed in Hex is 4 million bytes.
- An attempt is made to retain the file position when switching from
- normal to hex-dump display, but due to filtering changing record
- lengths, the hex display may begin before the current record.
- Tab expansion filter
- The tab expansion option (Alt-T) cause LIST to insert spaces into a
- a line. The default tab expansion interval is eight spaces resulting
- in placing non-blank data in columns 1, 9, 17, 25, etc. The Ctrl-I
- command can be used to change the tab interval from 1 to 99.
- Summary of filtering commands:
- 8 show all characters as-is
- 7 strip the hi-bit from each character
- * use the star filter to remove control characters
- and some special word processor characters
- Alt-J use the "junk" filter
- Alt-H use the "hex" filter to display in hex dump format
- Alt-T expand TAB control characters
- Alt-W wrap long lines to fit on screen
- Ctrl-I define TAB interval
- Page 24 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Scanning for text
- There are three ways to initiate a search for text. First is the
- Find (\ or F) command. Use this command to search for text without
- regard to the case (upper or lower) of the letters. Second is the
- Scan (/ or S) command. Use this command to search an exact match.
- That is, the search is case-sensitive.
- The third way to initiate a search for text is with the /F command
- line switch. With it, you supply the text to search for, and LIST
- begins the search before displaying the file, and before asking for
- commands. The search continues through all selected files until a
- match is found, or the last file has been searched. This search is
- case-insensitive.
- Search text may contain wildcard characters. A wildcard character
- always matches. LIST uses the question mark (?) as this character.
- To search for a question mark, an escape character is used to tell
- LIST how to treat the question mark character. LIST uses the
- ampersand (&) as the escape character.
- Each search begins at the line displayed on the top of the screen
- and proceeds in a forward direction until the end of file. You may
- start a search that goes backwards rather than forwards by using the
- ` (left quote) key instead of Find (\), or by using ' (right quote)
- instead of Scan (/).
- To enter the Scan search text, type a slash (/) followed by up to 31
- characters. The Scan text is displayed on the command line. The
- Scan is case-sensitive. That is, lower case Scan text will only
- match lower case file text.
- While the program is searching for the text, the bottom display line
- is changed to say "Looking". Pressing ANY key while the search is
- in progress will terminate the search and display the message 'Text
- not found' on the bottom line.
- If the text is found, the line containing it is displayed as a
- high-intensity line (bright color) in the middle of the screen. The
- search text is displayed in reverse video colors on the highlighted
- line. The line where the found text is displayed depends on the
- setting of the "Find Row" (see Configuration section).
- The display is scrolled left or right, as needed, so that the found
- text is visible.
- If the text is NOT found, the command line is changed to say '***
- Text not found ***', and the rest of the display remains unchanged.
- LIST User's Guide Page 25
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Scanning for text
- To find the next occurrence of the same text, use the A)gain
- command, or press the F3 key. If you wish to continue the search
- through all of the remaining files, use the Alt-A command. To find
- the previous occurrence, press the F9 key.
- Page 26 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Scanning for text
- If a keyboard enhancement program, such as PCED, is installed, the
- up/down cursor keys may be used to recall and edit previously
- entered Scan/Find text.
- In a shared file environment, if the file changes while being
- listed, the file position may become invalid. Use the HOME command
- to insure proper file synchronization, or use the Alt-S (share
- files) command again.
- | The speed of text searching depends on whether the search text is
- | case sensitive, or not, and upon which filters are in use. Case
- | sensitive search is faster than case-insensitive search. Searching
- | without the tabs (Alt-T) and Junk (Alt-J) filters is faster; and
- | searching with the 8 filter is faster than the 7 or star (*) filters.
- Summary of scanning commands:
- / or S Scan for text with exact match
- v or ' Scan for text going backwards
- \ or F Find text with case-insensitive search
- ^ or ` Find case-insensitive text going backwards
- F3 or A Find next occurrence of text
- F9 Find previous occurrence of text
- Alt-A Scan for next occurrence of the text, and continue
- on to the next file until the text is found
- LIST User's Guide Page 27
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Marking and Extracting Lines
- There are two ways that lines can be extracted from a file:
- o with the P (print) and Alt-P (print marked) commands,
- o with the Alt-D (dump data) and Alt-O commands.
- The lines to be extracted are either the current lines on the
- screen, or lines that you have marked with the Alt-M and Alt-B
- commands, or a line found by the Find or Scan commands.
- To mark lines, you use either the Alt-M or Alt-B commands. The
- Alt-M command marks the top line on the screen, and Alt-B marks the
- bottom line on the screen. You can use either or both commands to
- mark the starting and ending lines (in the range of lines to be
- extracted). The marked lines are displayed in reverse video.
- After you have marked a range of lines, you use the Alt-P (print)
- command to print all of the marked lines. Or, you can use the Alt-D
- (dump data) command to write those lines to a file. The Alt-D
- command asks you for a file name. If the file does not exist, a new
- one is created. If the file already exists, the extracted lines are
- added (appended) to the file. If no lines are marked, Alt-D either
- writes the current line (top line) or the highlighted line that was
- found by the Find or Scan commands.
- For example, you would like to have LIST filter out all of the junk
- in a file, and then write a new file. To do this, you might enter
- the following sequence of commands:
- list TESTDATA ... display your TESTDATA file
- Alt-J ... filters out the junk
- Alt-M ... marks line 1 (top line)
- END ... positions to end of file
- Alt-B ... marks the bottom line
- (last line)
- Alt-D ... dumps data to a file
- TESTDATA.NEW ... you enter the new file name
- Alt-X ... quit and return to DOS
- Once you have marked a range of lines, use of Alt-M or Alt-B does
- not reset the entire line range. The first or last marked line may
- change, but both do not change. Using Alt-M again expands or
- contracts the range appropriately. If the new line for Alt-M/Alt-B
- is before the top mark, the top mark is moved. If the new line is
- after the bottom mark, the bottom mark is changed. If the new line
- is within the currently marked range, Alt-M moves the top mark -
- contracts the range - and Alt-B moves the bottom mark.
- Page 28 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Marking and Extracting Lines
- If no lines are marked, but there is a "found" line on the screen as
- the result of a search by Scan or Find, Alt-D and Alt-O will write
- the found line to the file.
- Use the Alt-U command to unmark lines, especially after Alt-D (dump)
- to be sure.
- LIST User's Guide Page 29
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Printing
- The file may be PRINTed as it is displayed, in its entirety, or from
- a range of lines that you mark. If the printer is not online, you
- will receive an error message, and nothing will be printed.
- The P command toggles the printer on or off. When first entered,
- the P command causes the current screen to be printed. As new lines
- are displayed, they too are printed. For example, pressing the down
- arrow will display and print the next line of the file.
- Printing may be stopped by entering another P command. The PrtSc
- key may also be used, but the title and prompt lines will be printed
- with the lines of the file. Empty lines cause a line to be skipped
- on the printer. The capital letter P is displayed on the status
- line while printing if the bottom line is set to show TOGGLES.
- The Ctrl-P command prints the file in its entirety.
- The Ctrl-F command sends a form feed to the printer. The printer
- defaults to the LPT1 or PRN device; this can be changed with the
- LISTOPT customization program supplied with registration.
- The Alt-P command prints only lines that have been marked.
- Page 30 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Displaying multiple files
- You can display more than one file at a time. LIST keeps track of
- up to 32 files at a time. You supply the filenames in the command
- line, through the Alt-F (get new filespec) command, through the
- Alt-I (insert filespec) command, and through the Alt-V file
- selection menu. The Alt-F command is disabled when viewing a piped
- file.
- You can specify up to 16 filespecs on the command line. Each
- filespec can contain wildcards. Thus, several files can be selected
- via the command line. For example,
- will display all files with an extension of DOC and TXT.
- To display the next file, you use the Q or Ctrl-PgDn command. When
- the last file has been displayed, you can exit LIST by using the X,
- F10, ESCape, or Alt-X commands, depending on how you want the screen
- to look when LIST ends.
- To display the previous file, you use the Z or Ctrl-PgUp (control
- and PgUp keys together). The 1 command restarts the displaying of
- files with the first file. LIST can keep track of up to 32 files
- at one time. The line number for each file is remembered.
- The Alt-F asks you for a new file name, and you may enter a simple
- file name, or one that includes wild cards. These new file names
- are added to the table of filenames that LIST keeps. Thus, you can
- use Alt-F for several different filenames, and use the Ctrl-PgDn and
- Ctrl-PgUp commands to move among them.
- The Alt-I command allows you to select a filespec that is in the
- file you are viewing. You position the cursor to the filespec on
- the screen, and press enter to add it to the list of files to
- display.
- The Alt-V command displays a list of file in the current directory.
- You move the cursor to a file that you want to display, and press
- enter to add that file to the list.
- Summary of file review commands:
- Q - display next file, if any
- Z - display previous file
- 1 - display first selected file
- LIST User's Guide Page 31
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Displaying multiple files
- Ctrl-PgUp - display previous file
- Ctrl-PgDn - display next file
- 1 - restart displaying with first file
- Alt-F - prompt for new filename or filespec to display
- Alt-I or I - insert a filespec that is displayed
- Alt-V - select a file from the File Selection Menu
- Page 32 LIST User's Guide
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Split Screen Display
- LIST can display data in one or two parts of the screen called
- windows. The Alt-W command toggles this split screen mode.
- Entering Alt-W while the screen is split restores the display to a
- single, full sized display.
- In the regular version, the screen is split in the middle. The top
- half of the screen remains the same, and the bottom half becomes the
- part of the screen where files are scrolled. Thus, the top window
- becomes a scratch pad.
- In the LIST PLUS version, you are allowed to split the screen at any
- point. After entering Alt-W, you are asked to position the cursor
- to the spot where the screen will be split. By placing the cursor
- in column 1, you can adjust how many lines will be used by the top
- and bottom windows. This would be a vertical, or one window above
- the other, split.
- By positioning the cursor to the top line with the HOME key, you can
- then use the left and right arrow keys to adjust how wide each of
- the windows is to be. This would be a horizontal, or side-by-side
- split.
- You may display a different file in each window, and move between
- them. You use the Ctrl-V command to switch from one window to the
- other. You may also use the Review commands to display a different
- file in the second window. The Ctrl-V command has no effect unless
- you are viewing two or more files, i.e. a different file in each
- window.
- Each window uses different colors. You can use the color commands
- to set the colors that you like, and then use the Alt-C command to
- save them.
- LIST User's Guide Page 33
- How to use LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Telephone dialer
- LIST has a simple telephone dialer function. It allows you to point
- to a telephone number that is displayed on the screen, and to send
- dialing commands to your modem on COM1.
- You use the Ctrl-T command to start the dialer. You position the
- cursor, with the arrow keys, to the start of the phone number and
- press enter. The phone number may contain any character, but must
- end with a blank. If a highlighted line is displayed on the screen
- as a result of Find or Scan, the cursor is initially placed at the
- found text.
- If the phone rings, you may pick up your telephone. Otherwise, you
- may press <enter> to return to viewing the file, <spacebar> to dial
- the number again, or ESCape to hang up and stop dialing.
- The Ctrl-H command hangs up the telephone.
- If you are using a communications port other than COM1:, see the
- file DIALER.PAT for information on changing LIST to use COM2: or
- another COM port. The COM port can also be changed with the LISTOPT
- program.
- ----------
- n list.com
- l
- ; Change ctrl-D dialer to COM2 at base port address 02F8
- e 0152 F8 02
- ; Change the modem initialization command string (30bytes long)
- e 0157 'ATE0M1X3DT, '
- w
- q
- Page 34 LIST User's Guide
- DOS considerations
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- File Sharing
- LIST uses two techniques for allowing you to share files with other
- processes such as programs running under multi-tasking systems, in
- other windows, or on networks.
- The first technique is called "file closing" and is enabled by the
- Alt-S commands. This forces LIST to close the viewed file unless it
- needs to read from the file. If enough memory is available, the
- entire file may be loaded once and thus leave the file free for
- exclusive access by other processes.
- The second technique is called "file sharing". It is a function of
- DOS and requires DOS version 3.0 or later. LIST opens the viewed
- files with a DENY NONE request. This allows other processes to read
- and write to the file if they do not request exclusive use of the
- file. If a file is not available to LIST because it is locked by
- another process, you will receive the error message "File not found"
- or "Access denied". There is no command to enable or disable this
- method of file sharing. It is implicit with the use of DOS version
- 3 and later.
- Invoking DOS Commands
- If the "goto DOS" option is enabled, you may invoke DOS commands by
- using the Alt-G command. LIST reserves about 60k of memory for its
- own use. This increases LIST's memory requirements to approximately
- 96k when using Alt-G. The remaining memory is available to the DOS
- commands. Alt-G clears the screen and invokes the DOS command
- processor.
- After you have finished entering DOS commands, use the DOS EXIT
- command to return to LIST.
- To disable the "goto DOS" function, you must use DEBUG to alter the
- option byte described in the section about cloning. With it
- disabled, LIST requires less memory, about 66K.
- Screen Saving
- If the screen saving option is enabled, LIST saves the contents of
- the current display screen when it starts. You can restore the
- original screen by exiting LIST with the Alt-X command.
- Screen saving requires approximately 10k more memory. This is
- sufficient to save 60 lines of 80 characters (EGA 8x6 mode). See
- LIST User's Guide Page 35
- DOS considerations
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- the section about Configuring LIST and cloning for information about
- enabling and disabling the screen saving feature.
- The Alt-N command toggles the screen saving feature. Its status is
- not displayed on the bottom Line. The small version is the only one
- which defaults to disabling screen saving.
- Page 36 LIST User's Guide
- File Selection Menu
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST PLUS Display
- LIST PLUS has several new functions that greatly enhance the things
- that you can do. If you load the file LIST.COM (LIST PLUS) with no
- file specification, you would see something like this:
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ LIST - File Selection 1 of 40 Path: C:\*.* │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- ^.. ░ ░
- vMAIN ░ ░
- vWORK ░ ░
- WP .MRS░ ░
- ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ List Copy Del Edit Move Path Ren Sort ViewArc 1-9 F10=Exit │
- └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Note that the Command Line contains the following choices:
- Each of these commands may be executed from within LIST PLUS and are
- described below.
- | The DELETE and MOVE commands can be disabled by using the read-only
- | option in the LISTOPT customization program.
- The colors used in the File Menu display can be changed. The top and
- bottom lines are controlled by the F7 and F8 keys; the text colors
- are controlled by the F5 and F6 keys; and the color of the file
- selection bar is controlled by the Alt-F7 and Alt-F8 keys.
- LIST User's Guide Page 37
- File Selection Menu
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST PLUS Display
- Movement Keys
- Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to a filename. The filename
- at the cursor is highlighted. The other cursor and filename
- selection keys are:
- PgDn - displays the next page of files
- PgUp - displays the previous page of files
- HOME - positions to the first filename
- on the screen
- END - positions to the last filename
- on the screen
- Ctrl-HOME - positions to the first filename
- Ctrl-END - positions to the last filename
- F1 - displays a Help screen
- F10 - exits to DOS in new directory
- ESCape - exits to DOS in the original directory
- Q - returns to viewing the last file, or
- returns to the File Selection menu
- X - exits to DOS in the NEW directory,
- this is the directory in which LIST is
- currently operating
- | * - re-reads the directory to update the display
- Alt-C - save settings (clone LIST.COM)
- Alt-X - exits to DOS and displays the screen as
- it was before LIST was used
- Alt-Z or / - toggles bottom line display from a menu
- or F3 command line to a statistics line:
- To position quickly to a give filename, press the shift key and the
- first letter of the filename at the same time. For example, to move
- the cursor to the filename LIST.COM, press shift-L.
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Files: 59 Used: 2367312 Free 1616912 F3=Menu F1=Help F10=Exit │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Page 38 LIST User's Guide
- File Selection Menu
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST PLUS Display
- Changing Directories
- Any subdirectories contained in the current directory will have a
- down arrow next to them. If you highlight one of these and hit
- Enter you will go to that directory. If the directory that you are
- in is a subdirectory itself, there will be an up arrow followed
- by two dots. Selecting this will take you up. Thus, you can easily
- move around your hard disk from within LIST!
- NOTE: With Novell, the dot-dot entries may not be displayed. Refer
- to the SHOWDOTS parameter in th netware manual for more information.
- List file
- This invokes LIST just as you would from DOS. Simply highlight the
- file that you wish to view, enter a carriage return, and you will be
- in LIST looking at the selected file. When you are finished, you
- may escape back to the original screen, with all of its options.
- You may also open a window and then, using the Alt-V command, get
- another file directory and select another file to view. Using
- Alt-W, you can load more than two files.
- Copy file
- This function allows you to copy the selected file to a new
- subdirectory. Highlight the file you want to copy and press ENTER.
- You will be prompted for the new path to which you want to copy
- the selected file. Enter the path, press ENTER, and the file is
- copied to the directory you indicated.
- Delete file
- Allows you to delete any file in the current directory. Just
- highlight the file you want to delete and press D and ENTER. You will
- then be prompted to make sure that you want to delete this file.
- Enter Y if you do, and N if you do not.
- Edit file
- Invokes the EDIT program for the selected file. If you do not have
- an editor called EDIT, create a batch file called EDIT.BAT which
- calls your editor with the parameters that you like. For example,
- LIST User's Guide Page 39
- File Selection Menu
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST PLUS Display
- peii %1 /pc:\pe2.pro /q
- The default under MS DOS 5 and 6 is the DOS EDIT command.
- Page 40 LIST User's Guide
- File Selection Menu
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST PLUS Display
- Invoke file
- Executes the selected file if it has an extension of .BAT, .COM, or
- .EXE. LIST reserves about 80k of memory and leaves the rest for use
- by the executed program. The I command is not listed on the menu.
- There are two ways to cancel the Invoke function depending on the
- CED input option in effect. With the CED option on, press Enter
- with a blank line. Without the CED option, press ESCape to. If the
- CED option is on, you must supply at least one space for the program
- options or the Invoke function will terminate.
- Move file
- Move any file in the current directory to any other directory.
- Select the file that you want to move by highlighting it and hitting
- ENTER. You will then be prompted for a new path. Enter the path
- and the file is moved to it's new location.
- Path changing
- This function allows you to switch to ANY other directory on your
- system without having to exit LIST! Enter 'P' for Path, and type in
- the full path of the directory that you would like to change to, for
- example: C:\DNLD. You will find yourself in the selected directory
- and still within LIST. The "\" character may also be used to change
- to another drive and/or directory.
- Rename
- Using this function you can rename any file in the current
- directory. Highlight the file that you want to rename. You will
- then be prompted for the new file name. After you have entered a
- new file name, you will be prompted to make sure that you really
- want to rename this file. If so, then respond with a 'Y'; if you've
- changed your mind, just answer with an 'N' and the renaming
- procedure will be abandoned.
- Sort filenames
- Allows you to sort the files in the current directory by file name,
- extension, date, or size. Once you have completed the operation you
- will find yourself back at the menu screen of LIST. The sort methods
- LIST User's Guide Page 41
- File Selection Menu
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST PLUS Display
- include F (by filename), E (by extension), D (by date), S (by size),
- and N (no sort). You may add a minus sign to the sort method to
- sort in descending, rather than ascending, order. The sort option
- can be cloned.
- Page 42 LIST User's Guide
- File Selection Menu
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST PLUS Display
- Attribute display/change
- The A command can be used to display a file's attributes and to
- change them. There are four types of files attributes that can be
- changed. A letter is assigned to each one these:
- A - archive flag is on (file has not changed)
- S - the file is a system file, e.g. MSDOS.SYS
- H - the file is hidden
- R - the file is read-only (can not be deleted or changed)
- The attribute command displays the status of the attributes in lower
- case or upper case letters. A lower case letter, like 'a' or 'r',
- means that the attribute is off. An upper case letter, like 'A' or
- 'R', means that the attribute is on. For example, 'H' means the file
- is hidden, and 'h' means the file is not hidden.
- You may supply one or more of the attribute letters. For example,
- replying with hs (lower case h and s) only, and no other letters,
- changes the hidden attribute to unhidden and the system attribute to
- off.
- 1-9 up display
- This function lets you set the display to anywhere from 1 to 9 file
- names per line. In subdirectories with few numbers of files, you
- will begin to see not only file name, but file size, date, time, and
- attributes as well. You can customize this to suit your tastes. The
- 1-up display includes a display of the file attributes. These are:
- A - archive bit is on, the file is unchanged
- H - the file is hidden
- R - the file is marked read-only
- S - the file is a system file
- LIST User's Guide Page 43
- File Selection Menu
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- LIST PLUS Display
- ViewArc
- This function will let you view the directory of an archive (.ARC,
- .ZIP, etc.) file, or self-extracting .COM and .EXE archive files. It
- requires that you have the matching FV.COM program in your path and
- sufficient memory (about 140k).
- After you have viewed the desired file's directory, press ESCape to
- return to the file selection menu, or use the Alt-I (insert file)
- command to display a file within the archive file.
- The directory listing is written to a temporary file in the current
- directory and is called FVFVFVFV.FV$. You may tell LIST to place
- the temporary file elsewhere by setting an environment variable
- called LIST. For example, to place all ViewArc and Alt-I extracted
- temporary files on drive D in the subdirectory called TEMP, use the
- DOS SET command prior to invoking LIST:
- | If the LIST DOS variable is not defined, the TEMP variable is used.
- To view archive directories, the program FV.COM is
- required. It must be located in a directory included
- in your DOS PATH.
- To display files within an ARChive file, the program
- ARCE.COM is required. It must be in your DOS PATH. For
- ZIP files, the program PKUNZIP must be in your PATH.
- Files with a .COM or .EXE extension are assumed to be
- self-extracting LHARC (.LZH) files.
- Page 44 LIST User's Guide
- Command key summary
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Cursor keys
- Cursor key Function
- ----------- -----------------------------------------------
- left arrow scroll left 10 columns
- right arrow scroll right 10 columns
- up arrow up one (previous) line
- down arrow down one (next) line
- Enter continue to next page
- END position to end of file (bottom)
- ESCape Exit program unconditionally
- HOME restart from first line (top)
- PgUp scroll up one page, 23 lines
- PgDn scroll down one page, 23 lines
- F- function keys
- Function key Function
- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------
- F1 Displays the HELP screen
- F3 Find NEXT occurrence of text after Scan or Find
- F9 Find the PREVIOUS occurrence of text
- F10 Exit to DOS
- For changing display colors:
- F2 Change background color for Find/Scan text
- F4 Change foreground color for Find/Scan text
- F5 Change background color for main body of display
- F6 Change foreground color for main body of display
- F7 Change background color for top and bottom lines
- F8 Change foreground color for top and bottom lines
- | Alt-F7 Change File Menu selection bar background
- LIST User's Guide Page 45
- Command key summary
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Cursor keys
- | Alt-F8 Change File Menu selection bar foreground
- Page 46 LIST User's Guide
- Command key summary
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Letter keys
- The Letter key commands are mnemonic. That is, the letter in some
- way, indicates what the command does.
- Letter(s) Function
- --------- -----------------------------------------------
- A Find next occurrence of 'text' (Again)
- B Skip to end of file (Bottom)
- C Toggles Continuous scrolling
- D Scroll Down one page
- F Find 'text' regardless of case
- G Get new filename/filespec (also Alt-F)
- H Display the Help screen.
- K Toggles keyboard key-ahead.
- L Scroll LEFT 10 columns
- M Toggles Monitor retrace testing to eliminate snow
- N Down one (Next) line
- P Toggles the printing of displayed lines.
- Q Quits current file and displays next file, if any
- R Scroll Right 10 columns. command, the 'R' command
- S Scan for exact text match, case dependent
- T Restart from first line (Top)
- U Scroll Up one page (23 lines)
- W Toggles the Wrap option for displaying long lines
- X Terminate, clear screen and eXit to DOS
- Z Display the previous file.
- LIST User's Guide Page 47
- Command key summary
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Letter keys
- 7 Toggles the 7-bit filter
- 8 Toggles the 8-bit filter
- * Toggles the star filter
- + Position a given number of lines forward
- - Position a given number of lines backward
- ? Displays the Help screen
- | % Toggles display of percent versus last line number
- space Scrolls down one page
- \text Find any case 'text' going forward
- /text Scan exact case 'text' going forward
- ` or ^ Find any case 'text' going backward
- ' or v Find exact case 'text' going backward
- Page 48 LIST User's Guide
- Command key summary
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Control- keys
- The Ctrl- key commands are entered by pressing the Ctrl key at the
- same time as you press one of the following letter keys:
- Control key Function
- ----------- --------------------------------------------------
- Ctrl-HOME Position to a specific line by number
- Ctrl-PgDn Display next file
- Ctrl-PgUp Display previous file
- Ctrl-left Reset display to column 1, i.e. scroll full left
- Ctrl-right Scroll full right (to the end of the current line)
- Ctrl-A Scroll full left
- Ctrl-C Display next page, scroll down
- Ctrl-D Scroll right 10 columns
- Ctrl-E Display previous line, scroll up 1 line
- Ctrl-F Send a formfeed control character to the printer
- Ctrl-H ** Hang up the telephone
- Ctrl-L Toggle showing of page break separator lines
- Ctrl-N Display previous file
- Ctrl-O Toggle laser printer normal and condensed modes
- Ctrl-P Print the entire file
- Ctrl-R Display previous page, scroll up
- Ctrl-S Scroll left 10 columns
- Ctrl-T ** Dial a telephone number
- Ctrl-U Display previous file
- Ctrl-V ** Switch display windows
- Ctrl-W Display previous line, scroll up one line
- LIST User's Guide Page 49
- Command key summary
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Control- keys
- Ctrl-Y ** Save current line number as bookmark line for a-Y
- Ctrl-X Display next line, scroll down one line
- Page 50 LIST User's Guide
- Command key summary
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Alt- keys
- The Alt- key commands are entered by pressing the Alt key at the
- same time as you press one of the following letter keys:
- Alt- letter Function
- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------
- Alt-A Search for next occurrence of text, continue to next
- file until found
- Alt-B Mark bottom line of display
- Alt-C Copy options and setting to LIST.COM
- Alt-D Write marked lines, or found line, to a file
- Alt-E Toggle 25 or 43/50 line display with EGA or VGA
- Alt-F Enter additional filenames to display
- Alt-G Goto DOS temporarily to enter DOS commands
- Alt-I ** Insert a filespec from the screen display
- Alt-H Toggle Hex display mode
- Alt-J Toggle the "junk" filter
- Alt-L Toggle preloading of files
- Alt-M Mark the line at the top of the display
- Alt-N Toggle the Alt-X screen saving feature
- Alt-O Write marked lines, or found line, to the same file
- used by Alt-D
- Alt-R Toggle the display of a ruler line on top line
- Alt-S Toggle the file Sharing option
- Alt-T Toggle the TAB control character filer
- Alt-U Unmark lines marked by Alt-M and Alt-B
- Alt-V ** Invoke the File Selection Menu
- Alt-W Toggle split screen
- LIST User's Guide Page 51
- Command key summary
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Alt- keys
- Alt-X Exit to DOS and display the original screen
- Alt-Y Reposition to the last "active" line (bookmark)
- Alt-Z Toggles the command line in the bottom line. The
- default is to display the cursor key usage. Using
- Alt-Z changes the bottom line to show the option
- switches "Toggles:" settings.
- Page 52 LIST User's Guide
- Configuring LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Screen Colors
- The screen's lines in the viewer may be in one of three different colors:
- o the 'special' color for the top status line and the
- bottom command line
- o the 'normal' color for the file's text windows
- o the 'bright' color for lines with Find/Scan text,
- and for the upside-down question mark in 7-bit mode
- There is a pair of function keys assigned to each color. You use
- these function keys at any time to change the background and
- foreground colors temporarily, or use the Alt-C cloning command to
- make the colors permanent. Alt-C requires that the LIST.COM program
- file be on the current drive and in the current directory unless you
- are using DOS version 3.3 or later. With DOS 3.3, the program file
- may have any name and may reside in any subdirectory.
- The border is not changed. The foreground color applies to the
- color of the characters.
- You may clone a second set of text colors for the second, and any
- other windows that you may create.
- The color attributes may be changed by using these function keys:
- For the main body of text:
- F5 - background color
- F6 - foreground color
- For the top and bottom lines:
- F7 - background color
- F8 - foreground color
- For the line with Find/Scan text:
- F2 - background color
- F4 - foreground
- Once you have decided upon the colors, use the Alt-C key combination
- to change the LIST.COM program file. This process is described
- below.
- LIST User's Guide Page 53
- Configuring LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Cloning
- The screen colors, the display retrace testing (M), the file sharing
- (S), ruler (Alt-R), and other options may be permanently set in the
- program COM file by using the Alt-C cloning function.
- For cloning to take effect, the program should be called LIST.COM
- and on the current drive and in the current directory.
- There are THREE versions of the LIST program file. One is the
- normal full program, which is LISTR.COM. The other, which is called
- LISTS.COM, is a slightly smaller file that excludes the Help screen.
- The third is LIST PLUS, found as LIST.COM. You may use any of the
- three COM files for cloning. After cloning, you may continue
- viewing the file. Several of the command toggles are also
- 'clonable'.
- The values and toggles that are cloned are:
- M = Mono monitor, affects retrace testing. If you see
- "snow" on your color monitor, turn off this option
- Alt-S = file(s) are shared
- W = Wrap long lines
- 8/7/* = display all 256 values, or 7-bit, or special case
- K = flush Keyboard each time a command is read
- Alt-H = hex dump display, like the DEBUG format
- Alt-J = toggle "junk" filter, add LF to CR, fix backspaces
- Alt-L = set on to force preloading (reading) of the entire
- file before any lines are displayed; default is OFF
- Alt-N = toggles screen saving (see Alt-X) feature
- Alt-R = toggle columnar ruler on top line
- Alt-T = toggle expansion of TAB characters (also Ctrl-I)
- Alt-V = number of filenames per line and sort method
- F2 = change background color for Find/Scan text
- F4 = change foreground color for Find/Scan text
- F5 = change background color for main body of display
- F6 = change foreground color for main body of display
- F7 = change background color for top and bottom lines
- Page 54 LIST User's Guide
- Configuring LIST
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Cloning
- F8 = change foreground color for top and bottom lines
- | Alt-F7 = change selection bar foreground color
- | Alt-F8 = change selection bar background color
- NOTE: Be sure you have no other copies of LIST.COM which are
- accessible (because of an APPEND type of utility).
- LIST User's Guide Page 55
- Modifying LIST.COM
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Locations of option values
- This information is offered to those of you who wish to modify LIST
- in special ways. You do not need this information to use LIST. An
- alternative to cloning is to use DEBUG to make permanent changes.
- Also, a special customization program called LISTOPT is available to
- registered and licensed users. Subtract hex 100 if you are using a
- a file editor and not DEBUG. Here is a list of key items and their
- addresses:
- Item Offset Value Description of contents
- -------------- ------ ----- -----------------------
- Special 0132 70 Top/bottom line colors
- Special lines 1 and 25 colors, default is 70 (reverse).
- Refer to a technical reference guide for the
- attribute values for the colors that you want.
- Normal 0134 07 Text colors
- Bright 0136 09 Find/Scan line colors
- Window 1 color 0138 07 Primary window text color
- Window 2 color 0139 0F Second window text color
- Flag3 013A 09 Retrace off and junk filter on
- By specifying the bit value, the option is enabled, e.g. to enable
- Shared and Retrace, specify a hex value of the sum, or 01+04= 05.
- MRSJ WHK* M = mono, retrace testing if off, x'01'
- R = ruler, x'02'
- S = shared, x'04'
- J = add LF to lone CR, process backspaces,
- if on, x'08'; default is off
- W = wrap mode, x'10'
- H = hi-bit on, x'20'
- K = kybd flush, x'40'
- * = special document filtering, x'80'
- Flag4 013B 08 Tabs on
- .PAT DGV. P = Preload file if on, x'02', default is off
- A = Apxcore if on, TV/DD/DV if off, x'04,
- default is for Topview/Double DOS use
- T = if on (default), expand TABs, x'08'
- D = hex display mode if on, x'10'
- G = if on, Alt-G goto DOS is Disabled, x'20'
- V = if on, screen save/restore is Disabled
- and 9K less memory is used/required, x'40'
- Find row 013C 0800 Position of found line on screen, 8
- Page 56 LIST User's Guide
- Modifying LIST.COM
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Locations of option values
- When the Find/Scan command is used, the next line which contains
- that text is highlighted using the 'bright' color, and is placed in
- row 9 of the screen. You can change the row by Altering the byte at
- location 13C which is normally '08', i.e. one less than the row.
- Scroll incr 013E 0A00 Left/right scroll increment, 10
- Scroll start 0140 0000 Starting scroll offset, 0
- Tab value 0142 0800 Tab interval, 8
- Tab mask 0144 F8FF Tab bit mask
- Loudness 0146 C8 Beep tone level
- Key rate 0148 FF Continuous scroll increment, 255
- Overlap 0149 0000 PgUp/PgDn scroll overlap, 0
- Wildcard esc 014B 26 Scan/Find wildcard ? escape character
- Alt-V up 014C 0500 Alt-V display files per line, 5
- LIST Plus offsets
- Eye-catcher 014E 'COM:'
- COM port 0152 F803 Default for COM1, use F802 for COM2
- Sort offset 0154 00 Default sort key offset
- 00 by filename
- 08 by extension
- 0C by datestamp
- 10 by file size
- Flag6 0156 00 Plus options
- 04 suppress "Are you sure?" prompts
- 10 send FF formfeed after ctrl-P
- 40 /Q option, suppress beeps
- 80 /V option, verify file copies
- Modem init 0157 'AT' 30-byte modem initialization string
- Editor name 0175 'Edit' 8-byte name of editor program
- Modem hang-up 017E 'ATZ' 9-byte modem disconnect command
- Temp var name 0187 LIST 4-character environment name for temps
- The following offsets change from version to version. Look for the
- eye-catchers to be sure of the offset:
- Key table 0473 'WHAT' Eye catcher
- 0477 0026 Key command table
- Routines 057C 'WHERE' Eye catcher
- 0581 xxxx Command routines
- Examples of using DEBUG can be found in the DIALER.PAT and
- LIST User's Guide Page 57
- Modifying LIST.COM
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Locations of option values
- COLOR.PAT files. To use them, copy LIST.COM to the current
- directory and issue the DEBUG command. For example:
- ---------
- n list.com
- l
- ; white on blue for top/bottom lines
- e 0132 71
- ; red on blue for Find/Scan colors
- e 0136 41
- ; blue on white for text colors
- e 0134 17
- ; same for window 1
- e 0138 17
- ; green on white for window 2
- e 0139 27
- w
- q
- Page 58 LIST User's Guide
- Modifying LIST.COM
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Reassigning keys
- LIST performs a function for every character that can be entered at
- the command line prompt. There are 128 regular characters and 131
- extended characters. The regular characters are numbered from 0 to
- 127, and they include the letters A-Z, a-z, the numbers, and the
- rest of the usual single characters found on your keyboard. The
- extended characters represent special function keys and combinations
- of keys, such as F1, Alt-X, Ctrl-A, and the cursor positioning keys.
- The WHAT table in LIST has a one byte entry for each of the
- characters. This byte is a number from 0 to 57 that represents the
- identification of a routine that performs a function.
- For example,
- - the ESCape key has a value of 27 (hex 1B) and its value in
- the WHAT table is 16 (10 hex). Routine number 16 is called
- "Done". The "Done" routine exits to DOS.
- - the Q key has a value of 81 (51 hex) with a routine value of
- 15 for the "Close" routine. The "Close" routine ends
- viewing of the current file and tries to display the next
- file, i.e. wildcards used for the filename. There is also a
- lower case letter q, so be sure to change both entries.
- To change the function that a command character performs, you change
- the value in the WHAT table for the routine that the character
- invokes.
- For example, to change the ESCape key to act like the Q key, you
- change the routine value for ESCape from 16 (10 hex) to a 15 (0F
- hex).
- To find the location of the routine value in the WHAT table, first
- determine the value of the character, e.g. ESCape is 27 (1B hex),
- and then add that to the location of the WHAT table (36C hex); or,
- 1B + 36C = 387 hex. Finally, use DEBUG to change the byte at that
- location (387 hex) from a 10 hex to a 0F hex.
- For example,
- debug list.com ; use appropriate file name
- -e 387 0f ; change ESC to routine 15
- -w ; old data is 10
- -q
- LIST User's Guide Page 59
- Modifying LIST.COM
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Table of Routines
- Value Key(s) Description of function performed
- ----- --------- ------------------------------------------
- 0 Error, undefined command
- 2 Alt-E Toggle EGA 43-line mode
- 3 Alt-F, G Get new filespec
- 4 Alt-J Toggle Junk filter
- 5 Alt-L Toggle pre-Load
- 6 Alt-T Toggle TABs expansion
- 7 Alt-W Toggle Split windows
- 8 Alt-X Exit to DOS, restore screen
- 9 U/up Position to previous line
- 10 END, B Position to end of file
- 11 F7 Change top/bottom line background color
- 12 F8 Change top/bottom line foreground color
- 13 Ctrl-HOME Position to specified line number
- 14 Alt-C Rewrite LIST.COM with new options
- 15 Q, Ctrl-PgDn Quit current file, display next file
- 16 ESC, F10 Exit to DOS
- 17 N, down Position to next line
- 18 X Exit to DOS, clear screen
- 19 Alt-H Toggle Hex display mode
- 20 8 Leave hi-bit
- 21 \, F Search for text, any case matches
- 22 F2 Change Find/Scan background color
- 23 F4 Change Find/Scan foreground color
- 24 Alt-M Toggle monitor rescan testing
- 25 K, Alt-K Toggle keyboard flush (type ahead)
- 26 Alt-G Invoke DOS command (shell)
- 27 L, left Scroll left 10 columns
- 28 - Position back by number of lines
- 29 enter Display next page
- 30 + Position forward by number of lines
- 31 P Print current screen or marked lines
- 32 F1 H ? Display Help screen
- 33 F3, A Search for next occurrence of text
- 34 R right Scroll display right 10 columns
- 35 Alt-R Display ruler marks on top line
- 36 /, S Search for text, same case
- 37 F9 Search for previous occurrence of text
- 38 Ctrl-left Reset scroll to column 1, full left
- 39 F5 Change normal line background color
- 40 F6 Change normal line foreground color
- 41 7 Strip hi-bit
- 42 Alt-S Toggle closing of files
- 43 * Toggle special * filter
- 44 Home, T Position to top of file
- Page 60 LIST User's Guide
- Modifying LIST.COM
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Table of Routines
- 45 B, up Position back one line
- 46 W Toggle display of wide lines
- 47 Alt-D Write marked lines, or found line, to a file
- 48 Alt-M Mark top line of display
- 49 Alt-U Unmark lines
- 50 Alt-B Mark bottom line of display
- LIST User's Guide Page 61
- Modifying LIST.COM
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Table of Routines
- Value Key(s) Description of function performed
- ----- --------- ------------------------------------------
- 51 Ctrl-pgup Display previous file
- 52 ^ Like Find but initiates search backwards
- 53 v Like Scan but initiates search backwards
- 54 Alt-N Toggle screen saving (Alt-X) function
- 55 C Toggle continuous scrolling
- 56 Alt-Y Bookmark, reposition to last "active" line
- 57 Alt-O Write marked lines to previous Alt-D file
- 58 Ctrl-F Sends formfeed control character to printer
- 59 Alt-A Continues text search across files
- 60 Ctrl-P Print the entire file
- 61 Alt-I Grab a filespec from the display
- 62 Alt-V File selection menu
- 63 ESCape Exit from Alt-V file menu
- 64 Alt-Z Toggle line 25 command line display format
- 65 Ctrl-V Switch display window
- 66 Ctrl-T Grab a telephone number and dial the modem
- 67 Ctrl-H Disconnect modem (hang up)
- 68 Ctrl-I Redefine Tab stop interval
- 69 Ctrl-Y Set new bookmark line number for recall
- 70 1 Restart displaying files with the first file
- *** 71 E ASCII or EBCDIC display mode
- *** 72 Ctrl-K Toggle display of line numbers on each line
- *** 73 Ctrl-B Set record size for fixed length records
- 74 Ctrl-right Scroll full right
- 75 O Toggle date format, US or European
- 76 Alt-Q Toggle quiet mode
- *** 77 Shift-F5 Change line number foreground
- *** 78 Shift-F6 Change line number background
- *** 79 Ctrl-O Toggle normal and condensed laser printer mode
- 80 % Toggle percent read and last line number display
- 81 Ctrl-L Toggle display of page breaks with form feed
- Note:
- *** indicates that the function is available in LIST Enhanced only
- Page 62 LIST User's Guide
- ARCE - Extract ARC File Utility
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ARCE Version 4.0g
- Description
- Use ARCE to extract files from an ARC archive file.
- Format
- The program name may be either ARCE or ARC-E.
- ARCE [d:][path]filename.ext [filespecs...] [d:outpath]
- [/R]
- [/Q]
- [/P]
- [/T]
- [/5]
- [/Gpassword]
- Parameters
- The drive and path names are optional. If omitted, the current
- drive and path name is used.
- The filename must be supplied. The extension defaults to ARC.
- All files matching the supplied filename are processed. The ARC
- filename may contain the * and ? wildcard characters.
- If no filespecs are supplied, all files are extracted.
- Otherwise, only those ARC members which match one of the up to
- 16 filespecs are extracted.
- The extracted files may be placed on another drive, and/or in
- another subdirectory by following the optional filespecs with a
- drive designator and/or path name.
- If the file being extracted already exists, you are asked
- whether or not you want to over-write it. You may use the | /R
- option to bypass this prompt. Use a Y followed by the | return
- key to over-write the file.
- Use the /Q option to suppress alarm sounds, beeps, and bells.
- Use the /P option to write the extracted files to the DOS
- standard output file. With /P, you may pipe or redirect the
- output. An initial line feed is added to the beginning of the
- output file.
- Use the /T option to test the archive's integrity. No files will
- be extracted.
- LIST User's Guide Page 63
- ARCE - Extract ARC File Utility
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ARCE Version 4.0g
- If the file was encrypted, use the /G option to supply the same
- password as was used to create the file, e.g. /GSECRET.
- Use the /5 option to stop ARCE from creating the subdirectories
- for files created with the ARC /Z subdirectory option.
- Page 64 LIST User's Guide
- ARCE - Extract ARC File Utility
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ARCE Examples
- o Extract all file from TEST.ARC onto the current drive:
- o Extract only file with an extension of .ASM from the archive
- SOURCE.ARC on drive B and in subdirectory SAVE:
- o Extract all files from all ARC files in the subdirectory
- called TEST on drive C:
- o Extract all files from PROGA.ARC and place the files in
- subdirectory OLD on drive B:
- o Extract all files with an extension of .COM and .EXE from the
- archive PROGS.ARC in directory NEW\WORK on drive B, and place
- the them in subdirectory SAVE\TEST on drive A; replace
- existing file:
- o Extract the file READ.ME from the archive GIZMO.ARC and
- display it on the console instead of writing it to a file:
- o Same as above, except pass the extracted READ.ME file to the
- LIST file viewer:
- LIST User's Guide Page 65
- ARCE - Extract ARC File Utility
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ARCE Messages
- 'filename - premature EOF reading '
- Data is missing from the archive file. The program is
- terminated.
- 'filename - unable to set file datestamp'
- The file datestamp is set to the current date and time, and the
- next archive member is processed.
- 'filename - WARNING: file CRC does not match!'
- The extracted member is left on the output disk, and the next
- archive member is processed. The file is probably invalid but
- is left on the disk for your examination.
- 'Invalid filespec(s)'
- The filespec syntax is incorrect. The filename part may be from
- 1 to eight characters, and may include the ? or * wildcard
- characters. The extension may be none to three characters, and
- may include wildcards. There is a maximum of 16 filespecs
- allowed. The program terminates.
- 'filename - file already exists. Overwrite it? (y/N) '
- The member being extracted already exists. If you are using a
- data path utility, the file may not actually be in the
- subdirectory be used for output. Respond with the letter Y to
- over-write the existing file, or respond with the letter N to
- skip this member and continue to the next.
- 'Abort: Stack overflow'
- The member being extracted has invalid data. The program is
- terminated.
- 'filename - invalid decode tree count'
- The member being extracted has invalid data. The program is
- Page 66 LIST User's Guide
- ARCE - Extract ARC File Utility
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ARCE Messages
- terminated.
- 'filename - new archive format 7 not yet supported'
- Format 7 is a special file compression method used internally by
- SEA, the authors of ARC. Processing continues with the next
- archive member.
- LIST User's Guide Page 67
- ARCE - Extract ARC File Utility
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ARCE Messages
- 'Unable to open archive > arcname'
- The specified ARC archive file was not found, or was
- inaccessible. The program terminates.
- 'CREATE failed > filename'
- There was insufficient directory space, or a failure accessing
- the output disk. The program terminates.
- 'Invalid archive format!'
- The archive file data is invalid. The program terminates.
- 'Incorrect DOS version'
- Version 2.0 or later of PC DOS must be used. The program
- terminates
- 'Not enough memory.'
- A minimum of 112k bytes of memory is required. The program
- terminates.
- 'I/O error reading from arcname'
- An incorrectable error occurred attempting to read data from the
- archive file. The program terminates.
- 'I/O error writing or disk full > filename'
- There was not enough disk space to write the complete archive
- member. The partially extracted file is scratched and the
- program terminates.
- 'No matching file(s) found'
- No archive files were found that matched the supplied filename
- specifications. The program terminates.
- Page 68 LIST User's Guide
- ARCE - Extract ARC File Utility
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ARCE Messages
- 'filename - ERROR: invalid file codes'
- An error was detected while attempting to decode a crunched
- file. Either some data bytes are invalid, there are extra
- bytes, or there are bytes missing. The archive is invalid.
- LIST User's Guide Page 69
- FV - Verbose Archive Directory Lister
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- FV - Version 1.45
- Description
- The purpose of FV is to display the names and attributes of files
- contained within archive files. Archive files may have the
- extensions of ARC, ARJ, ZIP, PAK, DWC, LZH, ZOO, LBR. FV can also
- process most self-extracting COM and EXE files created by archive
- utilities.
- LIST Plus executes FV in response to the ViewArc command. The output
- of FV which is normally displayed is written to a temporary file
- called FVFVFVFV.FV$ in the LIST or TEMP directory. If the ViewArc
- command fails, check to be sure that there is plenty of free disk
- space on the LIST or TEMP drive (see SET LIST), or on the current
- drive.
- Format
- FV [d:][path]filespec[.ext] [filespecs ... filespecs]
- [/p] [/b] [/w]
- [/r] [/c] [/x]
- [>outfile]
- Parameters
- If no operands are entered, a display of the program's command
- format is displayed.
- The drive and path are optional. The filespec may contain the
- wildcard characters * and ?. All archive files matching the file
- specification are processed.
- If the filespec extension is omitted, all known archive extensions
- are checked.
- The 'filespecs' operand limits the display to filenames within the
- archives which match this file specification. There may be up to
- eight 'filespecs'.
- Use the /p parameter to pause the display when the screen fills.
- Use the /b parameter to suppress the d:\path information in the
- display.
- Use the /w parameter to display member names only in a 5-up display.
- Use the /c parameter to display archive and file comments for ZIP
- Page 70 LIST User's Guide
- FV - Verbose Archive Directory Lister
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- FV - Version 1.45
- files.
- The /r redate option changes the archive file date to be the latest
- date of the files within the archive.
- The /x option converts a self-extracting (.EXE) file to a new archive
- file with the proper extension and format in the current directory.
- The date format for LU .LBR files varies. The format used by FV
- adheres to the LU86 standard.
- LIST User's Guide Page 71
- FV - Verbose Archive Directory Lister
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- FV Examples
- o Display the directory of the TEST.ARC file, in the current
- directory:
- o Display the directories of all archive files, but redirect
- the information to the file FV.DIR:
- FV * >FV.DIR
- o Print the directory of the file NUBIES.LZH in directory RTEST
- of drive A:
- o Display the entries of all .ZIP archive files which have the
- extension .DOC:
- FV *.ZIP *.DOC
- o Change the date of all archive files to be that of the latest
- file within the archive:
- FV * /R
- Page 72 LIST User's Guide
- Restrictions
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- o The LIST.COM program requires about 64K of memory. If more
- memory is available, it is used to store more of the file in
- memory. At least 80K is required to use the DOS shell, and 9K
- more is required if the screen saving option (on by default) is
- enabled.
- o The line number is currently limited to 16 million.
- o The file size is limited to 16 million bytes for ASCII files,
- and 4 million bytes for hex-dump files. Versions for larger
- files are available to licensed and registered users.
- o The review limit is 32 files for the regular and Plus versions.
- The bookmark limit is 10 entries.
- o PC DOS Version 2.0 or later is required. DOS version 3.0 or
- later is required for file sharing.
- o An OS/2 v1.2 version is available to licensed and registered users.
- o Hardware compatibility is required at the BIOS level
- o ANSI.SYS is NOT required.
- DesqView, TopView, Double DOS, PCED, and IBM are all
- copyrighted, trademarked, and all that.
- LIST User's Guide Page 73
- Registration
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- The shareware (unregistered) versio of LIST Plus does not support
- network drives. The registered and licensed versions do.
- The registered version of LIST Plus is $37 plus appropriate postage;
- e.g. $3 in the U.S. You may also register via CompuServe in the SWREG
- forum by ordering ID 417. You will be sent a disk with the latest version,
- including the LISTOPT customization program, notification of updates,
- and a printed manual. The OS/2 version is available only to registered
- or licensed users. Please make checks payable in U.S. dollars to
- Vernon D. Buerg. Canadian and non-U.S. checks require excessive bank
- charges.
- The commercial (retail) program LIST Enhanced is $99 plus shipping and
- may NOT be copied or distributed. See the file PROGRAMS for details.
- The above products may be ordered by sending check, money or credit card
- information with the "Mailer" included with this file to:
- Buerg Software
- 139 White Oak Circle
- Petaluma, CA 94952
- or you may order with a credit card by phone at (707) 778-1811 from
- 10 am to 7 pm Pacific time, Monday through Friday.
- For use by corporations and other institutions, please contact me
- for a licensing arrangement. More information is supplied in the
- file LICENSE. Customizing and other special licensing are available
- upon request. Purchase orders and invoicing are acceptable.
- Page 74 LIST User's Guide
- Copyright/License/Warranty
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- This document and the program files LIST.COM, LISTS.COM, and
- LISTR.COM ("the software") are copyrighted by the author. The
- copyright owner hereby licenses you to use the software given these
- restrictions:
- o the program shall be supplied in its original, unmodified
- form, which includes this documentation;
- o for-profit use without a license is prohibited;
- o the program may not be included - or bundled - with other
- goods or services. Exceptions may be granted upon written
- request only.
- o no fee is charged; an exception is granted to not for
- profit user's groups, which are permitted to charge a small
- fee (not to exceed $5) for materials, handling, postage,
- and general overhead. No other organization is permitted
- to charge any amount for distribution of copies of the
- software or documentation, or to include copies of the
- software or documentation with sales of their own products.
- There is no warranty of any kind. The copyright owner may not be
- held liable for any damages, including any lost profits or other
- incidental or consequential damages arising out of or inability to
- use the software. By using the software, you agree to this.
- The software and documentation are:
- Copyright (C) 1983-1993 by
- Vernon D. Buerg
- 139 White Oak Circle
- Petaluma, CA 94952
- Data: (707) 778-8944 VOR 24-hour bulletin board
- - or - (707) 778-8841 MB 24-hour bulletin board
- Voice: (707) 778-1811 10am to 5pm Pacific time
- FAX: (707) 778-8728 For orders only
- Compuserve: 70007,1212 Go IBMSYS
- Online registration: GO SWREG
- specify ID 417
- LIST User's Guide Page 75
- Index-1 LIST User's Guide
- __________________________________________________________________________
- /*,command line,star filter .. 9, 54
- /4,command line,43/50 line mod 9
- /7,command line,7-bit option . 9, 54
- /8,command line,8-bit option . 9
- /B,command line,use BIOS ..... 9, 70
- /D,command line,file menu .... 9
- /E,command line,end of file .. 9
- /Ftext,command line,find text 11
- /H,command line,hex option ... 10
- /J,command line,junk filter .. 9, 11
- /K,command line,disable mouse 9, 10
- /L,command line,preload option 10
- /Q,command line,quiet mode ... 9, 40, 57, 63
- /S,command line,piping option 9, 12, 65
- /Ttext,command line,scan text 11
- /V,command line,verify mode .. 9, 57
- /W,command line,wrap option .. 9, 11, 70
- Alt-A,find text again ........ 26, 27, 51, 62
- Alt-B,mark bottom line ....... 20, 28, 51, 61
- Alt-C,clone new LIST.COM ..... 33, 38, 51, 53, 54, 60
- Alt-D,Write marked lines ..... 28, 29, 51, 61, 62
- Alt-E,toggle 25/43 lines ..... 5, 14, 51, 60
- Alt-F,enter new filename ..... 31, 32, 47, 51, 60
- Alt-G,go to DOS .............. 4, 35, 51, 56, 60
- Alt-H,toggle hex display ..... 16, 22, 24, 51, 54, 60
- Alt-I,insert filename ........ 4, 31, 32, 44, 51, 62
- Alt-J,toggle junk filter ..... 23, 24, 27, 28, 51, 54, 60
- Alt-K,toggle key ahead ....... 13, 60
- Alt-L,toggle file preloading . 20, 51, 54, 60
- Alt-M,mark top line .......... 20, 28, 51, 60, 61
- Alt-N,toggle screen saving ... 36, 51, 54, 62
- Alt-O,write marked lines ..... 28, 29, 51, 62
- Alt-P,print marked lines ..... 28, 30
- Alt-Q,toggle quiet mode ...... 9, 62
- Alt-R,toggle ruler display ... 16, 51, 54, 60
- Alt-S,toggle file sharing .... 27, 35, 51, 54, 60
- Alt-T,toggle TAB expansion ... 24, 27, 51, 54, 60
- Alt-U,unmark lines ........... 29, 51, 61
- Alt-V,Change Directories ..... 4, 31, 32, 39, 51, 54, 57, 62
- Alt-W,freeze top window ...... 4, 24, 33, 39, 51, 60
- Alt-X,exit to DOS ............ 4, 13, 28, 31, 35, 38, 51, 52, 54, 59, 60
- 62
- Alt-Y,reposition to last line 20, 21, 52, 62
- Alt-Z,Toggle command line .... 16, 17, 38, 52, 62
- LIST User's Guide Index-2
- __________________________________________________________________________
- ARCE,Archive extract utility . 12, 44, 63, 64, 65
- archive,files ................ 5, 43, 44, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
- 72
- Attribute display/change ..... 43
- Bookmark,recall position ..... 20, 21, 50, 52, 62, 73
- bulletin board,support ....... 75
- Changing Directories ......... 39
- Cloning ...................... 19, 35, 36, 53, 54, 56
- COLOR.PAT,DEBUG script ....... 58
- Colors ....................... 5, 12, 25, 33, 37, 53, 54, 56, 58
- Command line syntax .......... 9
- Command line,option switches . 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, 31, 37, 38
- 52, 53, 59, 62
- Configuring LIST ............. 19, 36
- Continuous,scrolling ......... 18, 19, 47, 57, 62
- Copy file .................... 39
- Ctrl-A,Full left scroll ...... 49, 59
- Ctrl-C,Next page ............. 49
- Ctrl-D,Scroll right .......... 34, 49
- Ctrl-E,Previous line ......... 49
- Ctrl-F,Send printer formfeed . 30, 49, 62
- Ctrl-HOME,Position to a line . 20, 38, 49, 60
- Ctrl-H,Hang up phone ......... 34, 49, 62
- Ctrl-I,Define TAB interval ... 24, 54, 62
- Ctrl-left,Position to column 1 49, 60
- Ctrl-L,Pagebreak separators .. 49, 62
- Ctrl-N,Next file ............. 49
- ctrl-O,Output mode ........... 49, 62
- Ctrl-PgDn,Show next file ..... 31, 32, 49, 60
- Ctrl-PgUp,Show previous file . 31, 32, 49, 62
- Ctrl-P,Print entire file ..... 3, 30, 49, 57, 62
- Ctrl-right,Scroll full right . 49, 62
- Ctrl-R,Previous page ......... 49
- Ctrl-S,Scroll left ........... 49
- Ctrl-T,Dial telephone ........ 4, 34, 49, 62
- Ctrl-U,Previous file ......... 49
- Ctrl-V,Switch windows ........ 33, 49, 62
- Ctrl-W,Previous line ......... 49
- Ctrl-X,Next line ............. 50
- Ctrl-Y,Set bookmark .......... 20, 21, 50, 62
- DEBUG,changing options ....... 24, 35, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59
- Delete file .................. 39
- Description .................. 63, 70
- DIALER.PAT,DEBUG script ...... 34, 57
- Index-3 LIST User's Guide
- __________________________________________________________________________
- DOS Filters .................. 6
- DOS Pipes .................... 8
- DOS Redirection .............. 6
- Edit file .................... 39
- Entering Commands ............ 13
- Environment,DOS .............. 27, 44, 57
- Exit to DOS .................. 45, 47, 60
- F- function keys ............. 45
- F10,Exit to DOS .............. 13, 31, 38, 45, 60
- F1,Display Help .............. 38, 45, 59, 60
- F2,Find background color ..... 45, 53, 54, 60
- F3,Find next ................. 26, 27, 38, 45, 60
- F4,Find foreground color ..... 45, 53, 54, 60
- F5,Text background color ..... 37, 45, 53, 54, 60, 62
- F6,Text foreground color ..... 37, 45, 53, 54, 60, 62
- F7,Status background color ... 37, 45, 53, 54, 55, 60
- F8,Status foreground color ... 34, 37, 45, 46, 53, 55, 60
- F9,Find previous ............. 26, 27, 45, 60
- File Sharing ................. 35, 51, 54, 73
- Filtering .................... 2, 8, 12, 22, 24, 56
- Find,text .................... 8, 17, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 41, 45
- 47, 48, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 74
- Format ....................... 63, 67, 68, 70, 71
- FV,archive directory viewer .. 44, 70, 71, 72
- Hex dump,display mode ........ 10, 16, 18, 22, 24, 54
- Hi-bit,filter usage .......... 23, 24, 56, 60
- Installation ................. 2
- Invoke file .................. 41
- Invoking DOS Commands ........ 35
- Junk,filter usage ............ 9, 11, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 51, 54, 56, 60
- License,information .......... 74, 75
- LIST Enhanced ................ 5, 62, 74
- List file .................... 39, 65
- LIST Plus offsets ............ 57
- LISTOPT,customization program 30, 34, 37, 56, 74
- Mouse,cursor control ......... 4, 10
- Move file .................... 41
- Movement Keys ................ 38
- OS/2,special version ......... 4, 73, 74
- Parameters ................... 63, 70
- Path changing ................ 41
- Piped,files .................. 9, 12, 31
- Piping ....................... 2, 8, 12
- Printing the manual .......... 3
- LIST User's Guide Index-4
- __________________________________________________________________________
- Print,files or lines ......... 3, 5, 12, 18, 28, 30, 49, 60, 62, 72
- Redirection .................. 2, 3, 6, 8, 12
- Rename ....................... 41
- Scan,for text ................ 17, 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 34, 45, 47, 48, 53
- 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 62
- Screen saving,option ......... 4, 13, 35, 36, 51, 54, 62, 73
- Scrolling .................... 19, 47, 62
- Shell,to DOS ................. 5, 60, 73
- Sort filenames ............... 41
- Star,filter usage ............ 9, 22, 23, 24, 27, 37, 48
- Status Line Format ........... 14
- Switches,command line ........ 9, 11, 52
- TAB,control character ........ 18, 22, 24, 51, 54, 57, 62
- ViewArc ...................... 44, 70
- Warning,regarding LIST PLUS .. 3
- Wrap,filter .................. 5, 9, 11, 18, 20, 23, 24, 47, 54, 56