Chip: Special Survival Kit
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Text File
1,107 lines
│ │
│ GS-Menu (R) Release 3.36a │
│ (C) 1989 - 1993 │
│ │
│ Shareware - Made in Germany ! │
│ │
│ Programme Documentation │
│ │
│ Translation by Hennig Bardenwerper │
Gandke & Schubert - Computerprograms
P. O. Box 200 429
D-41204 Mönchengladbach
Telefon: (0 21 66) 94 80-0
9.00 AM - 5.00 PM
(On Fridays - 4.00 PM)
Telefax: (0 21 66) 61 20 37
Mailbox: (0 21 66) 94 80-50
│ Table of Contents │
1. System Requirements
2. General Introduction
(3. Virus Protection)
4. Hard Disk Installation
5. Operating the Menu System
6. The Menu Batch File
(a) What is a batch file?
(b) Structure of menu batch file
(c) Menu windows (*)
(d) Menu options (#)
(e) Direct actions on selection
(f) Branching to a submenu (%)
(g) Inserting program parameters ($)
(h) Password protection for individual options (?)
(i) <F1> Help text for individual menu options (!)
(j) Remarks within the Batch File
7. Creating and editing a menu batch file
8. Loading the menu automatically at start time
9. The ALT-Functions
(a) ALT + V Moving windows
(b) ALT + I Miscellaneous settings
- Screen colours
- Shadows
- Time lock
- Dark screen
- Language
- Save settings
(c) ALT + P Enter/change system password
10. Additional Tips
(a) Shelling to DOS
(b) Renaming EXAMPLE.MEN
(c) Enforcing a monochrome display
(d) Password before leaving the menu
(e) Calling GS-Menü by PATH
(f) Environment Variables MENUTMP and MENUSYS
11. Network (LAN) Installation, switching off <CTRL>+<C> and
12. Provisions/restrictions of GS-MENU
13. Restrictions of shareware version
14. As often as possible .....
15. User registration
16. Price of registered version
17. How you do it
18. One last remark .....
│ 1. System Requirements │
PC/MS-DOS (at least Version 3.00)
512 KB Main Memory
Hard Disk
│ 2. General Introduction │
GS-Menu will provide you with an equally comfortable and
simple user interface for your Personal Computer. By
selecting a menu option using the <ARROW KEYS>, the
<SPACEBAR> or the first letter of the option and by
confirming your selection by pressing <RETURN/ENTER> you
can easily call all your numerous application programs.
After leaving an application you will automatically find
yourself back on the menu surface.
These functions will also work with a serial MS-Mouse (or
Contrary to most other menu systems, which can be tough on
your computer's RAM, this one, as a rule, will only take up
80 (EIGHTY!!!) Bytes of memory. In other words: even very
memory-hungry applications can be integrated in the menu.
In order to set up the menu system you will need at least
some basic knowledge about your operating system, as you
will be working entirely with DOS commands. Insofar we have
to refer you to your DOS manual or to other literature on
the subject. Generally, very few commands will be
sufficient. We suggest that you familiarise yourself with
the following:
- MD (MKDIR) Create a new directory
- CD (CHDIR) Change to an existing directory
- DIR Show contents of drive/directory
- COPY Copy files
You should also be familiar with the following subjects:
- directory structure under PC/MS-DOS,
- files under PC/MS-DOS (in particular those with
extensions ".EXE". ".COM" and ".BAT"),
- calling programs under PC/MS-DOS,
- keyboard settings of your computer (refer to manual) and
- the start file "AUTOEXEC.BAT"
Of particular interest (and important in this context) are
the functions of so-called batch files which carry out DOS
commands sequentially (in a batch). All DOS commands which
can be executed form within a batch file will be carried out
by GS-Menu without difficulties.
If you know the operating system of your computer to this
extent, you will have no problems whatsoever in setting up
and maintaining your own individual menu system.
│ 3. Virus Protection │
Some Versions of GS-Menu used to check the length of the
file "MENU.EXE" whenever it was started. By using LZEXE for
compression that isn't possible any more, as the virus check
(and the whole program) would not work if it is infected
If GS-Menu doesn't start the reason might be a virus!
│ 4. Installation the Programme on a Hard Disk │
Since the program, including this documentation, fits on 360
KB diskette there was no need to have it compressed. The
usual installation procedure is, therefore, not necessary.
All you have to do is to copy the contents of the diskette
to a new sub- directory on your hard disk. Should you have
worked with an older version of GS-MENU already, make a
safety copy of your old menu batch file and then delete all
files in this directory.
To install GS-MENU take the following steps:
1. Create a new directory, e.g.:
C:\> md gsmenu
2. Change to the new directory:
C:\> cd gsmenu
3. Copy the diskette to the new directory:
C:\GSMENU> copy a:*.*
That was it! The installation on a network is identical.
However, a special environment variable must exist for every
workstation (see section 11 below.)
│ 5. Operating the Menu System │
To load the program you must specify the name of the menu
batch file as a parameter. This batch file, as discussed
earlier on, contains commands which control further
C:\GSMENU> gsmenu example.men
"EXAMPLE.MEN" is the name of a sample file supplied by us.
You can (should) rename it and change it according to your
own needs or create a new batch file and use the new name as
the parameter.
On the diskette you also find a batch file called "ENCODE.
MEN". It's the same file as "EXAMPLE.MEN" but has been
encoded by a special program available as an utility for
GS-Menu. That is useful if you want to be sure that nobody
finds out your passwords in the ASCII-Batch-File.
Try using the menu system. Move the selection bar by
pressing the <ARROW KEYS> or the <SPACEBAR>. Confirm your
selection by pressing <ENTER/RETURN>. When you are in a
submenu you can leave it by pressing <ESC>. The main menu is
ended by pressing <ESC>. <ARROW KEYS> in this context are
<ARROW Dn>, <ARROW Up>, <PgDn> and <PgUp>. If you enter a
letter the selection bar will move to the next option that
begins with this letter. If there is only one option which
begins with that letter it will be immediately executed.
If you are using a mouse the left key equals <RETURN>, the
right one equals <ESC>.
Now select the option "Adjust menu system" in the main
menu. The options offered by the submenu will enable you to
adjust the menu system to your own individual needs.
The option "Edit menu batch file" will load the file
EXAMPLE.MEN into the editor GS-EDIT so that you can change
it (see more detailed explanations under section 6). Be
careful: if you insert to many "wild" changes the menu can
get totally haywire. In such a case you will have to
restart it.
The option "View documentation" will allow you to view the
file DOC.TXT (this text).
If you wish to print this documentation select the option
"Print documentation". Make sure your printer is ready and
that there is a sufficient supply of paper (20 to 25 pages).
We hope that you will be satisfied with the program. Should
you intend to use it on a regular basis the two following
options will give you information on how to become a
registered user and on other programs available from this
│ 6. The Menu Batch File │
We will now use the file EXAMPLE.MEN to explain the
functions of the menu system.
(a) What is a batch file?
A batch file is a normal text file containing a sequence of
commands lines which will tell the menu system what it is
supposed to do. There are two main categories of commands:
- The first category are internal menu system commands
like calls for submenus, options, on-screen position of
menu windows etc.
- The second category are operating system (DOS) commands
like changing directories, loading application programs
etc. The menu system will make the operating system carry
out these commands as if they had been entered at the DOS
command line.
Print the EXAMPLE.MEN batch file by selecting the relevant
option in the main menu. You should then read this part of
the documentation very carefully with the print-out of the
batch file in front of you. You will quickly realise how
easy it is to understand the functions of the program. You
will even develop your own ideas on the directory structure
of your hard disk.
(b) Structure of a menu batch file
Here's an example:
*Main Menu (20,8)
#System ^Commands
%System Commands
#^Edit Menu System
%Edit Menu System
#P^rint Menu Batch File
type example.men > prn
Each line of the batch file contains a command which
defines the subsequent actions. These are mainly the
Menu windows (preceded by a "*") which represent a complete
window with different options.
Menu options (preceded by a "#") which will start an action
of some kind. Pre-defined Hotkey of each option is the first
letter of it. You can use a "^" to define a different
Calls for submenus (preceded by a "%") which will open yet
another window when selected.
Normal commands as in MS-DOS batch files to start programs
or carry out DOS commands.
Additional commands for the menu system, e.g. program
parameters, password protection, help text, widow positions
To improve the visual structure of your batch file you can
insert indentations and blank lines. Please be aware that
the menu system differentiates between lower and upper case
letters in calls for menu windows.
(c) Menu windows (*)
Each menu window is preceded by an asterisk (*). The text
following the asterisk represents the window header and
must be absolutely identical to the text following the "%"
character which calls this submenu from the previous window.
When the menu system is loaded the program automatically
searches for the first asterisk in the batch file. Make
sure, therefore, that your main menu is located at the
beginning of the batch file, e.g.
*Main Menu (20,8)
The numbers in brackets define the screen position of the
upper left corner of the menu window. The first number
represents the horizontal X value, the second is the
vertical Y value. Don't worry too much about these
coordinates. You can adjust the position of the window
easily on-screen using the <ARROW KEYS> (see section 9).
(d) Menu options (#)
Menu options are preceded by the "#" character.
#Applications <- 1st option
#Utilities <- 2nd option
#- <- dividing line
#System Commands <- 3rd option
These are the options that you see on the screen.
The maximum number of options per window is 18 (these would
fill the screen from top to bottom).
"-" instead of text shows a dividing line.
(e) Direct actions on selection
On the line immediately below the individual option you can
enter the actions that your computer shall carry out if this
option is selected.
#Print Menu Batch File
type example.men > prn
You can enter commands which will be carried out
immediately. There is no need to enter any commands to make
the program return to the menu system after carrying out the
commands, this is done automatically.
#Show Floppy Disc Contents
dir a: /p /w
echo. <- echo. yields a blank line
(f) Branching to a submenu (%)
Instead of commands to be processed directly you can also
enter a command which will make the program branch to a
submenu (i.e. open a new window).
#Utilities <- Main menu option
%Utilities <- Submenu to be loaded
Every call for a submenu must be preceded by a "%"
character. The options in this new window could then look
like this:
*Utilities (32,11)
#Norton Tools
A maximum number of 15 windows (submenus) can be opened on
the screen at the same time.
(g) Many programs (e.g. word processors) can be loaded
with certain parameters. Have a look at the option
"Word Processing" in the menu batch file: #Word
Processing $Textname: gsedit $
The program will interpret the "$" character at the
beginning of the command line as a command to open an
additional window where parameters can be entered. In this
case enter the name of the batch file EXAMPLE.MEN and
confirm by pressing <ENTER>.
You see, don't you? This entry has the same effect as the
menu option "Edit Menu Batch File":
#Edit Menu Batch File
gsedit example.men
Wherever you enter the control code "$" after a command in
the menu batch file it will be replaced by the entry you
made in the parameter window when the command is executed.
If you want to enter more than one parameter, simply enter
them one after the other into the parameter window.
Obviously, the command which opens the parameter window has
to be located before the command which loads the program.
If you want to use single parameters at different places of
the batch file just use the parameters "$0" to "$9".
Enter Options:
Option1 Option2 Option3 <- Your Input
While "$" contains the whole line of your input "Option1
Option2 ..." "$0" represents "Option1", "$1" "Option2" ...
(h) Password protection for individual menu options (?)
If you want to protect individual menu options by an
additional password you must insert this in the batch file
on the line following the line that contains the option (#)
#System Commands
?Secret <- your special Password
%System Commands
GS-MENU interprets the question mark as a command to open
another window which will prompt you to enter the password,
i.e. "Secret" in this particular case. The name of the
protected menu option will also be displayed to avoid any
confusion with the general system password (see section
If you are using a combination of password and parameter
entries the "$" parameter line must follow the "?" password
(i) Help text with <F1> for individual menu options
For every menu option you can insert a detailed help text
which can be displayed by pressing <F1> if the cursor is
positioned on the relevant option.
#System Commands
?Secret <- your special password
!The system commands enable you to work on the
!level of the operating system of your computer
!and require profound knowledge of the system.
!An inexperienced user can easily damage essential
!This option is therefore protected by a password.
!(The password is "Secret" but don't tell anybody.
%System Commands
Each line of the help text has to begin with an exclamation
mark. As these text lines can be placed anywhere within the
block relating to the individual option the can also be
"misused" as comments to individual commands. The help
screen will display all lines as one connected block of
(j) Remarks within the Batch File
Lines beginning with "REM" (Remark) will be ignored
by GS-Menü.
│ 7. Creating and Editing a Menu Batch File │
A batch file can be created and edited with every word
processor or editor which is capable of saving text in ASCII
format. To spare you the trouble of having to use the MS-DOS
editor EDLIN we have also supplied you with the program
GSEDIT. It is automatically loaded by the menu batch file
as soon as the option "Edit Menu Batch File" is selected.
If you are working on DOS level enter
C:\GSMENU> gsedit <filename>
Editor Commands:
<ESC> Cancel editing
<Ctrl-Y> Delete line
<Ctrl-PgUp> Begin of text
<Ctrl-PgDn> End of text
<HOME> Begin of line
<END> End of line
as well as <ARROW KEYS>, <DEL> and Backspace. At the bottom
right corner of the screen you will find an indication
whether you are in INSERT or OVERWRITE mode. You can toggle
this mode by pressing the <INSERT> key.
The command
C:\GSMENU> gsmenu example.men
will load the menu batch file into the editor.
Make only a few changes at first and test them. For a
better visual overview it is recommended to separate the
individual submenus by at least one blank line and insert
the appropriate indentations as shown in the example.
Load the menu system by entering "gsmenu example.men" at
the DOS prompt and see the results of your changes.
│ 8. Loading GS-MENU automatically at start time │
If you are satisfied with your menu batch file you should
rename EXAMPLE.MEN to something like MYMENU.MEN. You should
then include a command in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file located in
your root directory which loads the menu automatically every
time you start your computer. The changed file should look
similar to this:
keyb gr
gsmenu mymenu.men
Like your menu batch file you can edit AUTOEXEC.BAT with
the editor GSEDIT. The commands to change to the directory
GSMENU and to load the menu system must be the last commands
in this file.
Batch files cannot be loaded directly from the menu because
the menu system itself is such a batch file. One batch file
cannot call another without interrupting the chain of
commands in the calling file.
Under MS/PC-DOS 3.3 and higher versions batch files can be
loaded directly with the command CALL.
Example (DOS 3.3 and higher):
*Batch Files (7,7)
#Word Processing
cd\ batch
call txtbatch.bat
Under older versions of MS/PC-DOS you have to load a "copy"
of COMMAND.COM which will reduce the available memory by
about 4 KB.
Example (DOS 3.2 and lower):
*Batch Files (7,7)
#Word Processing
cd\ batch
command /c txtbatch.bat
The easiest way around this problem would be to include the
commands in your menu batch file.
│ 9. The ALT-Functions │
Some functions which do not have to be made public to every
user of your computer we have assigned to ALT key
(a) <ALT-V> Moving a window
Pressing <ALT> and <V> simultaneously will get you into
"MOVE" mode. You can now move the active window to any
position on the screen by using the arrow keys or the mouse.
Pressing <RETURN> will confirm the present position and the
batch file is automatically changed. Play around with this
function for a while, we had our fun, too, doing this.
If the Menu-Batch-File is encrypted it's impossible to move
(b) <ALT-I> Miscellaneous settings
- Colour settings
Use the arrowkeys to select an option from the left window
and confirm with <RETURN>. The options are the following:
Color - Background
- Window
- Selection
- Header and Footer
The bottom line will display the present colour combination:
Foreground - Background
<PgUp> and <PgDn> will change the background colour, <Arrow
Up> and <Arrow Dn> will change the foreground. You cannot
change the background to the same colour as the foreground
of course. When you have found a new combination that you
like confirm with <RETURN>. <ESC> will cancel your changes.
- Shadow ON or OFF
The tick after the option (√) indicates that the shadow is
displayed. You can switch it off and on by pressing
- Set time lock (Seconds till password)
If you have set a system password (see (c) below) you can
enter here if and when it shall be requested if no key was
pressed for a specified time. (This can be quite useful if
you have leave your computer and you want to keep
unauthorised persons out of your system.
If you enter "0" (default) no password will be requested.
Any larger number means that the password will be requested
after the corresponding number of seconds. Don't enter the
number "1", please. You would have to have pretty good
reactions to be able to change this again.
- Set dark screen switch (Seconds till dark screen)
If the menu display is frequently kept on the screen of
your monitor for long periods of time it will very slowly
"burn" itself onto the screen mask. To avoid this the
display can be switched off if no key is pressed during a
number of seconds which you can specify here. The only
thing you will see then is a box appearing in different
positions on the screen which will prompt you to press any
key to switch the display of the menu back on. As with the
time lock you can disable this function by setting the
number of seconds to "0".
- Dark-screen-box
If you find the jumping box in dark screen mode annoying
you can switch it off by pressing <RETURN> at this option.
The tick (√) indicates that the switch is set to ON.
- Select language
Lets you select if menu text shall be displayed in
English, German or Italian.
- Save settings
Your settings are saved and the menu is re-activated.
Pressing <ESC> at any time will cause all changes to be
discarded. In other words: you can play around with the
settings as long as you like as long as you don't save
(c) <ALT-P> Set/change system password
You can enter a general system password here. If a password
exists already you have to enter it first.
The system password will be requested every time you start
or leave the menu system. I you have set a time lock this
will also activate the request (see above).
Another option is the <F10> key. If you press this key the
program will also request the password. This may come in
useful if you have to leave your computer alone and you want
to protect it against unauthorised access.
IMPORTANT: The password does not offer a one hundred percent
foolproof protection. There is no absolute
guarantee that nobody else will be able to
access your data.
Do not forget your password. If you do you will
not be able to access your own programs.
I you can't think of anything else to use as a
password but the name of your wife, your
girlfriend or your dachshund (nobody will ever
guess that!) you should at least mix lower and
upper case letters.
│ 10. Additional Tips │
(a) Shelling to DOS
To be able to work on DOS level you should integrate a
command to load the DOS command processor COMMAND.COM (see
above). After loading COMMAND.COM and working on that level
you can return to the menu by typing "EXIT".
#Exit to DOS
?PaSsWoRd <- your special password
echo Type EXIT to return to the menu
In this example the prompt is modified and, after leaving
the DOS level,changed again to its initial form so that you
won't forget the menu in the background.
(b) Renaming EXAMPLE.MEN
After tailoring your own menu batch file you should rename
EXAMPLE.MEN to prevent it from being overwritten by a
re-installation of GS-MENU (see section 4).
(c) Enforcing a monochrome display
Some computers are equipped with a colour graphics card
although they only have a monochrome screen, e.g. many
laptops. The program will automatically recognise the
existence of such a colour card and attempt to produce a
colour display which may lead to strange results on the
screen. In such cases you can enter "sw" as an additional
parameter when you load the program (sw = short for
"schwarz-weiss" = German for black and white).
C:\GSMENU> gsmenu example.men sw
This will disable the automatic recognition of the colour
card and enforce a proper black and white display.
(d) Password before leaving the menu
If you are using a system password and would like to
prevent that the menu system can be started and left with
the same password you can enter a special password in the
first line of your batch file which will only be requested
when you leave the menu, e.g.:
?DOSexit <- Password for leaving the menu on the
first line
*Main Menu (20,8)
#System Commands
%System Commands
This has the advantage that, although your secretary can
activate the password protected menu system every morning,
she cannot access the operating system. It will also
prevent you from accidentally throwing out the menu system
by pressing <ESC> while the main menu is active. The
computer may be switched off without any problems while the
menu is active.
(e) Calling GS-Menu by PATH
GS-Menu can be called by DOS-PATH: You needn't change to the
Menu-Directory to start it.
Write the directory of GS-Menu to the PATH defined in your
NOTE: Sometimes other directorys also contain an executable
file called "MENU". If such a directory is in the
PATH-definition before the directory of GS-Menu the
wrong MENU.EXE will be called and that will cause
(f) Environment Variables MENUTMP and MENUSYS
As default GS-Menü uses it's own directory for temporary
and configuration-files.
You can define other directorys by setting the environment-
variables MENUTMP (temporary) and MENUSYS (configuration
SET MENUTMP=h:\gsmenu\tmp\
SET MENUSYS=h:\gsmenu\tmp\
Please don't forget the backslash "\" at the end!
│ 11. Network (LAN) Installation │
If you own a version of the program which is capable of
being installed in a network (even the shareware version
can be installed in network - for testing only!) GS-MENU can
be loaded from all workstations if it is installed in a
directory on the server. Theoretically the menu can be
loaded 45,656 times at the same time.
To tell the program which computer it is being run on you
should assign a number to each workstation. This number is
located in the environment variable and should be assigned
Example for a single workstation:
cd\ gsmenu
gsmenu overall.men
Please note that each workstation number may only be used
once. The variable GSMENU can have a maximum length of three
characters (alpha characters and numbers only!) Longer
values will cause the menu to crash.
The environment variable GSMENU may only be defined in a
program version which is capable of being run in a network.
You will recognise such a version by the fact that it will
not crash if the environment variable is defined.
........Got it?........
<CTRL>+<C> and <CTRL>+<BREAK> are switched off if you call
the resident program CTRLC.COM. ATTENTION: If you are using
a very old AT or a XT CTRLC.COM doesn't work!
│ 12. External Password Protection │
Some users of this program have got "Top-Secret-Programs"
which are protected by a special program asking for
passwords. GS-Menu can be told to use that passwords instead
of the ones defined in Batch-File and with <ALT+P>:
Define an environmental variable called MENUPASS:
C:\GSMENU> SET MENUPASS=cls;dir;backup c:*.* a:;
This variable contains the names of three programs,
seperated and ended by ";"
The first one of these programs is called when you start
The second one when you press <F10> or the time limitation
gets active.
On leaving the menu the last one is called.
│ 13. Provisions/Limitations of GS-Menu │
- Size of menu batch file up to 64 KB
- Up to 18 options per menu window (full screen)
- Up to 15 windows open at the same time
- Any number of commands under each option
- Runs in a network (up to 46,656 workstations)
- Mouse support
│ 14. Limitations of the Shareware Version │
- NONE (you are only prompted to get registered)
- Shareware version can be run in a network
│ 15. As often as possible │
You may copy and pass on the shareware version as often as
you please. (For the full version this is only valid if you
are a licensed dealer!!!)
If you only own the full version and would like to pass it
on you can convert it into a shareware version by deleting
the file KUNDE which tells the menu that this is a full
Other changes to the diskette, to the size of the diskette
or to the programs may only be made if you have obtained our
written agreement first.
│ 16. User Registration │
Every author tends to believe that he has written a great
In most cases this is probably true but as a user with your
own individual set of problems you would of course like to
know if this marvellous software can cope with your specific
We also believe that you are entitled to expect value for
money and we will happily accept such comparison.
We offer you the shareware version of GS-MENU without any
limitations because we believe that limited versions are not
If you should intend to continue using our program after
testing it thoroughly because you like its features you can
buy the full version at a SUPERCHEAP PRICE.
│ 17. Price of the Full Version │
You can get your registration as a licensed user for the
newest full version of GS-MENU for a mere DM 29.00 (Network
version DM 59.00). You will receive the program immediately
after registration. Not only will you relieve your
conscience with a registered version, you will also get rid
of our registration screen which tends to get on some
peoples' nerves after a while. You will also help us to
develop and market further improved versions of the program.
A dealer's version with your name and address or advert on
the bottom line of the screen can be obtained for DM 198.00
(network version DM 398.00). It may be copied and passed on
(but not sold) as often as you like. Please inform us what
the menu shall display at the bottom line. There are 78
characters at your disposal.
[......................... 78 Zeichen .....................]
For DM 98,00 you get a program for encrypting your menu
batch files so that it becomes very difficult to find out
your passwords.
│ 18. How you do it │
How do you obtain your registered full version?
Print the file FORMULAR.TXT, e.g.
C:\GSMENU> type formular.txt >prn
or call the relevant menu option.
You will get an empty registration form which you can fill
in and send to us. For a dealer's version we also need the
78 character advert line.
Add-on charges:
Pre-paid delivery (WITHIN GERMANY ONLY)
-> DM 5.00 postage and packaging
Cash on delivery (GERMANY)
-> DM 9.50 postage and packaging
-> DM 35.00 postage and packaging
Please don't forget to specify your exact address and a
telephone number where you can be reached during the day.
│ 19. One last remark │
A good and proven software product is not only defined by
the programr but also by the requirements of the market.
You as a user represent the market. It will always be a
problem for any programr to write good and effective
software if he does not know the user's requirements.
Programmes should, therefore, always be developed in close
cooperation between users and programrs. Only then it can
be ensured that the software will meet the users'
requirements. This program is the result of such fruitful
cooperation. But nevertheless ......
...... please try and find out if you can think of
anything which might (should) further improve the program
and which functions you would like us to add. Let us know
about your proposals and if they make sense we will include
them in further updates.
We are prepared to listen to your individual problems
because that is what helps us in writing useful and
meaningful software that can compete on the market.
Give us your assistance! Write to us! Give us a ring!
NOTE: MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
PC-DOS is a registered trademark of IBM Corp.
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