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- DIET version 1.44
- ------ by Teddy Matsumoto ---------
- *******************************************
- 1.0. OVERVIEW.
- DIET.EXE reduces the disk-storage space that executable and data
- files need WITHOUT giving up immediate access to such files.
- DIET is a Freeware Program.
- (a) When DIET compresses an EXECUTABLE file (.EXE or .COM),
- it adds a header that automatically expands the file when
- it is executed.
- (b) DIET reduces the size of the average .EXE & .COM files by
- 40%.
- (c) Self-expansion of DIETed .EXE & .COM files is so fast
- that it is difficult to measure the change in the speed
- of file execution. You certainly won't notice any
- change.
- (d) The self-expanding feature of DIET is similar to PKLITE
- or LZEXE, but DIET also lets you compress overlay files,
- which PKLITE and LZEXE cannot do.
- What makes DIET unique is its ability to compress DATA Files and
- to automatically expand them when you call them into an editor to
- read or change them.
- (a) To use that feature, you must load DIET as a TSR file.
- (b) DIET reduces the size of an average Data File by 2/3rd.
- (c) DIET's automatic expansion of Data Files adds a little
- time (about 3 sec. when loading a 100k byte unDIETed text
- file into an editor). But that is a small price for the
- benefit of being able to keep infrequently-used Data
- Files on your Hard Disk, instead of storing them on
- floppies. And you can optionally set up DIET so that it
- will recompress Data Files when you exit your Editor.
- This document is the USER'S GUIDE for DIET v.1.44. To learn
- about DIET's internals and changes from version to version, see
- DIETAPI.DOC and DIETTECH.DOC That much more technical document is
- of no importance to the average USER of DIET, but is available
- for programmers and the curious. DIETTECH.DOC is not included in
- this package, since complete approved documentation in English is
- not prepared yet.
- Familiar filenames of DOS are of three types, roughly speaking.
- Executable Files with Extensions .COM or .EXE.
- Device Drivers with Extensions .SYS or .DRV
- and other
- Data files with various extensions as .DAT,.DOC,.TXT etc.
- DIET compresses Executables and Drivers to files of the same
- nature so that you can execute or call from CONFIG.SYS as
- Device Drivers as they were. Let me call these files of type
- Self-eXtracting.
- You can DIET other data files too, but you can not use them
- unless you decompress by DIET manually or by TSR DIET auto-
- matically. Let me call these files as Data type.
- To compress your files on the current directory, you just type:
- DIET filename
- or with wildcard:
- DIET *.*
- There are some options in DIET, but without any otption,
- Diet compress executables and drivers into SFX type and
- other files into Data type. To see the effect of compression
- type:
- DIET -l.
- You will see all the files in your current directory with those
- compressed filenames in reverse color. To restore your files,
- type
- DIET -r.
- You will note some of the files are left DIETED. They are SFX
- type files. Try some command to assure you that an exectable
- file works as you type the command from the compressed size,
- hence the name Self-eXtracting.
- An application package consists of executables and data files
- which are called and used by executables. The simplest use
- of DIET is, you compress only executables and let data files
- stay as they are. You can do this by 'DIET *.*' ,'DIET -r '.
- 2.1 DIET in Terminate and Stay Resident Mode.
- We assume you're displaying this file on your console, using the
- DOS MORE command, Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM, or your favorite
- Editor. Try the following:
- (a) Return to DOS.
- (b) Execute:
- That will compress this file. If you now try view the
- file with MORE, or read it with LIST or your favorite
- editor, you'll get garbage.
- (c) Now Execute:
- That will load DIET as a TSR, which allows you to display
- DIET144.DOC with MORE, LIST, or your Editor.
- (d) Remove the DIET TSR by executing:
- (e) Finally, unDIET DIET144.DOC by executing:
- The basic DIET command structure is:
- DIET [options] [file_names].
- (You may use either '-' or '/' as the option-prefix)
- (Wildcards are OK in filenames)
- Multiple options need a space between them, e.g:
- DIET -Z -P -TD:\tmp
- Options are classified into two categories:
- Basic options to specify DIET functions,
- Auxiliary otpions to control basic options.
- Summary of Options.
- Main and auxiliarly options are tabulated below.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Option Function Control Optons available.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Nothing Compression -X,-XC,-G,-D,-B,-K,-I,-A
- -Oxxxxx.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -R,-RA Restore -Oxxxxx.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Cxxxxx Copy with -R,-RA,-A
- compress/decompress
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -L display compressed file.
- -H CRC check of compressed file.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -! Validation Check of DIET.
- -? Display Help Screen.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -Z[n] DIET stay on memory -P,-W,-N,-M
- state of on memory DIET -S,-Txxxxxx
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -ZD disable TSR DIET
- -ZA activate TSR DIET
- -ZR remove TSR DIET from memory.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -$ manually compress in
- automatic mode
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.2. File Compression/Decompression
- When Diet is executed without a basic option but with a filename, the
- named file will be compressed.
- DIET [auxiliary option] filename [filename(s)].
- You can name options:
- -X Compress as SFX type.
- -XC Compress a .COM file as SFX .COM file. If you don't specify
- -XC, you will get an .EXE file out of COM file.
- -G A large SFX header is created on the top so that you may get
- a Greater speed of decompression
- -D Compress into Data type.
- -B DIET compares size in Byte count.
- -K DIET compresses files upon termination, not while in execution.
- -I Ignore warning "may be overlay files!"
- -Oxxxx Specify file name or path name of Output.
- -A Attribute is readonly.
- No Option .EXE files and .COM files into SFX type.
- .SYS files are not compressed.
- Other extensions are compressed as DATA type.
- You may specify Data types with Options -D and -X,see below.
- -X As a default, DIET recognizes as device drivers all files
- with the extensions "SYS" or "DRV" and does NOT compress
- them.
- If you want to DIET a Device Driver, you must make it
- self-extracting (because you won't have DIET in memory as
- a TSR until you load it as a TSR in your AUTOEXEC.BAT
- file). You can force DIET to add a self-extracting header
- to any file by using the -T option. But see also option
- -I, above.
- -X tells DIET to add a self-extracting header regardless
- of filetype extension. Primary use is to compress Device
- Drivers (e.g., ????.SYS or ????.DRV) so that their DIETed
- versions can be included in the CONFIG.SYS files.
- In the CONFIG.SYS file, you must o
- -D DIET compress every file as a data type, .COM and .EXE
- files, too. If you have DIET on TSR mode, DIET will
- extract original files and will run them. What's the benefit
- you can get?
- First you can compress a file to be loaded high in memory.
- e.g., ADDDRV.exe, which flags for -I options usually, and
- which you can't run even if you succeed with -I option.
- There are files with many overlays which normally require
- extra memories to load. You can normally load such files
- by compressing overlays as data files.
- This is a minor point, but you may save a little header space
- by compressing as data files.
- -G DIET adds a faster SFX header, some 100 bytes extra, to
- DIETed files. You can get faster decompression by this
- option. If 100 extra bytes would not change the DIETed
- file size, you had better compress with this option.
- -XC DIET compresses a xxxx.COM file into xxxx.EXE file.
- This is to make executables to have more robust structure,
- since SFX header is attached to the top of the file.
- However, if you insist on the same name for unDIETed
- and DIETed, you may specify this switch to get .COM file
- out of .COM file.
- The size of DIETed .COM file is smaller than .EXE file,
- hence there is certin merit like being loadable into UMB.
- Do not put too much trust on this switch, because the
- behavior of such a .COM file may be unpredictable.
- -B MS-DOS manages files with cluster as a unit. For a High-
- Density 5.25" disk, 1 cluster consists of 1,024 bytes.
- Hence a file with size 10,300bytes and another with
- 11,000bytes occupy 11 clusters on a disk space. If DIET
- tried to compress the later and get the former, DIET aborts
- compression since the number of clusters are the same for
- compressed and uncompressed files.
- However, there are cases where you archive these files into
- a file with say TAR.exe or LHA.exe with no compress option.
- Then you have chances to get one or more clusters in size of
- the archive.
- DIET aborts compression when it meets a file of size less
- than a cluster. Specify -B option to let DIET compares the
- compressed size in Byte size.
- -K Kill temporary Files Only on Quitting Program. DIET's TSR
- opens a temporary file whenever it lets a program like an
- editor open a compressed file. That temporary file is
- erased when the program closes the file. Some programs
- open, close, and reopen files frequently, e.g. a Help
- Message file. That can be very time consuming. To avoid
- that, use the -K option -- then the temporary files will
- be erased ONLY when you quit the main program from which
- the DIETed files were expanded. You may watch -K option
- in action with editors calling child processes or with some
- communication software with overlay protocol files.
- An adversary effect of this option is that you have many
- temporary files on your temporary directory. Refer -N, and
- -$ options in autocompression mode.
- -I Ignore warnings. DIET ordinarily refuses to compress
- files with overlays when the size of the file in EXEHDR
- information is not the same as its actual size, or when
- the file is to be loaded in high memory like ADDDRV.exe.
- And DIET reports 'may be overlay file', or "to be loaded
- high". Since DIET can use compressed overlay files if
- operated in the TSR mode, the -I option tells DIET to
- ignore such warnings.
- Do NOT use the -I option if you use DIET in nonresident mode.
- Executable file with overlays as MS-WORKS will not behave
- properly if DIET is not active as TSR. I would recommend
- to use -D with -K option, for such files.
- However, you might be able to run DIETed file with -I option,
- since DIET suggests 'may be overlays'at the compression.
- You may try this option first if you prefer to use DIET
- non-TSR.
- Files to be loaded high as device drivers, flag for -I
- option. You may DIET them with -I option, but you may often
- lose their proper working area on High Memory Blocks.
- Again you had better use DIET as TSR and DIET them with
- -D option.
- -Oxxxx By default, DIET overwrites the files it compresses
- (or uncompresses). If you want to save the uncompressed
- (or compressed) file, use the -O option to put the changed
- file into another directory. To illustrate:
- Example 1. You are NOT logged into DRIVE A:. You want a
- compressed version of A:ALPHA.DAT in your default
- directory:
- DIET -O A:alpha.dat.
- Example 2. You want to compress ALPHA.DAT in your default
- directory and store the compressed file in directory
- C:\TMP
- DIET -OC:\tmp\ alpha.dat
- (note the positions of the spaces and back slashes!!)
- -A Set Read-Only Attribute. This is a safety measure for
- users who do not always keep DIET in memory as a TSR. If
- you were to call a DIETed file into your editor without
- DIET in memory, it is possible that your editor could lock
- up. To restart you'd have to reboot, and you could lose
- your DIETed data file. By using the -A option, you make
- any DIETed file Read-Only. Few users will need to use the
- -A option, but it's there for those who want to be extra
- safe.
- File Restoration or uncompression.
- General format is:
- DIET -[ R | RA ] [ Option ] Filename [Filename(s)]
- -R decompresses all named files that were compressed as DATA
- files (normally, all files that do NOT have EXE or COM
- extensions).
- -RA restores ALL named files, including files that when
- compressed received a self-extracting header (normally,
- the *.EXE & &.COM files).
- By the nature of Data types, you may have to compress/decompress
- frequently, while executables and device drivers are seldom needed
- to recompression. Especially when DIET is non-resident you have to
- restore many files using wild cards. Design of -R and -RA option
- is done to decrease the number of manual operations in non-TSR mode.
- To copy files as Compressed, or be compressed, General format is:
- DIET -Cxxxx [option] filename [filename(s)]
- Available options are the same as with the case of compression.
- This function is similar to -Oxxxx, but difference lies in the
- fact that uncompressed files are compressed, already compressed
- files are copied as they are, and files DIET failed to compress
- are copied as they are.
- When DIET finds a file with the same name, DIET compares the
- Time Stamp and overwrite existing file if it older and abort
- if it is newer than the specified file.
- Recommended use of this function is to expand an application
- package on High Speed Device from your floppy disks, and to
- restore the package to the original storage with some of the
- files transacted.
- To copy files with decompression, the general format is:
- DIET -R -Cxxxx filename [ filename(s)]
- DIET -RA -Cxxxx filename [ filename(s)].
- Specified files are expanded in the specified directory xxxx
- with unDIETed. You may copy and expand files in a low speed
- device like a floppy disk, to a highspeed device, as a ramdisk
- with this command.
- -C Copying DIETed files with DIET's TSR in memory takes extra
- time because DIETed files are automatically decompressed
- before copying and recompressed after copying. You can
- suppress that by using DIET with the -C option to copy
- files. The syntax is:
- DIET -C<destination> <FILENAMEs>
- Example 1. To copy all files (including compressed files)
- in the current directory of C:\ to Drive A:
- DIET -CA:\ C:\*.*
- Example 2. To copy compressed files in drive A: to Drive
- C:\ and simultaneously decompress them:
- DIET -RA -CC:\ A:\*.*
- (But see also DIETOFF Environment Variable, below)
- -L presents a directory listing for the default disk, with
- the DIETed files in reverse color. An "*" means the file
- has a self-extracting header, and a "#" means it is a
- compressed DATA files. Wildcard filenames are OK, e.g.,
- DIET -L *.dat *.txt
- When you want to specify a directory, put an extra '\' at
- the end of the path name like:
- DIET -L c:\dos\
- which is the same with
- DIET -L c:\dos\*.*
- with -L option.
- -! makes a self-check of DIET.EXE's internal integrity.
- -H checks the CRC for file integrity, and presents data about
- DIETed files, i.e., Original File Size and Type, & reports
- if the -K option was used.
- -J If you have DOS/V 5.0 from IBM Japan and can read Japanese,
- this options gives you data your disk's health status. If
- not, ignore this option.
- -? Display the list of options.
- General syntax for making DIET Terminate and Stay Resident is:
- DIET -Z [options]
- DIET -Z0 [options]
- DIET -Z1 [options]
- DIET -Z2 [options].
- Available options are:
- -P automatated recompression of DIETed file.
- -W automated compression of newly created file.
- -N disable automated [re]compressions.
- -M suppress messages in automated compression.
- -S display decompressed file size.
- -Txxxx specify temporary file directory.
- DIET -Z loads DIET into memory as a TSR. When there is a space
- in UMB, DIET first tries to stay there. Whenever XMS
- memory is availabel, DIET will load itself in extended
- memory with DOS 5.00. 'DIET -Z' is the same with 'DIET -Z1'
- DIET -Z[n] tells DIET how to use Expanded Memory, if present.
- -Z0 do not use Expanded Memory (same as -Z alone)
- -Z1 use Expanded Memory for DIET's temporary files.
- -Z2 use Expanded Memory for both DIET's temporary files
- and for most of DIET's resident code, too. If you
- have enough Expanded Memory, -Z2 uses only about 1.6k
- bytes of conventional memory.
- When DIET has already been resident, only the auxiliarly
- options have meaning. Z[n] does nothing to TSR DIET.
- Notes: If you compress COMMAND.COM or some overlay
- files, you must make DIET resident in memory.
- Regular users of DIET should include DIET -Z
- in their AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- You can also load DIET as a Device Driver, e.g.,
- That uses a few additional bytes of memory, but allows
- you to DIET Device Drivers (to save disk space). If you
- have large or many Device Drivers, that may be useful.
- -ZD disables DIET in memory, but leaves it loaded.
- -ZA restores DIET after -ZD has been used.
- -ZR removes DIET from memory. But don't do that if you loaded
- other TSR's after DIET.
- Note: DIET's TSR function may be disabled if you use
- ^C or ^Break while DIET is executing, or by certain
- interrupts. If DIET's TSR function disappears for an
- unknown cause, try DIET -ZA to restore it.
- -P DIET's default mode does not re-compress data files that
- are changed after being into loaded and manipulated by a
- program such as an Editor or a Spreadsheet. DIET\ \%-P
- enables automatic recompression.
- But whether or not DIET can automatically recompress such
- data file files depends on the internal workings of your
- Editor or other program. It does work with ???.WQ1 files
- in QUATTRO. It does not work for ???.DBF files in dBASE
- (in fact, dBASE
- -W will automatically DIET all newly-created files, including
- any temporary files that your programs may create. That
- can be useful but can also waste a lot of time. To assure
- this option does not become a nuisance, use the NODIET
- Environmental Variable to suppress DIETing of files like
- *.OBJ, *.LZH, etc. Or use -N otpion together, and later
- issue the command
- DIET -$
- See the option -$.
- In the CONFIG.SYS file, you must of course give the
- driver's full name, e.g.,
- DEVICE=?????.SYS).
- -M If you don't want DIET to give you a message about what it
- is doing to your file, suppress the message with -M
- -N With -P or -W options specified, DIET automatically
- compress newly created files and decompressed files
- opened with READ and Write mode. You are not aware of
- the time and types of these compressed files. By specying
- this option, you may restrain DIET from auto-compression
- and with -$ option, compress them later with the same time
- stamp as TSR DIET tried to compress them.
- With -P option SFX or Data type inherit those of the originals
- and with -W option, you may specify types by switches.
- -S Some application programs read in a specified amount of
- data from overlay files, and get confused if those
- overlays have been DIETed. By specifying the -S option
- when dieting such overlays, that confusion is avoided.
- -T In its default mode, DIET stores in the default directory
- certain temporary files that it creates and needs . If you
- use the Environment Variable TMP=???, DIET will attempt
- to store its temporary files in the directory that you've
- defined as ???. -T option overrides the TMP environmental
- variable. You may define the directory in AUTOEXEC.BAT by:
- DIET -Z2 -P -K -TD:\tmp1\
- I strongly recommend you to define temporary directory
- especially when you have a high speed device like a
- Ramdisk.
- DIET.exe is an executable program and is a device driver at
- the same time. You may load DIET as a DEVICE DRIVER in your
- config.sys as:
- DEVICE = DIET.EXE -Z [ options ]
- DEVICE = DIET.EXE -Z0 [ options ]
- DEVICE = DIET.EXE -Z1 [ options ]
- DEVICE = DIET.EXE -Z2 [ options ]
- or in your AUTOEXEC.BAT as:
- DIET.EXE -Z [ options ]
- DIET.EXE -Z0 [ options ]
- DIET.EXE -Z1 [ options ]
- DIET.EXE -Z2 [ options ]
- 3.5. Environment Variables.
- In DOS versions 3.xx or above, DIET uses the following
- environment variable strings, if they are present. You create
- them (usually from your AUTOEXEC.BAT file) as follows:
- SET NameOfEnvVar = data
- DIETOPT allows you to define the options you want to use as a
- default, e.g.,
- will use option -D and -K whenever a file is DIETed.
- Options you can set are: -J,-I,-D,-G,-K,-P,-W,-N,and -S.
- DIETOFF This is the unique variable TSR DIET refers.
- TSR DIET has versatile abilities which consequently has
- some adversary effect in use. Take copy command e.g.,
- the command line entry 'copy file1 file2'
- first decompresses file1 to file2.tmp and then compresses
- it to file2. You may type 'DIET OFF' to disable DIET
- temporarily, which is time consuming. If you register
- COMMAND.COM among DIETOFF string, you can avoid this manual
- typing.
- For some programs you may prefer to disable DIET, e.g.,
- to speed up file copying without having to use Option -C
- (see above). By including an environment string as below,
- you tell DIET's TSR not to do what it usually would do
- with DIETed files:
- You don't need to specify a Path for the files -- DIET is
- concerned only with the programs' names.
- NODIET You should suppress DIETing of some files, e.g., archives
- like *.LZH and *.ZIP, and temporary intermediate files
- created by some application programs. You can also tell
- DIET to ignore all files in specified directories -- if
- your NODIET string ends with a Directory name, be sure to
- append a "\". There is a limit of 10 NODIET entries.
- Example:
- SET NODIET=*.LZH;*.ZIP;*.OBJ;C:\TMP\;c:\c600\
- will suppress DIETing of all *.LZH, *.ZIP, *.OBJ files,
- and of all files in director C:\TMP and C:\C600.
- TMP Define storage area for DIET's Temporary Files by putting
- into your AUTOEXEC.BAT a line like:
- SET TMP=E:y\DirName
- See also Option -T.
- NOTE: When you use DIET in resident mode, it creates and
- use TMP Define storage area for DIET
- uses temporary files with names such as __DIET__.??? Such
- files are automatically erased when DIET finishes its
- tasks, but if you boot your system or stop DIET's
- execution by Ctrl-Break, those files may remain on your
- disk. You may erase any such files.
- 4.0. Hints for Effective Use of DIET.
- Don't allow DIET to be memory-resident when using programs
- like SPEEDDSK, OPTIMIZE, DOG, or other HardDisk managers.
- Disable DIET by executing DIET -ZD when you use such programs!!
- In fact, you're always best off by clearing ALL TSRs before using
- such programs.
- 4.1. DIET in non-Resident Mode.
- There are no special things you have to remember when you use DIET.
- Register filenames you don't want to compress in NODIET variable to
- gain speed, *.LZH and *.ZIP must be in your list. Do not try to
- compress file with -I otption if DIET flag for overlays. You had
- better have a batch file such as APP.bat when APP.exe and APP.HLP
- are DIETED in you storage:
- "
- rem Auto-decompression and execution of APP.exe
- echo DO not forget to recompress APP.HLP
- diet -r APP.HLP
- ."
- When you have a high-speed device such as a RAMDISK, you had better
- copy your applications decompressing and run your program on RAMDISK.
- Suppose you have an application package in a Floppy Disk A:, and
- You have a sufficient space in your RAMDISK D:.
- DIET -R -CD: A:*.*
- Then after you quit running, you type:
- DIET -CA: D:*.*
- to copy all of your aplication program while compressing to A:
- as DIETing is carried on. New Data files and revised files will
- be stored on the diskette in the disk drive A:.
- Laptop Users, you are the target of this software. The file overwriting
- mode of DIET is designed for you to make most of your limited storage
- space. Try to leave a room for decompressed files, and design your own
- batch file to use the minimum amount of your files decompressed.
- 4.2. DIET in Resident Mode.
- Specify TMP environmental string always if you have a high-speed
- RAMDISK to decrease the number of disk accesses if available. You
- must, also, know that you have a sufficient space for the temporary
- files to be made by DIET.
- When you see a message like: "Can't find abc.exe" even though the
- file exists. This is usually the result of DIET being unable to find
- enough space in your temporary directory for its temporary files.
- Check your space if you see this message.
- DIETOPT variables will refrain DIET to make some adverary effects
- like copying after decompression and compressing after copying.
- Well, if you set DIETOPT=COMMAND.COM, they you can't type a
- DIETED file unless you put and SFX header to the date file.
- You must take a balance for yourself. Please make experiments
- on -P, -W and -K options, and choose the combination fit you best.
- A word processor ordinarily takes the raw file formatted into
- a form you like. And it makes auxiliary files for formatting or
- for controling your printer. Everytime you change a line or two
- wordprocessor must compress and decompress these files if you
- don't specify -K option. With this option set, these temporary
- formatting files are DIETed once for all.
- If you have a sufficient room for the temporary directory, you
- have to set -K all the time. If you don't have enough room,
- you have to choose carefully the filenames for which K option
- works.
- -P option is a must if you have DIET as TSR. With a suitable
- combination with -K option, you can always have compressed file
- automatically re-compressed. You will see there DIET on action.
- You will love to see it or you may suppress DIET messages with -M.
- Sometimes DIET start working when you call the program again,
- but this is not a BUG.
- Executable file in Overlay mode can be run if DIET is in TSR active.
- I would recommend -D option with -K, rather than -I.
- The state of DIET options can be seen by "DIET ON" command.
- Or you may use DOS MEM.exe or PMAP.exe by Chris Dunford as follows:
- PMAP /e
- ---------------
- pmap 2.03 Copyright (C) 1986-1990 by The Cove Software Group/C.J.Dunford
- Addr Program Parent Parameters Han Blks Size Vectors
- ---- ------- -------- --------------- --- ---- ------- -------
- 1068 command command /e 1 2 3888 22 23 24 2E FF
- 13CC diet n/a diet a(p--n--)ver1.44 1 1 1744 21
- active options insdie (......).
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- When you have loaded DIET as a device driver, PMAP /v shows only the
- place and size.
- 4.3. Things to Avoid in TSR mode.
- As is described before, some program returns a message like:
- "Can't find abc.exe" even though the file exists. This is usually
- the result of DIET being unable to find enough space in your
- temporary directory for its temporary files.
- There are some files which is accessed not by its file-handle. DIET
- has been revised several times to enhance tracing ability of filenames
- in file open and close, however, in certain rare cases, DIET fails
- to access exiting file.
- Do not try to run programs which rewrites FAT of Disk or DOS
- buffers. The so-called HDD optimizing programas are of this type.
- Please disable TSR DIET before the use of such programs.
- DIET tries to trace filenames even with task-swapping of DOS 5.00
- or Windows in its enhnaced mode. However, among the many application
- programs you might find some with which DIET fails to trace tasks
- swapped. Please take due precautions with task swappings.
- Our Distribution Policy. The program together with the other
- packaged documents is copyrighted by Teddy Matsumoto. The package
- consists of DIET.EXE, DIET144.DOC, DIETTECH.DOC(not included in this
- package ask to distributor for English document), DIETAPI.DOC and
- HISTORY.DOC( sorry for Japanese version ). However, he does not claim the
- copyright of a program DIETED afterward. You may copy, distribute
- and use this program free of charge, but:
- You must use DIET for personal purposes. Anyone who
- wants to use the restricted storage space of ones
- hardware may use this software free of charge.
- You must not charge for copying or distributions, other
- than a nominal charge for materials and postage.
- If you distribute DIET, you must distribute the entire
- package without modification, and you should be
- prepared to distribute up-dates and fixes as they are
- released. This applies especially when you distribute
- on large BBS or in a Diskette. The author would appreciate
- the report of such distribution.
- In Japan, Email to Teddy Matsumoto at GBG00230 on Nifty Serve.
- Overseas Users may contact K.Okubo at one of the following:
- 74100.2565@compuserve.com
- GEnie: K.Okubo
- INTERNET: okubo@tansei.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
- This English Version of DIET144.doc was prepared by
- Eric O. Stork, STORK on GEnie, and K.Okubo.
- Load UMB function is available only from ver.145.