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- This page contains order information and payment methods. Order
- form is on the next two pages. You can also run REGISTER.EXE
- which helps you fill out the order form.
- 1. Information:
- Please see page 4 of DCF45.DOC file for license agreement
- and section 18 for information regarding DISK COPY PLUS and
- 2. Order directly from DCF Software:
- Please send order form with payment to DCF Software. The
- following payment methods are accepted.
- a. Checks in US funds drawn on a US bank.
- b. Money order issued by banks, post office or American
- Express.
- c. Credit card (VISA or Master Card.) Products must be
- mailed to the same person.
- d. Cash. Please note that the author can not be responsible
- for any loss in the mail. Please send cash by registered
- mail or at least wrap it so that someone examining the
- envelope without opening it will not see cash inside.
- 3. Order from registration services, oversea vendors:
- CompuServe (CIS) : go SWREG and look for Registration ID
- 1931. The price is $29.50 USD for DCF.
- Public (software) Library (PsL) : call 800-242-4PsL (from
- overseas: 713-524-6394) or FAX to 713-524-6398 and ask for
- item 11141. The prices for DCF is $27/$28/$30 USD for US/
- Canada/other users, respectively. Please note that these
- numbers are for order ONLY. Phone number for support will be
- given to registered users from DCF Software.
- U.K users can register with Simon Brain at PC Independent
- User Group, 87 High St., Tonbridge, Kent TN9 1RX, England.
- German users can register with Gerd Zöttlein at DER PD-PROFI
- Schulstrasse 13, D-86666 Burgheim, GERMANY. Tel: 08432-1296.
- Australian users can register with Joe Gazia at Spearwood
- Shareware Service, P.O. Box 121 Hamilton Hill, W. Aust. 6163
- ----------------------- < ORDER FORM - Page 1 > -----------------------
- I have read and agree to the terms in DCF45.DOC file and would like
- to order the following:
- price quantity total
- DISK COPY PLUS v2.4 commercial $100 ____ $______
- non-commercial $ 50 ____ $______
- DISK COPY FAST v4.5 commercial $ 40 ____ $______
- non-commercial $ 20 ____ $______
- DISK UTIL PACK v2.4 commercial $ 40 ____ $______
- non-commercial $ 20 ____ $______
- Shipping & handling (U.S.A. $5) $______
- (Canada, Mexico $6)
- (Other countries $8)
- Sub total $______
- CA residents please add sales tax $______
- < CTRL 0105NF > TOTAL $______
- Disk type : ( ) 3.5" 720KB ( ) 5.25" 360KB ( ) 5.25" 1.2MB
- Payment: ( ) money order ( ) check ( ) cash
- ( ) Master card ( ) VISA
- |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | NOTE: 1. Non-commercial license has ten copies per source |
- | disk/image file limitation and can only be licensed |
- | to individuals. Please see page 4 of DCF45.DOC for |
- | license agreement. |
- | |
- | 2. Price of Disk Util Pack is valid only if you have |
- | registered or are registering Disk Copy Fast or Disk |
- | Copy Plus. |
- | |
- | 3. Prices valid through June 30, 1994. |
- |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
- Check here if you would like a registration certificate (valid through
- June 30, 1994) with which you can purchase JCSM Shareware Collection
- (tm) CD-ROM at US $9.95 plus shipping and handling . . . . . . . . ( )
- ----------------------- < ORDER FORM - Page 2 > -----------------------
- Credit card orders:
- Name as shown on the credit card: _______________________________
- Credit card number: _____________________________________________
- Expiration date: ________________________________________________
- Total amount in U.S. dollars: $__________________________________
- Signature: _______________________________ Date:________________
- * All credit card orders are mailed on the following Monday after
- they are received.
- Name : _____________________________________
- Address : _____________________________________
- _____________________________________
- _____________________________________
- _____________________________________
- Comments : ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
- Please mail this form with payment to the following address.
- DCF Software
- P.O. Box 60064
- Palo Alto, CA 94306
- U. S. A.