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- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- 4 P R I N T a n d 4 B O O K 4 . 1 5
- Korenthal Associates, Inc.
- Last Updated November 1992
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Thank you for taking the time to evaluate 4Print! This file contains
- information on the benefits of registering 4Print along with specific
- ordering instructions.
- 4Print is provided at no charge for evaluation purposes only. This
- shareware version of 4Print is the complete working version of the
- program, with no crippling whatsoever. If you like 4Print and wish to
- continue using it beyond a 30-day trial period, you must register
- (purchase) the program with Korenthal Associates. There are two good
- reasons to register 4Print: (1) using this software after the
- evaluation period without registering it is a violation of copyright
- law; and (2) registration gets you all sorts of goodies (see below).
- You can register 4Print by mailing in the accompanying order form (or
- the form printed by the program itself), or by phone, fax, or
- CompuServe Mail. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and
- personal or company checks. Company purchase orders are also welcome.
- Whether or not you register 4Print, we encourage you to share this
- unregistered version of the program with your friends and colleagues
- and to upload it to any BBS's you use. Please be sure to keep all the
- files together; a complete list of files appears in PACKING.LST.
- ──────────────────────
- Registration Benefits:
- ──────────────────────
- Registering gets you a host of benefits:
- o The most current version. We are always improving our products,
- and registration ensures that you have the latest version.
- o Bound, typeset manual that integrates the information found in
- o Elimination of the trial copy notice at the end of the program
- that forces you to press a specific key before returning to DOS.
- o 4Fold, a bonus utility which saves more paper by allowing you to
- print multiple short text files with each starting on the next
- column rather than on the next page.
- o KAZap, a bonus utility which allows you to permanently brand your
- copy of 4Print with your own default parameters.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- o Free technical support by phone, fax, mail, and on CompuServe.
- o Notification, with special discounts, of significant upgrades to
- 4Print and 4Book.
- o Special offers on other products from Korenthal Associates.
- o A free CompuServe IntroPak (a $39.95 value), which includes a
- $15.00 usage credit and a complimentary subscription to Compu-
- Serve Magazine, is available to 4Print registered users who do
- not yet subscribe to CompuServe. CompuServe will open the door
- to a whole new world of information, services, and interesting
- people, and is also the best place to obtain technical support
- for products from Korenthal Associates (and many other vendors
- and developers). This CompuServe IntroPak is provided to 4Print
- registered users compliments of CompuServe and Korenthal
- Associates.
- ─────────────────
- Where To Find Us:
- ─────────────────
- The latest versions of all Korenthal Associates shareware products can
- always be found on KA's support forum on CompuServe, PCVENB Section 3,
- as well as on The Consultant BBS at 1-718-837-3236. Please feel free
- to contact us with questions, comments, or suggestions. Your input is
- very important to us!
- Thank you for your time and assistance and for supporting the
- shareware concept!
- Korenthal Associates, Inc.
- 511 Ave. of the Americas #400
- New York NY 10011
- Phone 1-212-242-1790
- Fax 1-212-242-2599
- Orders 1-800-KA-PROGS (1-800-527-7647)
- CompuServe 76004,2605
- ┌─────────┐
- ┌─────┴───┐ │ (R)
- ──│ │o │──────────────────
- │ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │ Association of
- │ │ │─┘ Shareware
- └───│ o │ Professionals
- ──────│ ║ │────────────────────
- └────╨────┘ MEMBER
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- K A P R O D U C T O R D E R F O R M
- Call 1-800-KA-PROGS (1-800-527-7647) or mail to:
- Outside the U.S. 1-212-242-1790 Korenthal Associates, Inc.
- or FAX to 1-212-242-2599 511 Ave. of the Americas #400
- or CompuServe to [76004,2605] New York NY 10011, U.S.A.
- ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
- Copies Price Total
- 4Print (with 4Book, 4Fold, & KAZap) _____ $49.95 $________
- 4Print Windows (includes DOS version) _____ $69.95 $________
- 4Print 10-User Site License _____ $250.00 $________
- 4Print Windows 10-User Site License _____ $350.00 $________
- (other site licenses available, please inquire)
- PhDbase (Xbase phonetic/fuzzy search lib) _____ $299.95 $________
- Transitions (Xbase/C special effects lib) _____ $79.95 $________
- Babble! (toy for people who love words) _____ $35.00 $________
- NY Residents add sales tax: $________
- Shipping/Handling: $5 U.S./Canada, $10 Foreign $________
- Total: $________
- Disk Size: [ ] 3.5" [ ] 5.25"
- Payment: [ ] Check (U.S. funds only, drawn on a U.S. bank)
- [ ] MasterCard [ ] Visa [ ] AmEx [ ] PO #______________
- Card #________________________________ Exp _______________
- Signature ________________________________________________
- Name: ____________________________________ Title: _____________
- Company: __________________________________________________________
- Address: __________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________
- Day Phone:________________________ Evening: _______________________
- Fax: ________________________ CompuServe: ____________________
- Comments: __________________________________________________________