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- @echo off
- echo off
- echo.
- echo 4PRINT and 4BOOK Version 4.10 Printer Test
- echo to eliminate paper shuffling for double-sided
- echo documents on non-duplex printers
- echo.
- echo Note that you do not need any paper handling options if you are
- echo using a duplex printer such as the IID or IIID. In this case,
- echo be sure to specify the -d or -ds option to 4Print or 4Book to
- echo take advantage of your printer's duplex capability!
- echo.
- set temp4=%1
- if not .%1 == . goto gotit
- echo usage: TESTPRIN device
- echo example: TESTPRIN LPT2:
- echo.
- echo If you do not specify a device, this program will assume
- echo that your laser printer is attached to DOS device "PRN:"
- echo.
- echo Press Ctrl-C now to stop this program, or any other key
- echo to continue as if you had typed TESTPRIN PRN:
- pause
- echo.
- set temp4=PRN:
- :gotit
- echo Take two sheets of blank paper and write "one" on one sheet and "two"
- echo on the other. Place them in your printer's tray facing up, with
- echo "one" on top and "two" underneath, like this:
- echo.
- echo _______one___________ top of first sheet
- echo --------------------- bottom of first sheet
- echo _______two___________ top of second sheet
- echo --------------------- bottom of second sheet
- echo _____________________ other blank pages in the tray
- echo ---------------------
- echo.
- echo I'll be printing on these two sheets momentarily,
- echo so please make sure your printer is online.
- pause
- echo.
- echo FIRSTSECOND>%temp4%
- set temp4=
- echo Now take the two sheets out of your printer's output tray without
- echo disturbing their order. The following diagram will show which 4Print
- echo and 4Book options to use so that no paper shuffling will be required:
- echo.
- echo ____FIRST____one____ ____________________
- echo -------------------- ----SECOND---two----
- echo ____SECOND___two____ or ____________________ use -r
- echo -------------------- ----FIRST----one----
- echo.
- echo _____FIRST__________ _____________two____
- echo --------------one--- ----SECOND----------
- echo _____SECOND_________ or _____________one____ use -r -rf
- echo --------------two--- ----FIRST-----------
- echo.
- echo _____SECOND___two___ ____________________
- echo -------------------- ----FIRST----one----
- echo _____FIRST____one___ or ____________________ no options needed
- echo -------------------- ----SECOND---two----
- echo.
- echo _____SECOND_________ _____________one____
- echo --------------two--- ----FIRST-----------
- echo _____FIRST__________ or _____________two____ use -rf
- echo --------------one--- ----SECOND----------
- pause
- echo.
- echo If you use the suggested options, you should not have to do any paper
- echo shuffling between or after front and back print passes to get perfect
- echo 4Print and 4Book printouts. You will have to determine whether to
- echo turn the entire stack over and/or around before reinserting the pages
- echo for the back pass. One 4Print or 4Book test run should enable you to
- echo figure this out.
- echo.
- echo Note that once you've determined the proper paper handling options to
- echo use, you can enter them in your 4PRINT environment variable and then
- echo forget about them. For example, if you have a IIP or IIIP and are
- echo using the normal paper path, chances are you need both the -r and -rf
- echo options. Adding this line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT will yield perfect
- echo 4Print and 4Book printouts every time:
- echo.
- echo SET 4PRINT=-r -rf
- echo.