home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- echo off
- REM Disk install
- cls
- REM install drive:
- if %0==a:install goto adrive
- if %0==A:install goto adrive
- if %0==A:INSTALL goto adrive
- if %0==b:install goto bdrive
- if %0==B:install goto bdrive
- if %0==B:INSTALL goto bdrive
- if %0==install goto doinstall
- if %0==INSTALL goto doinstall
- echo Please change to the drive you wish to install from before
- echo starting installation.
- goto End
- :adrive
- a:
- goto doinstall
- :bdrive
- b:
- goto doinstall
- :doinstall
- if "%1"=="" goto DriveNeeded
- goto StartInstallation
- :DriveNeeded
- echo Please specify which drive to install on.
- goto End
- :StartInstallation
- echo ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ Installation of Lemmings2 into directory: %1\L2 ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ║ ║
- echo ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- echo
- if not exist %1\L2\*.* goto CopyFiles
- :DirectoryExists
- echo WARNING: The directory %1\L2 already exists.
- echo Press Ctrl-C now to abort installation.
- echo
- pause
- echo
- REM do the self extraction
- :CopyFiles
- echo Copying Files....
- md %1\l2
- l2demo %1\l2
- if errorlevel == 0 goto ok
- :InstallError
- echo Installation of "Lemmings2" into %1\L2 was unsuccessful.
- goto end
- :ok
- echo Installation successful, Change the current directory to %1\l2
- echo and type 'l2' to play
- :End
- echo