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- YYY .. AAA AAA .. BBBBBBBB .. !! (C) 1992
- Y.A.B. Baseball will run on any PC/AT (min. 286-CPU) with a VGA and
- a mouse; AdLib-compatible sound boards are supported. About 500 KB
- of memory are required (no XMS/EMS), so it should run on most systems.
- YAB is a shareware product, not public domain or freeware. Everyone is
- invited to try out this program and to distribute it free of charge.
- If you like it and think this to be "one of those programs I could
- imagine to buy for that price!", I wouldn't mind if you did.
- Perhaps idealistic, the shareware concept provides a fair deal for the
- users, whether or not it is fair for the author is decided by them.
- Send 20 Deutschmarks (current equivalent is about US$13) to
- Tom Fresen, Kollenrodtstr. 64, 30161 Hannover, Germany
- Students, unemployed, disabled or any other financially disadvantaged
- group are charged only half of that.
- Now for some brief instructions how to play. The most frequently asked
- question, "how do I hit the ball" is answered further on (line 175..)
- In the menus you will find some points that require some comments:
- EASY/HARD PITCHING At "EASY", you will be able to see the direction
- of your pitch while selecting the latter with the
- mouse. "HARD" makes you do this blindly.
- EASY/HARD BATTING Like with "pitching" above, you don't see what you
- are doing if you select "HARD".
- YOU CATCH/AUTOCATCH If not hit by the batter, each pitched ball will
- be caught by the catcher if "AUTOCATCH" is on.
- Otherwise you must move the glove to the ball to
- get it.
- CURVEBALLS YES/NO If you play versus a beginner, do not throw
- curveballs. This switch determines wether your pitcher
- is able to throw them or not.
- how to control the teams
- ------------------------
- The field team is ALWAYS controlled using the mouse, the keyboard makes
- the batting team do what you want. This means you have to take your hands
- of the keyboard and move over to the mouse after one half of an inning
- and back to the keys after another. Believe me, I thought very long on it.
- the field team
- --------------
- The fielders always will go and get the ball automatically, the player
- on the mouse will have to wait until they have. If the fielders can't
- catch the ball while in flight, they will take it from the ground and
- if necessary run to it in the first place.
- The #1 idea for you is: LEFT button throws the ball,
- RIGHT button does something different.
- Normal situation of play, no pitching or battingwindow on the left:
- If a fielder has got the ball, you will see a small baseball in
- the mouse pointer. This means you are able to throw the ball
- away or do something perhaps even more useful with it.
- Move the mouse pointer to where the ball should go, then press
- the LEFT button. The ball will have a reasonable height to
- be received at the target point.
- To throw to another fielder, just click one; note the yellow
- frame around the fielders while you point the "mouse" on them.
- Of course, your fielders aren't any supermen and cannot throw
- as far as you sometimes will like them to. Very far throws
- thus will be unprecise and slow.
- If the fielder with the ball is next to a runner on his way
- between two bases, move the mouse pointer to your fielder and
- press the RIGHT button to try to tag him.
- If you click a fielder who doesn't have the ball, you cannot
- tag a runner, neither you can't if no runner is near you.
- Click a fielder (usually a baseman) to go to the next base
- with the RIGHT button. This fielder needn't to have the ball.
- Click a fielder like above, HOLD the RIGHT button and drag
- the mouse pointer to the new location. Release the button
- and the fielder will follow you.
- You may give your fielders a new permanent position on the
- field (the computer player does so, too). If your opponent
- very often bats to the right field, why not position the out-
- field players a little bit more right.
- Select a fielder with the RIGHT button, drag the mouse pointer
- to the new position (right button held!) and additionally press
- the LEFT button, then release the buttons.
- Note: pitcher and catcher can't be moved, outfield players
- cannot be moved into the diamond.
- If no runner is still on the run between the bases, click
- a free space (no fielder selected) with the RIGHT button.
- If he didn't have the ball already, the pitcher will get
- the ball, and the pitching window is shown:
- Select your "target" zone moving the mouse, note the catcher's glove
- following your movements.
- At the time the window appears, the "target" is the center of the
- strike zone.
- To select a pitch, press the LEFT button. The longer the button is
- held down, the slower the pitch will be.
- While the button is pressed, you still can move the mouse to make
- the ball curve in to the direction you are dragging the mouse.
- If you release the left button again, the pitching window becomes
- If you press the RIGHT button at any time during the pitching window,
- the latter will disappear, cancelling the pitch. You are then back
- to the normal mode (see above) and may for example throw the ball to
- a baseman to get a stealing runner.
- You now see the batter's back and the pitchers front.
- A swing-bar is displayed and disappears after a while, after which
- the pitcher executes the selected pitch. All this happens auto-
- matically. The only thing the pitcher can do is to cancel the pitch
- while the swing-bar is still visible. If not cancelled, the pitch
- is now executed.
- With the mouse you now control the catcher's glove. If you didn't
- select AUTO CATCH in the settings-menu, you now have to catch the
- ball moving the glove to where the ball goes. If you don't catch the
- ball, the catcher (automatically but costly in terms of time) will
- get the ball from behind him.
- If your catcher has got the ball, press
- LEFT button to return the ball to the pitcher and
- go to the pitching window
- RIGHT button to close the batting window and go back to
- normal mode.
- how to controll the batting team:
- ---------------------------------
- The batting team is controlled using the numeric keypad, '1' through '9'
- as directions ('5' means center), '0'/'Insert' is your "fire button".
- How to bat:
- After the pitcher selected his pitch, the batting window appears.
- You now see the swing-bar, which disappears after a few seconds.
- During this time you can choose power and type of your swing.
- To do this, hold down the fire-button. You see a yellow bar growing,
- after this a blue bar, then a black one.
- If you release fire button, the bar stops growing and your swing is
- selected.
- YELLOW BAR: you will try to bat quite normally and beat the
- ball up into the sky. A short yellow bar means
- with little power, a full bar could be a homerun.
- BLUE BAR: try a grounder.
- a "short blue one" should become a bunt
- BLACK BAR: held down fire button for too long
- you will try a random valued "yellow" swing,
- but definitly earn no homerun
- Those colours don't appear if you selected "HARD BATTING" in
- the menues. Only do this if you know what you are doing.
- NOTE: until now, you didn't swing at anything, you only selected
- what you will try to do.
- Now the pitcher will automatically execute his throw.
- Press your fire button and hold it down, now watch the ball
- approaching the strike zone. If you feel like batting the ball,
- press the proper direction key.
- (if the ball comes in nicely over the plate in a medium height,
- the proper key is the '5'. For a lower ball tending a bit to
- the left, press '1', and so on).
- Remember to hold down the fire button before you press any
- direction key, and don't try to get everything the pitcher
- throws at you that isn't clearly in the strike zone!
- If you pressed the right button (the program decides which one
- that is), ball will exactly do what you intended when you
- selected the swing. If you chose a wrong key, you get a somewhat
- less perfect result depending on how wrong you were.
- For example, if you hit a ball too high, you most certainly will
- get a grounder; should you swing too low, the chances on a
- "moon-ball" grow.
- But should you want to bat a high and left-tending pitch with
- a '3' for low & right, please do not mind if you miss it, 'cause
- you found something like the "completely wrong button"
- Depending on when you hit the ball the computer determines the
- direction of the ball. Swung earlier, it will go to the left,
- swung later to the right. Just try it out.
- How to run, steal & slide...
- Use the keys for left, up and right (4,8,6) to control the runners
- (as long as there are any on the bases).
- If you have a runner on a base and want him to steal to the next
- base, press the key for the base he stands on to make him move
- (right='6' for 1st Base, up='8' for 2nd, left='4' for 3rd base).
- If you want the runner to run back to where he came from, press
- "his key" again.
- Example: On each of the 1st and 2nd base is one runner.
- Pressing "right", the one on 1st tries a steal, so both
- runners advance.
- Pressing "up" now, the one that was on 2nd goes back,
- forcing the one behind him (the one who was on 1st)
- to go back as well.
- Had you pressed "right" instead, only the one who came
- from 1st would run back to 1st, the one from 2nd running
- on to 3rd base.
- Once the batter hit the ball, the batters start to run. If you
- expect a fly-out, you can make your runners go back to the bases
- this way.
- To make a runner slide, just press fire button. The computer will
- select the runner who is to slide for you automatically.
- Sliding gives you a chance to escape a fielder trying to tag you out,
- but it makes you slower of course. If you aren't in a hurry reaching
- the next base, just use it for fun.
- * still unmentioned
- -------------------
- ESCape returns you from the game to the menus
- P pauses the game
- the program was written entirely in turbo pascal 6.0
- this game is dedicated to the memory of kevin the hamster
- & please support the shareware concept !