Chip: Special Di Besten Simulation
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185 lines
WinImages: M O R P H
Copyright (c) 1993 Black Belt Systems
Demonstration Version.
System: Intel '286 oder h÷her, Windows 3.1, 4 Mb Arbeitsspeicher.
Recommended: accelerated display, FPU or i486, 8 Mb memory.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!
Dies ist eine Demoversion des Programmes WinImage.morph.
Die Vollversion des Programmes erhalten Sie bei:
Kronenberg Business Art Travel, Postfach 1838, 61288 Bad Homburg
Telefon: 06172-925885, Telefax: 06172-459341 oder bei
Ihrem Fachhändler.
Mit dem Originalprogramm erhalten Sie eine deutsche Gebrauchs-
Bitte installieren Sie das Programm unter Windows, wie Sie dies
gewohnt sind.
Sie k÷nnen das Programm entweder auf die Festplatte kopieren oder direkt
von der Diskette starten.
Wenn Sie das Programm nicht extra installieren wollen, gehen Sie unter
Windows in den DATEI-MANAGER, wΣhlen Sie dort das Laufwerk, in der sich
die Programmdiskette befindet oder das entsprechende Unterverzeichnis auf
der Festplatte.
Gehen Sie dann auf die Datei MORPH.EXE und starten Sie das Programm z.B.
mit dem Befehl DATEI ╓FFNEN.
Nach dem Start laden Sie die auf dieser Diskette beigefügten
Beispiele, die Verwandlung einer Sch÷nheit in einen Frosch.
Gehen Sie in dem Programm auf den Befehl
LOAD START FRAME und laden Sie die Datei FIREGIRL.IFF, dann mit
Nun gehen Sie in das Menu GENERATE und generieren eine Morphbilder.
Natⁿrlich verfⁿgt WinImage.morph noch ⁿber viele andere M÷glichkeiten, die im
Handbuch beschrieben werden.
Viel Spass beim Testen!
Ab jetzt geht es weiter in englischer Sprache mit einigen zusΣtzlichen
We welcome you to the exciting world of image morphing with Morph: the
first of the WinImages series of full color image processing tools for
We want you to know that Black Belt Systems is the company that made
morphing affordable and available for the desktop personal computer. When
we introduced morphing to the desktop, your only other alternative was a
high-priced workstation with very costly software. Our morphing tools have
been used for network television productions, in feature films and by many
end users for their own amusment. Not only are they more powerful than the
morphing tools on workstation-class machines, but they have more features
and are easier to use as well!
We encourage you to explore the software; it's fairly easy to learn and
use, as you'll see very shortly.
As easy as the basics are to use, there is a lot more to this product than
meets the eye in the demo. Keep that in mind, and have fun!
To install the WinImages:morph Demonstration:
From the File Manager or From a DOS prompt
---------------------- -----------------
Create a directory
to put Morph in Choose 'Create Directory' md c:\morph
Name: c:\morph
Select that
directory Click on directory cd c:\morph
Copy files from
the source disk Choose 'Copy' copy a:\*.*
From: a:\*.*
Return to the Windows Program Manager.
Select a program group (by clicking on one) or create a new one from the
menu by choosing 'New / Program Group'.
Choose 'New / Program Item' from the File pull down menu.
Description: Morph
Command Line: C:\morph\morph.exe
The Morph icon will be added to that program group.
Double click on the Morph icon to start the program.
Select Help , Getting Started for a run through of how to create a morph.
One example Morph project is included with this demo. To try it,
load the start frame, then load the end frame, load the control points and
select one of the Generate Options.
Project: GIRLFROG.MPR - A morph between a girl and a frog.
firegirl.iff is the Start frame
frogorig.iff is the End frame
girlfrog.MPT is the set of control points
Morph control point files (.MPT(s)) and images created by Imagemaster for
the Amiga computer are compatible with WinImages:Morph.
To ZOOM one of the view windows:-
Click on the Zoom button
Drag a rectangle out on the window you wish to zoom.
To De-zoom:-
Click on the De-Zoom button.
NOTE! The full release version of the program includes the following
differences from the demonstration (and more):
* Output File Sizes are not limited;
* Files can be saved to any of the output formats;
* An online reference is available from within the program and
separately. Error and informative messages are linked to fuller
explanations and solutions in the reference;
* Automated Installation is available;
Please also note that Black Belt Systems provides regular updates to
WinImages:morph. Many of the updates reflect requests from professional
users of the product for increased capabilities. Additionally, we are very
responsive to requests for support of other file formats that you find
desirable. The key to this level of support is your purchase AND BECOMING
Regards, Black Belt Systems Technical Projects Development.
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