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408 lines
Project: POV-Ray
Version: 2.2
File: PovMac.h
This file contains typedefs, function prototypes and extern var declarations
that need to be exported from pov.c.
Thomas Okken, David Lichtman, Glenn Sugden
Jim Nitchals, Eduard [esp] Schwan
from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
More Info:
This Macintosh version of POV-Ray was created and compiled by Jim Nitchals
(Think 5.0) and Eduard Schwan (MPW 3.2), based (loosely) on the original
port by Thomas Okken and David Lichtman, with some help from Glenn Sugden.
For bug reports regarding the Macintosh version, you should contact:
Eduard [esp] Schwan
CompuServe: 71513,2161
Internet: jl.tech@applelink.apple.com
AppleLink: jl.tech
Jim Nitchals
Compuserve: 73117,3020
America Online: JIMN8
Internet: jimn8@aol.com -or- jimn8@applelink.apple.com
AppleLink: JIMN8
Change History:
920815 [jln] version 1.0 Mac released.
920908 [esp] version 1.1 alpha Mac
921221 [esp] Changed to include QuickTime 1.5 Headers
930826 [esp] Added 1.x/2.x ifdefs in
931001 [esp] version 2.0 finished (Released on 10/4/93)
931119 [djh] 2.0.1 source conditionally compiles for PPC machines, keyword __powerc
#if !defined(POVMAC_H)
#define POVMAC_H
/*==== POV definitions =====*/
#include "FRAME.H"
/*==== Mac definitions =====*/
/*==== QuickTime compression headers ====*/
#if defined (THINK_C)
// THINK C has problems linking to StdCompressionGlue.o, fix it!
#define OpenStdCompression OPENSTDCOMPRESSION
#endif // THINK_C
#include "ImageCompression.h"
#include "QuickTimeComponents.h"
#if defined(__powerc)
#include <MixedMode.h>
/*==== Animate header ====*/
#include "Animate.h" // for AnimRec_t definition in prefs
/*==== Think to non-THINK compatibility ====*/
#if !defined(THINK_C)
#include <Strings.h> // p<->cstr
#endif // THINK_C
/*==== definitions ====*/
// Application prefs file
#define POV_RAY_PREFS_FNAME "\pPOV-Ray 2.0 Prefs"
#define kPrefsFileType 'pref'
// default stack size
#define DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE 80000
#define _QD32Trap 0xAB03 /* 32 bit Quickdraw trap */
#define kRsrcFileClosed (-1)
/* keyboard values used by ModalFilter() */
#define kReturnKey 0x0D
#define kEnterKey 0x03
#define kEscKey 0x1B
#define kTabKey 0x09
/* All dialogs have a user item #3 for outlining buttons */
#define kDefaultItem 3
/* Windows */
#define kWindID_p2w 9600 // POV-Ray status window
/* Dialog resource IDs */
#define kdlog_P2W_INIT_ERROR 9600
#define kdlog_ConfigFatalErr 129 // bad hardware/software config
#define kdlog_GenericFatalErr 152 // general purpose fatal error dialog
#define kdlog_CantOpenOverDirty 154 // cant open over existing busy file
#define kdlog_CantOpenNonText 155 // cant open non-text files
#define kdlog_UseFPUVersion 158 // Note: should use FPU version of POV-Ray
/* our application's creator signature */
#define kAppSignature 'PvRy'
/* POV Menu equates */
#define num_of_menus 7
#define num_of_submenus 3
#define menu_offset 128 // ID of the first menu
#define submenu_offset 200 // ID of the first submenu
/* Apple Menu */
#define apmn_ID 128
#define apmn_about 1
/* File Menu */
#define fmn_ID 129
#define fmn_new 1
#define fmn_open 2
#define fmn_close 4
#define fmn_save 5
#define fmn_saveas 6
#define fmn_quit 8
/* Edit Menu */
#define edmn_ID 130
#define edmn_undo 1
#define edmn_cut 3
#define edmn_copy 4
#define edmn_paste 5
#define edmn_clear 6
#define edmn_selectAll 7
#define edmn_redo 9
#define edmn_goto 11
#define edmn_prefs 13
#define edmn_macros 15
#define edmn_lookup 17
/* Image Menu */
#define immn_ID 131
#define immn_view 1
#define immn_dither 2
#define immn_custom 3
/* Render Menu */
#define rnmn_ID 132
#define rnmn_options 1
#define rnmn_render 3
#define rnmn_pause 4
#define rnmn_stop 5
#define rnmn_autosave 7
#define rnmn_shutdown 8
#define render_file 40
/* Processing Menu */
#define psmn_ID 133
#define psmn_border 1
#define psmn_darken 2
#define psmn_lighten 3
#define psmn_reduceC 4
#define psmn_increaseC 5
#define psmn_invert 6
#define psmn_divider1 7
#define psmn_revert 8
/* Windows Menu */
#define wndmn_ID 134
#define wndmn_status 1
#define wndmn_source 2
#define wndmn_image 3
/* View submenu */
#define viewmn_ID 200
#define viewmn_hidden 1
#define viewmn_Size2Window 2
#define viewmn_normal 3
#define viewmn_x2 4
#define viewmn_x3 5
#define viewmn_x4 6
/* palette submenu */
#define plmn_ID 201
#define palette_none 1
#define palette_default 3
#define palette_median 4
#define palette_popular 5
#define palette_var_min 6
#define palette_octree 7
/* don't want to collide with system equates, so... */
#define varianceMethod 1000
#define octreeMethod 1001
#if !defined (min)
#define min(x,y) ((x>y)?y:x)
#endif // min
// Application internal configuration settings resource (stack size, etc.)
#define kAppConfigRsrc 'CNFG'
#define kAppConfigRsrcID 1000
typedef struct
long stackSize; // # of bytes to grow stack to
short memTrackingSize; // % of heap to use for malloc-tracking arrays
} app_config_rec_t, *app_config_ptr_t, **app_config_hdl_t;
/* the resource ID of the preferences resources (1.0 was 128, 2.0 is 200) */
#define kPrefs_rsrcID 200
/* the version # of the prefs resources - increment this when prefs_rec_t's change */
/* This currently follows the app version #, so 0x0201 is version 2.01 */
#define kPrefs_rsrcVers 0x0201
/*==== preferences resource - Application ====*/
/* values for background CPU usage in App Prefs */
#define kMinMultiFriendly 1
#define kDefMultiFriendly 5
#define kMaxMultiFriendly 11
#define kAppPrefsRsrc 'aPrf'
typedef enum
eWhenNtf_Quiet=0, // don't notify at all when done
eWhenNtf_BgOnly, // notify when done, only if in background
eWhenNtf_FgOnly, // notify when done, only if in foreground
eWhenNtf_BgFg // notify when done, in background or foreground
} WhenNotify_t;
typedef enum
eHowNtf_Noise=0, // beep when done
eHowNtf_Dlg, // show dialog when done
eHowNtf_NoiseDlg // beep & show dialog when done
} HowNotify_t;
typedef struct
short prefsVersion;
short howMultiFriendly; // how tight are YOUR loops?
WhenNotify_t whenToNotify; // circumstances to notify
HowNotify_t howToNotify; // style of notification
FSSpec includeDirFSSpec; // search path directory ref (name=volname!)
} app_prefs_rec_t, *app_prefs_ptr_t, **app_prefs_hdl_t;
/*==== preferences resource - File ====*/
// Max Symbols value (+ms)
// Goes up from 500, in increments of 500
#define kMaxSymMinVal 500 // min value allowed
#define kMaxSymFactor 500 // increment value
#define kMaxSymMaxVal (kMaxSymMinVal+8*kMaxSymFactor) // max value allowed (8 menu items)
#define kDefaultMaxSym MAX_CONSTANTS // default (from config.h)
// Progress item values
#define kProgNone 1 // quiet
#define kProgMinimal 2 // Mac related info
#define kProgVerbose 3 // Mac & Core info
#define kProgDebug 4 // Core debug messages to external file
#define kProgMax kProgDebug
// Min language version values (+mv)
#define kMinLangVersion 1 // POV-Ray 1.0
#define kMaxLangVersion 2 // POV-Ray 2.0
#define kFilePrefsRsrc 'fPrf'
typedef struct
short prefsVersion; // magic version # of this record (kPrefs_rsrcVers)
Rect srcWind_pos; // source window placement on screen
Rect statWind_pos; // status window placement
Rect imageWind_pos; // image window placement
short imageWidth; // width of image in pixels
short imageHeight; // height of image in pixels
Point imageUpperLeft; // image scroll position within window
Rect selectionArea; // image selection area within window (+SC/+EC/+SR/+ER)
OSType pictFileCreator; // PICT file creator
OSType targaFileCreator; // Targa file creator
short renderQuality; // quality index for image (+Q 0-9)
short custom_palette; // style of palette to use
short imageMagFactor; // magnification factor of image window (0,1,2,3,4)
short createTargaOutfile; // True if generating Targa output file
short continueTarga; // True to use previous Targa file
short doDither; // True to dither image
short doBoundSlabs; // True to use bounding slabs (+MB)
short boundSlabThreshold; // Min. # of objects before enabling slabs
short progress; // levels of verbose progress during render (1-4) (+V1)
short languageVersion; // for POV-Ray +MV command
short maxSymbolsVal; // for POV-Ray +MS command
short doAnimation; // True if doing animation
short doCompression; // True if compressing image
short do24BitPict; // True if doing 24 bit PICTs, false = 8 bit indexed
short doAntialias; // True if antialiasing
float antialiasThreshold; // value of anti-alias threshold
short antialiasDepth; // for POV-Ray +R command
float antiJitterScale; // for POV-Ray +J command
AnimRec_t animRec; // animation info record
SCSpatialSettings sc_DialogParams;
} file_prefs_rec_t, *file_prefs_ptr_t, **file_prefs_hdl_t;
/*==== POV-Ray engine globals ====*/
// need to reference these from POV engine
extern volatile int Stop_Flag;
extern DBL Max_Trace_Level; // render.c (5)
extern int token_count, line_count; // tokenize.c (0,5)
extern int Include_File_Index; // tokenize.c (0)
extern struct Token_Struct Token; // tokenize.c
extern void alt_main(short argc, char **argv);
/*==== pov.c globals ====*/
extern p2w_WindowPtr_t gp2wWindow; // the Status (text) window
extern app_prefs_hdl_t gAppPrefs_h; // App prefs from prefs file
extern file_prefs_hdl_t gFilePrefs_h; // for remembering source window resizing
extern file_prefs_hdl_t gPrefs2Use_h; // points to file or default prefs
extern Boolean gHasSys70; // Can we do System 7 stuff?
extern Boolean gHasWNEvent; // WaitNextEvent trap around?
extern Boolean gHasFSSpecs; // Can use FSSpec calls?
extern Boolean gHasAppleEvents; // Apple Events available for doing shutdown?
extern Boolean gHas32BitQD; // is 32 bit Quickdraw available for depth & dithering
extern Boolean gHasPictUtils; // is Picture Utils (extract best palette) avail?
extern Boolean gHasImageCompressionMgr; // Is QuickTime Image compression available?
extern Boolean gHasPopups; // are popup menus avail?
extern Boolean gInBackground; // is the program currently switched out
extern Boolean gDoingRender; // for determining the menu states
extern Cursor gEditCursor;
extern Cursor gWaitCursor;
extern Rect gDragBounds; // window dragging boundary
extern Boolean gCanUndo; // can we undo this operation?
/*==== PowerPC-specific globals ====*/
#if defined(__powerc)
extern QDGlobals qd;
extern RoutineDescriptor gModalFilterRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gOutlineButtonRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gPopupMenuRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gDimDlogTextRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gShowProgressRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gAEOAppRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gAEODocRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gAEQuitRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gPutPICTRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gVScrollRD;
extern RoutineDescriptor gHScrollRD;
#endif // __powerc
/*==== pov.c Prototypes ====*/
pascal void outlineDefaultButton(DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem);
void SetupDefaultButton(DialogPtr theDialog);
ControlHandle GrabDItemHandle(DialogPtr theDialog, short theGetItem);
pascal Boolean ModalFilter(DialogPtr theDialog, EventRecord *theDialogEvent, short *theDialogItem);
short displayDialog(short dlogID, char *s, short err, WindCentering_t doCentering, WindPositioning_t whereToShow);
void GetBestDialogPos(Point *wherep);
void restore_state(int n);
void WriteFilePrefs(void);
void support_undo(char *the_reason, short flush_redo);
void Cooperate(int doImmediate);
void exit_handler(void);
#endif // POVMAC_H