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- /*==============================================================================
- Project: POV-Ray
- Version: 2.2
- File: POVMalloc.c
- Description:
- Library routines and definitions to re-route the Std C library
- calls to malloc/free, track them, and handle garbage-collection.
- There are some compile-time flags in here of importance. They
- are not defined (off), but if defined, will change the behavior
- of the memory allocation code:
- USE_NATIVE_MALLOC - if defined, will use the Mac's NewPtr() calls
- instead of C's malloc(). This turns out to be a little slower,
- but leaves a cleaner heap. malloc allocates chunks that are
- not actually discarded when free is called.
- USE_MEMHANDLES - This allocates handles instead of pointers, then
- locks and derefs them.
- USE_MEMTAGS - if defined, will add a 4 byte tag to each memory
- chunk allocated, and insure that the de-allocation of memory has
- this tag. This will detect any free calls that are passed bad
- pointers.
- MALLOC_TRACE - Adds info about the source file/line # of allocation
- in the block allocated, so it can be displayed on cleanup
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Author:
- Jim Nitchals and Eduard [esp] Schwan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
- with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
- than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
- which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
- named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
- POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
- Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
- Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
- This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
- DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- More Info:
- This Macintosh version of POV-Ray was created and compiled by Jim Nitchals
- (Think 5.0) and Eduard Schwan (MPW 3.2), based (loosely) on the original
- port by Thomas Okken and David Lichtman, with some help from Glenn Sugden.
- For bug reports regarding the Macintosh version, you should contact:
- Eduard [esp] Schwan
- CompuServe: 71513,2161
- Internet: jl.tech@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: jl.tech
- Jim Nitchals
- Compuserve: 73117,3020
- America Online: JIMN8
- Internet: jimn8@aol.com -or- jimn8@applelink.apple.com
- AppleLink: JIMN8
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Change History:
- 921023 [esp] Created.
- 921202 [esp] Added POV_need_to_reclaim() routine
- 921221 [esp] Added BeVerbose parm to POV_Reclaim routine
- 930423 [esp] Added low-memory check in malloc/calloc (MIN_SAFE_BYTES).
- 930618 [esp] Added USE_NATIVE_MALLOC code (again) and renamed USE_MEMTAGS
- 931001 [esp] version 2.0 finished (Released on 10/4/93)
- 931020 [esp] Added realloc function
- 931020 [esp] Began adding experimental NewHandle/MoveHHi (USE_MEMHANDLES) code
- 931116 [esp] Added out-of-mem handling code (gReserveBuffer, HandleOutOfMem)
- 931119 [djh] Added <ToolUtils.h> for PPC compatibility
- ==============================================================================*/
- #define POVMALLOC_C
- #include <types.h>
- #include <stdlib.h> // malloc
- #include <memory.h> // NewPtr
- #include <errors.h> // memFullErr
- #include <ToolUtils.h> // watchCursor
- #include "POVMalloc.h"
- #include "POVLib.h"
- // out-of-mem reserve space
- #define RESERVE_MEM_SIZE 60000L
- // This defines the lowest free memory is allowed to get before
- // malloc & calloc fail. This guarantees some free heap space for
- // error recovery.
- #define MIN_SAFE_BYTES 60000L
- // long int tag used to detect bad ptrs passed to free()
- #define MALLOC_TAG 'MTAG'
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- // Memory allocation tracking (Garbage Collection)
- static Handle gReserveBuffer = NULL;
- static Boolean gDoMemTracking;
- static Boolean gReclaiming;
- static long gMallocListCount,
- gFreeListCount,
- gMallocListSize;
- static Ptr *gMallocList; // array of pointers
- static Ptr *gFreeList; // array of pointers
- static long gEscapedMallocsCount = 0L; // track # of untracked mallocs (can't garbage collect)
- void catch_exit(int n);
- // =====================================================================
- void AllocateSafetyBuffer(void)
- {
- if (gReserveBuffer == NULL)
- {
- gReserveBuffer = NewHandle(RESERVE_MEM_SIZE);
- if (gReserveBuffer)
- MoveHHi(gReserveBuffer);
- }
- } // AllocateSafetyBuffer
- // =====================================================================
- void PurgeSafetyBuffer(void)
- {
- if (gReserveBuffer)
- {
- DisposeHandle(gReserveBuffer);
- gReserveBuffer = NULL;
- }
- } // PurgeSafetyBuffer
- // =====================================================================
- OSErr POV_init_memtracking(size_t max_trackable)
- {
- gReclaiming = false; // not reclaiming just now
- // allocate malloc() garbage collection buffers
- gMallocListSize = max_trackable;
- if (gMallocListSize < 500)
- gMallocListSize = 500;
- gMallocList = (Ptr*) NewPtr((gMallocListSize+2L)*sizeof(Ptr));
- gFreeList = (Ptr*) NewPtr((gMallocListSize+2L)*sizeof(Ptr));
- if ((gMallocList == NULL) || (gFreeList == NULL))
- {
- // fatal error
- // displayDialog(kdlog_GenericFatalErr, "Cannot allocate memory for garbage collection",
- // gMallocListSize, ewcDoCentering, eMainDevice);
- // exit_handler();
- return memFullErr;
- }
- else
- {
- // unmark first item on list
- *gMallocList = NULL;
- gMallocListCount = 0;
- *gFreeList = NULL;
- gFreeListCount = 0;
- }
- // allocate our safety buffer
- AllocateSafetyBuffer();
- return noErr;
- } // POV_init_memtracking
- // =====================================================================
- void POV_enable_memtracking(Boolean dotracking)
- {
- gDoMemTracking = dotracking;
- } // POV_enable_memtracking
- // =====================================================================
- void HandleOutOfMem(void)
- {
- // We are most likely out of memory. For now, we will free all the
- // allocated memory, and exit back to the main loop with an error.
- // We could be down to 5 or 10 bytes of available memory, and to do
- // anything else (like return from malloc and let the caller handle it)
- // risks a hard lockup or crash! So, first, make sure there's room
- // for loading dialogs & stuff in POV_reclaim(), by dumping the buffer memory.
- PurgeSafetyBuffer();
- // open some more heap space
- (void)CompactMem(FreeMem());
- // beep!
- SysBeep(2);
- // Now free all memory
- POV_reclaim(false, NULL);
- // tell user we failed from here
- puts("\n## Error! Ran out of memory. Action aborted.");
- // reallocate our safety net for next time
- AllocateSafetyBuffer();
- // now exit out of all fn calls
- catch_exit(1);
- } // HandleOutOfMem
- // =====================================================================
- void *POV_malloc(size_t size, char * src_file, short src_line_num)
- #else
- void *POV_malloc(size_t size)
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- {
- void *myptr = NULL;
- Handle myhdl = NULL;
- #endif
- if (MaxBlock() > MIN_SAFE_BYTES)
- {
- size += 32; // add room for tag file name/line #
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- size += 4; // add room for tag MALLOC_TAG
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- // use locked handles
- myhdl = NewHandle(size);
- if (myhdl)
- {
- MoveHHi(myhdl); // move it up
- HLock(myhdl); // and lock it down
- // it's really a handle, turn it into a pointer
- myptr = *myhdl;
- }
- #else
- // use regular pointers
- myptr = NewPtr(size);
- #endif // USE_MEMHANDLES
- #else
- // use Std C Lib allocator
- myptr = malloc(size);
- if (myptr)
- { // successfully allocated it
- *(short*)myptr = src_line_num;
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+2L); // point beyond line #
- strcpy(myptr, src_file);
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+30L); // point beyond file name
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- *(long*)myptr = MALLOC_TAG;
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+4L); // point beyond tag
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- if (gDoMemTracking)
- { // remember this pointer for auto-disposing later
- // remember the handle
- gMallocList[gMallocListCount] = (Ptr)myhdl;
- #else
- gMallocList[gMallocListCount] = myptr;
- #endif
- if (gMallocListCount < gMallocListSize)
- gMallocListCount++;
- else
- gEscapedMallocsCount++; // oops, overflow, one got away!
- }
- }
- }
- // allocation was unsuccessful
- if (myptr == NULL)
- HandleOutOfMem();
- return myptr;
- } // POV_malloc
- // =====================================================================
- void *POV_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size, char * src_file, short src_line_num)
- #else
- void *POV_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- {
- void *myptr = NULL;
- Handle myhdl = NULL;
- #endif
- if (MaxBlock() > MIN_SAFE_BYTES)
- {
- size += 32; // add room for tag file name/line #
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- size += 4; // add room for tag MALLOC_TAG
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- // use locked handles
- myptr = NewHandleClear(nmemb*size);
- if (myhdl)
- {
- MoveHHi(myhdl); // move it up
- HLock(myhdl); // and lock it down
- // it's really a handle, turn it into a pointer
- myptr = *myhdl;
- }
- #else
- // use regular pointers
- myptr = NewPtrClear(nmemb*size);
- #endif // USE_MEMHANDLES
- #else
- myptr = calloc(nmemb,size);
- if (myptr)
- { // successfully allocated it
- *(short*)myptr = src_line_num;
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+2L); // point beyond line #
- strcpy(myptr, src_file);
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+30L); // point beyond file name
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- *(long*)myptr = MALLOC_TAG;
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+4L); // point beyond tag
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- if (gDoMemTracking)
- { // remember this pointer for auto-disposing later
- // remember the handle
- gMallocList[gMallocListCount] = (Ptr)myhdl;
- #else
- gMallocList[gMallocListCount] = myptr;
- #endif
- if (gMallocListCount < gMallocListSize)
- gMallocListCount++;
- else
- gEscapedMallocsCount++; // oops, overflow, one got away!
- }
- }
- }
- // allocation was unsuccessful
- if (myptr == NULL)
- HandleOutOfMem();
- return myptr;
- } // POV_calloc
- // =====================================================================
- void *POV_realloc(void * p, size_t newsize)
- {
- printf("ERROR! realloc not ready!\n");
- /*
- ---------------------------------------- not ready yet!
- size_t oldsize;
- #endif
- Handle myhdl = NULL;
- #endif
- short k;
- void *myptr = NULL;
- // Warn user if nil pointer passed in!
- if (p == NULL)
- {
- printf("## Warning! Ignoring an attempt to realloc a nil pointer!\n");
- DebugStr("\pTried to free a nil pointer");
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- return NULL;
- }
- if (MaxBlock() > MIN_SAFE_BYTES)
- {
- newsize += 4; // add room for tag MALLOC_TAG
- pOrig = (void*)(((long)p)-4L); // back up to tag/original position
- if (*(long*)pOrig != MALLOC_TAG)
- {
- printf("## Error! Tried to realloc a bad/stomped block! ($%lx)\n",pOrig);
- DebugStr("\pTried to realloc a bad/stomped block 1");
- }
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- // get previous size for shrink/grow check
- oldsize = GetHandleSize(RecoverHandle(p));
- // allocate new space... use locked handles
- myhdl = (Ptr)NewHandle(newsize);
- #else
- // get previous size for shrink/grow check
- oldsize = GetPtrSize(p);
- // allocate new space... use regular pointers
- myptr = NewPtr(newsize);
- #endif // USE_MEMHANDLES
- if (myptr)
- {
- MoveHHi(myptr); // move it up
- HLock(myptr); // and lock it down
- // it's really a handle, turn it into a pointer
- myptr = *(Handle)myptr;
- #endif // USE_MEMHANDLES
- oldsize -= 4; // remove size of tag MALLOC_TAG, just copy data
- newsize -= 4; // remove size of tag MALLOC_TAG, just copy data
- #endif
- // copy old contents into new space (trim if less space)
- BlockMove(p, myptr, (oldsize<newsize)?oldsize:newsize);
- // now release old memory...
- POV_free(p);
- }
- #else
- // do the ANSI thing
- myptr = realloc(p, newsize);
- if (myptr)
- { // successfully re-allocated it
- *(long*)myptr = MALLOC_TAG;
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+4L); // point beyond tag
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- if (gDoMemTracking)
- { // remember this new pointer for auto-disposing later
- gMallocList[gMallocListCount] = myptr;
- if (gMallocListCount < gMallocListSize)
- gMallocListCount++;
- else
- gEscapedMallocsCount++; // oops, overflow, one got away!
- }
- }
- }
- // allocation was unsuccessful
- if (myptr == NULL)
- HandleOutOfMem();
- return myptr;
- ------------------------------------
- */
- } // POV_realloc
- // =====================================================================
- void POV_free(void *myptr)
- {
- Handle myhdl = NULL;
- #endif // USE_MEMHANDLES
- if (myptr == NULL)
- {
- printf("## Warning! Ignoring an attempt to free a nil pointer!\n");
- DebugStr("\pTried to free a nil pointer");
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- }
- else
- {
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)-4L); // back up to tag
- if (*(long*)myptr != MALLOC_TAG)
- {
- printf("## Error! Tried to free a bad/stomped block! ($%lx)\n",myptr);
- DebugStr("\pTried to free a bad/stomped block 1");
- }
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)-32L); // back up over file name/line #
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- // use Mac locked handles
- myhdl = RecoverHandle(myptr);
- if (myhdl)
- DisposeHandle(myhdl);
- else
- {
- printf("## Error %d! Cannot recover handle from ptr! ($%lx)\n",
- MemError(), myptr);
- DebugStr("\pCannot recover handle from ptr");
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- }
- #else
- // use regular Mac pointers
- DisposePtr(myptr);
- #endif // USE_MEMHANDLES
- #else
- // The Std C library way...
- free(myptr);
- // remember that this guy was freed for later
- // (if we're tracking, and not in the middle of reclaiming)
- if (gDoMemTracking && !gReclaiming)
- {
- // point beyond fname again, so that gMallocList & gFreeList match!
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+32L);
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- // point beyond tag again, so that gMallocList & gFreeList match!
- myptr = (void*)(((long)myptr)+4L);
- #endif // USE_MEMTAGS
- gFreeList[gFreeListCount] = (Ptr)myhdl;
- #else
- gFreeList[gFreeListCount] = myptr;
- #endif // USE_MEMHANDLES
- if (gFreeListCount < gMallocListSize)
- gFreeListCount++;
- }
- }
- } // POV_free
- // =====================================================================
- Boolean POV_need_to_reclaim(void)
- {
- return (gMallocListCount > 0);
- } // POV_need_to_reclaim
- // =====================================================================
- void POV_reclaim(Boolean BeVerbose, DialogPtr progressDialogPtr)
- {
- register Ptr *theMallocListPtr;
- register Ptr *theFreedListPtr;
- register long i,j;
- long min_index, max_index;
- FILE *mtfp;
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- // Let everyone know we're busy in reclaiming mode
- gReclaiming = true;
- // anything to do?
- if (gMallocListCount > 0)
- {
- SetCursor(*GetCursor(watchCursor)); // could take a little while..
- // First, remove any entries from the malloc pile if already freed.
- // Do this by scanning the freed pile, and if an entry matches one
- // in malloc pile, delete it. To help speed things up, keep track of
- // the lowest and highest valid entries in the malloc list, so we don't
- // revisit them in the inner loop (min_index, max_index)
- if (gFreeListCount > 0)
- {
- theFreedListPtr = gFreeList;
- min_index = 0;
- max_index = gMallocListCount-1;
- // find starting point
- theMallocListPtr = &gMallocList[min_index];
- while ((*theMallocListPtr == NULL) && (min_index <= max_index))
- {
- theMallocListPtr++;
- min_index++;
- }
- // find ending point
- theMallocListPtr = &gMallocList[max_index];
- while ((*theMallocListPtr == NULL) && (max_index > min_index))
- {
- theMallocListPtr--;
- max_index--;
- }
- // printf("## DEBUG; min=%ld max=%ld total=%ld\n",min_index,max_index,gMallocListCount); // debug
- for (i=0; i<gFreeListCount; i++, theFreedListPtr++)
- {
- // Update the progress bar only occasionally (every 32 loops)
- if ( progressDialogPtr && !(i & 31) )
- {
- // go to the 1/2 way mark in this loop
- updateProgressDialog(progressDialogPtr, 0, gFreeListCount, i>>1);
- }
- // check this freed pointer against the malloc list
- theMallocListPtr = &gMallocList[min_index];
- for (j = min_index; j<=max_index; j++, theMallocListPtr++)
- {
- // is there a malloc entry to check against?
- if (*theMallocListPtr != NULL)
- {
- if (*theMallocListPtr == *theFreedListPtr)
- { // found it, remove from malloc pile
- *theMallocListPtr = NULL;
- break; // out of this for loop
- }
- }
- } // for j
- } // for i
- }
- mtfp = fopen("MallocTrace.Out", "w+");
- fprintf(mtfp, "## Leftover un-freed memory:\n");
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- // free whatever is left over in the malloc list
- theMallocListPtr = &gMallocList[min_index];
- for (i=min_index; i<max_index; i++, theMallocListPtr++)
- {
- // Update the progress bar only occasionally (every 32 loops)
- if ( progressDialogPtr && !(i & 31) )
- {
- // do the last 1/2 in this loop
- updateProgressDialog(progressDialogPtr, 0, gMallocListCount,
- (gMallocListCount+i) >> 1);
- }
- if (*theMallocListPtr != NULL)
- {
- char * p;
- p = (char*)((long)*theMallocListPtr)-32L;
- fprintf(mtfp, "File %s; line %d\n", p+2, *(short*)p);
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- // A true handle is stored there, don't mess around, dispose it!
- DisposeHandle((Handle)*theMallocListPtr);
- #else
- POV_free(*theMallocListPtr);
- #endif // USE_MEMHANDLES
- }
- }
- if (mtfp) fclose(mtfp);
- #endif // MALLOC_TRACE
- if (BeVerbose)
- {
- printf("-- Garbage Collection Statistics:\n");
- printf("-- malloc() free()\n");
- printf("-- Max trackable: %8ld %8ld\n", gMallocListSize, gMallocListSize);
- printf("-- Total tracked: %8ld %8ld\n", gMallocListCount, gFreeListCount);
- if (gEscapedMallocsCount > 0)
- {
- printf("## Extra untracked: %8ld ---\n", gEscapedMallocsCount);
- printf("##\n");
- printf("## Warning, couldn't track and dispose all memory allocations.\n");
- printf("## Increase the heap size or increase the application's CNFG\n");
- printf("## resource value to help alleviate this.\n");
- }
- }
- // open some heap space
- (void)CompactMem(FreeMem());
- *gMallocList = NULL;
- gMallocListCount = 0;
- *gFreeList = NULL;
- gFreeListCount = 0;
- gEscapedMallocsCount = 0L;
- SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- }
- // Let everyone (POV_Free) know we're out of reclaiming mode
- gReclaiming = false;
- } // POV_reclaim