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- /****************************************************************************
- * image.c
- *
- * This module implements the mapped textures including image map, bump map
- * and material map.
- *
- * from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
- * Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
- * with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
- * than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
- * which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
- * named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
- * POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
- * Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
- * Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
- *
- * This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
- * DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
- * DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "frame.h"
- #include "vector.h"
- #include "povproto.h"
- #include "texture.h"
- static int cylindrical_image_map PARAMS((DBL x, DBL y, DBL z, IMAGE *Image, DBL *u, DBL *v));
- static int torus_image_map PARAMS((DBL x, DBL y, DBL z, IMAGE *Image, DBL *u, DBL *v));
- static int spherical_image_map PARAMS((DBL x, DBL y, DBL z, IMAGE *Image, DBL *u, DBL *v));
- static int planar_image_map PARAMS((DBL x, DBL y, DBL z, IMAGE *Image, DBL *u, DBL *v));
- static void no_interpolation PARAMS((IMAGE *Image,DBL xcoor,DBL ycoor,COLOUR *colour,int *index));
- static DBL bilinear PARAMS((DBL *corners,DBL x,DBL y));
- static DBL norm_dist PARAMS((DBL *corners,DBL x,DBL y));
- static void Interp PARAMS((IMAGE *Image,DBL xcoor,DBL ycoor,COLOUR *colour,int *index));
- static void image_colour_at PARAMS((IMAGE *Image,DBL xcoor,DBL ycoor,COLOUR *colour,int *index));
- /*
- 2-D to 3-D Procedural Texture Mapping of a Bitmapped Image onto an Object:
- A. Simplistic (planar) method of image projection devised by DKB and AAC:
- 1. Transform texture in 3-D space if requested.
- 2. Determine local object 2-d coords from 3-d coords by <X Y Z> triple.
- 3. Return pixel color value at that position on the 2-d plane of "Image".
- 3. Map colour value in Image [0..255] to a more normal colour range [0..1].
- B. Specialized shape projection variations by Alexander Enzmann:
- 1. Cylindrical mapping
- 2. Spherical mapping
- 3. Torus mapping
- */
- void image_map (x, y, z, Pigment, colour)
- DBL x, y, z;
- PIGMENT *Pigment;
- COLOUR *colour;
- {
- /* determine local object 2-d coords from 3-d coords */
- /* "unwrap" object 2-d coord onto flat 2-d plane */
- /* return pixel color value at that posn on 2-d plane */
- DBL xcoor = 0.0, ycoor = 0.0 ;
- int reg_number;
- if(map (x, y, z, ((TPATTERN *)Pigment), Pigment->Image,&xcoor, &ycoor))
- {
- Make_ColourA (colour,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
- return;
- }
- image_colour_at(Pigment->Image,xcoor, ycoor, colour, ®_number);
- }
- /* Very different stuff than the other routines here. This routine takes */
- /* an intersection point and a texture and returns a new texture based on */
- /* the index/color of that point in an image/materials map. CdW 7/91 */
- TEXTURE *material_map(IPoint,Texture)
- VECTOR *IPoint;
- MATERIAL *Texture;
- {
- register DBL x, y, z;
- DBL xcoor = 0.0, ycoor = 0.0;
- int reg_number = 0;
- COLOUR colour;
- int Material_Number=0;
- TEXTURE *Temp_Tex;
- int numtex;
- VECTOR TPoint;
- TPATTERN TPattern;
- Make_ColourA(&colour,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
- if (Texture->Trans != NULL)
- MInvTransPoint (&TPoint, IPoint, Texture->Trans);
- else
- TPoint = *IPoint;
- x = TPoint.x;
- y = TPoint.y;
- z = TPoint.z;
- /* now we have transformed x, y, z we use image mapping routine */
- /* to determine texture index */
- if(map (x, y, z, &TPattern, Texture->Image,&xcoor, &ycoor))
- Material_Number=0;
- else{
- image_colour_at(Texture->Image,xcoor, ycoor, &colour, ®_number);
- if (Texture->Image->Colour_Map == NULL)
- Material_Number = (int)colour.Red*255;
- else
- Material_Number = reg_number;
- }
- if(Material_Number > Texture->Num_Of_Mats)
- Material_Number %= Texture->Num_Of_Mats;
- for(numtex=0, Temp_Tex = Texture->Materials;
- (Temp_Tex->Next_Material != NULL) && (numtex<Material_Number);
- Temp_Tex = Temp_Tex->Next_Material, numtex++)
- ; /* do nothing */
- return(Temp_Tex);
- }
- TEXTURE *tiles_texture(IPoint,Texture)
- VECTOR *IPoint;
- TILES *Texture;
- {
- int Block;
- VECTOR TPoint;
- if (Texture->Trans != NULL)
- MInvTransPoint (&TPoint, IPoint, Texture->Trans);
- else
- TPoint = *IPoint;
- Block = (int)(FLOOR(TPoint.x+Small_Tolerance)
- +FLOOR(TPoint.y+Small_Tolerance)
- +FLOOR(TPoint.z+Small_Tolerance));
- if (Block & 1)
- return(Texture->Tile1);
- else
- return(Texture->Tile2);
- }
- void bump_map (x, y, z, Tnormal, normal)
- DBL x, y, z;
- TNORMAL *Tnormal;
- VECTOR *normal;
- {
- DBL xcoor = 0.0, ycoor = 0.0;
- int index,index2,index3;
- COLOUR colour, colour2, colour3;
- VECTOR p1,p2,p3;
- VECTOR bump_normal;
- VECTOR xprime, yprime, zprime, Temp;
- DBL Length;
- DBL Amount = Tnormal->Amount;
- IMAGE *Image = Tnormal->Image;
- Make_ColourA (&colour,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
- Make_ColourA (&colour2,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
- Make_ColourA (&colour3,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
- /* going to have to change this */
- /* need to know if bump point is off of image for all 3 points */
- if(map (x, y, z, (TPATTERN *)Tnormal, Image,&xcoor, &ycoor))
- return;
- else
- image_colour_at(Image,xcoor, ycoor, &colour, &index);
- xcoor--;
- ycoor++;
- if (xcoor < 0.0)
- xcoor += (DBL)Image->iwidth;
- else if (xcoor >= Image->iwidth)
- xcoor -= (DBL)Image->iwidth;
- if (ycoor < 0.0)
- ycoor += (DBL)Image->iheight;
- else if (ycoor >=(DBL) Image->iheight)
- ycoor -= (DBL)Image->iheight;
- image_colour_at(Image,xcoor, ycoor, &colour2, &index2);
- xcoor +=2.0;
- if (xcoor < 0.0)
- xcoor += (DBL)Image->iwidth;
- else if (xcoor >= Image->iwidth)
- xcoor -= (DBL)Image->iwidth;
- image_colour_at(Image,xcoor, ycoor, &colour3, &index3);
- if (Options & DEBUGGING)
- printf ("Bump Map %g %g %g xcoor %g ycoor %g\n", x, y, z, xcoor, ycoor);
- if (Image->Colour_Map == NULL ||
- Image->Use_Colour_Flag )
- {
- p1.x = 0;
- p1.y =
- Amount*(0.229*colour.Red+0.587*colour.Green+0.114*colour.Blue);
- p1.z = 0;
- p2.x = 0;
- p2.y =
- Amount*(0.229*colour2.Red+0.587*colour2.Green+0.114*colour2.Blue);
- p2.z = 1;
- p3.x = 1;
- p3.y =
- Amount*(0.229*colour3.Red+0.587*colour3.Green+0.114*colour3.Blue);
- p3.z = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- p1.x = 0;
- p1.y = Amount * index;
- p1.z = 0;
- p2.x = 0;
- p2.y = Amount * index2;
- p2.z = 1;
- p3.x = 1;
- p3.y = Amount * index3;
- p3.z = 1;
- }
- /* we have points 1,2,3 for a triangle now we need the surface normal for it
- */
- VSub (xprime, p1, p2);
- VSub (yprime, p3, p2);
- VCross (bump_normal, yprime, xprime);
- VNormalize(bump_normal, bump_normal);
- Make_Vector(&yprime,normal->x,normal->y,normal->z);
- Make_Vector(&Temp,0.0,1.0,0.0);
- VCross (xprime,yprime,Temp);
- VLength(Length,xprime);
- if(Length < 1.0e-9)
- {
- if(fabs(normal->y - 1.0)<Small_Tolerance)
- {
- Make_Vector(&yprime,0.0,1.0,0.0);
- Make_Vector(&xprime,1.0,0.0,0.0);
- Length = 1.0;
- }
- else
- {
- Make_Vector(&yprime,0.0,-1.0,0.0);
- Make_Vector(&xprime,1.0,0.0,0.0);
- Length = 1.0;
- }
- }
- VScale(xprime,xprime,1.0/Length);
- VCross (zprime,xprime,yprime);
- VNormalize(zprime,zprime);
- VScale(xprime,xprime,bump_normal.x);
- VScale(yprime,yprime,bump_normal.y);
- VScale(zprime,zprime,bump_normal.z);
- VAdd(Temp,xprime,yprime);
- VAdd(*normal,Temp,zprime);
- VNormalize(*normal,*normal);
- return;
- }
- static void image_colour_at(Image, xcoor, ycoor, colour, index)
- IMAGE *Image;
- DBL xcoor, ycoor;
- COLOUR *colour;
- int *index;
- {
- switch(Image->Interpolation_Type)
- {
- no_interpolation(Image,xcoor,ycoor,colour,index);
- break;
- default:
- Interp(Image,xcoor, ycoor, colour, index);
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Map a point (x, y, z) on a cylinder of radius 1, height 1, that has its
- axis of symmetry along the y-axis to the square [0,1]x[0,1]. */
- static int cylindrical_image_map (x, y, z, Image, u, v)
- DBL x, y, z;
- IMAGE *Image;
- DBL *u, *v;
- {
- DBL len, theta;
- if ((Image->Once_Flag) && ((y < 0.0) || (y > 1.0)))
- return 0;
- *v = fmod (y * Image->height, Image->height);
- /* Make sure this vector is on the unit sphere. */
- len = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
- if (len == 0.0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- x /= len;
- z /= len;
- }
- /* Determine its angle from the point (1, 0, 0) in the x-z plane. */
- len = sqrt(x*x + z*z);
- if (len == 0.0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- if (z == 0.0)
- if (x > 0)
- theta = 0.0;
- else
- theta = M_PI;
- else
- {
- theta = acos(x / len);
- if (z < 0.0) theta = 2.0 * M_PI - theta;
- }
- theta /= 2.0 * M_PI; /* This will be from 0 to 1 */
- }
- *u = (theta * Image->width);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Map a point (x, y, z) on a torus to a 2-d image. */
- static int torus_image_map (x, y, z, Image, u, v)
- DBL x, y, z;
- IMAGE *Image;
- DBL *u, *v;
- {
- DBL len, phi, theta;
- DBL r0;
- r0 = Image->Gradient.x;
- /* Determine its angle from the x-axis. */
- len = sqrt(x*x + z*z);
- if (len == 0.0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- if (z == 0.0)
- if (x > 0)
- theta = 0.0;
- else
- theta = M_PI;
- else
- {
- theta = acos(x / len);
- if (z < 0.0) theta = 2.0 * M_PI - theta;
- }
- }
- theta = 0.0 - theta;
- /* Now rotate about the y-axis to get the point (x, y, z) into the x-y plane. */
- x = len - r0;
- len = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
- phi = acos(-x / len);
- if (y > 0.0) phi = 2.0 * M_PI - phi;
- /* Determine the parametric coordinates. */
- theta /= 2.0 * M_PI;
- phi /= 2.0 * M_PI;
- *u = (-theta * Image->width);
- *v = (phi * Image->height);
- return 1;
- }
- /* Map a point (x, y, z) on a sphere of radius 1 to a 2-d image. (Or is it the
- other way around?) */
- static int spherical_image_map (x, y, z, Image, u, v)
- DBL x, y, z;
- IMAGE *Image;
- DBL *u, *v;
- {
- DBL len, phi, theta;
- /* Make sure this vector is on the unit sphere. */
- len = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
- if (len == 0.0)
- return 0;
- else
- {
- x /= len;
- y /= len;
- z /= len;
- }
- /* Determine its angle from the x-z plane. */
- phi = 0.5 + asin(y) / M_PI; /* This will be from 0 to 1 */
- /* Determine its angle from the point (1, 0, 0) in the x-z plane. */
- len = sqrt(x*x + z*z);
- if (len == 0.0)
- {
- /* This point is at one of the poles. Any value of xcoord will be ok...*/
- theta = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (z == 0.0)
- if (x > 0)
- theta = 0.0;
- else
- theta = M_PI;
- else
- {
- theta = acos(x / len);
- if (z < 0.0) theta = 2.0 * M_PI - theta;
- }
- theta /= 2.0 * M_PI; /* This will be from 0 to 1 */
- }
- *u = (theta * Image->width);
- *v = (phi * Image->height);
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- 2-D to 3-D Procedural Texture Mapping of a Bitmapped Image onto an Object:
- Simplistic planar method of object image projection devised by DKB and AAC.
- 1. Transform texture in 3-D space if requested.
- 2. Determine local object 2-d coords from 3-d coords by <X Y Z> triple.
- 3. Return pixel color value at that position on the 2-d plane of "Image".
- 3. Map colour value in Image [0..255] to a more normal colour range [0..1].
- */
- /* Return 0 if there is no color at this point (i.e. invisible), return 1
- if a good mapping is found. */
- static int planar_image_map(x, y, z, Image, u, v)
- DBL x, y, z;
- IMAGE *Image;
- DBL *u, *v;
- {
- if (Image -> Gradient.x != 0.0)
- {
- if ((Image->Once_Flag) &&
- ((x < 0.0) || (x > 1.0)))
- return 0;
- if (Image -> Gradient.x > 0)
- *u = fmod (x * Image->width, Image->width);
- else
- *v = fmod (x * Image->height, Image->height);
- }
- if (Image -> Gradient.y != 0.0)
- {
- if ((Image->Once_Flag) &&
- ((y < 0.0) || (y > 1.0)))
- return 0;
- if (Image -> Gradient.y > 0)
- *u = fmod (y * Image->width, Image->width);
- else
- *v = fmod (y * Image->height, Image->height);
- }
- if (Image -> Gradient.z != 0.0)
- {
- if ((Image->Once_Flag) &&
- ((z < 0.0) || (z > 1.0)))
- return 0;
- if (Image -> Gradient.z > 0)
- *u = fmod (z * Image->width, Image->width);
- else
- *v = fmod (z * Image->height, Image->height);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* Map returns 1 if no color found (invisible) or 0 if color found */
- int map (x, y, z, TPattern, Image, xcoor, ycoor)
- DBL x, y, z;
- TPATTERN *TPattern;
- IMAGE *Image;
- DBL *xcoor, *ycoor;
- {
- /* determine local object 2-d coords from 3-d coords */
- /* "unwrap" object 2-d coord onto flat 2-d plane */
- /* return pixel color value at that posn on 2-d plane */
- /* This causes problems so let's do without it for this release
- if (TPattern->Turbulence != 0.0)
- {
- DTurbulence (&TextureTurbulence, x, y, z,TPattern->Octaves);
- x += TextureTurbulence.x * TPattern->Turbulence;
- y += TextureTurbulence.y * TPattern->Turbulence;
- z += TextureTurbulence.z * TPattern->Turbulence;
- }
- */
- /* Now determine which mapper to use. */
- switch (Image->Map_Type)
- {
- case PLANAR_MAP:
- if (!planar_image_map(x, y, z, Image, xcoor, ycoor))
- return(1);
- break;
- if (!spherical_image_map(x, y, z,Image, xcoor, ycoor))
- return(1);
- break;
- if (!cylindrical_image_map(x, y, z,Image, xcoor, ycoor))
- return(1);
- break;
- case TORUS_MAP:
- if (!torus_image_map(x, y, z,Image, xcoor, ycoor))
- return(1);
- break;
- default:
- if (!planar_image_map(x, y, z,Image, xcoor, ycoor))
- return(1);
- break;
- }
- /* Now make sure the point is on the image */
- *ycoor += Small_Tolerance;
- *xcoor += Small_Tolerance;
- /* Compensate for y coordinates on the images being upsidedown */
- *ycoor = (DBL)Image->iheight - *ycoor;
- if (*xcoor < 0.0)
- *xcoor +=(DBL) Image->iwidth;
- else if (*xcoor >=(DBL)Image->iwidth)
- *xcoor -= (DBL)Image->iwidth;
- if (*ycoor < 0.0)
- *ycoor += (DBL)Image->iheight;
- else if (*ycoor >= (DBL)Image->iheight)
- *ycoor -= (DBL)Image->iheight;
- if (Options & DEBUGGING)
- printf ("\nmap %g %g %g xcoor %g ycoor %g ih %d iw %d\n", x, y, z, *xcoor, *ycoor,Image->iheight,Image->iwidth);
- if ((*xcoor >= (DBL)Image->iwidth) ||
- (*ycoor >= (DBL)Image->iheight) ||
- (*xcoor < 0.0) || (*ycoor < 0.0))
- {
- printf ("\nPicture index out of range\n");
- close_all();
- exit (1);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- static void no_interpolation(Image, xcoor, ycoor, colour, index)
- IMAGE *Image;
- DBL xcoor, ycoor;
- COLOUR *colour;
- int *index;
- {
- struct Image_Line *line;
- int iycoor, ixcoor;
- IMAGE_COLOUR *map_colour;
- if (xcoor < 0.0)
- xcoor += (DBL)Image->iwidth;
- else if (xcoor >= (DBL)Image->iwidth)
- xcoor -= (DBL)Image->iwidth;
- if (ycoor < 0.0)
- ycoor += (DBL)Image->iheight;
- else if (ycoor >=(DBL) Image->iheight)
- ycoor -= (DBL) Image->iheight;
- iycoor=(int)ycoor;
- ixcoor=(int)xcoor;
- if (Image->Colour_Map == NULL)
- {
- line = &Image->data.rgb_lines[iycoor];
- colour -> Red += (DBL) line->red[ixcoor]/255.0;
- colour -> Green += (DBL) line->green[ixcoor]/255.0;
- colour -> Blue += (DBL) line->blue[ixcoor]/255.0;
- *index = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- *index = Image->data.map_lines[iycoor][ixcoor];
- map_colour = &Image->Colour_Map[*index];
- /*printf ("icat index %d xc %d yc %d CLR %d %d %d %d\n",*index,ixcoor,iycoor,
- map_colour->Red,map_colour->Green,map_colour->Blue,map_colour->Filter ); */
- colour -> Red += (DBL) map_colour->Red/255.0;
- colour -> Green += (DBL) map_colour->Green/255.0;
- colour -> Blue += (DBL) map_colour->Blue/255.0;
- colour -> Filter += (DBL) map_colour->Filter/255.0;
- }
- if (Options & DEBUGGING)
- printf ("\n no_interpolation index %d xc %d yc %d \n",*index,ixcoor,iycoor);
- }
- /* Interpolate color and filter values when mapping */
- static void Interp(Image, xcoor, ycoor, colour, index)
- IMAGE *Image;
- DBL xcoor, ycoor;
- COLOUR *colour;
- int *index;
- {
- int iycoor, ixcoor,i;
- int Corners_Index[4];
- DBL Index_Crn[4];
- COLOUR Corner_Colour[4];
- DBL Red_Crn[4];
- DBL Green_Crn[4];
- DBL Blue_Crn[4];
- DBL Filter_Crn[4];
- DBL val1, val2, val3,val4;
- iycoor=(int)ycoor;
- ixcoor=(int)xcoor;
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- Make_Colour(&Corner_Colour[i],0.0,0.0,0.0);
- Corner_Colour[i].Filter=0.0;
- }
- /* OK, now that you have the corners, what are you going to do with them? */
- if(Image->Interpolation_Type==BILINEAR)
- {
- no_interpolation(Image,(DBL)ixcoor+1,(DBL)iycoor,&Corner_Colour[0],&Corners_Index[0]);
- no_interpolation(Image,(DBL)ixcoor,(DBL)iycoor,&Corner_Colour[1],&Corners_Index[1]);
- no_interpolation(Image,(DBL)ixcoor+1,(DBL)iycoor-1,&Corner_Colour[2],&Corners_Index[2]);
- no_interpolation(Image,(DBL)ixcoor,(DBL)iycoor-1,&Corner_Colour[3],&Corners_Index[3]);
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- Red_Crn[i] = Corner_Colour[i].Red;
- Green_Crn[i] = Corner_Colour[i].Green;
- Blue_Crn[i] = Corner_Colour[i].Blue;
- Filter_Crn[i] = Corner_Colour[i].Filter;
- /* printf("Crn %d = %lf %lf %lf\n",i,Red_Crn[i],Blue_Crn[i],Green_Crn[i]); */
- }
- val1 = bilinear(Red_Crn,xcoor,ycoor);
- val2 = bilinear(Green_Crn,xcoor,ycoor);
- val3 = bilinear(Blue_Crn,xcoor,ycoor);
- val4 = bilinear(Filter_Crn,xcoor,ycoor);
- }
- if(Image->Interpolation_Type==NORMALIZED_DIST)
- {
- no_interpolation(Image,(DBL)ixcoor,(DBL)iycoor-1,&Corner_Colour[0],&Corners_Index[0]);
- no_interpolation(Image,(DBL)ixcoor+1,(DBL)iycoor-1,&Corner_Colour[1],&Corners_Index[1]);
- no_interpolation(Image,(DBL)ixcoor,(DBL)iycoor,&Corner_Colour[2],&Corners_Index[2]);
- no_interpolation(Image,(DBL)ixcoor+1,(DBL)iycoor,&Corner_Colour[3],&Corners_Index[3]);
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- Red_Crn[i] = Corner_Colour[i].Red;
- Green_Crn[i] = Corner_Colour[i].Green;
- Blue_Crn[i] = Corner_Colour[i].Blue;
- Filter_Crn[i] = Corner_Colour[i].Filter;
- /* printf("Crn %d = %lf %lf %lf\n",i,Red_Crn[i],Blue_Crn[i],Green_Crn[i]); */
- }
- val1 = norm_dist(Red_Crn,xcoor,ycoor);
- val2 = norm_dist(Green_Crn,xcoor,ycoor);
- val3 = norm_dist(Blue_Crn,xcoor,ycoor);
- val4 = norm_dist(Filter_Crn,xcoor,ycoor);
- }
- colour->Red += val1;
- colour->Green += val2;
- colour->Blue += val3;
- colour->Filter += val4;
- /* printf("Final = %lf %lf %lf\n",val1,val2,val3); */
- /* use bilinear for index try average later */
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- Index_Crn[i] = (DBL) Corners_Index[i];
- if(Image->Interpolation_Type==BILINEAR)
- {
- *index = (int)(bilinear(Index_Crn,xcoor,ycoor)+0.5);
- }
- if(Image->Interpolation_Type==NORMALIZED_DIST)
- {
- *index = (int)(norm_dist(Index_Crn,xcoor,ycoor)+0.5);
- }
- }
- /* These interpolation techniques are taken from an article by */
- /* Girish T. Hagan in the C Programmer's Journal V 9 No. 8 */
- /* They were adapted for POV-Ray by CdW */
- static DBL bilinear (corners, x,y)
- DBL *corners, x,y;
- {
- DBL p,q;
- DBL val = 0.0;
- p = x - (int) x;
- q = y - (int) y;
- if ((p==0.0) && (q==0.0))
- return(*corners); /* upper left */
- val = (p*q* *corners) + (q*(1-p)* *(corners+1)) +
- (p*(1-q)* *(corners+2)) + ((1-p)*(1-q)* *(corners+3));
- return(val);
- }
- #define MAX_PTS 4
- #define PYTHAGOREAN_SQ(a,b) ( (a)*(a) + (b)*(b) )
- static DBL norm_dist(corners,x,y)
- DBL *corners,x,y;
- {
- register int i;
- DBL p,q;
- DBL wts[MAX_PTS];
- DBL sum_inv_wts = 0.0;
- DBL sum_I = 0.0;
- p = x - (int) x;
- q = y - (int) y;
- if( (p==0.0) && (q==0.0) )
- return(*corners); /* upper left */
- wts[0] = PYTHAGOREAN_SQ(p,q);
- wts[1] = PYTHAGOREAN_SQ(1-p,q);
- wts[2] = PYTHAGOREAN_SQ(p,1-q);
- wts[3] = PYTHAGOREAN_SQ(1-p,1-q);
- for(i=0; i<MAX_PTS; i++)
- {
- sum_inv_wts += 1/wts[i];
- sum_I += *(corners+i)/wts[i];
- }
- return( sum_I /sum_inv_wts );
- }
- IMAGE *Copy_Image (Old)
- IMAGE *Old;
- {
- return (Old);
- }
- IMAGE *Create_Image ()
- {
- IMAGE *Image;
- if ((Image = (IMAGE *)malloc(sizeof(IMAGE))) == NULL)
- MAError("image file");
- Image->File_Type = 0;
- Image->Map_Type = PLANAR_MAP;
- Image->Interpolation_Type = NO_INTERPOLATION;
- Image->Once_Flag = FALSE;
- Image->Use_Colour_Flag= FALSE;
- Make_Vector (&Image->Gradient, 1.0, -1.0, 0.0);
- return (Image);
- }
- void Destroy_Image (Image)
- IMAGE *Image;
- {
- }