7 Copyright (c) 1998-99 Microsoft Corporation \n\nMicrosoft tape format(MTF) verification tool. Version 1.24(4/29/99)\nThis utility check a given media family to make sure that\nits format is fully compliant with Microsoft specifications. \n \n===========================================================\n\n
8 [ERROR] Couldn't read tape block.
9 [ERROR] Tape header not found.
10 [ERROR] Possible corruption in tape header.
11 [ERROR] Couldn't read data for valid ESET.
12 [ERROR] Valid ESET not found.
13 [NOTE] Suspicious state, next operations may go wrong.
14 [ERROR] FileMark should follow SSET
15 [ERROR] 'Tape Mark' expected here, it should be followed by any new SSET.
16 [INFO] No more 'TapeMark' found, No more set assumed
17 [WARNING] Previous read was supposed to end at LogicalBlockBoundary.
18 [NOTE] Couldn't read data for SSET, possible end of all sets.
19 [ERROR] Couldn't read data for, severe error.
20 [WARNING] VOLB, DIRB or FILE block was expected before current block.
21 [WARNING] EOTM or CFIL DBLK found within current SET.
22 [ERROR] Skipping this block because the DBLK type is unknown or corrupted data.
23 [Media State] Media is in Unknown state at
24 [Media State] End of data mark has been found at
25 [Media State] Media is Normal at
26 [Media State] File mark has been detected at
27 [Media State] End of media found at
28 [ERROR] DBLK header checksum is invalid.
29 [WARNING] Reserve field has been used.
30 [WARNING] Some undocumented Attribute bits are in use.
31 [WARNING] First event field has illegal value.
32 [ERROR] First Event is larger than Physical Block Size.
33 [WARNING] Value of first event field should point to double word boundary.
34 [WARNING] OS ID implies data wasn't written in windows platform.
35 [ERROR] Control block ID should be zero here.
36 [ERROR] Control block ID sequence number is invalid.
37 [WARNING] Format logical address may be wrong.
38 [WARNING] Couldn't align DBLK to FormatLogicalAddress next operation might fail.
39 [ERROR] Abnormal value in first event field in current DBLK.
40 [ERROR] While aligning next stream associated with the current DBLK.
41 [WARNING] Value of the first event field will be aligned to double word boundary
42 [ERROR] DBLK must be aligned with the FormatLogicaAddress boundary .
43 [ERROR] Checksum failed in TapeHeader
44 [ERROR] Format logical address or control block ID doesn't match.
45 [ERROR] Invalid tape Attribute.
46 [ERROR] The software name preparing this data looks invalid.
47 [ERROR] Invalid FormatLogicalBlock Size.
48 [ERROR] Invalid media write data.
49 [WARNING] Unsupported MTF Version.
50 [ERROR] Some inconsistency in SET DBLK header.
51 [ERROR] FormatLocalAddress in header is invalid.
52 [ERROR] Some reserve attribute field are in use.
53 [ERROR] Invalid vendor ID or it is zero.
54 [ERROR] Set number are not in sequence, or invalid number.
55 [ERROR] Invalid Set name.
56 [ERROR] Invalid Set descriptor.
57 [ERROR] Invalid Password.
58 [ERROR]Invalid User Name..
59 [ERROR] Invalid set write date.
60 [WARNING] Catalog type may be wrong.
61 [WARNING] This set doesn't have any catalog.
62 [ERROR] Error in volume dblk header.
63 [WARNING] Format logical address field in the current DBLK may be incorrect.
64 [WARNING] Some undocumented bit in the volume attribute field are in use.
65 [ERROR] Invalid device name or the device name is missing.
66 [WARNING] Invalid volume name, or the name is missing.
67 [ERROR] Invalid machine name, or it is missing.
68 [ERROR] Invalid volume write date.
69 [ERROR] Invalid Dir modification date.
70 [ERROR] Some undocumented bit in DIR DBLK are in use.
71 [ERROR] Some inconsistency in DIR DBLK Header.
72 [ERROR] Invalid Directory creation date.
73 [WARNING] Invalid Dir Backup Date, or it has been filled with zero.