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- /* redraw.c */
- /* Author:
- * Steve Kirkendall
- * 14407 SW Teal Blvd. #C
- * Beaverton, OR 97005
- * kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu
- */
- /* This file contains functions that draw text on the screen. The major entry
- * points are:
- * redrawrange() - called from modify.c to give hints about what parts
- * of the screen need to be redrawn.
- * redraw() - redraws the screen (or part of it) and positions
- * the cursor where it belongs.
- * idx2col() - converts a markidx() value to a logical column number.
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #include "vi.h"
- /* This variable contains the line number that smartdrawtext() knows best */
- static long smartlno;
- /* This function remebers where changes were made, so that the screen can be
- * redraw in a more efficient manner.
- */
- static long redrawafter; /* line# of first line that must be redrawn */
- static long preredraw; /* line# of last line changed, before change */
- static long postredraw; /* line# of last line changed, after change */
- void redrawrange(after, pre, post)
- long after; /* lower bound of redrawafter */
- long pre; /* upper bound of preredraw */
- long post; /* upper bound of postredraw */
- {
- if (after == redrawafter)
- {
- /* multiple insertions/deletions at the same place -- combine
- * them
- */
- preredraw -= (post - pre);
- if (postredraw < post)
- {
- preredraw += (post - postredraw);
- postredraw = post;
- }
- if (redrawafter > preredraw)
- {
- redrawafter = preredraw;
- }
- if (redrawafter < 1L)
- {
- redrawafter = 0L;
- preredraw = postredraw = INFINITY;
- }
- }
- else if (postredraw > 0L)
- {
- /* multiple changes in different places -- redraw everything
- * after "after".
- */
- postredraw = preredraw = INFINITY;
- if (after < redrawafter)
- redrawafter = after;
- }
- else
- {
- /* first change */
- redrawafter = after;
- preredraw = pre;
- postredraw = post;
- }
- }
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- /* see if a given line uses character attribute strings */
- static int hasattr(lno, text)
- long lno; /* the line# of the cursor */
- REG char *text; /* the text of the line, from fetchline */
- {
- static long plno; /* previous line number */
- static long chgs; /* previous value of changes counter */
- static int panswer;/* previous answer */
- char *scan;
- /* if charattr is off, then the answer is "no, it doesn't" */
- if (!*o_charattr)
- {
- chgs = 0; /* <- forces us to check if charattr is later set */
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* if we already know the answer, return it... */
- if (lno == plno && chgs == changes)
- {
- return panswer;
- }
- /* get the line & look for "\fX" */
- if (!text[0] || !text[1] || !text[2])
- {
- panswer = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- for (scan = text; scan[2] && !(scan[0] == '\\' && scan[1] == 'f'); scan++)
- {
- }
- panswer = (scan[2] != '\0');
- }
- /* save the results */
- plno = lno;
- chgs = changes;
- /* return the results */
- return panswer;
- }
- #endif
- /* This function converts a MARK to a column number. It doesn't automatically
- * adjust for leftcol; that must be done by the calling function
- */
- int idx2col(curs, text, inputting)
- MARK curs; /* the line# & index# of the cursor */
- REG char *text; /* the text of the line, from fetchline */
- int inputting; /* boolean: called from input() ? */
- {
- static MARK pcursor;/* previous cursor, for possible shortcut */
- static MARK pcol; /* column number for pcol */
- static long chgs; /* previous value of changes counter */
- REG int col; /* used to count column numbers */
- REG int idx; /* used to count down the index */
- REG int i;
- /* for now, assume we have to start counting at the left edge */
- col = 0;
- idx = markidx(curs);
- /* if the file hasn't changed & line number is the same & it has no
- * embedded character attribute strings, can we do shortcuts?
- */
- if (chgs == changes
- && !((curs ^ pcursor) & ~(BLKSIZE - 1))
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- && !hasattr(markline(curs), text)
- #endif
- )
- {
- /* no movement? */
- if (curs == pcursor)
- {
- /* return the column of the char; for tabs, return its last column */
- if (text[idx] == '\t' && !inputting && !*o_list)
- {
- return pcol + *o_tabstop - (pcol % *o_tabstop) - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- return pcol;
- }
- }
- /* movement to right? */
- if (curs > pcursor)
- {
- /* start counting from previous place */
- col = pcol;
- idx = markidx(curs) - markidx(pcursor);
- text += markidx(pcursor);
- }
- }
- /* count over to the char after the idx position */
- while (idx > 0 && (i = *text)) /* yes, ASSIGNMENT! */
- {
- if (i == '\t' && !*o_list)
- {
- col += *o_tabstop;
- col -= col % *o_tabstop;
- }
- else if (i >= '\0' && i < ' ' || i == '\177')
- {
- col += 2;
- }
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- else if (i == '\\' && text[1] == 'f' && text[2] && *o_charattr)
- {
- text += 2; /* plus one more at bottom of loop */
- idx -= 2;
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- col++;
- }
- text++;
- idx--;
- }
- /* save stuff to speed next call */
- pcursor = curs;
- pcol = col;
- chgs = changes;
- /* return the column of the char; for tabs, return its last column */
- if (*text == '\t' && !inputting && !*o_list)
- {
- return col + *o_tabstop - (col % *o_tabstop) - 1;
- }
- else
- {
- return col;
- }
- }
- /* This function is similar to idx2col except that it takes care of sideways
- * scrolling - for the given line, at least.
- */
- int mark2phys(m, text, inputting)
- MARK m; /* a mark to convert */
- char *text; /* the line that m refers to */
- int inputting; /* boolean: caled from input() ? */
- {
- int i;
- i = idx2col(m, text, inputting);
- while (i < leftcol)
- {
- leftcol -= *o_sidescroll;
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- redrawrange(1L, INFINITY, INFINITY);
- qaddch('\r');
- /* drawtext(text); */
- }
- while (i > rightcol)
- {
- leftcol += *o_sidescroll;
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- redrawrange(1L, INFINITY, INFINITY);
- qaddch('\r');
- /* drawtext(text); */
- }
- physcol = i - leftcol;
- physrow = markline(m) - topline;
- return physcol;
- }
- /* This function draws a single line of text on the screen. The screen's
- * cursor is assumed to be located at the leftmost column of the appropriate
- * row.
- */
- static void drawtext(text, clr)
- REG char *text; /* the text to draw */
- int clr; /* boolean: do a clrtoeol? */
- {
- REG int col; /* column number */
- REG int i;
- REG int tabstop; /* *o_tabstop */
- REG int limitcol; /* leftcol or leftcol + COLS */
- int abnormal; /* boolean: charattr != A_NORMAL? */
- #ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- /* if we're hiding format lines, and this is one of them, then hide it */
- if (*o_hideformat && *text == '.')
- {
- clrtoeol();
- #if OSK
- qaddch('\l');
- #else
- qaddch('\n');
- #endif
- return;
- }
- #endif
- /* move some things into registers... */
- limitcol = leftcol;
- tabstop = *o_tabstop;
- abnormal = FALSE;
- #ifndef CRUNCH
- if (clr)
- clrtoeol();
- #endif
- /* skip stuff that was scrolled off left edge */
- for (col = 0;
- (i = *text) && col < limitcol; /* yes, ASSIGNMENT! */
- text++)
- {
- if (i == '\t' && !*o_list)
- {
- col = col + tabstop - (col % tabstop);
- }
- else if (i >= 0 && i < ' ' || i == '\177')
- {
- col += 2;
- }
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- else if (i == '\\' && text[1] == 'f' && text[2] && *o_charattr)
- {
- text += 2; /* plus one more as part of "for" loop */
- /* since this attribute might carry over, we need it */
- switch (*text)
- {
- case 'R':
- case 'P':
- attrset(A_NORMAL);
- abnormal = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'B':
- attrset(A_BOLD);
- abnormal = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'U':
- attrset(A_UNDERLINE);
- abnormal = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'I':
- attrset(A_ALTCHARSET);
- abnormal = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- col++;
- }
- }
- /* adjust for control char that was partially visible */
- while (col > limitcol)
- {
- qaddch(' ');
- limitcol++;
- }
- /* now for the visible characters */
- for (limitcol = leftcol + COLS;
- (i = *text) && col < limitcol;
- text++)
- {
- if (i == '\t' && !*o_list)
- {
- i = col + tabstop - (col % tabstop);
- if (i < limitcol)
- {
- #ifdef CRUNCH
- if (!clr && has_PT && !((i - leftcol) & 7))
- #else
- if (has_PT && !((i - leftcol) & 7))
- #endif
- {
- do
- {
- qaddch('\t');
- col += 8; /* not exact! */
- } while (col < i);
- col = i; /* NOW it is exact */
- }
- else
- {
- do
- {
- qaddch(' ');
- col++;
- } while (col < i);
- }
- }
- else /* tab ending after screen? next line! */
- {
- col = limitcol;
- if (has_AM)
- {
- addch('\n'); /* GB */
- }
- }
- }
- else if (i >= 0 && i < ' ' || i == '\177')
- {
- col += 2;
- qaddch('^');
- if (col <= limitcol)
- {
- qaddch(i ^ '@');
- }
- }
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- else if (i == '\\' && text[1] == 'f' && text[2] && *o_charattr)
- {
- text += 2; /* plus one more as part of "for" loop */
- switch (*text)
- {
- case 'R':
- case 'P':
- attrset(A_NORMAL);
- abnormal = FALSE;
- break;
- case 'B':
- attrset(A_BOLD);
- abnormal = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'U':
- attrset(A_UNDERLINE);
- abnormal = TRUE;
- break;
- case 'I':
- attrset(A_ALTCHARSET);
- abnormal = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- col++;
- qaddch(i);
- }
- }
- /* get ready for the next line */
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- if (abnormal)
- {
- attrset(A_NORMAL);
- }
- #endif
- if (*o_list && col < limitcol)
- {
- qaddch('$');
- col++;
- }
- #ifdef CRUNCH
- if (clr && col < limitcol)
- {
- clrtoeol();
- }
- #endif
- if (!has_AM || col < limitcol)
- {
- addch('\n');
- }
- }
- #ifndef CRUNCH
- static void nudgecursor(same, scan, new, lno)
- int same; /* number of chars to be skipped over */
- char *scan; /* where the same chars end */
- char *new; /* where the visible part of the line starts */
- long lno; /* line number of this line */
- {
- if (same > 0)
- {
- if (same < 5)
- {
- /* move the cursor by overwriting */
- while (same > 0)
- {
- qaddch(scan[-same]);
- same--;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* move the cursor by calling move() */
- move((int)(lno - topline), (int)(scan - new));
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* not CRUNCH */
- /* This function draws a single line of text on the screen, possibly with
- * some cursor optimization. The cursor is repositioned before drawing
- * begins, so its position before doesn't really matter.
- */
- static void smartdrawtext(text, lno)
- REG char *text; /* the text to draw */
- long lno; /* line number of the text */
- {
- #ifdef CRUNCH
- move((int)(lno - topline), 0);
- drawtext(text, TRUE);
- #else /* not CRUNCH */
- static char old[256]; /* how the line looked last time */
- char new[256]; /* how it looks now */
- char *build; /* used to put chars into new[] */
- char *scan; /* used for moving thru new[] or old[] */
- char *end; /* last non-blank changed char */
- char *shift; /* used to insert/delete chars */
- int same; /* length of a run of unchanged chars */
- int limitcol;
- int col;
- int i;
- # ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- /* if this line has attributes, do it the dumb way instead */
- if (hasattr(lno, text))
- {
- move((int)(lno - topline), 0);
- drawtext(text, TRUE);
- return;
- }
- # endif
- # ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- /* if this line is a format line, & we're hiding format lines, then
- * let the dumb drawtext() function handle it
- */
- if (*o_hideformat && *text == '.')
- {
- move((int)(lno - topline), 0);
- drawtext(text, TRUE);
- return;
- }
- # endif
- /* skip stuff that was scrolled off left edge */
- limitcol = leftcol;
- for (col = 0;
- (i = *text) && col < limitcol; /* yes, ASSIGNMENT! */
- text++)
- {
- if (i == '\t' && !*o_list)
- {
- col = col + *o_tabstop - (col % *o_tabstop);
- }
- else if (i >= 0 && i < ' ' || i == '\177')
- {
- col += 2;
- }
- else
- {
- col++;
- }
- }
- /* adjust for control char that was partially visible */
- build = new;
- while (col > limitcol)
- {
- *build++ = ' ';
- limitcol++;
- }
- /* now for the visible characters */
- for (limitcol = leftcol + COLS;
- (i = *text) && col < limitcol;
- text++)
- {
- if (i == '\t' && !*o_list)
- {
- i = col + *o_tabstop - (col % *o_tabstop);
- while (col < i && col < limitcol)
- {
- *build++ = ' ';
- col++;
- }
- }
- else if (i >= 0 && i < ' ' || i == '\177')
- {
- col += 2;
- *build++ = '^';
- if (col <= limitcol)
- {
- *build++ = (i ^ '@');
- }
- }
- else
- {
- col++;
- *build++ = i;
- }
- }
- if (col < limitcol && *o_list)
- {
- *build++ = '$';
- col++;
- }
- end = build;
- while (col < limitcol)
- {
- *build++ = ' ';
- col++;
- }
- /* locate the last non-blank character */
- while (end > new && end[-1] == ' ')
- {
- end--;
- }
- /* can we optimize the displaying of this line? */
- if (lno != smartlno)
- {
- /* nope, can't optimize - different line */
- move((int)(lno - topline), 0);
- for (scan = new, build = old; scan < end; )
- {
- qaddch(*scan);
- *build++ = *scan++;
- }
- if (end < new + COLS)
- {
- clrtoeol();
- while (build < old + COLS)
- {
- *build++ = ' ';
- }
- }
- smartlno = lno;
- return;
- }
- /* skip any initial unchanged characters */
- for (scan = new, build = old; scan < end && *scan == *build; scan++, build++)
- {
- }
- move((int)(lno - topline), (int)(scan - new));
- /* The in-between characters must be changed */
- same = 0;
- while (scan < end)
- {
- /* is this character a match? */
- if (scan[0] == build[0])
- {
- same++;
- }
- else /* do we want to insert? */
- if (scan < end - 1 && scan[1] == build[0] && (has_IC || has_IM))
- {
- nudgecursor(same, scan, new, lno);
- same = 0;
- insch(*scan);
- for (shift = old + COLS; --shift > build; )
- {
- shift[0] = shift[-1];
- }
- *build = *scan;
- }
- else /* do we want to delete? */
- if (build < old + COLS - 1 && scan[0] == build[1] && has_DC)
- {
- nudgecursor(same, scan, new, lno);
- same = 0;
- delch();
- same++;
- for (shift = build; shift < old + COLS - 1; shift++)
- {
- shift[0] = shift[1];
- }
- *shift = ' ';
- }
- else /* we must overwrite */
- {
- nudgecursor(same, scan, new, lno);
- same = 0;
- addch(*scan);
- *build = *scan;
- }
- build++;
- scan++;
- }
- /* maybe clear to EOL */
- while (build < old + COLS && *build == ' ')
- {
- build++;
- }
- if (build < old + COLS)
- {
- nudgecursor(same, scan, new, lno);
- same = 0;
- clrtoeol();
- while (build < old + COLS)
- {
- *build++ = ' ';
- }
- }
- #endif /* not CRUNCH */
- }
- /* This function is used in visual mode for drawing the screen (or just parts
- * of the screen, if that's all thats needed). It also takes care of
- * scrolling.
- */
- void redraw(curs, inputting)
- MARK curs; /* where to leave the screen's cursor */
- int inputting; /* boolean: being called from input() ? */
- {
- char *text; /* a line of text to display */
- static long chgs; /* previous changes level */
- long l;
- int i;
- /* if curs == MARK_UNSET, then we should reset internal vars */
- if (curs == MARK_UNSET)
- {
- if (topline < 1 || topline > nlines)
- {
- topline = 1L;
- }
- else
- {
- move(LINES - 1, 0);
- clrtoeol();
- }
- leftcol = 0;
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- redrawafter = INFINITY;
- preredraw = 0L;
- postredraw = 0L;
- chgs = 0;
- smartlno = 0L;
- return;
- }
- /* figure out which column the cursor will be in */
- l = markline(curs);
- text = fetchline(l);
- mark2phys(curs, text, inputting);
- /* adjust topline, if necessary, to get the cursor on the screen */
- if (l >= topline && l <= botline)
- {
- /* it is on the screen already */
- /* if the file was changed but !mustredraw, then redraw line */
- if (chgs != changes && !mustredraw)
- {
- smartdrawtext(text, l);
- }
- }
- else if (l < topline && l > topline - LINES && (has_SR || has_AL))
- {
- /* near top - scroll down */
- if (!mustredraw)
- {
- move(0,0);
- while (l < topline)
- {
- topline--;
- if (has_SR)
- {
- do_SR();
- }
- else
- {
- insertln();
- }
- text = fetchline(topline);
- drawtext(text, FALSE);
- do_UP();
- }
- /* blank out the last line */
- move(LINES - 1, 0);
- clrtoeol();
- }
- else
- {
- topline = l;
- redrawafter = INFINITY;
- preredraw = 0L;
- postredraw = 0L;
- }
- }
- else if (l > topline && l < botline + LINES)
- {
- /* near bottom -- scroll up */
- if (!mustredraw
- #if 1
- || redrawafter == preredraw && preredraw == botline && postredraw == l
- #endif
- )
- {
- move(LINES - 1,0);
- clrtoeol();
- while (l > botline)
- {
- topline++; /* <-- also adjusts botline */
- text = fetchline(botline);
- drawtext(text, FALSE);
- }
- mustredraw = FALSE;
- }
- else
- {
- topline = l - (LINES - 2);
- redrawafter = INFINITY;
- preredraw = 0L;
- postredraw = 0L;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* distant line - center it & force a redraw */
- topline = l - (LINES / 2) - 1;
- if (topline < 1)
- {
- topline = 1;
- }
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- redrawafter = INFINITY;
- preredraw = 0L;
- postredraw = 0L;
- }
- /* Now... do we really have to redraw? */
- if (mustredraw)
- {
- /* If redrawfter (and friends) aren't set, assume we should
- * redraw everything.
- */
- if (redrawafter == INFINITY)
- {
- redrawafter = 0L;
- preredraw = postredraw = INFINITY;
- }
- /* adjust smartlno to correspond with inserted/deleted lines */
- if (smartlno >= redrawafter)
- {
- if (smartlno < preredraw)
- {
- smartlno = 0L;
- }
- else
- {
- smartlno += (postredraw - preredraw);
- }
- }
- /* should we insert some lines into the screen? */
- if (preredraw < postredraw && preredraw <= botline)
- {
- /* lines were inserted into the file */
- /* decide where insertion should start */
- if (preredraw < topline)
- {
- l = topline;
- }
- else
- {
- l = preredraw;
- }
- /* insert the lines... maybe */
- if (l + postredraw - preredraw > botline || !has_AL)
- {
- /* Whoa! a whole screen full - just redraw */
- preredraw = postredraw = INFINITY;
- }
- else
- {
- /* really insert 'em */
- move((int)(l - topline), 0);
- for (i = postredraw - preredraw; i > 0; i--)
- {
- insertln();
- }
- /* NOTE: the contents of those lines will be
- * drawn as part of the regular redraw loop.
- */
- /* clear the last line */
- move(LINES - 1, 0);
- clrtoeol();
- }
- }
- /* do we want to delete some lines from the screen? */
- if (preredraw > postredraw && postredraw <= botline)
- {
- if (preredraw > botline || !has_DL)
- {
- postredraw = preredraw = INFINITY;
- }
- else /* we'd best delete some lines from the screen */
- {
- /* clear the last line, so it doesn't look
- * ugly as it gets pulled up into the screen
- */
- move(LINES - 1, 0);
- clrtoeol();
- /* delete the lines */
- move((int)(postredraw - topline), 0);
- for (l = postredraw;
- l < preredraw && l <= botline;
- l++)
- {
- deleteln();
- }
- /* draw the lines that are now newly visible
- * at the bottom of the screen
- */
- i = LINES - 1 + (postredraw - preredraw);
- move(i, 0);
- for (l = topline + i; l <= botline; l++)
- {
- /* clear this line */
- clrtoeol();
- /* draw the line, or ~ for non-lines */
- if (l <= nlines)
- {
- text = fetchline(l);
- drawtext(text, FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- addstr("~\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* redraw the current line */
- l = markline(curs);
- pfetch(l);
- smartdrawtext(ptext, l);
- /* decide where we should start redrawing from */
- if (redrawafter < topline)
- {
- l = topline;
- }
- else
- {
- l = redrawafter;
- }
- move((int)(l - topline), 0);
- /* draw the other lines */
- for (; l <= botline && l < postredraw; l++)
- {
- /* we already drew the current line, so skip it now */
- if (l == smartlno)
- {
- #if OSK
- qaddch('\l');
- #else
- qaddch('\n');
- #endif
- continue;
- }
- /* draw the line, or ~ for non-lines */
- if (l <= nlines)
- {
- text = fetchline(l);
- drawtext(text, TRUE);
- }
- else
- {
- qaddch('~');
- clrtoeol();
- addch('\n');
- }
- }
- mustredraw = FALSE;
- }
- /* force total (non-partial) redraw next time if not set */
- redrawafter = INFINITY;
- preredraw = 0L;
- postredraw = 0L;
- /* move the cursor to where it belongs */
- move((int)(markline(curs) - topline), physcol);
- wqrefresh(stdscr);
- chgs = changes;
- }