home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* opts.c */
- /* Author:
- * Steve Kirkendall
- * 14407 SW Teal Blvd. #C
- * Beaverton, OR 97005
- * kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu
- */
- /* This file contains the code that manages the run-time options -- The
- * values that can be modified via the "set" command.
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #include "vi.h"
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL (char *)0
- #endif
- extern char *getenv();
- /* maximum width to permit for strings, including ="" */
- #define MAXWIDTH 20
- /* These are the default values of all options */
- char o_autoindent[1] = {FALSE};
- char o_autoprint[1] = {TRUE};
- char o_autowrite[1] = {FALSE};
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- char o_cc[30] = {CC_COMMAND};
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- char o_charattr[1] = {FALSE};
- #endif
- char o_columns[3] = {80, 32, 255};
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- char o_digraph[1] = {FALSE};
- #endif
- char o_directory[30] = TMPDIR;
- char o_edcompatible[1] = {FALSE};
- char o_errorbells[1] = {TRUE};
- char o_exrefresh[1] = {TRUE};
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- char o_flipcase[80]
- # if CS_IBMPC
- = {"\207\200\201\232\202\220\204\216\206\217\221\222\224\231\244\245"}
- # endif
- # if CS_LATIN1
- /* initialized by initopts() */
- # endif
- ;
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- char o_hideformat[1] = {FALSE};
- #endif
- char o_ignorecase[1] = {FALSE};
- char o_inputmode[1] = {FALSE};
- #endif
- char o_keytime[3] = {2, 0, 5};
- char o_keywordprg[80] = {KEYWORDPRG};
- char o_lines[3] = {25, 2, 50}; /* More lines? Enlarge kbuf */
- char o_list[1] = {FALSE};
- #ifndef NO_MAGIC
- char o_magic[1] = {TRUE};
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- char o_make[30] = {MAKE_COMMAND};
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_MODELINE
- char o_modeline[1] = {FALSE};
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- char o_paragraphs[30] = "PPppIPLPQP";
- #endif
- #if MSDOS
- char o_pcbios[1] = {TRUE};
- #endif
- char o_readonly[1] = {FALSE};
- char o_report[3] = {5, 1, 127};
- char o_scroll[3] = {12, 1, 127};
- #ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- char o_sections[30] = "NHSHSSSEse";
- #endif
- char o_shell[60] = SHELL;
- char o_shiftwidth[3] = {8, 1, 255};
- #ifndef NO_SHOWMATCH
- char o_showmatch[1] = {FALSE};
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_SHOWMODE
- char o_smd[1] = {FALSE};
- #endif
- char o_sidescroll[3] = {8, 1, 40};
- char o_sync[1] = {NEEDSYNC};
- char o_tabstop[3] = {8, 1, 40};
- char o_term[30] = "?";
- char o_vbell[1] = {TRUE};
- char o_warn[1] = {TRUE};
- char o_wrapmargin[3] = {0, 0, 255};
- char o_wrapscan[1] = {TRUE};
- /* The following describes the names & types of all options */
- #define BOOL 0
- #define NUM 1
- #define STR 2
- #define SET 0x01 /* this option has had its value altered */
- #define CANSET 0x02 /* this option can be set at any time */
- #define RCSET 0x06 /* this option can be set in a .exrc file only */
- #define MR 0x40 /* does this option affect the way text is displayed? */
- struct
- {
- char *name; /* name of an option */
- char *nm; /* short name of an option */
- char type; /* type of an option */
- char flags; /* boolean: has this option been set? */
- char *value; /* value */
- }
- opts[] =
- {
- /* name type flags redraw value */
- { "autoindent", "ai", BOOL, CANSET , o_autoindent },
- { "autoprint", "ap", BOOL, CANSET , o_autoprint },
- { "autowrite", "aw", BOOL, CANSET , o_autowrite },
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- { "cc", "cc", STR, CANSET , o_cc },
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_CHARATTR
- { "charattr", "ca", BOOL, CANSET | MR, o_charattr },
- #endif
- { "columns", "co", NUM, SET , o_columns },
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- { "digraph", "dig", BOOL, CANSET , o_digraph },
- #endif
- { "directory", "dir", STR, RCSET , o_directory },
- { "edcompatible","ed", BOOL, CANSET , o_edcompatible },
- { "errorbells", "eb", BOOL, CANSET , o_errorbells },
- { "exrefresh", "er", BOOL, CANSET , o_exrefresh },
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- { "flipcase", "fc", STR, CANSET , o_flipcase },
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- { "hideformat", "hf", BOOL, CANSET | MR, o_hideformat },
- #endif
- { "ignorecase", "ic", BOOL, CANSET , o_ignorecase },
- { "inputmode", "im", BOOL, CANSET , o_inputmode },
- #endif
- { "keytime", "kt", NUM, CANSET , o_keytime },
- { "keywordprg", "kp", STR, CANSET , o_keywordprg },
- { "lines", "ls", NUM, SET , o_lines },
- { "list", "li", BOOL, CANSET | MR, o_list },
- #ifndef NO_MAGIC
- { "magic", "ma", BOOL, CANSET , o_magic },
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- { "make", "mk", STR, CANSET , o_make },
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_MODELINE
- { "modeline", "ml", BOOL, CANSET , o_modeline },
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- { "paragraphs", "pa", STR, CANSET , o_paragraphs },
- #endif
- #if MSDOS
- { "pcbios", "pc", BOOL, SET , o_pcbios },
- #endif
- { "readonly", "ro", BOOL, CANSET , o_readonly },
- { "report", "re", NUM, CANSET , o_report },
- { "scroll", "sc", NUM, CANSET , o_scroll },
- #ifndef NO_SENTENCE
- { "sections", "se", STR, CANSET , o_sections },
- #endif
- { "shell", "sh", STR, CANSET , o_shell },
- #ifndef NO_SHOWMATCH
- { "showmatch", "sm", BOOL, CANSET , o_showmatch },
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_SHOWMODE
- { "showmode", "smd", BOOL, CANSET , o_smd },
- #endif
- { "shiftwidth", "sw", NUM, CANSET , o_shiftwidth },
- { "sidescroll", "ss", NUM, CANSET , o_sidescroll },
- { "sync", "sy", BOOL, CANSET , o_sync },
- { "tabstop", "ts", NUM, CANSET | MR, o_tabstop },
- { "term", "te", STR, SET , o_term },
- { "vbell", "vb", BOOL, CANSET , o_vbell },
- { "warn", "wa", BOOL, CANSET , o_warn },
- { "wrapmargin", "wm", NUM, CANSET , o_wrapmargin },
- { "wrapscan", "ws", BOOL, CANSET , o_wrapscan },
- };
- /* This function initializes certain options from environment variables, etc. */
- void initopts()
- {
- char *val;
- int i;
- /* set some stuff from environment variables */
- #if MSDOS
- if (val = getenv("COMSPEC")) /* yes, ASSIGNMENT! */
- #else
- if (val = getenv("SHELL")) /* yes, ASSIGNMENT! */
- #endif
- {
- strcpy(o_shell, val);
- }
- if (val = getenv("TERM")) /* yes, ASSIGNMENT! */
- {
- strcpy(o_term, val);
- }
- #endif
- #if TOS
- val = "vt52";
- strcpy(o_term, val);
- #endif
- #if MSDOS
- if ((val = getenv("TERM")) /* yes, ASSIGNMENT! */
- && strcmp(val, "pcbios"))
- {
- strcpy(o_term, val);
- o_pcbios[0] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- strcpy(o_term, "pcbios");
- o_pcbios[0] = 1;
- }
- #endif
- #if MSDOS || TOS || WIN_NT
- if ((val = getenv("TMP")) /* yes, ASSIGNMENT! */
- || (val = getenv("TEMP")))
- strcpy(o_directory, val);
- #endif
- *o_scroll = LINES / 2 - 1;
- /* disable the vbell option if we don't know how to do a vbell */
- if (!has_VB)
- {
- for (i = 0; opts[i].value != o_vbell; i++)
- {
- }
- opts[i].flags &= ~CANSET;
- *o_vbell = FALSE;
- }
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- # ifdef CS_LATIN1
- for (i = 0, val = o_flipcase; i < 32; i++)
- {
- /* leave out the multiply/divide symbols */
- if (i == 23)
- continue;
- /* add upper/lowercase pair */
- *val++ = i + 0xc0;
- *val++ = i + 0xe0;
- }
- *val = '\0';
- # endif /* CS_LATIN1 */
- #endif /* not NO_DIGRAPH */
- }
- /* This function lists the current values of all options */
- void dumpopts(all)
- int all; /* boolean: dump all options, or just set ones? */
- {
- #ifndef NO_OPTCOLS
- int i, j, k;
- char nbuf[4]; /* used for converting numbers to ASCII */
- int widths[5]; /* width of each column, including gap */
- int ncols; /* number of columns */
- int nrows; /* number of options per column */
- int nset; /* number of options to be output */
- int width; /* width of a particular option */
- int todump[50]; /* indicies of options to be dumped */
- /* step 1: count the number of set options */
- for (nset = i = 0; opts[i].name; i++)
- {
- if (all || (opts[i].flags & SET))
- {
- todump[nset++] = i;
- }
- }
- /* step two: try to use as many columns as possible */
- for (ncols = (nset > 5 ? 5 : nset); ncols > 1; ncols--)
- {
- /* how many would go in this column? */
- nrows = (nset + ncols - 1) / ncols;
- /* figure out the width of each column */
- for (i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
- {
- widths[i] = 0;
- for (j = 0, k = nrows * i; j < nrows && k < nset; j++, k++)
- {
- /* figure out the width of a particular option */
- switch (opts[todump[k]].type)
- {
- case BOOL:
- if (!*opts[todump[k]].value)
- width = 2;
- else
- width = 0;
- break;
- case STR:
- width = 3 + strlen(opts[todump[k]].value);
- if (width > MAXWIDTH)
- width = MAXWIDTH;
- break;
- case NUM:
- width = 4;
- break;
- }
- width += strlen(opts[todump[k]].name);
- /* if this is the widest so far, widen col */
- if (width > widths[i])
- {
- widths[i] = width;
- }
- }
- }
- /* if the total width is narrow enough, then use it */
- for (width = -2, i = 0; i < ncols; i++)
- {
- width += widths[i] + 2;
- }
- if (width < COLS - 1)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- /* step 3: output the columns */
- nrows = (nset + ncols - 1) / ncols;
- for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
- {
- /* if we hit the end of the options, quit */
- k = i + j * nrows;
- if (k >= nset)
- {
- break;
- }
- /* output this option's value */
- width = 0;
- switch (opts[todump[k]].type)
- {
- case BOOL:
- if (!*opts[todump[k]].value)
- {
- qaddch('n');
- qaddch('o');
- width = 2;
- }
- qaddstr(opts[todump[k]].name);
- width += strlen(opts[todump[k]].name);
- break;
- case NUM:
- sprintf(nbuf, "%-3d", UCHAR(*opts[todump[k]].value));
- qaddstr(opts[todump[k]].name);
- qaddch('=');
- qaddstr(nbuf);
- width = 4 + strlen(opts[todump[k]].name);
- break;
- case STR:
- qaddstr(opts[todump[k]].name);
- qaddch('=');
- qaddch('"');
- strcpy(tmpblk.c, opts[todump[k]].value);
- width = 3 + strlen(tmpblk.c);
- if (width > MAXWIDTH)
- {
- width = MAXWIDTH;
- strcpy(tmpblk.c + MAXWIDTH - 6, "...");
- }
- qaddstr(tmpblk.c);
- qaddch('"');
- width += strlen(opts[todump[k]].name);
- break;
- }
- /* pad the field to the correct size */
- if (k + nrows <= nset)
- {
- while (width < widths[j] + 2)
- {
- qaddch(' ');
- width++;
- }
- }
- }
- addch('\n');
- exrefresh();
- }
- #else
- int i;
- int col;
- char nbuf[4];
- for (i = col = 0; opts[i].name; i++)
- {
- /* if not set and not all, ignore this option */
- if (!all && !(opts[i].flags & SET))
- {
- continue;
- }
- /* align this option in one of the columns */
- if (col > 52)
- {
- addch('\n');
- col = 0;
- }
- else if (col > 26)
- {
- while (col < 52)
- {
- qaddch(' ');
- col++;
- }
- }
- else if (col > 0)
- {
- while (col < 26)
- {
- qaddch(' ');
- col++;
- }
- }
- switch (opts[i].type)
- {
- case BOOL:
- if (!*opts[i].value)
- {
- qaddch('n');
- qaddch('o');
- col += 2;
- }
- qaddstr(opts[i].name);
- col += strlen(opts[i].name);
- break;
- case NUM:
- sprintf(nbuf, "%-3d", UCHAR(*opts[i].value));
- qaddstr(opts[i].name);
- qaddch('=');
- qaddstr(nbuf);
- col += 4 + strlen(opts[i].name);
- break;
- case STR:
- qaddstr(opts[i].name);
- qaddch('=');
- qaddch('"');
- qaddstr(opts[i].value);
- qaddch('"');
- col += 3 + strlen(opts[i].name) + strlen(opts[i].value);
- break;
- }
- exrefresh();
- }
- if (col > 0)
- {
- addch('\n');
- exrefresh();
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef NO_MKEXRC
- /* This function saves the current configuarion of options to a file */
- void saveopts(fd)
- int fd; /* file descriptor to write to */
- {
- int i;
- char buf[256], *pos;
- /* write each set options */
- for (i = 0; opts[i].name; i++)
- {
- /* if unset or unsettable, ignore this option */
- if (!(opts[i].flags & SET) || !(opts[i].flags & CANSET))
- {
- continue;
- }
- strcpy(buf, "set ");
- pos = &buf[4];
- switch (opts[i].type)
- {
- case BOOL:
- if (!*opts[i].value)
- {
- *pos++='n';
- *pos++='o';
- }
- strcpy(pos, opts[i].name);
- strcat(pos, "\n");
- break;
- case NUM:
- sprintf(pos, "%s=%-3d\n", opts[i].name, *opts[i].value & 0xff);
- break;
- case STR:
- sprintf(pos, "%s=\"%s\"\n", opts[i].name, opts[i].value);
- break;
- }
- twrite(fd, buf, strlen(buf));
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* This function changes the values of one or more options. */
- void setopts(assignments)
- char *assignments; /* a string containing option assignments */
- {
- char *name; /* name of variable in assignments */
- char *value; /* value of the variable */
- char *scan; /* used for moving through strings */
- int i, j;
- /* for each assignment... */
- for (name = assignments; *name; )
- {
- /* skip whitespace */
- if (*name == ' ' || *name == '\t')
- {
- name++;
- continue;
- }
- /* find the value, if any */
- for (scan = name; *scan >= 'a' && *scan <= 'z'; scan++)
- {
- }
- if (*scan == '=')
- {
- *scan++ = '\0';
- if (*scan == '"')
- {
- value = ++scan;
- while (*scan && *scan != '"')
- {
- scan++;
- }
- if (*scan)
- {
- *scan++ = '\0';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- value = scan;
- while (*scan && *scan != ' ' && *scan != '\t')
- {
- scan++;
- }
- if (*scan)
- {
- *scan++ = '\0';
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (*scan)
- {
- *scan++ = '\0';
- }
- value = NULL;
- if (name[0] == 'n' && name[1] == 'o')
- {
- name += 2;
- }
- }
- /* find the variable */
- for (i = 0;
- opts[i].name && strcmp(opts[i].name, name) && strcmp(opts[i].nm, name);
- i++)
- {
- }
- /* change the variable */
- if (!opts[i].name)
- {
- msg("invalid option name \"%s\"", name);
- }
- else if ((opts[i].flags & CANSET) != CANSET)
- {
- msg("option \"%s\" can't be altered", name);
- }
- else if ((opts[i].flags & RCSET) != CANSET && nlines >= 1L)
- {
- msg("option \"%s\" can only be set in a %s file", name, EXRC);
- }
- else if (value)
- {
- switch (opts[i].type)
- {
- case BOOL:
- msg("option \"[no]%s\" is boolean", name);
- break;
- case NUM:
- j = atoi(value);
- if (j == 0 && *value != '0')
- {
- msg("option \"%s\" must have a numeric value", name);
- }
- else if (j < opts[i].value[1] || j > (opts[i].value[2] & 0xff))
- {
- msg("option \"%s\" must have a value between %d and %d",
- name, opts[i].value[1], opts[i].value[2] & 0xff);
- }
- else
- {
- *opts[i].value = atoi(value);
- opts[i].flags |= SET;
- }
- break;
- case STR:
- strcpy(opts[i].value, value);
- opts[i].flags |= SET;
- break;
- }
- if (opts[i].flags & MR)
- {
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else /* valid option, no value */
- {
- if (opts[i].type == BOOL)
- {
- *opts[i].value = (name[-1] != 'o');
- opts[i].flags |= SET;
- if (opts[i].flags & MR)
- {
- mustredraw = TRUE;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- msg("option \"%s\" must be given a value", name);
- }
- }
- /* move on to the next option */
- name = scan;
- }
- /* special processing ... */
- /* if "readonly" then set the READONLY flag for this file */
- if (*o_readonly)
- {
- setflag(file, READONLY);
- }
- }