home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ex.c */
- /* Author:
- * Steve Kirkendall
- * 14407 SW Teal Blvd. #C
- * Beaverton, OR 97005
- * kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu
- */
- /* This file contains the code for reading ex commands. */
- #include "config.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "vi.h"
- #ifndef isascii
- # define isascii(c) !((c)&~0x7f)
- #endif
- /* This data type is used to describe the possible argument combinations */
- typedef short ARGT;
- #define FROM 1 /* allow a linespec */
- #define TO 2 /* allow a second linespec */
- #define BANG 4 /* allow a ! after the command name */
- #define EXTRA 8 /* allow extra args after command name */
- #define XFILE 16 /* expand wildcards in extra part */
- #define NOSPC 32 /* no spaces allowed in the extra part */
- #define DFLALL 64 /* default file range is 1,$ */
- #define DFLNONE 128 /* no default file range */
- #define NODFL 256 /* do not default to the current file name */
- #define EXRCOK 512 /* can be in a .exrc file */
- #define NL 1024 /* if mode!=MODE_EX, then write a newline first */
- #define PLUS 2048 /* allow a line number, as in ":e +32 foo" */
- #define ZERO 4096 /* allow 0 to be given as a line number */
- #define FILES (XFILE + EXTRA) /* multiple extra files allowed */
- #define WORD1 (EXTRA + NOSPC) /* one extra word allowed */
- #define FILE1 (FILES + NOSPC) /* 1 file allowed, defaults to current file */
- #define NAMEDF (FILE1 + NODFL) /* 1 file allowed, defaults to "" */
- #define NAMEDFS (FILES + NODFL) /* multiple files allowed, default is "" */
- #define RANGE (FROM + TO) /* range of linespecs allowed */
- #define NONE 0 /* no args allowed at all */
- /* This array maps ex command names to command codes. The order in which
- * command names are listed below is significant -- ambiguous abbreviations
- * are always resolved to be the first possible match. (e.g. "r" is taken
- * to mean "read", not "rewind", because "read" comes before "rewind")
- */
- static struct
- {
- char *name; /* name of the command */
- CMD code; /* enum code of the command */
- void (*fn)();/* function which executes the command */
- ARGT argt; /* command line arguments permitted/needed/used */
- }
- cmdnames[] =
- { /* cmd name cmd code function arguments */
- {"append", CMD_APPEND, cmd_append, FROM+ZERO },
- #ifdef DEBUG
- {"bug", CMD_DEBUG, cmd_debug, RANGE+BANG+EXTRA+NL},
- #endif
- {"change", CMD_CHANGE, cmd_append, RANGE },
- {"delete", CMD_DELETE, cmd_delete, RANGE+WORD1 },
- {"edit", CMD_EDIT, cmd_edit, BANG+FILE1+PLUS },
- {"file", CMD_FILE, cmd_file, NAMEDF },
- {"global", CMD_GLOBAL, cmd_global, RANGE+BANG+EXTRA+DFLALL},
- {"insert", CMD_INSERT, cmd_append, FROM },
- {"join", CMD_INSERT, cmd_join, RANGE },
- {"k", CMD_MARK, cmd_mark, FROM+WORD1 },
- {"list", CMD_LIST, cmd_print, RANGE+NL },
- {"move", CMD_MOVE, cmd_move, RANGE+EXTRA },
- {"next", CMD_NEXT, cmd_next, BANG+NAMEDFS },
- {"Next", CMD_PREVIOUS, cmd_next, BANG },
- {"print", CMD_PRINT, cmd_print, RANGE+NL },
- {"quit", CMD_QUIT, cmd_xit, BANG },
- {"read", CMD_READ, cmd_read, FROM+ZERO+NAMEDF},
- {"substitute", CMD_SUBSTITUTE, cmd_substitute, RANGE+EXTRA },
- {"to", CMD_COPY, cmd_move, RANGE+EXTRA },
- {"undo", CMD_UNDO, cmd_undo, NONE },
- {"vglobal", CMD_VGLOBAL, cmd_global, RANGE+EXTRA+DFLALL},
- {"write", CMD_WRITE, cmd_write, RANGE+BANG+FILE1+DFLALL},
- {"xit", CMD_XIT, cmd_xit, BANG+NL },
- {"yank", CMD_YANK, cmd_delete, RANGE+WORD1 },
- {"<", CMD_SHIFTL, cmd_shift, RANGE },
- {">", CMD_SHIFTR, cmd_shift, RANGE },
- {"=", CMD_EQUAL, cmd_file, RANGE },
- {"&", CMD_SUBAGAIN, cmd_substitute, RANGE },
- #ifndef NO_AT
- {"@", CMD_AT, cmd_at, EXTRA },
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_ABBR
- {"abbreviate", CMD_ABBR, cmd_abbr, EXRCOK+EXTRA },
- #endif
- {"args", CMD_ARGS, cmd_args, EXRCOK+NAMEDFS },
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- {"cc", CMD_CC, cmd_make, BANG+FILES },
- #endif
- {"cd", CMD_CD, cmd_cd, EXRCOK+NAMEDF },
- {"copy", CMD_COPY, cmd_move, RANGE+EXTRA },
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- {"digraph", CMD_DIGRAPH, cmd_digraph, EXRCOK+BANG+EXTRA},
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- {"errlist", CMD_ERRLIST, cmd_errlist, BANG+NAMEDF },
- #endif
- {"ex", CMD_EDIT, cmd_edit, BANG+FILE1 },
- {"map", CMD_MAP, cmd_map, EXRCOK+BANG+EXTRA},
- #ifndef NO_MKEXRC
- {"mkexrc", CMD_MKEXRC, cmd_mkexrc, NAMEDF },
- #endif
- {"number", CMD_NUMBER, cmd_print, RANGE+NL },
- {"put", CMD_PUT, cmd_put, FROM+ZERO+WORD1 },
- {"set", CMD_SET, cmd_set, EXRCOK+EXTRA },
- {"shell", CMD_SHELL, cmd_shell, NL },
- {"source", CMD_SOURCE, cmd_source, EXRCOK+NAMEDF },
- {"tag", CMD_TAG, cmd_tag, BANG+WORD1 },
- {"version", CMD_VERSION, cmd_version, EXRCOK+NONE },
- {"visual", CMD_VISUAL, cmd_visual, NONE },
- {"wq", CMD_WQUIT, cmd_xit, NL },
- #ifdef DEBUG
- {"debug", CMD_DEBUG, cmd_debug, RANGE+BANG+EXTRA+NL},
- {"validate", CMD_VALIDATE, cmd_validate, BANG+NL },
- #endif
- {"chdir", CMD_CD, cmd_cd, EXRCOK+NAMEDF },
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- {"make", CMD_MAKE, cmd_make, BANG+NAMEDFS },
- #endif
- {"mark", CMD_MARK, cmd_mark, FROM+WORD1 },
- {"previous", CMD_PREVIOUS, cmd_next, BANG },
- {"rewind", CMD_REWIND, cmd_next, BANG },
- {"unmap", CMD_UNMAP, cmd_map, EXRCOK+BANG+EXTRA},
- #ifndef NO_ABBR
- {"unabbreviate",CMD_UNABBR, cmd_abbr, EXRCOK+WORD1 },
- #endif
- {(char *)0}
- };
- /* This function parses a search pattern - given a pointer to a / or ?,
- * it replaces the ending / or ? with a \0, and returns a pointer to the
- * stuff that came after the pattern.
- */
- char *parseptrn(ptrn)
- REG char *ptrn;
- {
- REG char *scan;
- for (scan = ptrn + 1;
- *scan && *scan != *ptrn;
- scan++)
- {
- /* allow backslashed versions of / and ? in the pattern */
- if (*scan == '\\' && scan[1] != '\0')
- {
- scan++;
- }
- }
- if (*scan)
- {
- *scan++ = '\0';
- }
- return scan;
- }
- /* This function parses a line specifier for ex commands */
- char *linespec(s, markptr)
- REG char *s; /* start of the line specifier */
- MARK *markptr; /* where to store the mark's value */
- {
- long num;
- REG char *t;
- /* parse each ;-delimited clause of this linespec */
- do
- {
- /* skip an initial ';', if any */
- if (*s == ';')
- {
- s++;
- }
- /* skip leading spaces */
- while (isascii(*s) && isspace(*s))
- {
- s++;
- }
- /* dot means current position */
- if (*s == '.')
- {
- s++;
- *markptr = cursor;
- }
- /* '$' means the last line */
- else if (*s == '$')
- {
- s++;
- *markptr = MARK_LAST;
- }
- /* digit means an absolute line number */
- else if (isascii(*s) && isdigit(*s))
- {
- for (num = 0; isascii(*s) && isdigit(*s); s++)
- {
- num = num * 10 + *s - '0';
- }
- *markptr = MARK_AT_LINE(num);
- }
- /* appostrophe means go to a set mark */
- else if (*s == '\'')
- {
- s++;
- *markptr = m_tomark(cursor, 1L, (int)*s);
- s++;
- }
- /* slash means do a search */
- else if (*s == '/' || *s == '?')
- {
- /* put a '\0' at the end of the search pattern */
- t = parseptrn(s);
- /* search for the pattern */
- *markptr &= ~(BLKSIZE - 1);
- if (*s == '/')
- {
- pfetch(markline(*markptr));
- if (plen > 0)
- *markptr += plen - 1;
- *markptr = m_fsrch(*markptr, s);
- }
- else
- {
- *markptr = m_bsrch(*markptr, s);
- }
- /* adjust command string pointer */
- s = t;
- }
- /* if linespec was faulty, quit now */
- if (!*markptr)
- {
- return s;
- }
- /* maybe add an offset */
- t = s;
- if (*t == '-' || *t == '+')
- {
- s++;
- for (num = 0; *s >= '0' && *s <= '9'; s++)
- {
- num = num * 10 + *s - '0';
- }
- if (num == 0)
- {
- num = 1;
- }
- *markptr = m_updnto(*markptr, num, *t);
- }
- } while (*s == ';' || *s == '+' || *s == '-');
- return s;
- }
- /* This function reads an ex command and executes it. */
- void ex()
- {
- char cmdbuf[80];
- REG int cmdlen;
- static long oldline;
- significant = FALSE;
- oldline = markline(cursor);
- while (mode == MODE_EX)
- {
- /* read a line */
- cmdlen = vgets(':', cmdbuf, sizeof cmdbuf);
- if (cmdlen < 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- /* if empty line, assume ".+1" */
- if (cmdlen == 0)
- {
- strcpy(cmdbuf, ".+1");
- qaddch('\r');
- clrtoeol();
- }
- else
- {
- addch('\n');
- }
- refresh();
- /* parse & execute the command */
- doexcmd(cmdbuf);
- /* handle autoprint */
- if (significant || markline(cursor) != oldline)
- {
- significant = FALSE;
- oldline = markline(cursor);
- if (*o_autoprint && mode == MODE_EX)
- {
- cmd_print(cursor, cursor, CMD_PRINT, FALSE, "");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void doexcmd(cmdbuf)
- char *cmdbuf; /* string containing an ex command */
- {
- REG char *scan; /* used to scan thru cmdbuf */
- MARK frommark; /* first linespec */
- MARK tomark; /* second linespec */
- REG int cmdlen; /* length of the command name given */
- CMD cmd; /* what command is this? */
- ARGT argt; /* argument types for this command */
- short forceit; /* bang version of a command? */
- REG int cmdidx; /* index of command */
- REG char *build; /* used while copying filenames */
- int iswild; /* boolean: filenames use wildcards? */
- int isdfl; /* using default line ranges? */
- int didsub; /* did we substitute file names for % or # */
- /* ex commands can't be undone via the shift-U command */
- U_line = 0L;
- /* ignore command lines that start with a double-quote */
- if (*cmdbuf == '"')
- {
- return;
- }
- /* permit extra colons at the start of the line */
- while (*cmdbuf == ':')
- {
- cmdbuf++;
- }
- /* parse the line specifier */
- scan = cmdbuf;
- if (nlines < 1)
- {
- /* no file, so don't allow addresses */
- }
- else if (*scan == '%')
- {
- /* '%' means all lines */
- frommark = MARK_FIRST;
- tomark = MARK_LAST;
- scan++;
- }
- else if (*scan == '0')
- {
- frommark = tomark = MARK_UNSET;
- scan++;
- }
- else
- {
- frommark = cursor;
- scan = linespec(scan, &frommark);
- tomark = frommark;
- if (frommark && *scan == ',')
- {
- scan++;
- scan = linespec(scan, &tomark);
- }
- if (!tomark)
- {
- /* faulty line spec -- fault already described */
- return;
- }
- if (frommark > tomark)
- {
- msg("first address exceeds the second");
- return;
- }
- }
- isdfl = (scan == cmdbuf);
- /* skip whitespace */
- while (isascii(*scan) && isspace(*scan))
- {
- scan++;
- }
- /* if no command, then just move the cursor to the mark */
- if (!*scan)
- {
- cursor = tomark;
- return;
- }
- /* figure out how long the command name is */
- if (isascii(*scan) && !isalpha(*scan))
- {
- cmdlen = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- for (cmdlen = 1;
- !isascii(scan[cmdlen]) || isalpha(scan[cmdlen]);
- cmdlen++)
- {
- }
- }
- /* lookup the command code */
- for (cmdidx = 0;
- cmdnames[cmdidx].name && strncmp(scan, cmdnames[cmdidx].name, cmdlen);
- cmdidx++)
- {
- }
- argt = cmdnames[cmdidx].argt;
- cmd = cmdnames[cmdidx].code;
- if (cmd == CMD_NULL)
- {
- #if OSK
- msg("Unknown command \"%s\"", scan);
- #else
- msg("Unknown command \"%.*s\"", cmdlen, scan);
- #endif
- return;
- }
- /* if the command ended with a bang, set the forceit flag */
- scan += cmdlen;
- if ((argt & BANG) && *scan == '!')
- {
- scan++;
- forceit = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- forceit = 0;
- }
- /* skip any more whitespace, to leave scan pointing to arguments */
- while (isascii(*scan) && isspace(*scan))
- {
- scan++;
- }
- /* a couple of special cases for filenames */
- if (argt & XFILE)
- {
- /* if names were given, process them */
- if (*scan)
- {
- for (build = tmpblk.c, iswild = didsub = FALSE; *scan; scan++)
- {
- switch (*scan)
- {
- case '%':
- if (!*origname)
- {
- msg("No filename to substitute for %%");
- return;
- }
- strcpy(build, origname);
- while (*build)
- {
- build++;
- }
- didsub = TRUE;
- break;
- case '#':
- if (!*prevorig)
- {
- msg("No filename to substitute for #");
- return;
- }
- strcpy(build, prevorig);
- while (*build)
- {
- build++;
- }
- didsub = TRUE;
- break;
- case '*':
- case '?':
- #if !(MSDOS || TOS)
- case '[':
- case '`':
- case '{': /* } */
- case '$':
- case '~':
- #endif
- *build++ = *scan;
- iswild = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- *build++ = *scan;
- }
- }
- *build = '\0';
- if (cmd == CMD_BANG
- || cmd == CMD_READ && tmpblk.c[0] == '!'
- || cmd == CMD_WRITE && tmpblk.c[0] == '!')
- {
- if (didsub)
- {
- if (mode != MODE_EX)
- {
- addch('\n');
- }
- addstr(tmpblk.c);
- addch('\n');
- exrefresh();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (iswild && tmpblk.c[0] != '>')
- {
- scan = wildcard(tmpblk.c);
- }
- }
- }
- else /* no names given, maybe assume origname */
- {
- if (!(argt & NODFL))
- {
- strcpy(tmpblk.c, origname);
- }
- else
- {
- *tmpblk.c = '\0';
- }
- }
- scan = tmpblk.c;
- }
- /* bad arguments? */
- if (!(argt & EXRCOK) && nlines < 1L)
- {
- msg("Can't use the \"%s\" command in a %s file", cmdnames[cmdidx].name, EXRC);
- return;
- }
- if (!(argt & (ZERO | EXRCOK)) && frommark == MARK_UNSET)
- {
- msg("Can't use address 0 with \"%s\" command.", cmdnames[cmdidx].name);
- return;
- }
- if (!(argt & FROM) && frommark != cursor && nlines >= 1L)
- {
- msg("Can't use address with \"%s\" command.", cmdnames[cmdidx].name);
- return;
- }
- if (!(argt & TO) && tomark != frommark && nlines >= 1L)
- {
- msg("Can't use a range with \"%s\" command.", cmdnames[cmdidx].name);
- return;
- }
- if (!(argt & EXTRA) && *scan)
- {
- msg("Extra characters after \"%s\" command.", cmdnames[cmdidx].name);
- return;
- }
- if ((argt & NOSPC) && !(cmd == CMD_READ && (forceit || *scan == '!')))
- {
- build = scan;
- #ifndef CRUNCH
- if ((argt & PLUS) && *build == '+')
- {
- while (*build && !(isascii(*build) && isspace(*build)))
- {
- build++;
- }
- while (*build && isascii(*build) && isspace(*build))
- {
- build++;
- }
- }
- #endif /* not CRUNCH */
- for (; *build; build++)
- {
- if (isspace(*build))
- {
- msg("Too many %s to \"%s\" command.",
- (argt & XFILE) ? "filenames" : "arguments",
- cmdnames[cmdidx].name);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /* some commands have special default ranges */
- if (isdfl && (argt & DFLALL))
- {
- frommark = MARK_FIRST;
- tomark = MARK_LAST;
- }
- else if (isdfl && (argt & DFLNONE))
- {
- frommark = tomark = 0L;
- }
- /* write a newline if called from visual mode */
- if ((argt & NL) && mode != MODE_EX && !exwrote)
- {
- addch('\n');
- exrefresh();
- }
- /* act on the command */
- (*cmdnames[cmdidx].fn)(frommark, tomark, cmd, forceit, scan);
- }
- /* This function executes EX commands from a file. It returns 1 normally, or
- * 0 if the file could not be opened for reading.
- */
- int doexrc(filename)
- char *filename; /* name of a ".exrc" file */
- {
- int fd; /* file descriptor */
- int len; /* length of the ".exrc" file */
- char buf[MAXRCLEN]; /* buffer, holds the entire .exrc file */
- /* open the file, read it, and close */
- fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- len = tread(fd, buf, MAXRCLEN);
- close(fd);
- /* execute the string */
- exstring(buf, len);
- return 1;
- }
- void exstring(buf, len)
- char *buf; /* the commands to execute */
- int len; /* the length of the string */
- {
- char *cmd; /* start of a command */
- char *end; /* used to search for the end of cmd */
- /* find & do each command */
- for (cmd = buf; cmd < &buf[len]; cmd = end + 1)
- {
- /* find the end of the command */
- for (end = cmd; end < &buf[len] && *end != '\n' && *end != '|'; end++)
- {
- }
- *end = '\0';
- /* do it */
- doexcmd(cmd);
- }
- }