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- /*
- * vi configuration file
- * We try to automatically configure to various compilers and operating
- * systems. Extend the autoconf section as needed.
- */
- /*************************** autoconf section ************************/
- /* standard unix V (?) */
- #ifdef M_SYSV
- # define UNIXV 1
- #endif
- /* xelos system, University of Ulm */
- #ifdef xelos
- # define UNIXV 1
- #endif
- /* BSD UNIX? */
- #ifdef bsd
- # define BSD 1
- #endif
- /* Microsoft C: sorry, Watcom does the same thing */
- #ifdef M_I86
- # ifndef M_SYSV
- # define MSDOS 1
- # define MICROSOFT 1
- # define COMPILED_BY "Microsoft C 5.10"
- # endif
- #endif
- /* Borlands Turbo C */
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- # define MSDOS 1
- # define TURBOC 1
- # define COMPILED_BY "Turbo C 2.00"
- #endif
- /* Tos Mark-Williams */
- #ifdef M68000
- # define TOS 1
- # define COMPILED_BY "Mark Williams C"
- #endif
- /* OS9/68000 */
- #ifdef OSK
- # define COMPILED_BY "Microware C V2.3 Edition 40"
- #endif
- /*************************** end of autoconf section ************************/
- /* All undefined symbols are defined to zero here, to allow for older */
- /* compilers which dont understand #if defined() or #if UNDEFINED_SYMBOL */
- /*************************** operating systems *****************************/
- #ifndef BSD
- # define BSD 0 /* UNIX - Berkeley 4.x */
- #endif
- #ifndef UNIXV
- # define UNIXV 0 /* UNIX - AT&T SYSV */
- #endif
- #ifndef UNIX7
- # define UNIX7 0 /* UNIX - version 7 */
- #endif
- #ifndef MSDOS
- # define MSDOS 0 /* PC */
- #endif
- #ifndef TOS
- # define TOS 0 /* Atari ST */
- #endif
- #ifndef AMIGA
- # define AMIGA 0 /* Commodore Amiga */
- #endif
- #ifndef OSK
- # define OSK 0 /* OS-9 / 68k */
- #endif
- #ifndef COHERENT
- # define COHERENT 0 /* Coherent */
- #endif
- /* Minix has no predefines */
- #if !BSD && !UNIXV && !UNIX7 && !MSDOS && !TOS && !AMIGA && !OSK && !COHERENT && !DF_POSIX
- # define MINIX 1
- #else
- # define MINIX 0
- #endif
- /* generic combination of Unices */
- # define ANY_UNIX 1
- #else
- # define ANY_UNIX 0
- #endif
- /*************************** compilers **************************************/
- #ifndef MICROSOFT
- # define MICROSOFT 0
- #endif
- #ifndef TURBOC
- # define TURBOC 0
- #endif
- /******************************* Credit ************************************/
- #if MSDOS
- # define CREDIT "Ported to MS-DOS by Guntram Blohm & Martin Patzel"
- #endif
- #if TOS
- # define CREDIT "Ported to Atari/TOS by Guntram Blohm & Martin Patzel"
- #endif
- #if OSK
- # define CREDIT "Ported to Microware OS9/68k by Peter Reinig"
- #endif
- # define CREDIT "Ported to Coherent by Esa Ahola"
- #endif
- /*************************** functions depending on OS *********************/
- /* Only MSDOS, TOS, and OS9 need a special function for reading from the
- * keyboard. All others just read from file descriptor 0.
- */
- #if !MSDOS && !TOS && !OSK
- # define ttyread(buf, len) read(0, buf, (unsigned)len) /* raw read */
- #endif
- #if !TOS
- # define ttywrite(buf, len) write(1, buf, (unsigned)(len)) /* raw write */
- #endif
- /* The strchr() function is an official standard now, so everybody has it
- * except Unix version 7 (which is old) and BSD Unix (which is academic).
- * Those guys use something called index() to do the same thing.
- */
- #if BSD || UNIX7 || OSK
- # define strchr index
- #endif
- extern char *strchr();
- /* BSD uses bcopy() instead of memcpy() */
- #if BSD
- #define memcpy(dest, src, siz) bcopy(src, dest, siz)
- #endif
- /* text versa binary mode for read/write */
- #if !TOS
- #define tread(fd,buf,n) read(fd,buf,(unsigned)(n))
- #define twrite(fd,buf,n) write(fd,buf,(unsigned)(n))
- #endif
- /**************************** Compiler quirks *********************************/
- /* the UNIX version 7 and (some) TOS compilers, don't allow "void" */
- #if UNIX7 || TOS
- # define void int
- #endif
- /* as far as I know, all compilers except version 7 support unsigned char */
- /* NEWFLASH: the Minix-ST compiler has subtle problems with unsigned char */
- #if UNIX7 || MINIX
- # define UCHAR(c) ((c) & 0xff)
- # define uchar char
- #else
- # define UCHAR(c) ((unsigned char)(c))
- # define uchar unsigned char
- #endif
- /* Some compilers prefer to have malloc declared as returning a (void *) */
- #if BSD
- extern void *malloc();
- #elif ! DF_POSIX
- extern char *malloc();
- #endif
- /* Most compilers could benefit from using the "register" storage class */
- #if 1
- # define REG register
- #endif
- /******************* Names of files and environment vars **********************/
- # ifndef TMPDIR
- # if MINIX
- # define TMPDIR "/usr/tmp" /* Keep elvis' temp files off RAM disk! */
- # else
- # define TMPDIR "/tmp" /* directory where temp files live */
- # endif
- # endif
- #if WIN_NT
- # define TMPNAME "%s/elv%x%04x" /* temp file for NT */
- #else
- # define TMPNAME "%s/elv%x%04x%03x" /* temp file */
- #endif
- # define CUTNAME "%s/elv_%04x%03x" /* cut buffer's temp file */
- # ifndef EXRC
- # define EXRC ".exrc" /* init file in current directory */
- # endif
- # define SCRATCHOUT "%s/soXXXXXX" /* temp file used as input to filter */
- # ifndef EXINIT
- # define EXINIT "EXINIT"
- # endif
- # ifndef SHELL
- # define SHELL "/bin/sh" /* default shell */
- # endif
- # ifndef REDIRECT
- # define REDIRECT ">" /* Coherent CC writes errors to stdout */
- # endif
- # endif
- #endif
- #if MSDOS || TOS
- /* do not change TMPNAME, CUTNAME and SCRATCH*: they MUST begin with '%s\\'! */
- # ifndef TMPDIR
- # define TMPDIR "C:\\tmp" /* directory where temp files live */
- # endif
- # define TMPNAME "%s\\elv%x%04x.%03x" /* temp file */
- # define CUTNAME "%s\\elv_%04x.%03x" /* cut buffer's temp file */
- # if MSDOS
- # define CC_COMMAND "cl -c" /* C compiler */
- # else /* TURBO_C */
- # define CC_COMMAND "tc" /* C compiler */
- # endif
- # endif
- # define SCRATCHIN "%s\\siXXXXXX" /* DOS ONLY - output of filter program */
- # define SCRATCHOUT "%s\\soXXXXXX" /* temp file used as input to filter */
- # define SLASH '\\'
- # ifndef SHELL
- # if TOS
- # define SHELL "shell.ttp" /* default shell */
- # else
- # define SHELL "command.com" /* default shell */
- # endif
- # endif
- # define NEEDSYNC TRUE /* assume ":se sync" by default */
- # define REDIRECT ">" /* shell's redirection of stderr */
- # ifndef MAXMAPS
- # define MAXMAPS 40
- # endif
- # ifndef EXINIT
- # define EXINIT "EXINIT"
- # endif
- #endif
- #if OSK
- # ifndef TMPDIR
- # define TMPDIR "/dd/tmp" /* directory where temp files live */
- # endif
- # define TMPNAME "%s/elv%x%04x%03x" /* temp file */
- # define CUTNAME "%s/elv_%04x%03x" /* cut buffer's temp file */
- # ifndef CC_COMMAND
- # define CC_COMMAND "cc -r" /* name of the compiler */
- # endif
- # ifndef EXRC
- # define EXRC ".exrc" /* init file in current directory */
- # endif
- # define SCRATCHOUT "%s/soXXXXXX" /* temp file used as input to filter */
- # ifndef SHELL
- # define SHELL "shell" /* default shell */
- # endif
- # define FILEPERMS (S_IREAD|S_IWRITE) /* file permissions used for creat() */
- # define REDIRECT ">>-" /* shell's redirection of stderr */
- #endif
- #ifndef TAGS
- # define TAGS "tags" /* tags file */
- #endif
- #ifndef TMPNAME
- # define TMPNAME "%s/elv%x%04x.%03x" /* temp file */
- #endif
- #ifndef CUTNAME
- # define CUTNAME "%s/elv_%04x.%03x" /* cut buffer's temp file */
- #endif
- #ifndef EXRC
- # define EXRC "elvis.rc"
- #endif
- #ifndef HMEXRC
- # if !MSDOS && !TOS
- # define HMEXRC EXRC
- # endif
- #endif
- #ifndef KEYWORDPRG
- # define KEYWORDPRG "ref"
- #endif
- #ifndef SCRATCHOUT
- # define SCRATCHIN "%s/SIXXXXXX"
- #endif
- #ifndef ERRLIST
- # define ERRLIST "errlist"
- #endif
- #ifndef SLASH
- # define SLASH '/'
- #endif
- #ifndef SHELL
- # define SHELL "shell"
- #endif
- #ifndef REG
- # define REG
- #endif
- #ifndef NEEDSYNC
- #endif
- #ifndef FILEPERMS
- # define FILEPERMS 0666
- #endif
- #ifndef CC_COMMAND
- # define CC_COMMAND "cc -c"
- #endif
- #ifndef MAKE_COMMAND
- # define MAKE_COMMAND "make"
- #endif
- #ifndef REDIRECT
- # define REDIRECT "2>"
- #endif
- #ifndef MAXMAPS
- # define MAXMAPS 20 /* number of :map keys */
- #endif
- #ifndef MAXDIGS
- # define MAXDIGS 30 /* number of :digraph combos */
- #endif
- #ifndef MAXABBR
- # define MAXABBR 20 /* number of :abbr entries */
- #endif