home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* cmd1.c */
- /* Author:
- * Steve Kirkendall
- * 14407 SW Teal Blvd. #C
- * Beaverton, OR 97005
- * kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu
- */
- /* This file contains some of the EX commands - mostly ones that deal with
- * files, options, etc. -- anything except text.
- */
- #include "config.h"
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include "vi.h"
- #include "regexp.h"
- #if MSDOS
- #define DATE __DATE__
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- /* print the selected lines with info on the blocks */
- void cmd_debug(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark;
- MARK tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- REG char *scan;
- REG long l;
- REG int i;
- int len;
- /* scan lnum[] to determine which block its in */
- l = markline(frommark);
- for (i = 1; l > lnum[i]; i++)
- {
- }
- do
- {
- /* fetch text of the block containing that line */
- scan = blkget(i)->c;
- /* calculate its length */
- if (scan[BLKSIZE - 1])
- {
- len = BLKSIZE;
- }
- else
- {
- len = strlen(scan);
- }
- /* print block stats */
- msg("##### hdr[%d]=%d, lnum[%d-1]=%ld, lnum[%d]=%ld (%ld lines)",
- i, hdr.n[i], i, lnum[i-1], i, lnum[i], lnum[i] - lnum[i - 1]);
- msg("##### len=%d, buf=0x%lx, %sdirty",
- len, scan, ((int *)scan)[MAXBLKS + 1] ? "" : "not ");
- if (bang)
- {
- while (--len >= 0)
- {
- addch(*scan);
- scan++;
- }
- }
- exrefresh();
- /* next block */
- i++;
- } while (i < MAXBLKS && lnum[i] && lnum[i - 1] < markline(tomark));
- }
- /* This function checks a lot of conditions to make sure they aren't screwy */
- void cmd_validate(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark;
- MARK tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- char *scan;
- int i;
- int nlcnt; /* used to count newlines */
- int len; /* counts non-NUL characters */
- /* check lnum[0] */
- if (lnum[0] != 0L)
- {
- msg("lnum[0] = %ld", lnum[0]);
- }
- /* check each block */
- for (i = 1; lnum[i] <= nlines; i++)
- {
- scan = blkget(i)->c;
- if (scan[BLKSIZE - 1])
- {
- msg("block %d has no NUL at the end", i);
- }
- else
- {
- for (nlcnt = len = 0; *scan; scan++, len++)
- {
- if (*scan == '\n')
- {
- nlcnt++;
- }
- }
- if (scan[-1] != '\n')
- {
- msg("block %d doesn't end with '\\n' (length %d)", i, len);
- }
- if (bang || nlcnt != lnum[i] - lnum[i - 1])
- {
- msg("block %d (line %ld?) has %d lines, but should have %ld",
- i, lnum[i - 1] + 1L, nlcnt, lnum[i] - lnum[i - 1]);
- }
- }
- exrefresh();
- }
- /* check lnum again */
- if (lnum[i] != INFINITY)
- {
- msg("hdr.n[%d] = %d, but lnum[%d] = %ld",
- i, hdr.n[i], i, lnum[i]);
- }
- msg("# = \"%s\", %% = \"%s\"", prevorig, origname);
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- void cmd_mark(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark;
- MARK tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- /* validate the name of the mark */
- if (!extra || *extra < 'a' || *extra > 'z' || extra[1])
- {
- msg("Invalid mark name");
- return;
- }
- mark[*extra - 'a'] = tomark;
- }
- void cmd_write(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark;
- MARK tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- int fd;
- int append; /* boolean: write in "append" mode? */
- REG long l;
- REG char *scan;
- REG int i;
- /* if all lines are to be written, use tmpsave() */
- if (frommark == MARK_FIRST && tomark == MARK_LAST)
- {
- tmpsave(extra, bang);
- return;
- }
- /* see if we're going to do this in append mode or not */
- append = FALSE;
- if (extra[0] == '>' && extra[1] == '>')
- {
- extra += 2;
- append = TRUE;
- }
- /* either the file must not exist, or we must have a ! or be appending */
- if (access(extra, 0) == 0 && !bang && !append)
- {
- msg("File already exists - Use :w! to overwrite");
- return;
- }
- /* else do it line-by-line, like cmd_print() */
- if (append)
- {
- #ifdef O_APPEND
- fd = open(extra, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND);
- #else
- fd = open(extra, O_WRONLY);
- if (fd >= 0)
- {
- lseek(fd, 0L, 2);
- }
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- fd = -1; /* so we know the file isn't open yet */
- }
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- fd = creat(extra, FILEPERMS);
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- msg("Can't write to \"%s\"", extra);
- return;
- }
- }
- for (l = markline(frommark); l <= markline(tomark); l++)
- {
- /* get the next line */
- scan = fetchline(l);
- i = strlen(scan);
- scan[i++] = '\n';
- /* print the line */
- twrite(fd, scan, i);
- }
- close(fd);
- }
- void cmd_shell(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- static char prevextra[80];
- /* special case: ":sh" means ":!sh" */
- if (cmd == CMD_SHELL)
- {
- extra = o_shell;
- frommark = tomark = 0L;
- }
- /* if extra is "!", substute previous command */
- if (*extra == '!')
- {
- if (!*prevextra)
- {
- msg("No previous shell command to substitute for '!'");
- return;
- }
- extra = prevextra;
- }
- else if (cmd == CMD_BANG && strlen(extra) < sizeof(prevextra) - 1)
- {
- strcpy(prevextra, extra);
- }
- /* if no lines were specified, just run the command */
- suspend_curses();
- if (frommark == 0L)
- {
- system(extra);
- }
- else /* pipe lines from the file through the command */
- {
- filter(frommark, tomark, extra);
- }
- /* resume curses quietly for MODE_EX, but noisily otherwise */
- resume_curses(mode == MODE_EX);
- }
- void cmd_global(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra; /* rest of the command line */
- {
- char *cmdptr; /* the command from the command line */
- char cmdln[100]; /* copy of the command from the command line */
- char *line; /* a line from the file */
- long l; /* used as a counter to move through lines */
- long lqty; /* quantity of lines to be scanned */
- long nchanged; /* number of lines changed */
- regexp *re; /* the compiled search expression */
- /* can't nest global commands */
- if (doingglobal)
- {
- msg("Can't nest global commands.");
- rptlines = -1L;
- return;
- }
- /* ":g! ..." is the same as ":v ..." */
- if (bang)
- {
- cmd = CMD_VGLOBAL;
- }
- /* make sure we got a search pattern */
- if (*extra != '/' && *extra != '?')
- {
- msg("Usage: %c /regular expression/ command", cmd == CMD_GLOBAL ? 'g' : 'v');
- return;
- }
- /* parse & compile the search pattern */
- cmdptr = parseptrn(extra);
- if (!extra[1])
- {
- msg("Can't use empty regular expression with '%c' command", cmd == CMD_GLOBAL ? 'g' : 'v');
- return;
- }
- re = regcomp(extra + 1);
- if (!re)
- {
- /* regcomp found & described an error */
- return;
- }
- /* for each line in the range */
- doingglobal = TRUE;
- ChangeText
- {
- /* NOTE: we have to go through the lines in a forward order,
- * otherwise "g/re/p" would look funny. *BUT* for "g/re/d"
- * to work, simply adding 1 to the line# on each loop won't
- * work. The solution: count lines relative to the end of
- * the file. Think about it.
- */
- for (l = nlines - markline(frommark),
- lqty = markline(tomark) - markline(frommark) + 1L,
- nchanged = 0L;
- lqty > 0 && nlines - l >= 0 && nchanged >= 0L;
- l--, lqty--)
- {
- /* fetch the line */
- line = fetchline(nlines - l);
- /* if it contains the search pattern... */
- if ((!regexec(re, line, 1)) == (cmd != CMD_GLOBAL))
- {
- /* move the cursor to that line */
- cursor = MARK_AT_LINE(nlines - l);
- /* do the ex command (without mucking up
- * the original copy of the command line)
- */
- strcpy(cmdln, cmdptr);
- rptlines = 0L;
- doexcmd(cmdln);
- nchanged += rptlines;
- }
- }
- }
- doingglobal = FALSE;
- /* free the regexp */
- free(re);
- /* Reporting...*/
- rptlines = nchanged;
- }
- void cmd_file(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- #ifndef CRUNCH
- /* if we're given a new filename, use it as this file's name */
- if (extra && *extra)
- {
- strcpy(origname, extra);
- }
- #endif
- if (cmd == CMD_FILE)
- {
- msg("\"%s\" %s%s %ld lines, line %ld [%ld%%]",
- *origname ? origname : "[NO FILE]",
- tstflag(file, MODIFIED) ? "[MODIFIED]" : "",
- tstflag(file, READONLY) ? "[READONLY]" : "",
- nlines,
- markline(frommark),
- markline(frommark) * 100 / nlines);
- }
- else if (markline(frommark) == markline(tomark))
- {
- msg("%ld", markline(frommark));
- }
- else
- {
- msg("range \"%ld,%ld\" contains %ld lines",
- markline(frommark),
- markline(tomark),
- markline(tomark) - markline(frommark) + 1L);
- }
- }
- void cmd_edit(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- long line = 1L; /* might be set to prevline */
- /* Editing previous file? Then start at previous line */
- if (!strcmp(extra, prevorig))
- {
- line = prevline;
- }
- #ifndef CRUNCH
- /* if we were given an explicit starting line, then start there */
- if (*extra == '+')
- {
- for (extra++, line = 0L; *extra >= '0' && *extra <= '9'; extra++)
- {
- line *= 10L;
- line += (*extra - '0');
- }
- while (isascii(*extra) && isspace(*extra))
- {
- extra++;
- }
- }
- #endif /* not CRUNCH */
- /* switch files */
- if (tmpabort(bang))
- {
- tmpstart(extra);
- if (line <= nlines && line >= 1L)
- {
- cursor = MARK_AT_LINE(line);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- msg("Use edit! to abort changes, or w to save changes");
- /* so we can say ":e!#" next time... */
- strcpy(prevorig, extra);
- prevline = 1L;
- }
- }
- /* This code is also used for rewind -- GB */
- void cmd_next(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- int i, j;
- char *scan;
- char *build;
- /* if extra stuff given, use ":args" to define a new args list */
- if (cmd == CMD_NEXT && extra && *extra)
- {
- cmd_args(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra);
- }
- /* move to the next arg */
- if (cmd == CMD_NEXT)
- {
- i = argno + 1;
- }
- else if (cmd == CMD_PREVIOUS)
- {
- i = argno - 1;
- }
- else /* cmd == CMD_REWIND */
- {
- i = 0;
- }
- if (i < 0 || i >= nargs)
- {
- msg("No %sfiles to edit", cmd == CMD_REWIND ? "" : "more ");
- return;
- }
- /* find & isolate the name of the file to edit */
- for (j = i, scan = args; j > 0; j--)
- {
- while(!isascii(*scan) || !isspace(*scan))
- {
- scan++;
- }
- while (isascii(*scan) && isspace(*scan))
- {
- scan++;
- }
- }
- for (build = tmpblk.c; *scan && (!isascii(*scan) || !isspace(*scan)); )
- {
- *build++ = *scan++;
- }
- *build = '\0';
- /* switch to the next file */
- if (tmpabort(bang))
- {
- tmpstart(tmpblk.c);
- argno = i;
- }
- else
- {
- msg("Use :%s! to abort changes, or w to save changes",
- cmd == CMD_NEXT ? "next" :
- cmd == CMD_PREVIOUS ? "previous" :
- "rewind");
- }
- }
- /* also called from :wq -- always writes back in this case */
- void cmd_xit(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- static long whenwarned; /* when the user was last warned of extra files */
- int oldflag;
- /* if there are more files to edit, then warn user */
- if (argno + 1 < nargs && whenwarned != changes && (!bang || cmd != CMD_QUIT))
- {
- msg("More files to edit -- Use \":n\" to go to next file");
- whenwarned = changes;
- return;
- }
- if (cmd == CMD_QUIT)
- {
- if (tmpabort(bang))
- {
- mode = MODE_QUIT;
- }
- else
- {
- msg("Use q! to abort changes, or wq to save changes");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* else try to save this file */
- oldflag = tstflag(file, MODIFIED);
- if (cmd == CMD_WQUIT)
- setflag(file, MODIFIED);
- if (tmpend(bang))
- {
- mode = MODE_QUIT;
- }
- else
- {
- msg("Could not save file -- use quit! to abort changes, or w filename");
- }
- if (!oldflag)
- clrflag(file, MODIFIED);
- }
- }
- void cmd_args(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- char *scan;
- char *eow;
- int col;
- int arg;
- int addcols;
- int scrolled = 0;
- /* if no extra names given, or just current name, then report the args
- * we have now.
- */
- if (!extra || !*extra)
- {
- for (scan = args, col=arg=0; *scan; )
- {
- while (*scan && isascii(*scan) && isspace(*scan))
- scan++;
- eow = scan;
- while (*eow && (!isascii(*++eow) || !isspace(*eow)))
- ;
- if (arg == argno)
- addcols = 2;
- else
- addcols = 0;
- if (col+addcols+(int)(eow-scan)+1>=COLS)
- {
- addch('\n');
- scrolled=1;
- col=0;
- }
- else if (arg)
- { qaddch(' ');
- col++;
- }
- if (arg == argno)
- qaddch('[');
- while (scan < eow)
- { qaddch(*scan++);
- col++;
- }
- if (arg == argno)
- qaddch(']');
- arg++;
- col+=addcols;
- }
- /* write a trailing newline */
- if ((mode == MODE_EX || mode == MODE_COLON || scrolled) && col)
- addch('\n');
- exrefresh();
- }
- else /* new args list given */
- {
- strcpy(args, extra);
- argno = -1; /* before the first, so :next will go to first */
- /* count the names */
- for (nargs = 0, scan = args; *scan; nargs++)
- {
- while (*scan && (!isascii(*scan) || !isspace(*scan)))
- {
- scan++;
- }
- while (isascii(*scan) && isspace(*scan))
- {
- scan++;
- }
- }
- msg("%d files to edit", nargs);
- }
- }
- void cmd_cd(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- char *getenv();
- /* default directory name is $HOME */
- if (!*extra)
- {
- extra = getenv("HOME");
- if (!extra)
- {
- msg("environment variable $HOME not set");
- return;
- }
- }
- /* go to the directory */
- if (chdir(extra) < 0)
- {
- perror(extra);
- }
- }
- void cmd_map(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- char *mapto;
- /* "map" with no extra will dump the map table contents */
- if (!*extra)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- /* "extra" is key to map, followed my what it maps to */
- for (mapto = extra; *mapto && *mapto != ' ' && *mapto!= '\t'; mapto++)
- {
- }
- while (*mapto == ' ' || *mapto == '\t')
- {
- *mapto++ = '\0';
- }
- mapkey(extra, mapto, bang ? WHEN_VIINP|WHEN_VIREP : WHEN_VICMD, (char *)0);
- }
- }
- void cmd_set(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- if (!*extra)
- {
- dumpopts(FALSE);/* "FALSE" means "don't dump all" - only set */
- }
- else if (!strcmp(extra, "all"))
- {
- dumpopts(TRUE); /* "TRUE" means "dump all" - even unset vars */
- }
- else
- {
- setopts(extra);
- /* That option may have affected the appearence of text */
- changes++;
- }
- }
- void cmd_tag(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- char *scan; /* used to scan through the tmpblk.c */
- char *cmp; /* char of tag name we're comparing, or NULL */
- char *end; /* marks the end of chars in tmpblk.c */
- int fd; /* file descriptor used to read the file */
- #ifndef NO_MAGIC
- char wasmagic; /* preserves the original state of o_magic */
- #endif
- static char prevtag[30];
- /* if no tag is given, use the previous tag */
- if (!extra || !*extra)
- {
- if (!*prevtag)
- {
- msg("No previous tag");
- return;
- }
- extra = prevtag;
- }
- else
- {
- strncpy(prevtag, extra, sizeof prevtag);
- }
- /* open the tags file */
- fd = open(TAGS, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- msg("No tags file");
- return;
- }
- /* Hmmm... this would have been a lot easier with <stdio.h> */
- /* find the line with our tag in it */
- for(scan = end = tmpblk.c, cmp = extra; ; scan++)
- {
- /* read a block, if necessary */
- if (scan >= end)
- {
- end = tmpblk.c + tread(fd, tmpblk.c, BLKSIZE);
- scan = tmpblk.c;
- if (scan >= end)
- {
- msg("tag \"%s\" not found", extra);
- close(fd);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* if we're comparing, compare... */
- if (cmp)
- {
- /* matched??? wow! */
- if (!*cmp && *scan == '\t')
- {
- break;
- }
- if (*cmp++ != *scan)
- {
- /* failed! skip to newline */
- cmp = (char *)0;
- }
- }
- /* if we're skipping to newline, do it fast! */
- if (!cmp)
- {
- while (scan < end && *scan != '\n')
- {
- scan++;
- }
- if (scan < end)
- {
- cmp = extra;
- }
- }
- }
- /* found it! get the rest of the line into memory */
- for (cmp = tmpblk.c, scan++; scan < end && *scan != '\n'; )
- {
- *cmp++ = *scan++;
- }
- if (scan == end)
- {
- tread(fd, cmp, BLKSIZE - (cmp - tmpblk.c));
- }
- /* we can close the tags file now */
- close(fd);
- /* extract the filename from the line, and edit the file */
- for (cmp = tmpblk.c; *cmp != '\t'; cmp++)
- {
- }
- *cmp++ = '\0';
- if (strcmp(origname, tmpblk.c) != 0)
- {
- if (!tmpabort(bang))
- {
- msg("Use :tag! to abort changes, or :w to save changes");
- return;
- }
- tmpstart(tmpblk.c);
- }
- /* move to the desired line (or to line 1 if that fails) */
- #ifndef NO_MAGIC
- wasmagic = *o_magic;
- *o_magic = FALSE;
- #endif
- cursor = MARK_FIRST;
- linespec(cmp, &cursor);
- if (cursor == MARK_UNSET)
- {
- cursor = MARK_FIRST;
- }
- #ifndef NO_MAGIC
- *o_magic = wasmagic;
- #endif
- }
- void cmd_visual(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- mode = MODE_VI;
- msg("");
- }
- /* describe this version of the program */
- void cmd_version(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark;
- MARK tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- #ifndef DATE
- msg("%s", VERSION);
- #else
- msg("%s (%s)", VERSION, DATE);
- #endif
- #ifdef COMPILED_BY
- msg("Compiled by %s", COMPILED_BY);
- #endif
- #ifdef CREDIT
- msg("%s", CREDIT);
- #endif
- #ifdef COPYING
- msg("%s", COPYING);
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef NO_MKEXRC
- /* make a .exrc file which describes the current configuration */
- void cmd_mkexrc(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark;
- MARK tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- int fd;
- /* the default name for the .exrc file EXRC */
- if (!*extra)
- {
- extra = EXRC;
- }
- /* create the .exrc file */
- fd = creat(extra, FILEPERMS);
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- msg("Couldn't create a new \"%s\" file", extra);
- return;
- }
- /* save stuff */
- savekeys(fd);
- saveopts(fd);
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- savedigs(fd);
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_ABBR
- saveabbr(fd);
- #endif
- /* close the file */
- close(fd);
- msg("Created a new \"%s\" file", extra);
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_DIGRAPH
- void cmd_digraph(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark;
- MARK tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- do_digraph(bang, extra);
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_ERRLIST
- static char errfile[256]; /* the name of a file containing an error */
- static long errline; /* the line number for an error */
- /* This static function tries to parse an error message.
- *
- * For most compilers, the first word is taken to be the name of the erroneous
- * file, and the first number after that is taken to be the line number where
- * the error was detected. The description of the error follows, possibly
- * preceded by an "error ... :" or "warning ... :" label which is skipped.
- *
- * For Coherent, error messages look like "line#: filename: message".
- *
- * For non-error lines, or unparsable error lines, this function returns NULL.
- * Normally, though, it alters errfile and errline, and returns a pointer to
- * the description.
- */
- static char *parse_errmsg(text)
- REG char *text;
- {
- REG char *cpy;
- long atol();
- # if COHERENT || TOS /* any Mark Williams compiler */
- /* Get the line number. If no line number, then ignore this line. */
- errline = atol(text);
- if (errline == 0L)
- return (char *)0;
- /* Skip to the start of the filename */
- while (*text && *text++ != ':')
- {
- }
- if (!*text++)
- return (char *)0;
- /* copy the filename to errfile */
- for (cpy = errfile; *text && (*cpy++ = *text++) != ':'; )
- {
- }
- if (!*text++)
- return (char *)0;
- cpy[-1] = '\0';
- return text;
- # else /* not a Mark Williams compiler */
- char *errmsg;
- /* the error message is the whole line, by default */
- errmsg = text;
- /* skip leading garbage */
- while (*text && !(isascii(*text) && isalnum(*text)))
- {
- text++;
- }
- /* copy over the filename */
- cpy = errfile;
- while(isascii(*text) && isalnum(*text) || *text == '.')
- {
- *cpy++ = *text++;
- }
- *cpy = '\0';
- /* ignore the name "Error" and filenames that contain a '/' */
- if (*text == '/' || !strcmp(errfile + 1, "rror") || access(errfile, 0) < 0)
- {
- return (char *)0;
- }
- /* skip garbage between filename and line number */
- while (*text && !(isascii(*text) && isdigit(*text)))
- {
- text++;
- }
- /* if the number is part of a larger word, then ignore this line */
- if (*text && isascii(text[-1]) && isalpha(text[-1]))
- {
- return (char *)0;
- }
- /* get the error line */
- errline = 0L;
- while (isascii(*text) && isdigit(*text))
- {
- errline *= 10;
- errline += (*text - '0');
- text++;
- }
- /* any line which lacks a filename or line number should be ignored */
- if (!errfile[0] || !errline)
- {
- return (char *)0;
- }
- /* locate the beginning of the error description */
- while (*text && isascii(*text) && !isspace(*text))
- {
- text++;
- }
- while (*text)
- {
- # ifndef CRUNCH
- /* skip "error #:" and "warning #:" clauses */
- if (!strncmp(text + 1, "rror ", 5)
- || !strncmp(text + 1, "arning ", 7)
- || !strncmp(text + 1, "atal error", 10))
- {
- do
- {
- text++;
- } while (*text && *text != ':');
- continue;
- }
- # endif
- /* anything other than whitespace or a colon is important */
- if (!isascii(*text) || (!isspace(*text) && *text != ':'))
- {
- errmsg = text;
- break;
- }
- /* else keep looking... */
- text++;
- }
- return errmsg;
- # endif /* not COHERENT */
- }
- void cmd_errlist(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- static long endline;/* original number of lines in this file */
- static long offset; /* offset of the next line in the errlist file */
- static int fd = -2;/* fd of the errlist file */
- int i;
- char *errmsg;
- /* if a new errlist file is named, open it */
- if (extra && extra[0])
- {
- /* close the old one */
- if (fd >= 0)
- {
- close(fd);
- }
- fd = open(extra, O_RDONLY);
- offset = 0L;
- }
- else if (fd < 0)
- {
- fd = open(ERRLIST, O_RDONLY);
- offset = 0L;
- }
- /* do we have an errlist file now? */
- if (fd < 0)
- {
- msg("There is no errlist file");
- beep();
- return;
- }
- /* find the next error message in the file */
- do
- {
- /* read the next line from the errlist */
- lseek(fd, offset, 0);
- if (tread(fd, tmpblk.c, (unsigned)BLKSIZE) <= 0)
- {
- msg("No more errors");
- beep();
- close(fd);
- return;
- }
- for (i = 0; tmpblk.c[i] != '\n'; i++)
- {
- }
- tmpblk.c[i++] = 0;
- /* look for an error message in the line */
- errmsg = parse_errmsg(tmpblk.c);
- if (!errmsg)
- {
- offset += i;
- }
- } while (!errmsg);
- /* switch to the file containing the error, if this isn't it */
- if (strcmp(origname, errfile))
- {
- if (!tmpabort(bang))
- {
- msg("Use :er! to abort changes, or :w to save changes");
- beep();
- return;
- }
- tmpstart(errfile);
- endline = nlines;
- }
- else if (endline == 0L)
- {
- endline = nlines;
- }
- /* go to the line where the error was detected */
- cursor = MARK_AT_LINE(errline + (nlines - endline));
- if (cursor > MARK_LAST)
- {
- cursor = MARK_LAST;
- }
- if (mode == MODE_VI)
- {
- redraw(cursor, FALSE);
- }
- /* display the error message */
- if (nlines > endline)
- {
- msg("line %ld(+%ld): %.60s", errline, nlines - endline, errmsg);
- }
- else if (nlines < endline)
- {
- msg("line %ld(-%ld): %.60s", errline, endline - nlines, errmsg);
- }
- else
- {
- msg("line %ld: %.65s", errline, errmsg);
- }
- /* remember where the NEXT error line will start */
- offset += i;
- }
- void cmd_make(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- BLK buf;
- /* if the file hasn't been saved, then complain unless ! */
- if (tstflag(file, MODIFIED) && !bang)
- {
- msg("\"%s\" not saved yet", origname);
- return;
- }
- /* build the command */
- sprintf(buf.c, "%s %s %s%s", (cmd == CMD_CC ? o_cc : o_make), extra, REDIRECT, ERRLIST);
- qaddstr(buf.c);
- addch('\n');
- /* run the command, with curses temporarily disabled */
- suspend_curses();
- system(buf.c);
- resume_curses(mode == MODE_EX);
- if (mode == MODE_COLON)
- mode = MODE_VI;
- /* run the "errlist" command */
- cmd_errlist(MARK_UNSET, MARK_UNSET, cmd, bang, ERRLIST);
- }
- #endif
- #ifndef NO_ABBR
- void cmd_abbr(frommark, tomark, cmd, bang, extra)
- MARK frommark, tomark;
- CMD cmd;
- int bang;
- char *extra;
- {
- do_abbr(extra);
- }
- #endif