#This date File or registry key has been designated as a decoy by the security officer. Modification of this File or key may indicate the activity of a less knowledgeable user.
#This date File or registry key has been designated as a decoy by the security officer. Accessing of this File or key may indicate the activity of a less knowledgeable user.
#This executable has been designated as a decoy by the security officer. The modification of this decoy executable may indicate the activity of a less knowledgeable user.
#This executable has been designated as a decoy by the security officer. The accessing of this decoy executable may indicate the activity of a less knowledgeable user.
Failed Logon: Logon type not granted at this machine.
Logon failed because the user attempted to logon via a logon method (e.g., interactive, network (drive map), batch, service, etc.) currently not allowed.
#A user was created or modified, or creation or modification was attempted. (Do not select this if you've selected any of the other User Account and User Right activities.)
#A global group was created or modified, or creation or modification was attempted. (Do not select this if you've selected any of the other Global Group activities.)
#A local group was created or modified, or creation or modification was attempted. (Do not select this if you've selected any of the other Local Group activities.)