' reset any report objects that may be in the session
if IsObject(session("oRpt")) then
Set session("oRpt") = Nothing
end if
if Session("init") = "" then
Set bt = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")
if (bt.ActiveXControls = TRUE) then
Session("init") = "actx"
elseif (bt.javaapplets = TRUE) then
Session("init") = "java"
elseif (bt.frames = TRUE) then
Session("init") = "html_frame"
Session("init") = "html_page"
end if
end if
set ua = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")
option explicit
dim majorver
dim ua
dim ie3
dim ie4
dim aol
dim minorver4
dim update
dim winplat
dim nav
dim intButton
set nav = navigator
ua = "<%=ua%>"
minorver4 = ""
if len(ua) >=1 then 'nav object is supported
winplat = mid(ua,instr(ua,"Windows") + 8, 2)
majorver = mid(ua,instr(ua,"MSIE") + 5, 1)
ie3 = majorver = 3 and (winplat = "NT" or winplat = "95" or winplat = "32")
ie4 = majorver = 4 and (winplat = "NT" or winplat = "95" or winplat = "32")
update = instr(ua,"Update a")
aol = instr(ua,"AOL")
if ie4 then minorver4 = mid(ua,instr(ua,"MSIE") + 7, 3)
If (ie3 or minorver4 = "0b1") and update = 0 and aol = 0 then 'filter down to ie3 or ie40b1(PP1) then see if "update a" is true and not AOL
'display information back to the users
intButton = msgbox ("Get Authenticode 2.0 now! This update provides valuable new features and renews key Authenticode certificates that help you safely download software from the Web. The update should take less than 5 minutes to download over a 28.8 Kbps modem. Do you want to visit our Authenticode Update page?", 4 + 64, "Download the Authenticode 2.0 Update Now!")