Chip 2001 May
Perl Script
3,446 lines
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Microsoft IIS v.5 Migration Utility (Apache source component)
# Copyright (c) 1999. All rights reserved.
# -------------------------------------------------------------
package topmain;
# Configuration constants
# When true, script will cleanup after itself
$myCleanup = 0;
# The name of this web server
$myServerName = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
# Figure out the script directory
$myScriptDir = $0;
$myScriptDir =~ s/Source.PL$//i;
# Temp directory
$myTempDir = $myScriptDir;
# Log file location
$myLogFilepath = $myScriptDir . 'iismu.log';
# Logging types
$myLogNOTICE = 1; # Used with LogMessage SUB, for logging general info
$myLogWARNING = 2; # Used with LogMessage SUB, for important warnings
$myLogERROR = 3; # Used with LogMessage SUB, for fatal stop
$myLogCONONLY = 4; # Used with LogMessage SUB, for output to console only
# Commands for iismu.data file
$myCmdIISCOMPUTER = 'IISCOMPUTER '; # Command for creating new IIsComputer object
$myCmdIISWEBSERVICE = 'IISWEBSERVICE '; # Command for creating new IIsWebService object
$myCmdIISWEBINFO = 'IISWEBINFO '; # Command for creating new IIsWebInfo object
$myCmdIISFILTERS = 'IISFILTERS '; # Command for creating new IIsFilters object
$myCmdIISFILTER = 'IISFILTER '; # Command for creating new IIsFilter object
$myCmdIISWEBSERVER = 'IISWEBSERVER '; # Command for creating new IIsWebServer object
$myCmdIISCERTMAPPER = 'IISCERTMAPPER '; # Command for creating new IIsCertMapper object
$myCmdIISWEBVIRTUALDIR = 'IISWEBVIRTUALDIR '; # Command for creating new IIsWebVirtualDir object
$myCmdIISWEBDIRECTORY = 'IISWEBDIRECTORY '; # Command for creating new IIsWebDirectory object
$myCmdIISWEBFILE = 'IISWEBFILE '; # Command for creating new IIsWebFile object
$myCmdPROPERTY = 'PROPERTY '; # Command for setting
# Command/operand separator
$myCmdSep = chr(127);
# Config files
$myHttpdConf = 'httpd.conf';
$mySrmConf = 'srm.conf';
# Output files
$myIismuData = 'iismu.data';
$myIismuFiles = 'iismu.files';
# Migration flag bitmasks
$myMIGRATE_CONTENT = 0x1; # Migrating content for the vserver
$myMIGRATE_SETTINGS = 0x2; # Migrate settings for the vserver
$myMIGRATE_MIME = 0x4; # Migrate MIME for the vserver
# Array of server migration settings
%myServerSettings = null;
# Location of /iismu doc directory
$myDocDir = '';
# Get parameters
$theForm = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
$theForm = $theForm . '&' . <STDIN>;
@theFormPairs = split('&', $theForm);
for($i = 0; $i < scalar(@theFormPairs); $i++)
($theFieldName, $theFieldValue) = split('=', $theFormPairs[$i]);
$myForm{$theFieldName} = urlDecode($theFieldValue);
# Get misc. form variables
$myBackURL = $myForm{'backurl'};
# Verify password
if(! checkPassword($myForm{'password'}))
print STDOUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Handle page modes
$myMode =$myForm{'mode'};
if('getservers' eq $myMode)
handleGetServers($myForm{'rootdir'}, $myForm{'configdirs'});
elsif('migrate' eq $myMode)
handleMigrate($myForm{'rootdir'}, $myForm{'configdirs'}, $myForm{'servers'});
elsif(('getfile' eq $myMode) || ('getindexfile' eq $myMode))
if('getfile' eq $myMode)
$theFile = $myForm{'file'};
$theFile = $myTempDir . 'iismu.files';
if(-e $theFile)
if(open(THEFILE, $theFile))
print STDOUT "Content-type: application/octet-stream\n\n";
print STDOUT $_;
print STDOUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
# Begin supporting functions
sub dbgOut {
print( "<!--@_-->\n" ) ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to convert base 36 "meganum" string to base 10 integer
sub base36to10
my $inMegaNum = ucase(trim($_[0]));
my $theValue = 0;
my $thePower = 0;
my $theDigitASC;
my $theDigitVal;
for(my $i = length($inMegaNum) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
$theDigitASC = ord(substr($inMegaNum, $i, 1));
if($theDigitASC >= 65)
# A=10, A=ASCII65, 65-55=10
$theDigitVal = $theDigitASC - 55;
# 0=ASCII48, 48-48=0
$theDigitVal = $theDigitASC - 48;
$theValue += ($theDigitVal * (36**$thePower));
return $theValue;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to check for execution password and return true if correct
sub checkPassword
my $inPassword = $_[0];
if(open(THEFILE, $myScriptDir . "password.txt"))
my $theLine;
my $thePassword = '';
$theLine = $_;
# Skip blank and comment lines
next if /^\s*$/;
next if /^;/;
if($theLine =~ /^password=/i)
$theLine =~ s/password=//i;
$thePassword = trim($theLine);
return ($inPassword eq $thePassword);
return 1;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to return directive value
sub getDirectiveValue
my $inString = $_[0];
my $theIndex = index($inString, ' ');
if($theIndex < 0)
return '';
return substr($inString, $theIndex + 1);
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to return array of server migration settings
sub getServerArray
my $inServerStr = $_[0];
my @theServers = split(',', $inServerStr);
my %theReturnVal = null;
my $theTempStr;
my $theServerNo;
my $theFlags;
my $theSettings;
my $theContent;
my $theMime;
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@theServers); $i++)
$theTempStr = $theServers[$i];
$theServerNo = base36to10(substr($theTempStr, 0, index($theTempStr, "=")));
$theFlags = base36to10(substr($theTempStr, index($theTempStr, "=") + 1));
$theSettings = isSet($theFlags, $myMIGRATE_SETTINGS);
$theContent = isSet($theFlags, $myMIGRATE_CONTENT);
$theMime = isSet($theFlags, $myMIGRATE_MIME);
$theReturnVal{$theServerNo} = "s=$theSettings,c=$theContent,m=$theMime";
return %theReturnVal;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to handle 'getservers' page mode
sub handleGetServers
my $inRootDir = $_[0];
my $inConfigDirs = $_[1];
print STDOUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$webconf = IISMuConf->new(
'tempdir' => $myScriptDir,
'fileglob' => $inConfigDirs,
'fileout' => '',
'iiswwwroot' => '',
'ldifdomain' => '',
'perlmod' => '',
'serverobj' => '',
'userdbfullpath' => '/etc/',
'userobj' => '',
'version' => '',
'webserver' => '',
'whoami' => '',
'wwwroot' => $inRootDir,
'wwwcgishl' => '',
'wwwsupp' => '',
'remote' => 1,
'userglob' => '/home/*'
print("Could not load configuration.<BR>\n") ;
$computer = IISComputer->new( 'webconf' => $webconf ) ;
# Write output.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to handle 'migrate' page mode
sub handleMigrate
my $inRootDir = $_[0];
my $inConfigDirs = $_[1];
%myServerSettings = getServerArray($_[2]);
print STDOUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
system("rm $myLogFilepath");
system("rm $myScriptDir" . "iismu.dirs");
system("rm $myTempDir" . "iismu.data");
system("rm $myTempDir" . "iismu.files");
logMessage($myLogNOTICE, 'Starting migration...');
#$IISCore::debug = 1;
$webconf = IISMuConf->new(
'tempdir' => $myScriptDir,
'fileglob' => $inConfigDirs,
'fileout' => '',
'iiswwwroot' => '',
'ldifdomain' => '',
'perlmod' => '',
'serverobj' => '',
'userdbfullpath' => '/etc/',
'userobj' => '',
'version' => '',
'webserver' => '',
'whoami' => '',
'wwwroot' => $inRootDir,
'wwwcgishl' => '',
'wwwsupp' => '',
'remote' => 1,
'userglob' => '/home/*'
print("Could not load configuration.<BR>\n") ;
$computer = IISComputer->new( 'webconf' => $webconf ) ;
# Write output.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to html encode strings
sub htmlEncode
my $inString = $_[0];
$inString =~ s/&/&\;/;
$inString =~ s/>/>\;/;
$inString =~ s/</<\;/;
$inString =~ s/"/"\;/;
return $inString;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to return 1 (true) if the bitflag is set in the bitfield
sub isSet
my $inBitField = $_[0];
my $inBitMask = $_[1];
return (($inBitField & $inBitMask) > 0);
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to write log entries
sub logMessage
my $inErrorLevel = $_[0];
my $inMessage = $_[1];
my $theErrorLevel;
if($inErrorLevel == $myLogNOTICE)
$theErrorLevel = 'NOTICE ';
elsif($inErrorLevel == $myLogWARNING)
$theErrorLevel = 'WARNING ';
elsif($inErrorLevel == $myLogERROR)
$theErrorLevel = 'ERROR ';
elsif($inErrorLevel == $myLogCONONLY)
$theErrorLevel = 'CONONLY ';
$theErrorLevel = 'UNKNOWN ';
my ($theSec, $theMin, $theHour, $theMDay, $theMon, $theYear, $theWDay, $theYDay, $theIsDst) = localtime(time);
if($theYear > 99) { $theYear -= 100 };
my $theAMPM = "AM";
if($theHour > 12)
$theHour -= 12;
$theAMPM = "PM";
if($theMin < 10) { $theMin = '0' . $theMin };
if($theSec < 10) { $theSec = '0' . $theSec };
my $theLogEntry = "$theErrorLevel $theMon/$theMDay/$theYear $theHour:$theMin:$theSec $theAMPM\t$inMessage\n";
if('' ne $myLogFilepath)
open(LOGFILE, '>>' . $myLogFilepath);
print LOGFILE $theLogEntry;
my $theHTMLMessage = htmlEncode($inMessage);
print STDOUT "$theHTMLMessage<BR>\n";
if($inErrorLevel == $myLogERROR)
print STDOUT "Migration aborted.";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to output to DIRS file
sub printDirs
my $inDir = $_[0];
my $inScriptDir = $_[1];
my $inDocDir = $_[2];
opendir(THEDIR, $inDir);
my @theChildElements = readdir(THEDIR);
closedir THEDIR;
#$inDir =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
if((index($inDir . '/', $inScriptDir) != 0) && (index($inDir, $inDocDir) != 0))
my $outDir = $inDir;
$outDir =~ s/\//\\/g;
$outDir = "\\Inetpub\\$myServerName$outDir";
open(DIRSFILE, '>>' . $myTempDir . '/iismu.dirs');
print DIRSFILE "$outDir\n";
foreach $theElement (@theChildElements)
my $theTestDir = $inDir . '/' . $theElement;
if((-d $theTestDir) && ($theElement ne '.') && ($theElement ne '..'))
printDirs($theTestDir, $inScriptDir, $inDocDir);
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to output page footer text
sub printFooter
print STDOUT ' </FONT>' . "\n\n";
print STDOUT ' <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">' . "\n";
print STDOUT ' window.parent.location = "' . $myBackURL . '";' . "\n";
print STDOUT ' </SCRIPT>' . "\n";
print STDOUT ' </BODY>' . "\n";
print STDOUT '</HTML>' . "\n";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to output page header text
sub printHeader
print STDOUT '<HTML>' . "\n";
print STDOUT ' <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">' . "\n";
print STDOUT ' <FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="2">' . "\n";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to trim spaces off of a string
sub trim
my $inString = $_[0];
$inString =~ s/\s*$//;
$inString =~ s/^\s*//;
return $inString;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to convert a string to uppercase
sub ucase
my $inString = $_[0];
$inString =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
return $inString;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to URL decode a string
sub urlDecode
my $inString = $_[0];
$inString =~ tr/+/ /;
$inString =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$inString =~ tr/+/ /;
$inString =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
return $inString;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Procedure to write data file header
sub writeIismuDataHeader
my $theSec;
my $theMin;
my $theHour;
my $theMDay;
my $theMon;
my $theYear;
my $theWDay;
my $theYDay;
my $theIsDst;
my $theAMPM;
($theSec, $theMin, $theHour, $theMDay, $theMon, $theYear, $theWDay, $theYDay, $theIsDst) = localtime(time);
if($theYear > 99) { $theYear -= 100 };
$theAMPM = "AM";
if($theHour > 12)
$theHour -= 12;
$theAMPM = "PM";
if($theMin < 10) { $theMin = '0' . $theMin };
if($theSec < 10) { $theSec = '0' . $theSec };
print IISMUDATA "#IIsMigrationDataStart\n";
print IISMUDATA "###########################################################\n";
print IISMUDATA "#\n";
print IISMUDATA "# Microsoft IIS v.5 Migration Utility\n";
print IISMUDATA "# $theMon/$theMDay/$theYear $theHour:$theMin:$theSec $theAMPM\n";
print IISMUDATA "#\n";
print IISMUDATA "###########################################################\n\n";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# iisldif.pm
# Copyright (c) MicroCrafts Corporation, 1997
# IIS 4.0 Resource Kit Migration Utilty Perl module - LDIF to NT
# Resource Kit ADDUSERS module.
package IIsLDIF ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( _construct, write, dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
print( "NEW $class\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$self->{'name'} = $params{'cn'} ;
$self->_construct() ;
return $self ;
sub _construct {
my $self = shift ;
print( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'class'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$self->dump() if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
sub write {
my $self = shift ;
if ( $self->{'type'} eq 'user' ) {
printf( "%s,%s,,%s,,,,\n",
) ;
} elsif ( $self->{'type'} eq 'local' ) {
printf( "%s, %s", $self->{'name'}, $self->{'description'} ) ;
@members = keys( %{$self->{'uniquemember'}} ) ;
foreach $member ( sort @members ) {
printf( "WHO %s\n", $self->{'user'}{'class'} ) ;
printf( ",<<domain>>\\%s", $self->{'user'}{$member}{'uid'} ) ;
print( "\n" ) ;
} elsif ( $self->{'type'} eq 'global' ) {
} else {
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
if ( $key eq 'uniquemember' ) {
@subcontent = keys( %{$self->{$key}} ) ;
foreach $subkey ( sort @subcontent ) {
printf( "%s, ", $subkey ) ;
print( "\n" ) ;
} else {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
sub dump {
print( "dump()\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
my $self = shift ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
1 ;
# iismucore.pm
# Copyright (c) MicroCrafts Corporation, 1997
# IIS 4.0 Resource Kit Migration Utilty Perl module - core objects.
# IISComputer
package IISComputer ;
use Cwd ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( write, write_filelist, dump, writeServers ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
print( "NEW $class\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
print( "INC @INC\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug > 1 ) ;
print( "No web configuration object\n" ) ;
$@ = $!;
return undef ;
$self->{'webconf'} = $params{'webconf'} ;
$self->_construct() ;
return $self ;
sub _construct
my $self = shift ;
print( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'class'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
# Sequence through all virtual servers, processing configuration file(s).
# vserver - hash indexed by virtual server name.
$webconf = $self->{'webconf'} ;
$olddir = cwd() ;
chdir( $webconf->{'fullpath'} ) or die( "Could not change to server root $webconf->{'fullpath'}\n" ) ;
$n = 1;
@filespec = $webconf->{'fileglob'} ;
while ( <@filespec> ) {
chomp( $_ ) ;
print( "VSERVER <$_>\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$name = $_ ;
# Create virtual server object(s).
$obj = IISServer->new(
'name' => $name,
'serverno' => $n,
'path' => $webconf->{'fullpath'} . $_,
'serverobj' => $webconf->{'serverobj'},
'webconf' => $webconf,
) ;
if ( defined($obj) ) {
$n++ ;
$self->{'vserver'}{ $name } = $obj ;
undef( $obj ) ;
# There may be processing at computer level required.
if ( $webconf->{'computerobj'} ) {
$self->{'otherself'} = $webconf->{'computerobj'}->new( $self ) ;
# Migrate user database.
# remove whitespace at the end
$webconf->{'userdbfullpath'} =~ tr/\s*$//;
$self->{'userdb'} = IISUserDb->new(
'fullpath' => $webconf->{'userdbfullpath'},
'userobj' => $webconf->{'userobj'},
'userglob' => $webconf->{'userglob'},
# Return to original directory.
chdir( $olddir ) ;
sub write
my $self = shift;
my $webserver = shift;
$webconf = $self->{'webconf'};
print( "WRITE $self->{'class'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug );
$file = $self->{'webconf'}->{'fileout'} . ".data" ;
open( FILE, ">" . $file ) or die( "Could not open $file" ) ;
select( FILE ) ;
# Write file header.
($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(time) ;
if($year > 99) { $year -= 100 };
$ampm = "AM";
if($hour > 12)
$hour -= 12;
$ampm = "PM";
print("#IIsMigrationDataStart\n" );
print("# Microsoft IIS v.5 Migration Utility\n");
print("# $mon/$mday/$year $hour:$min:$sec $ampm\n");
# Write W3SVC command
print('VSERVICE ' . chr(127) . "W3SVC\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . 'W3SVC' . chr(127) . 'KeyType' . chr(127) . "IIsWebService\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . 'W3SVC' . chr(127) . 'AccessRead' . chr(127) . "True\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . 'W3SVC' . chr(127) . 'EnableDefaultDoc' . chr(127) . "True\n");
# Write each virtual server.
foreach $key (sort(keys %{$self->{'vserver'}}))
$self->{'vserver'}{$key}->write() ;
print( "#IIsMigrationDataEnd\n");
close( FILE ) ;
select( STDOUT ) ;
print( "Wrote $file <BR>\n" ) unless ( $self->{'webconf'}->{'remote'} ) ;
# Write user database file
$file = $self->{'webconf'}->{'fileout'} . ".users";
$self->{'userdb'}->write( $webserver, $webconf->{'ldifdomain'}, $file ) ;
sub write_filelist
my $self = shift ;
my $webserver = shift ;
$webconf = $self->{'webconf'} ;
print( "WRITEFILES $self->{'class'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$file = $self->{'webconf'}->{'fileout'} . ".files" ;
open( FILE, ">" . $file ) or die( "Could not open $file" ) ;
select( FILE ) ;
# Add .data, .users files to the list
print($topmain::myTempDir . "iismu.data\niismu.data\n");
if(-e $topmain::myTempDir . "iismu.users")
print($topmain::myTempDir . "iismu.users\niismu.users\n");
if(-e $topmain::myLogFilepath)
print($topmain::myLogFilepath . "\niismu.log\n");
# Write each virtual server.
foreach $key (keys %{$self->{'vserver'}})
if(-e $topmain::myScriptDir . 'iismu.dirs')
print($topmain::myScriptDir . "iismu.dirs\niismu.dirs\n");
close( FILE );
select( STDOUT );
print( "Wrote $file <BR>\n" ) unless ( $self->{'webconf'}->{'remote'} );
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'class'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
sub writeServers
my $self = shift;
my $webserver = shift;
$webconf = $self->{'webconf'};
print( "WRITE $self->{'class'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug );
# Write each virtual server.
foreach $key (sort(keys %{$self->{'vserver'}}))
# IISService
package IISService ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( _construct, dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
print( "NEW $class\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$self->_construct() ;
return $self ;
sub _construct
my $self = shift ;
print( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'class'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
topmain::dbgOut( "dump($self->{'class'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
# IISServer
package IISServer;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw( _construct, AddServerBinding, write, write_filelist, dump, writePath );
sub new
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
topmain::dbgOut( "NEW $class" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$self->{'name'} = $params{'name'};
$self->{'path'} = $params{'path'};
$self->{'serverno'} = $params{'serverno'};
$self->{'serverobj'} = $params{'serverobj'};
$self->{'webconf'} = $params{'webconf'};
$self->{'AccessFlags'} = $topmain::accessDefault;
$self->{'AllowKeepAlive'} = '';
$self->{'AuthFlags'} = $topmain::authDefault;
$self->{'CGITimeout'} = '';
$self->{'ConnectionTimeout'} = '900';
$self->{'DefaultDoc'} = '';
$self->{'DefaultDocFooter'} = '';
$self->{'DirBrowseFlags'} = $topmain::dirbrowDefault;
$self->{'EnableDocFooter'} = '';
$self->{'EnableDirBrowsing'} = 'False';
$self->{'HttpCustomHeaders'} = '';
$self->{'HttpErrors'} = '';
$self->{'HttpRedirect'} = '';
$self->{'KeyType'} = 'IIsWebServer';
$self->{'MaxConnections'} = '-1';
$self->{'MimeMap'} = '';
$self->{'Realm'} = '';
$self->{'SecureBindings'} = '';
$self->{'UseHostName'} = '';
# Ask web server object to fill in our parameters.
my $otherself = $self->{'serverobj'}->new( $self );
$self->{'otherself'} = $otherself ;
undef( $self->{'otherself'});
$@ = $!;
return undef;
return $self;
sub _construct
my $self = shift ;
topmain::dbgOut( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'class'}($self->{'name'})" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
# Complete processing of virtual directories ([0] := ROOT).
# Home-page
$self->{'vdir'}[0]->{'DefaultDoc'} = $self->{'DefaultDoc'} ;
# Default document footer.
$self->{'vdir'}[0]->{'DefaultDocFooter'} = $self->{'DefaultDocFooter'} ;
$self->{'vdir'}[0]->{'DefaultDocFooterType'} = $self->{'DefaultDocFooterType'} ;
$self->{'vdir'}[0]->{'EnableDocFooter'} = $self->{'EnableDocFooter'} ;
# Directory browsing flags
$self->{'vdir'}[0]->{'DirBrowseFlags'} = $self->{'DirBrowseFlags'} ;
$nvdir = scalar( @{$self->{'vdir'}} ) ;
for($i = 0; $i < $nvdir ; $i++)
$self->{'vdir'}[$i]->{'DefaultDoc'} = $self->{'DefaultDoc'};
$self->{'vdir'}[$i]->{'DirBrowseFlags'} = $self->{'DirBrowseFlags'} ;
my $docdir = $self->{'vdir'}[0]->{'dir'} . '/iismu';
if(-e $docdir)
$topmain::myDocDir = $docdir;
$self->dump() if ($IISCore::debug );
sub write
my $self = shift ;
if(! ($topmain::myServerSettings{$self->{'serverno'}} =~ /s=1/))
topmain::logMessage($topmain::myLogNOTICE, "Skipping settings for server: $self->{'serverno'}");
$pfx = "W3SVC/$self->{'serverno'}";
# Create server.
print('VSERVER ' . chr(127) . $pfx . "\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'KeyType' . chr(127) . "IIsWebServer\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'AccessRead' . chr(127) . "True\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'EnableDefaultDoc' . chr(127) . "True\n");
if('' ne $self->{'AllowKeepAlive'})
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'AllowKeepAlive' . chr(127) . $self->{'AllowKeepAlive'} . "\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'ConnectionTimeout' . chr(127) . $self->{'ConnectionTimeout'} . "\n") if('' ne $self->{'ConnectionTimeout'});
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'ServerComment' . chr(127) . $self->{'name'} . "\n");
@theServerBindings = split(',', $self->{'ServerBindings'});
for($i = 0; $i < scalar(@theServerBindings); $i++)
if('' ne @theServerBindings[$i])
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'ServerBindings' . chr(127) . @theServerBindings[$i] . "\n");
if('' ne $self->{'IdentityCheck'})
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'LogExtFileUserName' . chr(127) . $self->{'IdentityCheck'} . "\n");
if('' ne $self->{'ListenBacklog'})
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'ServerListenBacklog' . chr(127) . $self->{'ListenBacklog'} . "\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'MaxConnections' . chr(127) . $self->{'MaxConnections'} . "\n") if (('' ne $self->{'MaxConnections'}) && ('-1' ne $self->{'MaxConnections'}));
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'EnableDirBrowsing' . chr(127) . "$self->{'EnableDirBrowsing'}\n");
if('' ne $self->{'AccessExecute'})
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'AccessExecute' . chr(127) . "$self->{'AccessExecute'}\n");
if('' ne topmain::trim($self->{'HttpRedirect'}))
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . $pfx . chr(127) . 'HttpRedirect' . chr(127) . "$self->{'HttpRedirect'}\n");
$nvdir = scalar( @{$self->{'vdir'}} ) ;
# MimeMap can only be created *after* ROOT created by 'vdir' processing.
$self->{'MimeMap'}->write( $pfx ) if ($self->{'MimeMap'});
# Process virtual directories ([0] := ROOT).
for($i = 0 ; $i < $nvdir; $i++ )
$self->{'vdir'}[$i]->write( $pfx );
sub write_filelist
my $self = shift ;
if(! ($topmain::myServerSettings{$self->{'serverno'}} =~ /c=1/))
topmain::logMessage($topmain::myLogNOTICE, "Skipping content for server: skipping $self->{'serverno'}");
$pfx = "W3SVC/<<$self->{'serverno'}>>" ;
$nvdir = scalar( @{$self->{'vdir'}} ) ;
# Process virtual directories ([0] := ROOT).
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $nvdir ; $i++ ) {
sub AddServerBinding {
my $self = shift ;
my $addr = shift ;
my $port = shift ;
my $name = shift ;
#my $oc = '[' ;
#my $cd = ']' ;
my $oc = ',';
my $cd = '';
topmain::dbgOut( "AddServerBinding( |$addr|$port|$name| )" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
if ( $self->{'ServerBindings'} ) {
# $comma = ',' ;
} else {
$comma = '' ;
# if ( !$self->{'ServerBindings'} ) {
$self->{'ServerBindings'} = join( '', $self->{'ServerBindings'}, $comma,
$addr, ':',
$port, ':',
) ;
# }
sub set {
my $self = shift ;
my $var = shift ;
my $val = shift ;
$self->{$var} = $val ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'class'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
$nvdir = scalar( @{$self->{'vdir'}} ) ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $nvdir ; $i++ ) {
$self->{'vdir'}[$i]->dump() ;
sub writePath
my $self = shift;
print '<ADSPATH>IIS://' . $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'} . '/W3SVC/' . $self->{'serverno'} . '</ADSPATH>';
print '<PATH>' . $self->{'vdir'}[0]->{'dir'} . '</PATH>';
# IISVirtualDir
package IISVirtualDir ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( _construct, write, write_filelist, dump ) ;
sub new
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
print( "NEW $class\n" ) if ($IISCore::debug);
$self->{'dir'} = $params{'dir'} ;
$self->{'from'} = $params{'from'} ;
$self->{'type'} = $params{'type'} ;
$self->{'name'} = $params{'name'} ;
# Default IIS Virtual Directory Object property values.
$self->{'AccessFlags'} = $topmain::accessDefault;
$self->{'AuthFlags'} = $topmain::authDefault;
$self->{'DefaultDoc'} = '' ;
$self->{'DefaultDocFooter'} = '' ;
$self->{'EnableDocFooter'} = '' ;
$self->{'DirBrowseFlags'} = $topMain::dirbrowDefault;
$self->{'KeyType'} = 'IIsWebVirtualDir' ;
return $self ;
sub _construct
my $self = shift;
print( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'class'}($self->{'name'})\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug );
$self->{'root'} = "ROOT$self->{'from'}";
my($vdrive, $vpath ) = split( ':', $self->{'dir'});
#$vdrive =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$self->{'vdrive'} = $vdrive;
# $vpath =~ tr/\//\\/ ; # Forward slash to backslash.
$vpath =~ tr/\s*$//;
$self->{'vpath'} = $vpath;
my $checkvpath = $vpath;
#$checkvpath =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$checkvpath = $self->{'vdrive'} . $checkvpath;
my $scriptdir = $topmain::myScriptDir;
#$scriptdir =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$scriptdir =~ tr/\s*$//;
$scriptdir =~ s/\\$//;
$self->{'scriptdir'} = $scriptdir;
#my $docdir = $topmain::myDocDir;
#$docdir =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
#$docdir =~ tr/\s*$//;
#$self->{'docdir'} = $docdir;
#print("pfx:" . $pfx . '<BR>checkvpath:' . $checkvpath . '<BR>scriptdir:' . $scriptdir . '<BR>docdir'. $docdir . "\n");
#print("***:" . index($checkvpath, $scriptdir) . "\n");
my $skip = 0;
# mask out our own stuff
if((index($checkvpath, $scriptdir) == 0) || (index($checkvpath, $topmain::myDocDir) == 0))
$skip = 1;
$self->{'skip'} = $skip;
sub write
my $self = shift ;
my $pfx = shift ;
$vpath = $self->{'dir'};
$vpath =~ s/^\\//;
$vpath =~ tr/\s*$//;
$vpath =~ tr/\//\\/;
my $newpath = "Inetpub\\$topmain::myServerName$vpath";
print('VCREATE ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . $newpath . "\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'KeyType' . chr(127) . "IIsWebVirtualDir\n");
#print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'AuthFlags' . chr(127) . $self->{'AuthFlags'} . "\n");
#print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'AccessFlags' . chr(127) . $self->{'AccessFlags'} . "\n");
#print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'DirBrowseFlags' . chr(127) . $self->{'DirBrowseFlags'} . "\n");
#IISCore::writeline('VSET ', "$pfx/$self->{'root'} HttpErrors", $self->{'HttpErrors'}) if('' ne $self->{'HttpErrors'});
my @theHttpErrors = split(']', $self->{'HttpErrors'});
my $theHttpError;
for($i = 0; $i < scalar(@theHttpErrors); $i++)
$theHttpError = topmain::trim($theHttpErrors[$i]);
if(('' ne $theHttpError) && (index(topmain::ucase($theHttpError), "HTTP://") < 0))
$theHttpError = substr($theHttpError, 1);
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'HttpErrors' . chr(127) . $theHttpError . "\n");
if('' ne $self->{'HostNameLookups'})
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'EnableReverseDNS' . chr(127) . $self->{'HostNameLookups'} . "\n");
if('' ne $self->{'EnableDirBrowsing'})
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'EnableDirBrowsing' . chr(127) . $self->{'EnableDirBrowsing'} . "\n");
if('' ne $self->{'AccessExecute'})
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'AccessExecute' . chr(127) . $self->{'AccessExecute'} . "\n");
if('' ne $self->{'DefaultDoc'})
$vpath = $self->{'DefaultDoc'} ;
# $vpath =~ tr/\//\\/ ; # Forward slash to backslash.
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'EnableDefaultDoc' . chr(127) . "True\n");
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'DefaultDoc' . chr(127) . $vpath . "\n");
#$vfile = join
# '',
# ## $self->{'vddrive'},
# ## $self->{'vpath'},
# "/",
# $self->{'name'},
# "-docfooter."
#if($self->{'DefaultDocFooterType'} eq "text/html" )
# $vfile = join('', $vfile, "html" );
# $vfile = join( '', $vfile, "txt" ) ;
#$vfile =~ tr/\//\\/ ; # Forward slash to backslash.
#IISCore::writeline('VSET', "$pfx/$self->{'root'} DefaultDocFooter", $vfile);
#IISCore::writeline('VSET', "$pfx/$self->{'root'} EnableDocFooter", "1");
if('' ne topmain::trim($self->{'HttpRedirect'}))
print('VSET ' . chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . 'HttpRedirect' . chr(127) . $self->{'HttpRedirect'} . "\n");
sub write_filelist
my $self = shift ;
my $pfx = shift ;
#IISCore::writeline( 'VCREATE', "$pfx $self->{'root'}" ) ;
$vpath = $self->{'vddrive'} . $self->{'vpath'} ;
# $vpath =~ tr/\//\\/ ; # Forward slash to backslash.
#IISCore::writeline( 'VSET', "$pfx $self->{'root'} Path", $vpath ) ;
# Create file copy list.
use File::Find ;
undef @vfilelist ;
find( \&IISVirtualDir::vdir_wanted, $self->{'dir'} ) ;
$len = length( $self->{'dir'} ) ;
#IISCore::writeline( 'VFCOUNT', "$pfx $self->{'root'}", scalar(@vfilelist) ) ;
$vdir_spec = $pfx . ' ' . $self->{'root'} ;
my $checksrc;
my $scriptdir = $self->{'scriptdir'};
# my $docdir = $self->{'docdir'};
topmain::printDirs($self->{'dir'}, $scriptdir, $topmain::myDocDir);
for($i = 0; $i < scalar(@vfilelist); $i++ )
$src = $vfilelist[$i] ;
# $src =~ tr/\//\\/ ; # Forward slash to backslash.
$src =~ tr/\s*$//;
$checksrc = $src;
#$checksrc =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if((index($checksrc, $topmain::myScriptDir) != 0) && (index($checksrc, $topmain::myDocDir) != 0))
$dst = substr($vfilelist[$i], $len) ;
#$dst =~ tr/\//\\/ ; # Forward slash to backslash.
$self->write_copyfile($vdir_spec, $src, $dst);
@content = keys ( %{$self->{'copyfile'}} ) ;
foreach $key ( @content )
$self->write_copyfile( $vdir_spec, $key, $self->{'copyfile'}{$key} ) ;
# Document footer.
if ( $self->{'DefaultDocFooter'} ) {
$vfile = join(
## $self->{'vddrive'},
## $self->{'vpath'},
) ;
if ( $self->{'DefaultDocFooterType'} eq "text/html" ) {
$vfile = join( '', $vfile, "html" ) ;
} else {
$vfile = join( '', $vfile, "txt" ) ;
# $vfile =~ tr/\//\\/ ; # Forward slash to backslash.
#IISCore::writeline( 'VFILE', "$pfx $vfile", $self->{'DefaultDocFooter'} ) ;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Method to write statement to .files file
sub write_copyfile
my $theSelf = shift;
my $theVdirSpec = shift;
my $theSource = shift;
my $theDestination = shift;
my $theNewDest = substr($theSource, index($theSource, "\\") + 1);
$theNewDest =~ tr/\//\\/;
print "$theSource\nInetpub\\$topmain::myServerName$theNewDest\n";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub vdir_wanted {
push( @vfilelist, $File::Find::name ) if -f ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'class'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
# IISMimeMap
package IISMimeMap ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( write, dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
print( "NEW $class\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$self->{'MimeMap'} = $params{'MimeMap'} ;
$self->{'serverno'} = $params{'serverno'} ;
$self->_construct() ;
return $self ;
sub _construct {
my $self = shift ;
print( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'class'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$self->{'root'} = "ROOT" ;
sub write
my $self = shift;
my $pfx = shift;
if(! ($topmain::myServerSettings{$self->{'serverno'}} =~ /m=1/))
topmain::logMessage($topmain::myLogNOTICE, "Migrating MIME types for server: $self->{'serverno'}");
#IISCore::writeline( '#VCREATE', "$pfx $self->{'root'}" );
my @theMimeTypes = split(']', $self->{'MimeMap'});
foreach $theMimeType (@theMimeTypes)
$theMimeType = topmain::trim($theMimeType);
$theMimeType = substr($theMimeType, 1);
#$theMimeType =~ s/,/\x7f/;
my @theTypeParts = split(',', $theMimeType);
my $thePropertyData = $theTypeParts[1] . chr(127) . $theTypeParts[0];
#IISCore::writeline( 'VSET', chr(127) . "$pfx/$self->{'root'}" . chr(127) . "MimeMap" . chr(127), $thePropertyData);
IISCore::writeline( 'VSET', chr(127) . "$pfx" . chr(127) . "MimeMap" . chr(127), $thePropertyData);
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'class'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
# IISUserDb - NT Resource Kit 'addusers' migration object.
package IISUserDb ;
require Exporter ;
#use IIsLDIF ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( write, dump ) ;
sub new {
use File::Basename ;
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
topmain::dbgOut( "NEW $class" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$self->{'fullpath'} = $params{'fullpath'} ;
# $self->{'path'} = $params{'path'} ;
# $self->{'file'} = $params{'file'} ;
$self->{'userobj'} = $params{'userobj'} ;
$self->{'userglob'} = $params{'userglob'} ;
# Break path, filename into separate components from fullpath.
$xpath = $self->{'fullpath'} ;
$xpath =~ tr/\\/\// ; # Backslash to Forward slash.
( $fname, $fpath, $fsfx ) = fileparse( $xpath ) ;
$self->{'path'} = $fpath ;
$self->{'file'} = $fname ;
# Ask user database object to fill in our parameters.
$self->{'userobj'}->new( $self ) ;
return $self ;
sub _construct {
my $self = shift ;
topmain::dbgOut( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'class'}" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
sub write {
my $self = shift ;
my $webserver = shift ;
my $domain = shift ;
my $filename = shift ;
print( "WRITE $self->{'class'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
#( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime(time) ;
#$year += 1900 ;
#$file = sprintf( "%s.%4d%02d%02d.users", $webserver, $year, $mon+1, $mday ) ;
$file = $filename ;
# Write 'addusers' file.
open( FILE, ">" . $file ) or die( "Could not open $file" ) ;
select( FILE ) ;
print( "[User]\n" ) ;
foreach $key ( keys %{$self->{'user'}} )
printf( "apu%s,%s,,%s,,,,\n",
$self->{'user'}{$key}{'title'}) ;
print( "\n" ) ;
print( "[Global]\n" ) ;
print( "\n" ) ;
print( "[Local]\n" ) ;
foreach $key ( keys %{$self->{'local'}} )
my $atLeastOne = 0;
my $prefix = 'apg';
printf( "%s%s,Group%s",
$self->{'local'}{$key}{'description'}) ;
@members = keys( %{$self->{'local'}{$key}{'uniquemember'}} ) ;
foreach $member ( sort @members )
$atLeastOne = 1;
#printf( ",$domain\\%s", $self->{'user'}{$member}{'uid'} ) ;
printf( ",apu%s", $self->{'user'}{$member}{'uid'} ) ;
if(! $atLeastOne)
print ',';
print( "\n" ) ;
print( "\n" ) ;
close( FILE ) ;
select( STDOUT ) ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
topmain::dbgOut( "dump($self->{'class'})" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
topmain::dbgOut( sprintf("%s%-20s = %s", $tab, $key, $self->{$key}) ) ;
# IISMuConf - Migration Utility web-server configuration.
package IISMuConf ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( addmacrodef, write, dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
print( "NEW $class\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug );
$self->{'fileglob'} = $params{'fileglob'};
$self->{'fileout'} = $params{'tempdir'} . 'iismu'; # $params{'fileout'};
$self->{'iiswwwroot'} = $params{'iiswwwroot'};
$self->{'ldifdomain'} = $params{'ldifdomain'};
$self->{'perlmod'} = 'IISMuAP.pm'; # $params{'perlmod'};
$self->{'serverobj'} = 'IISServerAP'; # $params{'serverobj'};
$self->{'userdbfullpath'} = $params{'userdbfullpath'};
$self->{'userobj'} = 'IISUserDbAP'; # $params{'userobj'};
$self->{'version'} = '3.x'; # $params{'version'};
$self->{'webserver'} = 'AP'; # $params{'webserver'};
$self->{'whoami'} = 'Apache'; # $params{'whoami'};
$self->{'wwwroot'} = $params{'wwwroot'} ;
$self->{'wwwcgishl'} = $params{'wwwcgishl'};
$self->{'wwwsupp'} = $params{'wwwsupp'};
$self->{'remote'} = $params{'remote'};
$self->{'userglob'} = $params{'userglob'};
$self->{'defaultdrive'} = $params{'defaultdrive'};
$self->{'computerobj'} = 'IISComputerAP'; # $params{'computerobj'};
$fpath = $self->{'wwwroot'} ;
$fpath =~ tr/\\/\// ; # Backslash to Forward slash.
if ( '/' ne substr($fpath, length($fpath)-1) ) {
$fpath .= '/' ;
$self->{'fullpath'} = $fpath ;
# Save support directory on our INC path.
push( @INC, $self->{'wwwsupp'} ) ;
print( "INC @INC\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
# Verify key parameters.
unless ( $self->{'wwwroot'} ) {
print( "No 'wwwroot' in file $webserverconf\n" ) ;
$@ = $! ;
return undef ;
unless ( $self->{'serverobj'} ) {
print( "No 'serverobj' in file $webserverconf\n" ) ;
$@ = $! ;
return undef ;
$self->dump() if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
return $self ;
sub write {
my $self = shift ;
# print( "#############################################\n" ) ;
# printf( "#\n# IIS 4.0 Migration Wizard Scavenger %s\n", &IISCore::version() ) ;
# print( "# $self->{'whoami'} $self->{'version'} Migration\n" ) ;
# ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst ) = localtime(time) ;
# $year += 1900 ;
# printf( "# %4d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d\n", $year, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min ) ;
# print( "#\n#" ) ;
# print( "#############################################\n\n" ) ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'class'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
@content = keys( %{$self->{'tokenmap'}} ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{'tokenmap'}{$key} ) ;
# IISMigConf - IIS migration configuration.
package IISMigConf ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( dump ) ;
sub new {
use Cwd ;
use File::Basename ;
my $class = shift ;
# my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
print( "NEW $class\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
# Get web configuration file name.
%webservers = (
'NE2' => 'iismine2.conf',
'NE3' => 'iismine3.conf',
) ;
$self->{'webserver'} = shift ;
$self->{'webserver'} = uc( $self->{'webserver'} ) ;
if ( !$self->{'webserver'} or !$webservers{$self->{'webserver'}} ) {
$self->{'webserver'} = 'NE2' ;
$self->{'file'} = $webservers{$self->{'webserver'}} ;
unless ( $self->{'file'} ) {
print( "No web server configuration file for $self->{'webserver'}\n" ) ;
$@ = $! ;
return undef ;
# Read file.
open( FILE, $self->{'file'} ) or ( $@ = $!, return undef ) ;
while ( <FILE> ) {
next if /^\s*$/ ;
next if /^#/ ;
chomp( $_ ) ;
( $name, $value ) = split( /\s*=\s*/, $_ );
$self->{$name} = $value ;
close( FILE ) ;
$curdir = cwd() ;
($curdrive) = split( ':', $curdir ) ;
unless ( $self->{'sdir'} ) {
$self->{'sdir'} = $curdrive . ":" ;
# $self->{'sdir'} = join( '', $self->{'sdir'}, ":" ) ;
unless ( $self->{'ddir'} ) {
$self->{'ddir'} = $curdrive ;
# $self->{'ddir'} = join( '', $self->{'ddir'}, ":/", $self->{'wwwroot'} ) ;
$self->{'ddir'} = join( '', $self->{'ddir'}, $self->{'wwwroot'} ) ;
unless ( $self->{'nserver'} ) {
$self->{'nserver'} = '2' ;
$self->dump() if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
return $self ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'class'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
# IISCore - utility functions.
package IISCore ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( expandmacros, setdebug, webserver, writeline) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'class'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
return $self ;
# expandmacros
# expand all macros '<<macro>>' in input string 'istr' using web
# configuration's token map.
# Numeric macros '<<n>>' are assumed to be virtual server instances.
# The value 'nserver' is added by the macro processing to arrive at
# the final virtual server instance value.
# Returns expanded string or original string if no macros expanded.
sub expandmacros {
my( $istr, $webconf ) = @_ ;
my $ostr ;
my $s1 ;
my $s2 ;
my $s3 ;
my $i ;
my @tokens = split( "<<", $istr ) ;
$ostr = $tokens[0] ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i < scalar(@tokens) ; $i++ ) {
( $s1, $s2 ) = split( '>>', $tokens[$i] ) ;
$s3 = lc( $s1 ) ; # Macros are case-insensitive.
if ( $webconf->{'tokenmap'}{$s3} ) {
$s1 = $webconf->{'tokenmap'}{$s3} ;
# If this is a <<n>> macro, add virtual server base value.
if ( ($s1 =~ /[0-9]+/) and !($s1 =~ /[a-z,A-Z]/) ) {
$s1 += $webconf->{'tokenmap'}{'nserver'} + 1 ;
$ostr = join( '', $ostr, $s1, $s2 ) ;
print( "EXPANDED |$istr| -> |$ostr|\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
return $ostr ;
# setdebug
sub setdebug {
my( $dbf ) = @_ ;
$IISCore::debug = $dbf ;
print( "DEBUG = $IISCore::debug\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
# version
sub version {
return sprintf( "1.0.4" ) ;
# writeline - Write a command line in intermediate file format.
sub writeline {
my( $vcmd, $vpath, $vparm ) = @_ ;
printf( "%-8s %s%s\n", $vcmd, $vpath, $vparm) ;
# sprintf_vstring - Return formatted string suitable for intermediate data file.
# String format is:
# <string-size> <string>
sub sprintf_vstring {
my ( $str ) = @_ ;
return sprintf( "%d %s", length($str), $str ) ;
1 ;
# IISMuAP.pm
# Copyright (c) MicroCrafts Corporation, 1997
# IIS 4.0 Resource Kit Migration Utilty Perl module for Netscape
# Enterprise 2.x, SuiteSpot 3.x
# IISComputerAP
package IISComputerAP ;
use Cwd ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( dump ) ;
sub new
my $class = shift;
#my %params = @_;
my $self = {};
my $otherself = shift;
$self->{'_AClass'} = $class;
bless $self, $class ;
topmain::dbgOut("NEW $class") if ($IISCore::debug );
$self->_construct( $otherself );
return $self;
sub _construct
my ($self, $otherself) = @_;
topmain::dbgOut( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'_AClass'} USING $otherself" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
# For each virtual host, add a virtual server object.
my @vservers = keys(%{$otherself->{'vserver'}});
my $n = scalar( @vservers ) + 1;
my $conf;
my $confobj;
my $content;
my $key;
my $vhost;
my $vhosts;
my $vsvr1;
my $vsvr2;
foreach $key (sort @vservers)
$vsvr1 = $otherself->{'vserver'}{$key} ;
$vsvr2 = $vsvr1->{'otherself'};
@content = keys(%{$vsvr2} );
foreach $conf (sort @content)
if ( $vsvr2->{$conf} =~ m'iisconfap'i )
$confobj = $vsvr2->{$conf} ;
@vhosts = keys( %{$confobj->{'VirtualHost'}} ) ;
foreach $vhost ( sort @vhosts )
if ( defined($confobj->{'VirtualHost'}{$vhost}) )
$self->_addServer( $otherself, $confobj->{'VirtualHost'}{$vhost}, $n ) ;
$n++ ;
# 'VirtualHost' directive.
sub _addServer {
my ( $self, $otherself, $conf, $n ) = @_ ;
my $dirname = $conf->{'_AName'} ;
topmain::dbgOut( "$self ::_addServer( $n, $dirname ) to $otherself" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
my $path = $dirname ;
if ( $dirname =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $dirname ) ;
if ( $path =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $path ) ;
my $vsvr = IISServer->new(
'name' => $dirname,
'path' => $path,
'serverno' => $n,
'serverobj' => 'IISServerAPEx',
'webconf' => $otherself->{'webconf'}
) ;
# ROOT virtual directory.
# NB: [0] reserved for this server ROOT.
my $rootdir = IISServerAP::_getProperty( $self, 'DocumentRoot', $conf ) ;
if ( $rootdir =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $rootdir ) ;
my $newvdir = IISVirtualDir->new(
'from' => '',
'dir' => $rootdir,
'type' => '',
'name' => $dirname
) ;
IISServerAP::_fancyIndexing( $self, $vsvr, $conf ) ;
$vsvr->{'DirBrowseFlags'} .= ' Enabled' if ( $vsvr->{'_fancyIndexing'} =~ m'on'i ) ;
IISServerAP::_options( $self, $vsvr, $conf->{'Options'} ) ;
@{$vsvr->{'vdir'}}[0] = $newvdir ;
# Server bindings.
#JAQ $vsvr->AddServerBinding( '', $conf->{'Port'}, $dirname ) ;
IISServer::AddServerBinding( $vsvr, '', $conf->{'Port'}, $dirname ) ;
IISServerAP::_serverBindings( $self, $vsvr, $conf ) ;
# Alias (virtual directories).
IISServerAP::_aliasVDir( $self, $vsvr, $conf ) ;
# ScriptAlias (virtual directories).
IISServerAP::_scriptAliasVDir( $self, $vsvr, $conf ) ;
# Allow keep alive.
IISServerAP::_keepAlive( $self, $vsvr, $conf ) ;
#IISServerAP::_setProperty( $self, $vsvr, 'KeepAlive', 'AllowKeepAlive', $conf ) ;
# Connection timeout.
IISServerAP::_setProperty( $self, $vsvr, 'Timeout', 'ConnectionTimeout', $conf ) ;
# Default document.
IISServerAP::_defaultDoc( $self, $vsvr, $conf ) ;
# Max connections.
IISServerAP::_setProperty( $self, $vsvr, 'MaxClients', 'MaxConnections', $conf ) ;
IISServerAP::_redirects($self, $vsvr, $conf);
IISServerAP::_hostNameLookups($self, $vsvr, $conf);
IISServerAP::_identityCheck($self, $vsvr, $conf);
IISServerAP::_errorDocument($self, $vsvr, $conf);
my $tc;
$tc = $conf->{'TypesConfig'};
my $mimetypes = IISMimeMapAP->new('_AFile' => $tc,
'serverno' => $vsvr->{'serverno'});
# Server comment.
$vsvr->{'ServerComment'} = $conf->{'ServerName'} if ( $conf->{'ServerName'} ) ;
my $servercomment = IISServerAP::_getProperty( $self, 'User', $conf ) ;
$vsvr->{'ServerComment'} = $servercomment unless $vsvr->{'ServerComment'} ;
# Handle '<Directory>' directives.
IISServerAP::_directory( $self, $vsvr, $conf, $rootdir ) ;
# UserDir (virtual directories).
IISServerAP::_userDir( $self, $vsvr, $conf ) ;
IISServerAP::_mimeMap($self, $mimetypes, $conf);
$mimetypes->_exportMimeTypes( $vsvr ) ;
# NB: Must do - complete construction of objects
#JAQ $vsvr->_construct() ;
IISServer::_construct( $vsvr ) ;
# Add to IISComputer object.
$otherself->{'vserver'}{$n} = $vsvr ;
# IISServerAP
package IISServerAP ;
require Exporter ;
use Cwd ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
# my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
my $otherself = shift ;
$self->{'_AClass'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
print( "NEW $class USING $otherself \n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$rc = $self->_construct( $otherself ) ;
unless ( defined($rc) ) {
$@ = $!;
return undef;
return $self ;
sub _construct
my( $self, $otherself ) = @_ ;
print( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'_AClass'} USING $otherself\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
my $olddir = cwd() ;
# Parse configuration file(s).
chdir( $otherself->{'path'} ) or return undef ;
my $httpd = IISConfAP->new( '_AFile' => 'httpd.conf' ) ;
if ( !defined($httpd) ) {
chdir( $olddir ) ;
return undef ;
$self->_httpdDefaults( $httpd ) ;
my $srm = IISConfAP->new( '_AFile' => $httpd->{'ResourceConfig'} ) ;
my $access = IISConfAP->new( '_AFile' => $httpd->{'AccessConfig'} ) ;
my $tc ;
if ( $httpd->{'TypesConfig'} ) {
$tc = $httpd->{'TypesConfig'} ;
} elsif ( $srm->{'TypesConfig'} ) {
$tc = $srm->{'TypesConfig'} ;
} elsif ( $access->{'TypesConfig'} ) {
$tc = $access->{'TypesConfig'} ;
} else {
$tc = 'mime.types' ;
my $mimetypes = IISMimeMapAP->new( '_AFile' => $tc,
'serverno' => $otherself->{'serverno'} ) ;
$self->_srmDefaults( $srm ) ;
# Directory browsing enable for entire server.
$self->_fancyIndexing( $otherself, ($access, $httpd, $srm) ) ;
$otherself->{'DirBrowseFlags'} .= ' Enabled' if ( $otherself->{'_fancyIndexing'} =~ m'on'i ) ;
# Determine document root, giving preference to last 'conf' object in parameter list.
my $rootdir = $self->_getProperty( 'DocumentRoot', $access, $httpd, $srm ) ;
if ( $rootdir =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $rootdir ) ;
# ROOT virtual directory.
# NB: [0] reserved for this server ROOT.
my $rvdir = IISVirtualDir->new(
'from' => '',
'dir' => $rootdir,
'type' => '',
'name' => $otherself->{'name'}
) ;
$rvdir->{'DirBrowseFlags'} .= ' Enabled' if ( $otherself->{'_fancyIndexing'} =~ m'on'i ) ;
@{$otherself->{'vdir'}}[0] = $rvdir ;
# HostNameLookup
$self->_hostNameLookups( $otherself, $access ) ;
$self->_hostNameLookups( $otherself, $srm ) ;
$self->_hostNameLookups( $otherself, $httpd ) ;
# IdentityCheck
$self->_identityCheck( $otherself, $access ) ;
$self->_identityCheck( $otherself, $srm ) ;
$self->_identityCheck( $otherself, $httpd ) ;
# ListenBacklog
$self->_listenBacklog( $otherself, $access ) ;
$self->_listenBacklog( $otherself, $srm ) ;
$self->_listenBacklog( $otherself, $httpd ) ;
# Server bindings.
$self->_serverBindings( $otherself, $access ) ;
$self->_serverBindings( $otherself, $srm ) ;
$self->_serverBindings( $otherself, $httpd ) ;
# Alias (virtual directories).
$self->_aliasVDir( $otherself, $access ) ;
$self->_aliasVDir( $otherself, $httpd ) ;
$self->_aliasVDir( $otherself, $srm ) ;
# ScriptAlias (virtual directories).
$self->_scriptAliasVDir( $otherself, $access ) ;
$self->_scriptAliasVDir( $otherself, $httpd ) ;
$self->_scriptAliasVDir( $otherself, $srm ) ;
# Allow keep alive.
$self->_keepAlive( $otherself, $access ) ;
$self->_keepAlive( $otherself, $srm ) ;
$self->_keepAlive( $otherself, $httpd ) ;
# Connection timeout.
$self->_setProperty( $otherself, 'Timeout', 'ConnectionTimeout', $access, $srm, $httpd ) ;
# Default document.
$self->_defaultDoc( $otherself, $access ) ;
$self->_defaultDoc( $otherself, $httpd ) ;
$self->_defaultDoc( $otherself, $srm ) ;
# Default document.
$self->_errorDocument($otherself, $access);
$self->_errorDocument($otherself, $httpd);
$self->_errorDocument($otherself, $srm);
# Http Redirects
$self->_redirects( $otherself, $access);
$self->_redirects( $otherself, $http);
$self->_redirects( $otherself, $srm);
# Max connections.
$self->_setProperty( $otherself, 'MaxClients', 'MaxConnections', $access, $srm, $httpd ) ;
# Server comment.
$self->_setProperty( $otherself, 'ServerName', 'ServerComment', $access, $srm, $httpd ) ;
my $servercomment = $self->_getProperty( 'User', $access, $srm, $httpd ) ;
$otherself->{'ServerComment'} = $servercomment unless $otherself->{'ServerComment'} ;
# Mime maps.
$self->_mimeMap( $mimetypes, $access ) ;
$self->_mimeMap( $mimetypes, $httpd ) ;
$self->_mimeMap( $mimetypes, $srm ) ;
$mimetypes->_exportMimeTypes( $otherself ) ;
$self->_options($otherself, $access->{'Options'});
$self->_options($otherself, $httpd->{'Options'});
$self->_options($otherself, $srm->{'Options'});
# Handle '<Directory>' directives.
$self->_directory( $otherself, $access, $rootdir ) ;
$self->_directory( $otherself, $httpd, $rootdir ) ;
$self->_directory( $otherself, $srm, $rootdir ) ;
# UserDir (virtual directories).
$self->_userDir( $otherself, $access, $httpd, $srm ) ;
# Save parameters for later use.
$self->{'_AAccess'} = $access ;
$self->{'_AHttpd'} = $httpd ;
$self->{'_AMimetype'} = $mimetypes ;
$self->{'_ASrm'} = $srm ;
# NB: Must do - complete construction of objects
$otherself->_construct() ;
chdir( $olddir ) ;
# 'HostNameLookups' directive
sub _hostNameLookups
my ($self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_;
my $theDirective = topmain::trim(topmain::ucase($obj->{'HostNameLookups'}));
my $theValue = 'True';
my $rvdir = $otherself->{'vdir'}[ 0 ] ;
if($theDirective eq 'OFF')
$theValue = 'False';
$rvdir->{'HostNameLookups'} = $theValue;
# 'IdentityCheck' directive
sub _identityCheck
my ($self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_;
my $theDirective = topmain::trim(topmain::ucase($obj->{'IdentityCheck'}));
if($theDirective eq 'ON')
$otherself->{'IdentityCheck'} = 'True';
elsif($theDirective eq 'OFF')
$otherself->{'IdentityCheck'} = 'False';
# 'ListenBacklog' directive
sub _listenBacklog
my ($self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_;
my $theDirective = $obj->{'ListenBacklog'};
my $theValue = '';
my $rvdir = $otherself->{'vdir'}[ 0 ] ;
if(($theDirective >= 5) && ($theDirective <= 500))
$theValue = $theDirective;
$otherself->{'ListenBacklog'} = $theValue;
# 'Redirect', 'RedirectTemp', 'RedirectPermanent' directives
sub _redirects
my ($self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_;
for($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$obj->{'redirects'}}) ; $i++)
my $redirect = $obj->{'redirects'}[$i];
if('' ne $redirect)
my $theIndex = index($redirect, ' ');
my $thePrefix = substr($redirect, 0, $theIndex);
my $theSuffix = substr($redirect, $theIndex + 1);
# Create virtual directory object.
my $newvdir = IISVirtualDir->new(
'from' => $thePrefix,
'dir' => '',
'type' => $thePrefix,
'name' => $otherself->{'name'});
$newvdir->{'HttpRedirect'} = $theSuffix;
push( @{$otherself->{'vdir'}}, $newvdir);
# 'Alias' directive.
sub _aliasVDir {
my ( $self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_ ;
my $name ;
my $path ;
my $vdir ;
if ( $obj->{'Alias'} ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$obj->{'Alias'}}) ; $i++ ) {
( $name, $path ) = split( ' ', $obj->{'Alias'}[$i] ) ;
# Paths should not have trailing.
if ( $path =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $path ) ;
if ( $name =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $name ) ;
$vdir = IISVirtualDir->new(
'from' => $name,
'dir' => $path,
'type' => '',
'name' => $otherself->{'name'}
) ;
$vdir->{'DirBrowseFlags'} .= ' Enabled' if ( $otherself->{'_fancyIndexing'} =~ m'on'i ) ;
push( @{$otherself->{'vdir'}}, $vdir ) ;
# 'DirectoryIndex' directive.
sub _defaultDoc {
my ( $self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_ ;
my $dd ;
if ( $obj->{'DirectoryIndex'} ) {
$dd = $otherself->{'DefaultDoc'} ;
@spec = split( ' ', $obj->{'DirectoryIndex'} ) ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@spec) ; $i++ ) {
if ( $dd ) {
$dd .= "," . $spec[$i] ;
} else {
$dd = $spec[$i] ;
$otherself->{'DefaultDoc'} = $dd if ( $dd ) ;
# '<Directory x>' directive.
sub _directory {
my ( $self, $otherself, $obj, $inRoot ) = @_ ;
my $dir ;
my $dirname, @dirnamex, $fromx ;
my $dirs ;
my $opt ;
my $options ;
my $vdir ;
@dirs = keys( %{$obj->{'Directory'}} ) ;
foreach $dir ( sort @dirs ) {
if ( defined($obj->{'Directory'}{$dir}) ) {
$dirname = $obj->{'Directory'}{$dir}->{'_AName'} ;
@dirnamex = split('/', $dirname ) ;
$fromx = '/' . $dirnamex[ scalar(@dirnamex) - 1 ] ;
my $vdir;
if($dir eq $inRoot)
$vdir = $otherself->{'vdir'}[ 0 ] ;
$vdir = $self->_getVDir( $otherself, $fromx ) ;
# If this directory is already defined as virtual directory,
# merge directives with existing vdir.
# Otherwise, create new virtual directory and set properties.
if ( defined($vdir) )
$self->_options( $vdir, $obj->{'Directory'}{$dir}{'Options'} ) ;
undef( $vdir ) ;
$vdir = IISVirtualDir->new(
'from' => $fromx,
'dir' => $dirname,
'type' => '',
'name' => $otherself->{'name'}
) ;
push( @{$otherself->{'vdir'}}, $vdir ) ;
$self->_options( $vdir, $obj->{'Directory'}{$dir}{'Options'} ) ;
undef( $vdir ) ;
# 'ErrorDocument' directive.
sub _errorDocument
my ($self, $otherself, $obj) = @_;
my $rvdir = $otherself->{'vdir'}[0];
my $i;
my $errorcode;
my $errorspec;
if(defined($rvdir) and ($obj->{'ErrorDocument'}))
for($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$obj->{'ErrorDocument'}}) ; $i++)
$line = $obj->{'ErrorDocument'}[$i];
$line =~ /\s+/ ; # Skip past first word and whitespace.
$errorcode = $`;
$errorspec = $';
#$self->__addHttpError($otherself, $rvdir, $errorcode, $errorspec);
IISServerAP::__addHttpError($self, $otherself, $rvdir, $errorcode, $errorspec);
sub __addHttpError
my ($self, $otherself, $rvdir, $errorcode, $errorspec) = @_;
my $od = '[' ;
my $cd = ']' ;
my $fnpfx = '' ;
my $path ;
my $fn ;
my $fnx ;
my $msgtype = 'URL' ;
if($errorspec =~ m'http://'i)
$fnpfx = '';
my $xlat = '';
my $errcontent = '';
$errspec = $errorspec;
if($errspec =~ m'^"')
$errspec = '/error_' . $errorcode . '.html';
$errcontent = $errorspec;
$errcontent =~ s/\"//g;
$errcontent =~ s/ /+/g;
$fn = $fnpfx . $errspec;
$fn =~ tr/\\/\//; # Backslash to Forward slash.
$path = $rvdir->{'dir'} . $fnpfx . $errspec;
$path =~ s/\/\//\//g;
$path = '';
$fnx = $fn;
$fnx =~ tr/\//\\/; # Forward slash to backslash for NT.
if(! $errcontent)
if($errorcode eq '401')
# Subcodes 1-5 all set to same error response.
for($i = 1 ; $i <= 5 ; ++$i)
$xlat = join('', $xlat, $od, $errorcode, ',', $i, ',', $msgtype, ',', $fn, $cd, " ");
$rvdir->{'copyfile'}{$path} = $fn if ($path and !$errcontent);
elsif($errorcode eq '403')
# Subcodes 1-12 all set to same error response.
for($i = 1 ; $i <= 12 ; ++$i)
$xlat = join('', $xlat, $od, $errorcode, ',', $i, ',', $msgtype, ',', $fn, $cd, " ");
$rvdir->{'copyfile'}{$path} = $fn if ($path and !$errcontent);
$xlat = join('', $xlat, $od, $errorcode, ',*,', $msgtype, ',', $fn, $cd, " ");
$rvdir->{'copyfile'}{$path} = $fn if ( $path and !$errcontent );
$rvdir->{'HttpErrors'} .= $xlat;
# 'FancyIndexing', 'IndexOptions FancyIndexing' directives.
sub _fancyIndexing {
my ( $self, $otherself, @objlist ) = @_ ;
my $obj ;
my $i ;
my $j ;
$otherself->{'_fancyIndexing'} = 'off' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@objlist) ; $i++ ) {
$obj = $objlist[ $i ] ;
if ( defined($obj) ) {
$otherself->{'_fancyIndexing'} = $obj->{'FancyIndexing'} if ( $obj->{'FancyIndexing'} ) ;
if ( $obj->{'IndexOptions'} ) {
for ( $j = 0 ; $j < scalar(@{$obj->{'IndexOptions'}}) ; $j++ ) {
if ( $obj->{'IndexOptions'}[$j] =~ m'fancyindexing'i ) {
$otherself->{'_fancyIndexing'} = 'on' ;
# 'KeepAlive' directive.
sub _keepAlive {
# Keep alive could be a number (v1.1) or on/off (v1.2+). n = 0
# indicates disabled, so we purposely skip matching on '0'.
my ( $self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_ ;
my $prop = 'False' ;
if ( defined($obj) ) {
$prop = 'True' if ( ($obj->{'KeepAlive'} =~ m'on'i)
or ($obj->{'KeepAlive'} =~ m'1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9')
) ;
$otherself->{'AllowKeepAlive'} = $prop ;
# 'AddType' directive.
sub _mimeMap
my ( $self, $mimeobj, $obj ) = @_ ;
if ($obj->{'AddType'})
for($i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$obj->{'AddType'}}) ; $i++ )
$mimeobj->_addMimeType( $obj->{'AddType'}[$i] ) ;
# 'Options' directive.
sub _options
my ($self, $vobj, $opt) = @_;
@options = split(' ', $opt);
foreach $opt (sort @options)
if(($opt eq 'Indexes') or ($opt eq '+Indexes'))
$vobj->{'EnableDirBrowsing'} = 'True';
elsif(($opt eq 'ExecCGI') or ($opt eq '+ExecCGI'))
$vobj->{'AccessExecute'} = 'True';
elsif(($opt eq 'All') or ($opt eq '+All'))
$vobj->{'EnableDirBrowsing'} = 'True';
$vobj->{'AccessExecute'} = 'True';
elsif($opt eq '-Indexes')
$vobj->{'EnableDirBrowsing'} = 'False';
elsif($opt eq '-ExecCGI')
$vobj->{'AccessExecute'} = 'False';
elsif($opt eq '-All')
$vobj->{'EnableDirBrowsing'} = 'False';
$vobj->{'AccessExecute'} = 'False';
# 'ScriptAlias' directive.
sub _scriptAliasVDir {
my ( $self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_ ;
my $name ;
my $path ;
my $vdir ;
if ( $obj->{'ScriptAlias'} ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$obj->{'ScriptAlias'}}) ; $i++ ) {
( $name, $path ) = split( ' ', $obj->{'ScriptAlias'}[$i] ) ;
if ( $path =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $path ) ;
if ( $name =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $name ) ;
$vdir = IISVirtualDir->new(
'from' => $name,
'dir' => $path,
'type' => '',
'name' => $otherself->{'name'}
) ;
$vdir->{'AccessFlags'} .= ' Script Execute' ;
$vdir->{'DirBrowseFlags'} .= ' Enabled' if ( $otherself->{'_fancyIndexing'} =~ m'on'i ) ;
push( @{$otherself->{'vdir'}}, $vdir ) ;
# 'BindAddress', 'Listen', 'ServerAlias', 'NameVirtualHost' directives.
sub _serverBindings {
my ( $self, $otherself, $obj ) = @_ ;
my $ip, $port, @spec, $host ;
# Server bindings syntax is <ip_address>, <port>, <name>
$otherself->AddServerBinding( '', $obj->{'Port'}, '' ) if ( $obj->{'Port'} ) ;
$ba = $obj->{'BindAddress'} ;
if ( $ba and ($ba =~ m'[a-z]') ) {
$otherself->AddServerBinding( '', '', $ba ) if ( $ba and ($ba ne '*') ) ;
} else {
$otherself->AddServerBinding( $ba, '', '' ) if ( $ba and ($ba ne '*') ) ;
if ( $obj->{'Listen'} ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$obj->{'Listen'}}) ; $i++ ) {
if ( $obj->{'Listen'}[$i] =~ m':' ) {
( $ip, $port ) = split( ':', $obj->{'Listen'}[$i] ) ;
} else {
# Port-only specification.
$ip = '' ;
$port = $obj->{'Listen'}[$i] ;
$otherself->AddServerBinding( $ip, $port, '' ) ;
if ( $obj->{'ServerAlias'} ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$obj->{'ServerAlias'}}) ; $i++ ) {
@spec = split( ' ', $obj->{'ServerAlias'}[$i] ) ;
foreach $host ( @spec ) {
$otherself->AddServerBinding( '', $obj->{'Port'}, $host ) unless ( $host =~ m'\*|\?' ) ;
if ( $obj->{'NameVirtualHost'} ) {
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar(@{$obj->{'NameVirtualHost'}}) ; $i++ ) {
( $ip, $port ) = split( ':', $obj->{'NameVirtualHost'}[$i] ) ;
$otherself->AddServerBinding( $ip, $port, '' ) ;
# 'UserDir' directive.
sub _userDir {
my ( $self, $otherself, $obj1, $obj2, $obj3 ) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my $usr ;
# Read/parse passwd file to translate user home directory to user
# name.
open( PFILE, '/etc/passwd' ) or die( "Could not open PASSWD\n" ) ;
my %passwd ;
while ( <PFILE> ) {
chomp( $_ ) ;
$line = $_ ;
$line =~ m':' ;
$usr = $` ;
$line = $' ;
@params = split( ':', $line ) ;
$home = $params[ scalar(@params) - 2 ] ;
$passwd{$home} = '/~' . $usr ;
close( PFILE ) ;
# First combine all 'UserDir' directives into one (hash) list.
# This has the added benefit of combining repeated directives
# among the different '.conf' files.
my @objlist ;
@objlist = ( @objlist, @{$obj1->{'UserDir'}} ) if ( $obj1->{'UserDir'} ) ;
@objlist = ( @objlist, @{$obj2->{'UserDir'}} ) if ( $obj2->{'UserDir'} ) ;
@objlist = ( @objlist, @{$obj3->{'UserDir'}} ) if ( $obj3->{'UserDir'} ) ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar( @objlist ) ; $i++ ) {
$self->{'userdir'}{$objlist[$i]} = 1 ;
my @userdir = sort( keys(%{$self->{'userdir'}}) ) ;
# Create user list (prepend '~' for elements that don't have '/'
# as their first character.
my @users = split( ' ', $otherself->{'webconf'}->{'userglob'} ) ;
my %usersaccess ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @users ; $i++ ) {
if ( $users[$i] !~ m'^/' ) {
$users[$i] = '~' . $users[$i] ;
$usersaccess{$users[$i]} = 1 ;
# Remove all users if global 'disabled' used.
foreach $udir ( @userdir ) {
if ( $udir =~ m'disabled'i ) {
%usersaccess = () ;
last ;
# Include only users explicitly 'enabled'.
foreach $udir ( @userdir ) {
if ( $udir =~ m'enabled' ) {
$udir =~ /\s+/ ; # Skip past first word and whitespace.
( @userlist ) = split( ' ', $' ) ;
foreach $usr ( @userlist ) {
$usersaccess{$usr} = 1 ;
# Remove users explicitly 'disabled'.
foreach $udir ( @userdir ) {
if ( $udir =~ m'disabled' ) {
$udir =~ /\s+/ ; # Skip past first word and whitespace.
( @userlist ) = split( ' ', $' ) ;
foreach $usr ( @userlist ) {
delete( $usersaccess{$usr} ) ;
my %usersaccess1 ;
foreach $key ( keys(%usersaccess) ) {
if ( ($key !~ m'^/') and ($key !~ m'^~') ) {
$key = '~' . $key ;
$usersaccess1{$key} = 1 ;
my %usersacc ;
my @ua = keys( %usersaccess1 ) ;
while ( <@ua> ) {
$usersacc{$_} = 1 ;
# Prepend '~' for users that don't have '/'
# as their first character.
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @users ; $i++ ) {
if ( ($users[$i] !~ m'^/') and ($users[$i] !~ m'^~') ) {
$users[$i] = '~' . $users[$i] ;
# For each user, create a virtual directory for each UserDir spec.
my $udir ;
my $dirspec ;
my $vdir ;
while ( <@users> ) {
chomp( $_ ) ;
foreach $udir ( @userdir ) {
if ( ($udir !~ m'enabled'i) and ($udir !~ m'disabled') ) {
$dirspec = $_ . '/' . $udir ;
if ( -d $dirspec and $passwd{$_} ) {
$vdir = IISVirtualDir->new(
'from' => $passwd{$_},
'dir' => $dirspec,
'type' => '',
'name' => $otherself->{'name'}
) ;
push( @{$otherself->{'vdir'}}, $vdir ) ;
# _httpdDefaults - sets defaults values for directives if not already
# set. Call before other processing.
sub _httpdDefaults {
my( $self, $conf ) = @_ ;
if ( defined($conf) ) {
$conf->{'KeepAlive'} = 'on' unless ( $conf->{'KeepAlive'} ) ;
$conf->{'MaxClients'} = 256 unless ( $conf->{'MaxClients'} ) ;
$conf->{'Timeout'} = 300 unless ( $conf->{'Timeout'} ) ;
# _srmDefaults - sets defaults values for directives if not already
# set. Call before other processing.
sub _srmDefaults {
my( $self, $conf ) = @_ ;
if ( defined($conf) and (not $conf->{'UserDir'}) ) {
push( @{$conf->{'UserDir'}}, 'public_html' ) ;
# _getVDir
sub _getVDir {
my ( $self, $otherself, $dirname ) = @_ ;
my $i ;
my $ndir ;
my $vdir ;
$ndir = scalar( @{$otherself->{'vdir'}} ) ;
if ( $dirname =~ m'/$' ) { #'
chop( $dirname ) ;
undef( $vdir ) ;
# Search for virtual directory.
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $ndir and !defined($vdir) ; $i++ ) {
if ( $dirname eq $otherself->{'vdir'}[$i]->{'from'} ) {
$vdir = $otherself->{'vdir'}[$i] ;
last ;
return $vdir ;
# _getProperty
sub _getProperty {
my ( $self, $src_prop, $obj1, $obj2, $obj3 ) = @_ ;
$prop = $obj1->{$src_prop} if ( defined($obj1) and ($obj1->{$src_prop}) ) ;
$prop = $obj2->{$src_prop} if ( defined($obj2) and ($obj2->{$src_prop}) ) ;
$prop = $obj3->{$src_prop} if ( defined($obj3) and ($obj3->{$src_prop}) ) ;
return $prop ;
# _setProperty
sub _setProperty {
my ( $self, $otherself, $src_prop, $dst_prop, $obj1, $obj2, $obj3 ) = @_ ;
my $prop ;
$prop = $obj1->{$src_prop} if ( defined($obj1) and ($obj1->{$src_prop}) ) ;
$prop = $obj2->{$src_prop} if ( defined($obj2) and ($obj2->{$src_prop}) ) ;
$prop = $obj3->{$src_prop} if ( defined($obj3) and ($obj3->{$src_prop}) ) ;
$otherself->{$dst_prop} = $prop if ( $prop ) ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'_AClass'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
$tabnum = $tablvl * length( $tab ) ;
$fmt = "%" . $tabnum . "s%-20s = %s\n" ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( $fmt, $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
# IISServerAPEx
package IISServerAPEx ;
require Exporter ;
use Cwd ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
# my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
my $otherself = shift ;
$self->{'_AClass'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
topmain::dbgOut( "NEW $class USING $otherself" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
$rc = $self->_construct( $otherself ) ;
unless ( defined($rc) ) {
$@ = $!;
return undef;
return $self ;
sub _construct
my ( $self, $otherself ) = @_ ;
topmain::dbgOut( "CONSTRUCT $self->{'_AClass'} USING $otherself" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
return $self ;
# Apache '.conf' parsing object.
package IISConfAP ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( _construct, dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'_AClass'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
$self->{'_AFile'} = $params{'_AFile'} ;
print( "NEW $class, $self->{'_AFile'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
my $line ;
my $fullline ;
open( FILE, $self->{'_AFile'} ) or ( $@ = $!, return undef ) ;
# Special initialization for 'httpd.conf'
if ( $self->{'_AFile'} eq 'httpd.conf' ) {
$self->{'ResourceConfig'} = 'srm.conf' ;
$self->{'AccessConfig'} = 'access.conf' ;
# $self->{'TypesConfig'} = 'mime.types' ;
$self->{'TypesConfig'} = '' ;
my $obj ;
undef( $obj ) ;
while ( <FILE> ) {
$fullline = $_ ;
# Accumulate line if line-continuation encountered.
while ( /\\$/ ) {
$line = <FILE> ;
$_ = $' . $line ;
$fullline = join( '', $fulline, $line ) ;
# Exit loop if we encounter EOF.
last if ( $_ eq $' ) ;
# Skip blank and comment lines
next if /^\s*$/ ;
next if /^#/ ;
if ( m'^<' and !m'^</' ) {
# This is a nested directive object.
# One of <Directory>, <Files>, <Limit>, <Location>, <VirtualHost>
$obj = IISDirectiveObjAP->new( '_ALine' => $' ) ;
} elsif ( defined($obj) ) {
# Look for object terminator.
if ( $obj->isTerminator($_) ) {
# Add object to our hash.
$self->{$obj->{'_AType'}}{$obj->{'_AName'}} = $obj ;
undef( $obj ) ;
} else {
# Add directive to our current object.
$self->_addDirective( $_, $obj ) ;
} else {
# Add directive to top-level object.
$self->_addDirective( $_, $self ) ;
close( FILE ) ;
$self->dump() if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
return $self ;
sub _addDirective
my ($self, $line, $obj) = @_;
# Split into name/value pairs
($name, $value) = /(\w+)\s+(.*)/;
if($name eq 'AddEncoding'
or $name eq 'AddHandler'
or $name eq 'AddLanguage'
or $name eq 'AddType'
or $name eq 'Alias'
or $name eq 'ErrorDocument'
or $name eq 'IndexOptions'
or $name eq 'Listen'
#or $name eq 'Options'
or $name eq 'NameVirtualHost'
or $name eq 'ScriptAlias'
or $name eq 'ServerAlias'
or $name eq 'UserDir'
or $name eq 'Redirect'
or $name eq 'RedirectTemp'
or $name eq 'RedirectPermanent')
if(index($name, 'Redirect') == 0)
$name = 'redirects';
push(@{$obj->{$name}}, $value );
$obj->{$name} = $value;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'_AClass'})\n" ) ;
my $tab = " " ;
my $tablvl = 0 ;
my $fmt = "%" . $tabnum . "s%-20s = %s\n" ;
my @content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
sub rdump {
my $self = shift ;
my $key = shift ;
my $tablvl = shift ;
$tab = " " ;
$tabnum = $tablvl * length( $tab ) ;
$fmt = "%" . $tabnum . "s%-20s = %s\n" ;
if ( $self->{$key} =~ m'hash'i ) {
printf( $fmt, $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
@content = keys( %{$self->{$key}} ) ;
$tablvl++ ;
foreach $subkey ( sort @content ) {
$self->{$key}{$subkey}->dump() ;
} elsif ( $self->{$key} =~ m'array'i ) {
printf( $fmt, $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < scalar( @{$self->{$key}} ) ; $i++ ) {
printf( $fmt, $tab, " ", $self->{$key}[$i] ) ;
} else {
printf( $fmt, $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
# IISDirectiveObjAP
# Apache '.conf' directive object.
package IISDirectiveObjAP ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( isTerminator, dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'_AClass'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
$self->{'_ALine'} = $params{'_ALine'} ;
chomp( $self->{'_ALine'} ) ;
print( "NEW $class, $self->{'_ALine'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
my $line = $params{'_ALine'} ;
chomp( $line ) ;
$line =~ /\s+/ ; # Skip past first word and whitespace.
my $AType = $` ;
#$AType =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/;
$AType = topmain::ucase(substr($AType, 0, 1)) . substr($AType, 1);
$self->{'_AType'} = $AType;
$line = $' ;
$line =~ s/>$// ; # Get rid of final '>'
$self->{'_AName'} = $line ;
$self->dump() if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
return $self ;
sub isTerminator {
my $self = shift ;
my $line = shift ;
return ( $line =~ /$self->{'_AType'}/i ) ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'_AClass'})\n" ) ;
$tab = " " ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( "%s%-20s = %s\n", $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
# IISMimeMapAP
# Apache 'mime.types' parsing object.
package IISMimeMapAP ;
require Exporter ;
@ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@EXPORT = qw( _addMimeType, _construct, _exportMimeTypes, dump ) ;
sub new {
my $class = shift ;
my %params = @_ ;
my $self = {} ;
$self->{'_AClass'} = $class ;
bless $self, $class ;
$self->{'_AFile'} = $params{'_AFile'} ;
$self->{'serverno'} = $params{'serverno'} ;
print( "NEW $class, $self->{'_AFile'}\n" ) if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
my $line ;
my $exts ;
my $fullline ;
my $mimetype ;
#open( FILE, $self->{'_AFile'} ) or ( $@ = $!, return undef) ;
open( FILE, $self->{'_AFile'} ) or return $self;
while ( <FILE> ) {
$fullline = $_ ;
# Accumulate line if line-continuation encountered.
while ( /\\$/ ) {
$line = <FILE> ;
$_ = $' . $line ;
$fullline = join( '', $fulline, $line ) ;
# Exit loop if we encounter EOF.
last if ( $_ eq $' ) ;
# Skip blank and comment lines
next if /^\s*$/ ;
next if /^#/ ;
# Add mime type to hash.
chomp( $fulline ) ;
$fullline =~ /\s+/ ; # Skip past first word/whitespace
$mimetype = $` ; # First word is mime-type.
$exts = $' ; # Remaining is extention(s).
$exts =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/ ; # Trim whitespace
if ( $exts ) {
$self->{'mimetype'}{$exts} = $mimetype ;
close( FILE ) ;
$self->dump() if ( $IISCore::debug ) ;
return $self ;
sub _addMimeType {
my $self = shift ;
my $line = shift ;
my $mimetype ;
my $exts ;
chomp( $line ) ;
$line =~ /\s+/ ; # Skip past first word/whitespace
$mimetype = $` ; # First word is mime-type.
$exts = $' ; # Remaining is extention(s).
$exts =~ s/\.//g ; # Remove '.' from extensions.
$exts =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/ ; # Trim whitespace
if ( $exts ) {
$self->{'mimetype'}{$exts} = $mimetype ;
sub _exportMimeTypes {
my $self = shift ;
my $otherself = shift ;
my $content ;
my $ext ;
my $exts ;
my $mimetype ;
my $mimemap ;
my $key ;
@content = keys( %{$self->{'mimetype'}} ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
@exts = split( ' ', $key ) ;
foreach $ext ( sort @exts ) {
$mimetype = "[." . $ext . "," . $self->{'mimetype'}{$key} . "]" ;
$mimemap .= $mimetype ;
$otherself->{'MimeMap'} = IISMimeMap->new( 'MimeMap' => $mimemap,
'serverno' => $self->{'serverno'} ) ;
sub dump {
my $self = shift ;
print( "dump($self->{'_AClass'})\n" ) ;
$tablvl = 0 ;
$tab = " " ;
$tabnum = $tablvl * length( $tab ) ;
$fmt = "%" . $tabnum . "s%-20s = %s\n" ;
@content = keys( %$self ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( $fmt, $tab, $key, $self->{$key} ) ;
@content = keys( %{$self->{'mimetype'}} ) ;
foreach $key ( sort @content ) {
printf( $fmt, $tab, $key, $self->{'mimetype'}{$key} ) ;
# IISUserDbAP - convert LDIF format to NT Resource Kit 'addusers'.
package IISUserDbAP ;
require Exporter ;
use Cwd ;
@ISA = qw(