3 Syntax:\n\n SSloader dsn [user [pw]] [/c odbcvendor [installdir]]\n [/v vulninp] [/s servinp] [/f fileinp] \n [/i] [/d] [/q] [/n] [/r] [/?]\n\n dsn = ODBC Data Source Name\n user = optional user name for ODBC data base\n pw = optional password for ODBC data base\n \n\n /c create or change the ODBC Data Source \n odbcvendor = must be one of Access, FoxPro, or SQLServer\n installdir = directory where the product is installed\n (not needed for SQLServer)\n path should *not* end in \. \n See documentation for more details.\n This option should be used with /i also if creating a new DSN\n /i initializes a data base\n
4 Error in dropping all the tables
5 Dropping all tables...
6 All parms parsed ok.
7 Products in the data base:
8 Data base change history:
9 Version add to data base failed
10 Update of row failed in update only mode:\n%s
11 Upgrade of data base from version %d.%d to %d.%d failed! This may leave it in an inconsistent state. DDL is %s
12 Error adding version record after successful upgrade.
13 Data base and loader are out of sync. Use /u option to upgrade your data base to current version.
14 Upgrade failed since can't find matching update DDL for existing version
15 Find error
16 Incompatible set of parms:\nCan not use /dropall with /update or /deletejob\n
17 Showing jobs...
18 JobId Time Description\n
19 Deleteing job...
20 Are you sure you want to delete the job (y/N) ?
21 Are you sure you want to drop all tables (y/N) ?
22 Checking data base version...
23 Updating the data base...
24 Found input file:
25 Data base opened ok.
26 Creating data base tables...
27 Adding version and product id to data base...
28 DSN Added ok.
29 Creating DSN...
30 Failed to create directory
31 CREATE_DB=%s General
32 DSN=%s
33 Failed to find DSN. Remove failed.
34 Remove of DSN failed
35 Are you sure you want to remove this DSN (y/N)?
36 Removing DSN...\nFound DSNs and Drivers:
37 DSN Removed ok.
38 /v loads vulnerability table from vulninp file\n /s loads service table from vulninp file\n /f loads file table from fileinp file\n /n no prompt - Won't prompt for /deljob, /c (SQLServer), /r or /dropall \n /q quiet mode\n /r remove the DSN - for uninstall. Usually used with /dropall\n /u update data base to new version\n /j show all jobs for this product\n /? for this help\n
39 Jobs in the data base for all products\nJobID/Start Time/Description
40 Loading Exploits
28800 Checking tables...
28802 Initializing product table...
28803 Loading Vulnerability tables...
28804 Loading Service tables...
28805 Loading File tables...
28806 SAFEsuite for NT
28807 Test log info from resource in host %lx iteration %d
28808 This message is linked to hostid %d and object %d of type %d (iter %d)
28809 Data base during initialization:
28810 Error in syntax of loading record number %d:\n%s
28811 Data base error populating tables %s
28812 Fatal data base error:\n%s\nHalting.
28813 Error adding this product to data base
28814 Warning: Column truncated during add or update or %s table
28815 Error adding found user to data base
28816 Error adding user relationship to job in data base:
28817 Error adding file relationship to job in data base:
28818 Error adding message to data base:
28819 Error adding service relationship to job in data base:
28820 Error adding vulnerability relationship to job in data base:
28821 Error adding host relationship to job in data base:
28822 Error adding host to data base:
28823 Error. Found duplicate record when adding host relationship to job.
28824 Version skew between data base (%d) and scanner (%d).
28825 Error updating job in data base
28826 Vulnerability or Service table does not have correct data
28827 Error: This product has not been installed into the data base.
32775 Microsoft FoxPro Driver (*.dbf)
32776 Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)
32777 SQL Server
32779 DSN=%s DefaultDir=%s Description=Internet Security Systems Data Base
32780 DSN=%s DBQ=%s Description=Internet Security Systems Data Base
32781 DSN=%s Description=Internet Security Systems Data Base Trusted_Connection=1 Database=ENTER DB NAME
32782 You must now configure an ODBC data source for SQL Server.\nWe require that you enter a database name in the Advanced>> section and recommend that you use Trusted Connections.\nDo you wish to configure it now (y/N)?
32783 Data base not added
32785 Microsoft FoxPro Driver (*.dbf) Driver=odbcjt32.dll SETUP=odbcjt32.dll
32786 Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) Driver=odbcjt32.dll SETUP=odbcjt32.dll