home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Note to developer:
- ;
- ; The crpe32.dep dependency file contains only the most often used runtime
- ; files for Visual Basic. The file can be modified to include any runtime file.
- ; To include a file that is not being distributed when using this crpe32.dep file,
- ; you may add the file to the "Additional Runtime DLLs" section. NOTE: you must
- ; continue a sequential order to the Uses=.
- ;
- ; Example:
- ;
- ; If you want to include the p2BACT.DLL, you must add it under the
- ; "Additional Runtime DLLs" section. At this time the last numbered
- ; Uses= is:
- ;
- ; Uses46=\program files\seagate software\sschart\SSCSDK32.DLL
- ;
- ; to add the p2BACT.DLL, the next line must exist as:
- ;
- ; Uses47=..\crystal\p2BACT.DLL
- ;
- ; Please Note : This is not an exhaustive list of ALL the runtime DLLs. For more
- ; information please see the Runtime Help include with the Seagate Crystal Reports
- ; product.
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Dependency file for setup wizards.
- [Version]
- Version=
- ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Dependencies for CRPE32.DLL
- [CRPE32.DLL]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Version=
- Uses2=CRPAIG32.DLL
- Uses4=MFC42.DLL
- ;Open location with no file specified (no prompt generated)
- Uses5=..\crystal
- Uses6=..\crystal\CRXLAT32.DLL
- ; Database dlls
- Uses7=..\crystal\p2BBDE.DLL
- Uses8=..\crystal\p2BBND.DLL
- ;Uses9=..\crystal\p2BBTRV.DLL
- Uses10=p2BDAO.DLL
- Uses11=..\crystal\p2BXBSE.DLL
- ;Uses12=..\crystal\p2CTBTRV.DLL
- Uses13=p2CTDAO.DLL
- Uses14=p2IRDAO.DLL
- Uses15=..\crystal\p2SIFMX.DLL
- Uses16=p2SMON.DLL
- Uses17=p2SODBC.DLL
- Uses18=..\crystal\p2SORA7.DLL
- Uses19=..\crystal\p2SSQL.DLL
- Uses20=..\crystal\p2SSYB10.DLL
- Uses21=..\crystal\p2soledb.dll
- ; Export destination dlls
- Uses22=..\crystal\u2DDISK.DLL
- Uses23=..\crystal\u2DMAPI.DLL
- Uses24=..\crystal\u2DNOTES.DLL
- Uses25=..\crystal\u2DPOST.DLL
- Uses26=..\crystal\u2DVIM.DLL
- Uses27=..\crystal\u2dapp.dll
- ; Export format dlls
- Uses28=..\crystal\u2FCR.DLL
- Uses29=..\crystal\u2FHTML.DLL
- Uses30=..\crystal\u2FODBC.DLL
- Uses31=..\crystal\u2FREC.DLL
- Uses32=..\crystal\u2FRTF.DLL
- Uses33=..\crystal\u2FSEPV.DLL
- Uses34=..\crystal\u2FTEXT.DLL
- Uses35=..\crystal\u2FWKS.DLL
- Uses36=..\crystal\u2FWORDW.DLL
- Uses37=..\crystal\u2FXLS.DLL
- ; User defined functions
- Uses38=..\crystal\u25DTS.DLL
- Uses39=..\crystal\u25STORE.DLL
- Uses40=..\crystal\u25TOTAL.DLL
- Uses41=..\crystal\u2L2000.DLL
- Uses42=..\crystal\u2LBAR.DLL
- Uses43=..\crystal\u2LCOM.DLL
- Uses44=..\crystal\u2LDTS.DLL
- Uses45=..\crystal\u2LSAMP1.DLL
- Uses46=..\crystal\u252000.dll
- ; Additional Runtime DLLs
- Uses47=\program files\seagate software\sschart\SSCSDK32.DLL
- ;Uses?=\program files\seagate software\shared\s2sqlprs.dll
- ;Uses?=\program files\seagate software\shared\rule1.dfa
- ;Uses?=\program files\seagate software\shared\rule1.llr
- ; Additional Database DLLS
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2BACT.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2IRACT.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2IXBSE.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2LODBC.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2OESBSE.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2SACL.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2SDB2.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2SEVT.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2SEXSR.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2SMAPI.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2SOUTLK.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2SREPL.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2STRACK.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2SWBLG.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2bact3.dll
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2iract3.dll
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2molap.dll
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2sfs.dll
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2smcube.dll
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\p2solap.dll
- ; Additional Export Format DLLs
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\u2FDIF.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\u2FRDEF.DLL
- ; Additional User defined functions
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\u2LESBSE.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\u2LEXCH.DLL
- ;Uses?=..\crystal\u2LFINRA.DLL
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [MFC42.DLL]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- ; Database dlls
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [P2SDB2.DLL]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [P2SSYB10.DLL]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [p2bact3.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [p2iract3.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [p2molap.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [p2sfs.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [p2smcube.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [p2solap.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [p2soledb.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- ; Export destination dlls
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [u2dapp.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- ; Export format dlls
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- ; User defined functions
- [U25DTS.DLL]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [U2L2000.DLL]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [u252000.dll]
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- ; Additional CRPE32 Runtime
- Dest=$(WinSysPath)
- Uses1=
- [s2sqlprs.dll]
- Dest=\program files\seagate software\shared
- Register=$(DLLSelfRegister)
- Uses1=
- [rule1.dfa]
- Dest=\program files\seagate software\shared
- Uses1=
- [rule1.llr]
- Dest=\program files\seagate software\shared
- Uses1=