106 Select an Info OLAP Cube by one of the following ways:\n - Info OLAP Cube Object to use most recent Cube Instance\n - Specific Cube Instance\n - More Files...for Cube files not on the desktop\n
107 PdmOlap.dll
108 Failed to log on to CInfo APS.
109 HdcHapi.dll
110 McHapi.dll
111 EssbHapi.dll
112 TensHapi.dll
113 Essbase Cube
114 OLE DB for OLAP
115 Holos HDC Cube
116 Holos
117 Informix Metacube
118 Seagate Info Cube
120 .hdc
121 HDC Files (*.hdc)|*.hdc||
122 Add a Holos default file
123 Incomplete logon information.
124 The specified server type is not supported by Seagate Info.