152 Please wait while the wizard extracts the files needed to install $(AppName.Title) on your system. This may take a few moments.
153 Status:
154 Extracting: %s
160 Location to Save Files
161 Where would you like to save your files?
162 The files required for setup will be saved in the following folder. To specify a different folder, click Change and browse to a different location. If the folder does not exist, it will be created for you.
512 The following file is already on your computer:\n\n%s
513 The following file is already on your computer and is marked Read-Only:\n\n%s
514 Do you wish to overwrite this file?
515 Cancel?
516 Do you wish to cancel the installation?
517 An occurred while trying to launch the installer:\n\n%s\n\n%s
518 Launch Error
519 The file was not found.
520 The path was not found.
521 Access denied.
522 Out of memory.
523 Sharing violation.
524 Unknown error: %d
550 Unable to write to the temp directory in %s.\nCheck that you have write access to this directory.
551 Unable to retrieve run-time information.
552 Out of disk space on %s.
553 Unrecoverable error loading banner image.
554 Invalid directory! Please enter a valid path.
555 The files cannot be extracted to the root directory. Please enter a different path.
556 Unable to create the specified directory.\nCheck that you have write access to this location.
557 The system cannot find the drive specified.\nPlease enter a new path on a valid drive.
558 The destination folder is full. Installation cannot continue. Please choose a new location.
600 $(AppName.Title) - Help
601 Command-line usage:\n\n \n-run <path> Run the application and skip the wizard. \n-nosetup Skip the setup program. \n-? or -help Display this help dialog.\n\n \nAll pathnames must be complete (not relative).