Account Info changed.~Do you want to save it?=╚φ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ ≥α τα αΩα≤φ≥α σ ∩≡ε∞σφσφα.~╚±Ωα≥σ δΦ Σα τα∩ατΦ≥σ?
Actions:=─σΘ±≥ΓΦ :
Add Account=─εßαΓΦ αΩα≤φ≥
Add Row=─εßαΓΦ ≡σΣ
Add Rule for mail from Sender=─εßαΓΦ ∩≡αΓΦδε τα ∩ε∙α ε≥ "╧εΣα≥σδ"
Add Rule for mail with Subject=─εßαΓΦ ∩≡αΓΦδε τα ∩ε∙α "╬≥φε±φε"
Add Rule to Delete all mail from Sender=─εßαΓΦ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σα Φτ≥≡ΦΓα Γ±Φ≈Ωα≥α ∩ε∙α ε≥ ∩εΣα≥σδ
Add Rule to delete Mail from Sender=─εßαΓΦ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σα Φτ≥≡ΦΓα ∩ε∙α≥α ε≥ ∩εΣα≥σδ
Add Rule to Delete mail with Subject=─εßαΓΦ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σα Φτ≥≡ΦΓα ∩ε∙α≥α "╬≥φε±φε"
Add Rule to mark messages from Sender as Spam=─εßαΓΦ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σα ∞α≡ΩΦ≡α ∩ε∙α≥α ε≥ ∩εΣα≥σδ Ωα≥ε ╤∩α∞
Add Rule to mark messages with Subject as Spam=─εßαΓΦ ∩≡αΓΦδε Σα ∞α≡ΩΦ≡α ∩ε∙α≥α "╬≥φε±φε" Ωα≥ε ╤∩α∞
Add Rule=─εßαΓΦ ∩≡αΓΦδε
Add sender to Black List=─εßαΓΦ ∩εΣα≥σδ Γ ╫σ≡φΦ ±∩Φ±·Ω
Add sender to White List=─εßαΓΦ ∩εΣα≥σδ Γ ┴σδΦ ±∩Φ±·Ω
Added to the White List:=─εßαΓσφ Γ ┴σδΦ ±∩Φ±·Ω
Advanced Options=─ε∩·δφΦ≥σδφΦ
Advanced Show Info=╨ατ°Φ≡σφα Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ
All Accounts=┬±Φ≈ΩΦ αΩα≤φ≥Φ
All Files=┬±Φ≈ΩΦ ⌠αΘδεΓσ
ALL Rows=┬±Φ≈ΩΦ
Already Connected=┬σ≈σ σ ±Γ·≡ταφα
Animate the Tray Icon when you receive new mail.~This will produce a flashing indicator instead of the normal static one.=└φΦ∞Φ≡αΘ ΦΩεφα≥α Γ Tray Ωεπα≥ε ±σ ∩εδ≤≈Φ φεΓα ∩ε∙α.~╥εΓα ∙σ ∩εΩαµσ αφΦ∞Φ≡αφ ΦφΣΦΩα≥ε≡ Γ∞σ±≥ε ±≥α≥Φ≈φΦ ∩ε ∩εΣ≡ατßΦ≡αφσ.
Animated Star=└φΦ∞Φ≡αφα τΓστΣα
Animated Tray Icon=└φΦ∞Φ≡αφα Tray ΦΩεφα
Any mail received from the following e-mail addresses~will automatically be deleted.=┬±Φ≈Ωα≥α ∩ε∙α, ∩εδ≤≈σφα ε≥ ±δσΣΓα∙Φ αΣ≡σ±~αΓ≥ε∞α≥Φ≈φε ∙σ ß·Σσ Φτ≥≡Φ≥α.
ANY Row=╩εΘ≥ε Φ Σα σ
Are you sure?=╤Φπ≤≡σφ δΦ ±≥σ?
Ask for confirmation before deleting any e-mails.~This only works for the Delete button. Deleting messages~using rules will not ask for confirmation.=╚±ΩαΘ ∩ε≥Γ·≡µΣσφΦσ ∩≡Φ Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ φα ∩ε∙α.~╥εΓα ≡αßε≥Φ ±α∞ε ± ß≤≥εφ Delete. ╧≡Φ Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ φα ∩ε∙α ≈≡στ ∩≡αΓΦδα≥α, φ ∞α Σα ±σ ΦτΦ±ΩΓα ∩ε≥Γ·≡µΣσφΦσ.
AutoCheck disabled=└Γ≥ε╧≡εΓσ≡Ωα ╟αß≡αφσφα
AutoCheck Enabled=└Γ≥ε╧≡εΓσ≡Ωα ╨ατ≡σ°σφα
AutoCheck only while Minimized=╧≡εΓσ≡Ωα ±α∞ε ∩≡Φ ∞ΦφΦ∞ΦτΦ≡αφσ
Because of the Security Risk, PopTray doesn't allow the opening of Executable files.=╬≥ ±·εß≡αµσφΦ τα ±Φπ≤≡φε±≥, PopTray φσ ∩ετΓεδ Γα ε≥Γα≡ φσ≥ε φα Φτ∩·δφΦ∞Φ ⌠αΘδεΓσ.
Black List mark as Spam=╫σ≡σφ ±∩Φ±·Ω, ∞α≡ΩΦ≡αφ Ωα≥ε ╤∩α∞
Black List will mark the messages as Spam~instead of deleting them.=╫σ≡φΦ ≥ ±∩Φ±·Ω ∙σ ∞α≡ΩΦ≡α ±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α Ωα≥ε ±∩α∞~Γ∞σ±≥ε Σα πΦ Φτ≥≡Φσ.
Check current account for New Mail=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ ≥σΩ≤∙Φ αΩα≤φ≥ τα φεΓα ∩ε∙α
Check First Account=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ ∩·≡ΓΦ αΩα≤φ≥
Check for Mail=╧≡εΓσ≡ ΓαΘ τα ∩ε∙α
Check for new mail every =╧≡εΓσ≡ ΓαΘ τα ∩ε∙α φα Γ±σΩΦ
Check for New Mail on Startup=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ τα φεΓα ∩ε∙α ∩≡Φ ±≥α≡≥
Check if On-Line=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ ∩≡Φ εφδαΘφ
Check on-line if newer version available.=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ τα φεΓα Γσ≡±Φ .
Checking=╧≡εΓσ≡ Γα∞
Color:=╓Γ ≥:
Connect Error:=├≡σ°Ωα ∩≡Φ ±Γ·≡τΓαφσ:
Connection Info=╚φ⌠ε τα Γ≡·τΩα≥α
Connection TimeOut:=╥αΘ∞α≤≥:
Contact Info=╚φ⌠ε≡∞α÷Φ τα Γ≡·τΩα
Default e-mail program to open.=e-mail ∩≡επ≡α∞α ∩ε ∩εΣ≡ατßΦ≡αφσ.
Default sound to play when new mail arrives.=╟Γ≤Ω Ωεπα≥ε ΣεΘΣσ φεΓα ∩ε∙α.
Default sound:=╤≥αφΣα≡≥σφ τΓ≤Ω:
Defaults=╧ε ∩εΣ≡ατßΦ≡αφσ
Del Spam=╚τ≥≡.╤∩α∞
Delay in minutes to wait between mail check intervals.~Set it to 0 to never automatically check.=╟αΩ·±φσφΦσ Γ ∞Φφ≤≥Φ ∞σµΣ≤ ∩≡εΓσ≡ΩΦ≥σ.~╙±≥αφεΓΦ Γ 0, τα ταß≡αφα φα └Γ≥ε╧≡εΓσ≡Ωα≥α.
Delay on a SingleClick to wait and see if a DoubleClick is coming.=╟αΣ≡·µΩα ∩≡Φ σΣΦφΦ≈σφ ΩδΦΩ Φ Φτ≈αΩΓαφσ τα Γ≥ε≡Φ.
Delete Account:=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ αΩα≤φ≥:
Delete Account=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ αΩα≤φ≥
Delete Button only available when using Safe Delete option=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ ß≤≥εφ·≥ σ Σε±≥·∩σφ ±α∞ε Ωεπα≥ε Φτ∩εδτΓα≥σ ┴στε∩α±φε ╚τ≥≡ΦΓαφσ
Delete current message=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ ≥σΩ≤∙ε≥ε ±·εß∙σφΦσ
Delete Error:=├≡σ°Ωα ∩≡Φ Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ:
Delete from server=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ ε≥ ±·≡Γ·≡α
Delete Mail only on Next Check=╚τ≥≡ΦΓαφσ ∩≡Φ ±δσΣΓα∙α≥α ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα
Delete Message from Server?=─α Φτ≥≡Φ δΦ ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε ε≥ ±·≡Γ·≡α?
Delete Messages from Server?=─α Φτ≥≡Φ δΦ ±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α ε≥ ±·≡Γ·≡α?
Delete messages marked as Spam=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ ∞α≡ΩΦ≡αφΦ≥σ Ωα≥ε ╤∩α∞ ±·εß∙σφΦ
Delete Row=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ ≡σΣ
Delete Rule:=╧≡αΓΦδε τα Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ:
Delete Rule=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ ∩≡αΓΦδε
Delete Spam from Server?=─α Φτ≥≡Φ ╤∩α∞-α ε≥ ±·≡Γ·≡α?
Delete Spam=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ ╤∩α∞
Delete this message from server=╚τ≥≡ΦΘ ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε ε≥ ±·≡Γ·≡α
Deletion Confirmation=╧ε≥Γ·≡µΣσφΦσ τα Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ
Disable AutoChecking between the hours specified.~This is useful when you do not want noisy notifications~during the night.=╟αß≡αφ Γα └Γ≥ε╧≡εΓσ≡Ωα ∞σµΣ≤ ≤ΩαταφΦ≥σ ≈α±εΓσ.~╥εΓα σ ∩εδστφε αΩε φσ Φ±Ωα≥σ °≤∞φε ΦτΓσ±≥ Γαφσ ∩≡στ~φε∙φΦ≥σ ≈α±εΓσ.
Display the tabs for the different accounts in~multiple lines instead of one scrolling line.=╧εΩαµΦ ∩εδσ≥α≥α τα ≡ατδΦ≈φΦ≥σ αΩα≤φ≥Φ Γ~∩εΓσ≈σ ≡σΣεΓσ Γ∞σ±≥ε Γ σΣΦφ ± ∩≡σΓ·≡≥αφσ.
Do not run the AutoCheck timer event while viewing the PopTray Window.~This is useful to prevent an AutoCheck from happening~while you are manually checking for mail.=╟αß≡αφΦ ≥αΘ∞σ≡·≥ τα └Γ≥ε╧≡εΓσ≡Ωα ΣεΩα≥ε ∩≡σπδσµΣα≥σ ±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α Γ PopTray.~╥εΓα σ ∩εδστφε, τα Σα φσ ±σ ∩≡σΣΦτΓΦΩα └Γ≥ε╧≡εΓσ≡Ωα ΣεΩα≥ε~≡·≈φε ∩≡εΓσ≡ Γα≥σ τα ∩ε∙α.
Don't Check between=═σ ∩≡εΓσ≡ ΓαΘ ∞σµΣ≤
Double Click delay on Click=╟αΣ≡·µΩα τα ΣΓεσφ ΩδΦΩ ∩≡Φ ΩδΦΩ
Double Click:=─Γεσφ ΩδΦΩ:
Drag to Create Separators=┬δα≈Φ τα ≡ατΣσδΦ≥σδΦ
E-Mail Program:=E-mail ∩≡επ≡α∞α:
Enable Quick Checking=╨ατ≡σ°Φ ß·≡τα ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα
Equals=┼ ≡αΓφε φα
EXE files=EXE ⌠αΘδεΓσ
Execute File=╚τ∩·δφΦ ⌠αΘδ
Extra Confirmation when Deleting Protected Messages=─ε∩·δφΦ≥σδφε ∩ε≥Γ·≡µΣσφΦσ ∩≡Φ Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ φα τα∙Φ≥σφΦ ±·εß∙σφΦ
Extra confirmation when you try to delete messages~protected by rules or the WhiteList.=╚τΦ±ΩΓα Σε∩·δφΦ≥σδφε ∩ε≥Γ·≡µΣσφΦσ ∩≡Φ ε∩Φ≥ τα~Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ φα ±·εß∙σφΦσ, τα∙Φ≥σφε ε≥ ∩≡αΓΦδα≥α φα~WhiteList.
Failed to Save Attachment.=═σ ≤±∩ ⌡ Σα τα∩Φ°α α≥α≈∞·φ≥α.
First check if you are on-line before checking for e-mail.~Used by dial-up users who don't want the dial-up dialog ~to pop-up when you are not connected.~Makes checking a little bit slower.=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ τα εφδαΘφ Γ≡·τΩα ∩≡σΣΦ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα τα φεΓα ∩ε∙α.~╚τ∩εδτΓα ±σ ∩≡Φ dial-up ∩ε≥≡σßΦ≥σδΦ, ΩεΦ≥ε φσ µσδα ≥ Σα ±σ ∩ε Γ Γα dial-up ∩≡ετε≡σ÷·≥~αΩε φσ ±α εφδαΘφ.~╧≡αΓΦ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα≥α ∞αδΩε ∩ε-ßαΓφα.
Minimize PopTray to the System Tray instead of the Taskbar.=╠ΦφΦ∞ΦτΦ≡αΘ PopTray Σε System Tray Γ∞σ±≥ε Σε taskbar.
Minimize to Tray=╠ΦφΦ∞ΦτΦ≡αΘ Σε Tray
Mouse Action:=─σΘ±≥ΓΦσ ± ∞Φ°Ωα≥α
Mouse Buttons=┴≤≥εφΦ φα ∞Φ°Ωα≥α
Move Down=═αΣεδ≤
Move Up=═απε≡σ
Multi-line Account Tabs=╠φεπε≡σΣεΓΦ ∩εδσ≥α τα αΩα≤φ≥Φ
New Mail=═εΓα ╧ε∙α
New message using default mail client=═εΓε ±·εß∙σφΦσ ≈≡στ ∞σΘδ ΩδΦσφ≥
New Message=═εΓε ±·εß∙σφΦσ
New Messages Only=═εΓΦ ±·εß∙σφΦ
No E-Mail Client specified=═σ σ ≤Ωαταφ ∞σΘδ ΩδΦσφ≥
No message selected.=═ ∞α Φτß≡αφε ±·εß∙σφΦσ.
No new mail=═ ∞α φεΓα ∩ε∙α
No protocol defined for account=═σ σ Σσ⌠ΦφΦ≡αφ ∩≡ε≥εΩεδ τα αΩα≤φ≥
No rule selected=═ ∞α Φτß≡αφε ∩≡αΓΦδε
No Sort=┴στ ±ε≡≥Φ≡εΓΩα
Not On-Line=═σ σ εφδαΘφ
NOT Supported=═┼ ±σ ∩εΣΣ·≡µα
Number of message lines to preview.=┴≡εΘ ≡σΣεΓσ τα ∩≡σπδσΣ.
Number of messages marked as Spam:=┴≡εΘ ±·εß∙σφΦ , ∞α≡ΩΦ≡αφΦ Ωα≥ε ╤∩α∞:
Number of seconds to display the Info window~before closing it.=┬≡σ∞σ (±σΩ≤φΣΦ) τα ∩εΩατΓαφσ φα Φφ⌠ε≡∞α÷ΦεφφΦ ~∩≡ετε≡σ÷, ∩≡σΣΦ Σα ß·Σσ τα≥Γε≡σφ.
Number of seconds to wait during connection~before giving an error.=┬≡σ∞σ (±σΩ≤φΣΦ) τα Φτ≈αΩΓαφσ φα Γ≡·τΩα~∩≡σΣΦ ∩εΩατΓαφσ φα ±·εß∙σφΦσ τα π≡σ°Ωα.
Number of selected messages:=┴≡εΘ Φτß≡αφΦ ±·εß∙σφΦ :
Once a message has been viewed, don't show it again.=┬σΣφ·µ ΓΦΣ φε ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε, φσ πε ∩εΩατΓαΘ ε≥φεΓε.
Only download if size less than=╤ΓαδΦ, ±α∞ε αΩε ≡ατ∞σ≡·≥ σ ∩εΣ
Open Message=╬≥ΓΓε≡Φ ±·εß∙σφΦσ
Options ...=═α±≥≡εΘΩΦ ...
Password Protect=╟α∙Φ≥α ± ∩α≡εδα
Play Sound=╤ΓΦ≡Φ τΓ≤Ω
Please enter the password to open Poptray=╠εδ , Γ·ΓσΣσ≥σ ∩α≡εδα τα PopTray
Plug-in Error:=╧δ·πΦφ π≡σ°Ωα:
Plug-in Options...=╧δ·πΦφ φα±≥≡εΘΩΦ...
Pop-Up Menu=╠σφ■
PopTray will startup in minimized state.~Thus the window will be hidden and only the trayicon~will be visible.=PopTray ∙σ ±σ ±≥α≡≥Φ≡α ∞ΦφΦ∞ΦτΦ≡αφα.~╥αΩα ∙σ ±σ ΓΦµΣα ±α∞ε ΦΩεφα Γ Tray, α ∩≡επ≡α∞α≥α ε±≥αΓα ±Ω≡Φ≥α.
Portuguese (Brazil)=
Preview the Message=╧≡σπδσΣ φα ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε
Preview Top Lines=╤α∞ε ∩·≡ΓΦ≥σ ≡σΣεΓσ
Protect against auto-delete=╟α∙Φ≥Φ ±≡σ∙≤ αΓ≥ε-Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ
Remember which messages on the server has already been viewed~even after closing PopTray.=╟α∩ε∞φΦ ΩεΦ ±·εß∙σφΦ φα ±·≡Γ·≡α ±α ßΦδΦ ΓΦΣ φΦ,~Σε≡Φ ±δσΣ τα≥Γα≡ φσ≥ε φα PopTray.
Reply using default mail client=╬≥πεΓε≡Φ ± ∞σΘδ ΩδΦσφ≥α ∩ε ∩εΣ≡ατßΦ≡αφσ
Requires that you enter the specified password to open PopTray.=╚τΦ±ΩΓα Γ·ΓσµΣαφσ≥ε φα ≤Ωαταφα≥α ∩α≡εδα, τα Σα ±σ ±≥α≡≥Φ≡α PopTray.
Reset Mail Count in Tray when Viewing=╚τ≈Φ±≥Φ Tray ΦΩεφα≥α ±δσΣ ∩≡σπδσΣ
Reset the Tray Icon message count when you view the PopTray~window. When new mail arrives only the new count since last ~view will be shown.=═≤δΦ≡αΘ ß≡ε φα ±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α Γ Tray ΦΩεφα≥α Ωεπα≥ε πδσΣα° Γ PopTray~∩≡ετε≡σ÷α. ╩επα≥ε ΣεΘΣσ φεΓα ∩ε∙α, ∙σ ∩εΩαµσ ±α∞ε φεΓΦ≥σ ±·εß∙σφΦ ±δσΣ~∩ε±δσΣφε≥ε πδσΣαφσ.
Retrieve Body while Checking=╤Γαδ Θ ±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α ∩ε Γ≡σ∞σ φα ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα
Retrieve complete message while checking,~if message smaller than specified size.=╧≡Φ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα, ±ΓαδΦ ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε αΩε~σ ∩ε-∞αδΩε ε≥ ε∩≡σΣσδσφ ≡ατ∞σ≡.
Retrieve Error:=├≡σ°Ωα ∩≡Φ ∩εδ≤≈αΓαφσ:
Right Click:=─σ±σφ ΩδΦΩ:
Rotate Icon for each Account=└φΦ∞Φ≡αΘ ΦΩεφα≥α τα Γ±σΩΦ αΩα≤φ≥
Rotate Icon to show messages in each account=└φΦ∞Φ≡αΘ ΦΩεφα≥α, τα Σα ∩εΩαµσ° ±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α τα Γ±σΩΦ αΩα≤φ≥
Specify a different timer interval for each account.~Set the intervals on the Accounts tab.=╙ΩατΓαφσ φα ≡ατδΦ≈φΦ Φφ≥σ≡ΓαδΦ τα Γ±σΩΦ αΩα≤φ≥.~╚φ≥σ≡ΓαδΦ≥σ ±σ ≤ΩατΓα≥ Γ ∩εδσ≥ε ± αΩα≤φ≥Φ≥σ.
Start Minimized=╤≥α≡≥Φ≡αΘ ∞ΦφΦ∞ΦτΦ≡αφα
Stay on Top=═αΘ-ε≥πε≡σ
Still busy checking=┬±σ ε∙σ ∩≡εΓσ≡ Γα∞
Stop and disconnect.=╤≥ε∩ Φ ≡ατ∩αΣαφσ φα Γ≡·τΩα≥α.
Stop Checking=╤∩≡Φ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα≥α
Support Forum:=╘ε≡≤∞:
Supported=╧εΣΣ·≡µα ±σ
Suspend Sound=╧εΣ≥Φ±φΦ τΓ≤Ωα
System-wide hot-key to execute selected action.=├δεßαδσφ ß·≡τ ΩδαΓΦ° τα Φτ∩·δφσφΦσ φα Φτß≡αφε≥ε ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦσ.
Test Account=╥σ±≥ΓαΘ αΩα≤φ≥α
Test the Reg Expr syntax=╧≡εΓσ≡Φ ±Φφ≥αΩ±Φ±α φα RegEx
Test the sound file=╥σ±≥ΓαΘ τΓ≤ΩεΓΦ ⌠αΘδ
Test to run the e-mail program=╬∩Φ≥αΘ Σα ±≥α≡≥Φ≡α° ∞σΘδ ∩≡επ≡α∞α≥α
Thanks to the following volunteers who helped with the translation:=┴δαπεΣα≡ φα ±δσΣφΦ≥σ Σεß≡εΓεδ÷Φ, ∩ε∞επφαδΦ Γ ∩≡σΓεΣα φα ∩≡επ≡α∞α≥α:
The X close button in the top right-hand corner will minimize~PopTray instead of closing it.~To close use the "Quit" button.=┴≤≥εφ·≥ ╒ τα τα≥Γα≡ φσ ∙σ ∞ΦφΦ∞ΦτΦ≡α PopTray~Γ∞σ±≥ε Σα τα≥Γε≡Φ. ╚τ∩εδΓαΘ≥σ "╚τ⌡εΣ" ß≤≥εφα τα Φτ⌡εΣ.
This lists all the plugin DLLs found in your plugins directory.~Select to load/unload. Right-click for options.=╥εΓα ∙σ ∩εΩαµσ ±∩Φ±·Ω ± Γ±Φ≈ΩΦ ∩δ·πΦφ DLL-Φ, ε≥Ω≡Φ≥Φ Γ ∩δ·πΦφ ΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡Φ ≥α.~╚τßσ≡σ≥σ ΩεΦ Σα ß·Σα≥ τα≡σΣσφΦ/ε±ΓßεΣσφΦ. ─σ±σφ ΩδΦΩ τα φα±≥≡εΘΩΦ.
This will add the following e-mails to the Black List:=╥εΓα ∙σ ΓΩα≡α Φτß≡αφΦ≥σ e-mail-Φ Γ ╫σ≡φΦ ╤∩Φ±·Ω.
This will create a rule to delete all future e-mails from=╥εΓα ∙σ ±·ΣαΣσ ∩≡αΓΦδε τα Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ φα Γ±Φ≈ΩΦ ß·Σσ∙Φ ±·εß∙σφΦ ε≥
This will create a rule to delete all future e-mails with subject=╥εΓα ∙σ ±·τΣαΣσ ∩≡αΓΦδε τα Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ φα Γ±Φ≈ΩΦ ß·Σσ∙Φ ±·εß∙σφΦ "╬≥φε±φε"
This will create a rule to spam mark all future e-mails from=╥εΓα ∙σ ±·τΣαΣσ ∩≡αΓΦδε τα ∞α≡ΩΦ≡αφσ Ωα≥ε ±∩α∞ φα Γ±Φ≈ΩΦ ß·Σσ∙Φ e-mail-Φ ε≥
This will create a rule to spam mark all future e-mails with subject=╥εΓα ∙σ ±·τΣαΣσ ∩≡αΓΦδε τα ∞α≡ΩΦ≡αφσ Ωα≥ε ±∩α∞ φα Γ±Φ≈ΩΦ ß·Σσ∙Φ ±·εß∙σφΦ "╬≥φε±φε"
This will delete all these messages.=╥εΓα ∙σ Φτ≥≡Φσ Γ±Φ≈ΩΦ ≥στΦ ±·εß∙σφΦ .
This will delete all these selected messages.=╥εΓα ∙σ Φτ≥≡Φσ Γ±Φ≈ΩΦ Φτß≡αφΦ ±·εß∙σφΦ .
Timer Interval per Account=╬≥Σσδσφ Φφ≥σ≡Γαδ τα Γ±σΩΦ αΩα≤φ≥
To add actions to your application simply drag and drop from either Categories or Actions onto an existing ActionBar.=╟α Σα ΣεßαΓΦ≥σ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ Ω·∞ Γα°σ≥ε ∩≡ΦδεµσφΦσ, ∩≡ε±≥ε Γδα≈σ≥σ Φ ∩≤±φσ≥σ ΦδΦ ε≥ ╩α≥σπε≡ΦΦ≥σ ΦδΦ ε≥ ─σΘ±≥ΓΦ ≥α Γ·≡⌡≤ ±·∙σ±≥Γ≤Γα∙ ActionBar.
Try to mix the colors when e-mail arrives in multiple accounts.~Windows only allows 16 colors in the tray, so mixing will not~always give the correct color.=╬∩Φ≥αΘ Σα ±∞σ±Φ° ÷Γσ≥εΓσ≥σ Ωεπα≥ε ∩ε∙α≥α ΦΣΓα ε≥ ∩εΓσ≈σ αΩα≤φ≥Φ.~Windows ∩ετΓεδ Γα ±α∞ε 16 ÷Γ ≥α Γ Tray, ≥αΩα ≈σ ±∞σ±Γαφσ≥ε~φσ ΓΦφαπΦ ΣαΓα ∩≡αΓΦδφΦ ÷Γ ≥.
Unable to Copy file.=═σ ∞επα Σα Ωε∩Φ≡α∞ ⌠αΘδα.
Unable to Retrieve Message=═σ ∞επα Σα ∩εδ≤≈α ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε
Unknown Attachment Type.=═σ∩ετφα≥ ≥Φ∩ α≥α≈∞·φ≥
Unmark as Spam=╨ατ∞α≡ΩΦ≡αΘ Ωα≥ε ╤∩α∞.
Unviewed messages will be shown in Bold.=═εΓΦ≥σ ±·εß∙σφΦ ∙σ ß·Σα≥ ∩εΩαταφΦ ± ≤Σσßσδσφ °≡Φ⌠≥.
Use MAPI=╚τ∩εδτΓα MAPI
Use the POP3 UIDL command to check that message is still the same~before deleting it.=╚τ∩εδτΓα POP3 UIDL Ωε∞αφΣα≥α, τα Σα ∩≡εΓσ≡Φ ΣαδΦ ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε σ~±·∙ε≥ε ∩≡σΣΦ Σα πε Φτ≥≡Φσ.
Use the POP3 UIDL command to quickly check if the mail on the server has changed.=╚τ∩εδτΓα POP3 UIDL Ωε∞αφΣα≥α, τα Σα ∩≡εΓσ≡Φ φαß·≡τε ΣαδΦ Φ∞α ∩≡ε∞ φα Γ ∩ε∙α≥α φα ±·≡Γ·≡α.
Use the Simple MAPI interface of you e-mail client,~instead of using a "mailto:" link for replies and new messages.=╚τ∩εδτΓα Simple MAPI Φφ≥σ≡⌠σΘ±α φα Γα°Φ ≥ e-mail~ΩδΦσφ≥ Γ∞σ±≥ε Σα Φτ∩εδτΓα "mailto:" δΦφΩ τα ε≥πεΓε≡ Φ φεΓΦ ±·εß∙σφΦ .
User Aborted.=╧≡σΩ·±φα≥ε ε≥ ∩ε≥≡σßΦ≥σδ .
User Interface=╧ε≥≡σßΦ≥σδ±ΩΦ Φφ≥σ≡⌠σΘ±
Viewed=┬ΦΣ φΦ
WARNING: This account does NOT support Safe Delete.=┬═╚╠└═╚┼! ╥ετΦ αΩα≤φ≥ ═┼ ∩εΣΣ·≡µα ßστε∩α±φε Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ.
WAV files=Wav ⌠αΘδεΓσ
What to show on the TrayIcon~while checking for new mail.=╩αΩΓε Σα ∩εΩατΓα Γ Tray ΦΩεφα≥α ΣεΩα≥ε~∩≡εΓσ≡ Γα τα φεΓα ∩ε∙α.
When a connect error occurs, PopTray will display an error message.~If this option is enabled, the error message will only be displayed in the status bar and Tray Hint.=╩επα≥ε ±σ ∩εδ≤≈Φ π≡σ°Ωα ∩≡Φ ±Γ·≡τΓαφσ, PopTray ∙σ ∩εΩαµσ ±·εß∙σφΦσ τα π≡σ°Ωα.~└Ωε ≥ατΦ ε∩÷Φ σ ≡ατ≡σ°σφα, ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε ∙σ ß·Σσ ∩εΩαταφε ±α∞ε Γ~δσφ≥α≥α τα ±≥α≥≤±α Φ Ωα≥ε Tray ∩εΣ±ΩατΩα.
When deleting mail they will get marked for deletion~and only physically deleted when the next check runs.=╤·εß∙σφΦ ≥α ±σ ∞α≡ΩΦ≡α≥ τα Φτ≥≡ΦΓαφσ, φε ⌠ΦτΦ≈σ±ΩΦ~∙σ ß·Σα≥ Φτ≥≡Φ≥Φ ∩≡Φ ±δσΣΓα∙α≥α ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα.
When previewing a message with MIME parts~PopTray will decode the MIME message, show the ~first part in the preview and the rest as attachments.~When unselected, preview will show the RAW message.=╩επα≥ε ∩≡σπδσµΣα∞σ ±·εß∙σφΦσ ± MIME ≈α±≥Φ~PopTray ∙σ ΣσΩεΣΦ≡α MIME ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε, ∩εΩατΓαΘΩΦ~∩·≡Γα≥α ≈α±≥ Ωα≥ε ∩≡σπδσΣ Φ ε±≥αφαδε≥ε Ωα≥ε α≥α≈∞·φ≥.~╩επα≥ε φσ σ Φτß≡αφε ∩≡σπδσΣ·≥ ∙σ ∩εΩαµσ ÷ δε≥ε ±·εß∙σφΦσ.
When previewing a message, only load the~specified number of lines.=─εΩα≥ε ∩≡σπδσµΣα ±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α, τα≡σµΣα ±α∞ε~≤ΩαταφΦ ß≡εΘ ≡σΣεΓσ.
When starting PopTray, first wait a few seconds~before checking for mail.=╩επα≥ε PopTray ±σ ±≥α≡≥Φ≡α, ∩·≡Γε Φτ≈αΩΓα φ ΩεδΩε~±σΩ≤φΣΦ ∩≡σΣΦ Σα ∩≡εΓσ≡Φ τα φεΓα ∩ε∙α.
When you receive mail from the following list of e-mail addresses,~the messages won't be deleted by rules.=╩επα≥ε ∩εδ≤≈Φ≥σ ∩ε∙α ε≥ ±δσΣΓα∙Φ ±∩Φ±·Ω ± e-mail αΣ≡σ±Φ,~±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α φ ∞α Σα ß·Σα≥ Φτ≥≡Φ≥Φ ε≥ ∩≡αΓΦδα≥α.
While checking for new mail, also retrieve the message body.~This will slow down checking, but if gives you the option to check~the body contents in the rules.=─εΩα≥ε ∩≡εΓσ≡ Γα τα φεΓα ∩ε∙α, Σα ±ΓαδΦ ±·∙ε Φ ±·εß∙σφΦ ≥α.~╥εΓα ∙σ ταßαΓΦ ∩≡εΓσ≡Ωα≥α φε ∙σ Φ∞α Γ·τ∞εµφε±≥ τα~∩≡Φδαπαφσ≥ε φα ∩≡αΓΦδα≥α Ω·∞ ≥ δε≥ε φα ±·εß∙σφΦσ≥ε.
While checking, show each message as it is downloaded.=─εΩα≥ε ∩≡εΓσ≡ Γα, ∩εΩατΓα Γ± Ωε ±·εß∙σφΦσ ΩεδΩε≥ε σ ∩εδ≤≈σφε.
White / Black List=┴ δ / ╫σ≡σφ ╤∩Φ±·Ω
White List=┴ δ ╤∩Φ±·Ω
Write all rules actions to a log file.~Filename: RULES.LOG in the same directory as PopTray.=╟α∩Φ°Φ Γ±Φ≈ΩΦ ΣσΘ±≥ΓΦ ε≥ ∩≡αΓΦδα≥α Γ δεπ ⌠αΘδ.~╚∞σ: RULES.LOG Γ ±·∙α≥α ΣΦ≡σΩ≥ε≡Φ ΩαΩ≥ε PopTray.
X Button Minimizes=X ß≤≥εφ·≥ ∞ΦφΦ∞ΦτΦ≡α
You are trying to delete protected messages.=╬∩Φ≥Γα≥σ Σα Φτ≥≡Φσ≥σ τα∙Φ≥σφε ±·εß∙σφΦσ.