<Item English_Text = "Prompt when deleting clips" ID = "2039"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "When you recieve a sent copy if their ip or computer name is in this list then it will be put on the clipboard. Otherwise it will be in the saved clips to use at a later time." ID = "2052"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "IP/Computer Names seperated by commas" ID = "2053"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Disable Recieving Clips" ID = "2026"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Network Password" ID = "2054"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "If you are receiving clips from computers where your network password does not match, enter additional network passwords separated by commas" ID = "2055"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Receive Passwords" ID = "2056"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "If Send All Copies is selected then all copies from this computer will be sent to the other computer. If that is not selected then it will just be in the right click menu to send a copy to that computer." ID = "2057"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Log Send Receive Commands" ID = "1042"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Friends" ID = "-1" PropertyPage = "true"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Send All Copies to this friend" ID = "1015"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "IP/Name" ID = "2052"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Description" ID = "2053"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Friend Details" ID = "-1"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Odometer" ID = "2052"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Trip Odometer" ID = "2053"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Copies" ID = "2054"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Pastes" ID = "2055"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Copies" ID = "2056"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Pastes" ID = "2057"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Reset" ID = "1006"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Saved Copies" ID = "2058"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Saved Copy Data" ID = "2059"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Remove All" ID = "1013"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Last Started" ID = "2060"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Database Size" ID = "2061"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Clips Sent" ID = "2066"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Clips received" ID = "2067"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Since Last Start" ID = "2068"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Stats" ID = "-1" PropertyPage = "true"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Main Types" ID = "2052"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Custom Type" ID = "2053"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Add" ID = "1020"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Currently on the Clipboard" ID = "2054"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Add" ID = "1019"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Add" ID = "1021"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Cancel" ID = "2"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Add Supported Type" ID = "-1"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "New Group" ID = "1040"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "OK" ID = "1"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Cancel" ID = "2"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Move to Group" ID = "-1"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "General" ID = "GeneralTitle"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Supported Types" ID = "SupportedTypesTitle"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Stats" ID = "StatsTitle"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Friends" ID = "FriendsTitle"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Quick Paste" ID = "QuickPasteTitle"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Keyboard Shortcuts" ID = "KeyboardShortcutsTitle"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "About" ID = "AboutTitle"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Error Opening Database." ID = "Error_Opening_Database"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Unable to initialize DAO/Jet db engine.\nSelect YES to download DAO from http://ditto-cp.sourceforge.net/dao_setup.exe\n\nRestart Ditto after installation of DAO." ID = "Error_Init_Dao"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Unrecognized Database Format" ID = "Database_Format"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "the file will be renamed" ID = "File_Renamed"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "and a new database will be created" ID = "New_Database"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Updates available for Ditto.\nVisit ditto-cp.sourceforge.net for details\n\nRunning Version" ID = "Updates_Available"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Update Version" ID = "Update_Version"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Download updated version?" ID = "Download_Update"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "No updates available" ID = "No_Updates"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "This will remove all Copy Entries!\n\nContinue?" ID = "Remove_All"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Disconnect from Clipboard" ID = "Disconnect_Clipboard"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Connect to Clipboard" ID = "Connect_Clipboard"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Unable to initialize DAO/Jet db engine. DAO will now be installed.\n\nRestart Ditto after installation of DAO." ID = "Error_Init_Dao_Intall"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "NO TARGET" ID = "No_Target"></Item>
//New strings added in 3.6 6-9-06
<Item English_Text = "Prompt when deleting clips" ID = "2039"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Delete Selected Clips?" ID = "Delete_Clip"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Error importing exported clip" ID = "Error_Importing"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Error parsing exported clip" ID = "Error_Parsing"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Clip placed on clipboard" ID = "Importing_Good"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Successfully imported" ID = "Import_Successfully"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "clip" ID = "Clip"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "clips" ID = "Clips"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Update clip description on save?" ID = "Update_Desc"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "New Clip" ID = "New_Clip"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Save" ID = "Save"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Save All" ID = "Save_All"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Close Current Tab" ID = "Close"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Current Item is not editable. A clip must have one of the clip types" ID = "NotEditable"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "to be editable" ID = "Editable"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Do you want to save changes to" ID = "SaveChanges"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Error saving clip" ID = "ErrorSaving"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "New" ID = "New"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Save, Close and place on clipboard" ID = "Save_Close"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Ditto Edit" ID = "Ditto_Edit"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Ditto - Named Paste" ID = "Named_Paste_Title"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Error loading data" ID = "Named_Paste_Error1"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Error finding clip with QuickPaste Text of" ID = "Named_Paste_Error2"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Exception finding the clip" ID = "Named_Paste_Error3"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Ditto - Named Copy" ID = "Named_Copy_Title"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Error saving Named Copy to Database" ID = "Named_Copy_Error1"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Exception saving Named Copy" ID = "Named_Copy_Error2"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Ditto did not receive a copy" ID = "Named_Copy_Error3"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "OK" ID = "1"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Cancel" ID = "2"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Apply" ID = "12321"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Show Quick Paste" ID = "32773"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Options" ID = "32771"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Help" ID = "32843"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "Exit" ID = "32772"></Item>
//New strings added in 3.6 6-9-06
<Item English_Text = "Import" ID = "32854"></Item>
<Item English_Text = "New Clip" ID = "32868"></Item>