home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 65104 No ComClass specified
- 65105 No COM classes have been registered
- 65106 Unable to find a Table of Contents
- 65107 No help found for %s
- 65108 No context-sensitive help installed
- 65109 No help found for context
- 65110 No topic-based help system installed
- 65111 Type mismatch in parameter %d for method %s
- 65112 Invalid DispID for parameter %d in method %s
- 65113 Parameter %d required for method %s
- 65114 Method definition for %s has over %d parameters
- 65115 Too many parameters for method %s
- 65116 ZLib error: target buffer may be too small
- 65117 Invalid stream operation
- 65118 Error
- 65120 OLE error %.8x
- 65121 Object factory for class %s missing
- 65122 Type information missing for class %s
- 65123 Incorrect type information for class %s
- 65124 Dispatch interface missing from class %s
- 65125 Method '%s' not supported by automation object
- 65126 Variant does not reference an automation object
- 65127 Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters
- 65128 DCOM not installed
- 65129 DAX Error
- 65130 COM Server Warning
- 65131 There are still active COM objects in this application. One or more clients may have references to these objects, so manually closing
- 65132 this application may cause those client application(s) to fail.\n\nAre you sure you want to close this application?
- 65133 GUID '%s' was previously registered
- 65134 Constructing COM object '%s' for which there is no wrapper component
- 65135 %s.GetComClass returned nil
- 65136 Weeks
- 65137 Fortnights
- 65138 Months
- 65139 Years
- 65140 Decades
- 65141 Centuries
- 65142 Millennia
- 65143 DateTime
- 65144 JulianDate
- 65145 ModifiedJulianDate
- 65146 ''%s'' is not a valid date
- 65147 ''%s'' is not a valid date and time
- 65148 ''%s'' is not a valid integer value
- 65149 ''%s'' is not a valid time
- 65150 Invalid argument to time encode
- 65151 Error creating system registry entry
- 65152 LongTons
- 65153 Ounces
- 65154 Pounds
- 65155 Stones
- 65156 Temperature
- 65157 Celsius
- 65158 Kelvin
- 65159 Fahrenheit
- 65160 Rankine
- 65161 Reaumur
- 65162 Time
- 65163 MilliSeconds
- 65164 Seconds
- 65165 Minutes
- 65166 Hours
- 65167 Days
- 65168 UKBuckets
- 65169 UKBushels
- 65170 Mass
- 65171 Nanograms
- 65172 Micrograms
- 65173 Milligrams
- 65174 Centigrams
- 65175 Decigrams
- 65176 Grams
- 65177 Decagrams
- 65178 Hectograms
- 65179 Kilograms
- 65180 MetricTons
- 65181 Drams
- 65182 Grains
- 65183 Tons
- 65184 FluidOunces
- 65185 FluidTablespoons
- 65186 FluidTeaspoons
- 65187 DryGallons
- 65188 DryQuarts
- 65189 DryPints
- 65190 DryPecks
- 65191 DryBuckets
- 65192 DryBushels
- 65193 UKGallons
- 65194 UKPottle
- 65195 UKQuarts
- 65196 UKPints
- 65197 UKGill
- 65198 UKOunces
- 65199 UKPecks
- 65200 Liters
- 65201 DecaLiters
- 65202 HectoLiters
- 65203 KiloLiters
- 65204 AcreFeet
- 65205 AcreInches
- 65206 Cords
- 65207 CordFeet
- 65208 Decisteres
- 65209 Steres
- 65210 Decasteres
- 65211 FluidGallons
- 65212 FluidQuarts
- 65213 FluidPints
- 65214 FluidCups
- 65215 FluidGills
- 65216 SquareRods
- 65217 Volume
- 65218 CubicMillimeters
- 65219 CubicCentimeters
- 65220 CubicDecimeters
- 65221 CubicMeters
- 65222 CubicDecameters
- 65223 CubicHectometers
- 65224 CubicKilometers
- 65225 CubicInches
- 65226 CubicFeet
- 65227 CubicYards
- 65228 CubicMiles
- 65229 MilliLiters
- 65230 CentiLiters
- 65231 DeciLiters
- 65232 Area
- 65233 SquareMillimeters
- 65234 SquareCentimeters
- 65235 SquareDecimeters
- 65236 SquareMeters
- 65237 SquareDecameters
- 65238 SquareHectometers
- 65239 SquareKilometers
- 65240 SquareInches
- 65241 SquareFeet
- 65242 SquareYards
- 65243 SquareMiles
- 65244 Acres
- 65245 Centares
- 65246 Ares
- 65247 Hectares
- 65248 Yards
- 65249 Miles
- 65250 NauticalMiles
- 65251 AstronomicalUnits
- 65252 LightYears
- 65253 Parsecs
- 65254 Cubits
- 65255 Fathoms
- 65256 Furlongs
- 65257 Hands
- 65258 Paces
- 65259 Rods
- 65260 Chains
- 65261 Links
- 65262 Picas
- 65263 Points
- 65264 Distance
- 65265 Micromicrons
- 65266 Angstroms
- 65267 Millimicrons
- 65268 Microns
- 65269 Millimeters
- 65270 Centimeters
- 65271 Decimeters
- 65272 Meters
- 65273 Decameters
- 65274 Hectometers
- 65275 Kilometers
- 65276 Megameters
- 65277 Gigameters
- 65278 Inches
- 65279 Feet
- 65280 Socket must be in blocking mode
- 65281 %s error %d, %s
- 65282 Read
- 65283 Write
- 65284 Could not parse imaginary portion
- 65285 Could not parse required '%s' symbol
- 65286 Could not parse required '+' (or '-') symbol
- 65287 Could not parse real portion
- 65288 Unexpected end of string [%s]
- 65289 Unexpected characters
- 65290 %s [%s<?>%s]
- 65291 No Help Manager installed.
- 65292 No topic-based Help installed.
- 65293 No context-sensitive Help installed.
- 65294 No help found for "%s"
- 65295 No Table of Contents found.
- 65296 Unknown conversion family %s
- 65297 Conversion family (%s) already registered
- 65298 [$%.8x]
- 65299 [%s%.8x]
- 65300 Illegal type
- 65301 Illegal family
- 65302 %s has a factor of zero
- 65303 Could not parse %s
- 65304 TStrings descendant %s failed to call inherited constructor
- 65305 Windows socket error: %s (%d), on API '%s'
- 65306 Asynchronous socket error %d
- 65307 No address specified
- 65308 Can't listen on an open socket
- 65309 Can't create new socket
- 65310 Socket already open
- 65311 Can't change value while socket is active
- 65312 Property %s does not exist
- 65313 Stream write error
- 65314 Error setting stream size
- 65315 Thread creation error: %s
- 65316 Thread Error: %s (%d)
- 65317 (%d, %d) is not a valid DateDay pair
- 65318 (%d, %d, %d) is not a valid DateWeek triplet
- 65319 (%d, %d, %d, %d) is not a valid DateMonthWeek quad
- 65320 (%d, %d, %d, %d) is not a valid DayOfWeekInMonth quad
- 65321 %f Julian cannot be represented as a DateTime
- 65322 ?
- 65323 Incompatible conversion types [%s, %s]
- 65324 Incompatible conversion types [%s, %s, %s]
- 65325 Incompatible conversion types [%s - %s, %s - %s]
- 65326 Unknown conversion type %s
- 65327 Conversion type (%s) already registered in %s
- 65328 Component name '%s' exceeds 64 character limit
- 65329 Error reading %s%s%s: %s
- 65330 Printing in progress
- 65331 Stream read error
- 65332 Property is read-only
- 65333 Failed to create key %s
- 65334 Failed to get data for '%s'
- 65335 Invalid component registration
- 65336 Failed to set data for '%s'
- 65337 Resource %s not found
- 65338 %s.Seek not implemented
- 65339 Operation not allowed on sorted list
- 65340 String expected
- 65341 %s expected
- 65342 Too many rows or columns deleted
- 65343 %s not in a class registration group
- 65344 Invalid property value
- 65345 Invalid data type for '%s'
- 65346 Invalid string constant
- 65347 Cannot insert or delete rows from grid
- 65348 Item not found ($0%x)
- 65349 Line too long
- 65350 List capacity out of bounds (%d)
- 65351 List count out of bounds (%d)
- 65352 List index out of bounds (%d)
- 65353 Invalid input value
- 65354 Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes
- 65355 Out of memory while expanding memory stream
- 65356 %s has not been registered as a COM class
- 65357 Printer is not currently printing
- 65358 Number expected
- 65359 %s on line %d
- 65360 Identifier expected
- 65361 Grid index out of range
- 65362 Unable to write to %s
- 65363 Invalid action creation
- 65364 Invalid action enumeration
- 65365 Invalid action registration
- 65366 Invalid action unregistration
- 65367 Invalid binary value
- 65368 Invalid file name - %s
- 65369 Invalid stream format
- 65370 '%s' is an invalid mask at (%d)
- 65371 ''%s'' is not a valid component name
- 65372 Invalid property value
- 65373 Invalid property element: %s
- 65374 Invalid property path
- 65375 Invalid property type: %s
- 65376 Can't write to a read-only resource stream
- 65377 ''%s'' expected
- 65378 CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread
- 65379 Class %s not found
- 65380 Delimiter and QuoteChar properties cannot have the same value
- 65381 A class named %s already exists
- 65382 List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)
- 65383 A component named %s already exists
- 65384 String list does not allow duplicates
- 65385 Cannot create file %s
- 65386 Cannot create file "%s". %s
- 65387 Fixed column count must be less than column count
- 65388 Fixed row count must be less than row count
- 65389 Cannot open file %s
- 65390 Cannot open file "%s". %s
- 65391 Grid too large for operation
- 65392 Thu
- 65393 Fri
- 65394 Sat
- 65395 Sunday
- 65396 Monday
- 65397 Tuesday
- 65398 Wednesday
- 65399 Thursday
- 65400 Friday
- 65401 Saturday
- 65402 Unable to create directory
- 65403 Codeset conversion failure
- 65404 Ancestor for '%s' not found
- 65405 Cannot assign a %s to a %s
- 65406 Bits index out of range
- 65407 List is locked during an active ForEach
- 65408 January
- 65409 February
- 65410 March
- 65411 April
- 65412 May
- 65413 June
- 65414 July
- 65415 August
- 65416 September
- 65417 October
- 65418 November
- 65419 December
- 65420 Sun
- 65421 Mon
- 65422 Tue
- 65423 Wed
- 65424 A call to an OS function failed
- 65425 Win32 Error. Code: %d.\n%s
- 65426 A Win32 API function failed
- 65427 Application is not licensed to use this feature
- 65428 Jan
- 65429 Feb
- 65430 Mar
- 65431 Apr
- 65432 May
- 65433 Jun
- 65434 Jul
- 65435 Aug
- 65436 Sep
- 65437 Oct
- 65438 Nov
- 65439 Dec
- 65440 Variant is empty
- 65441 Cannot convert from the specified type
- 65442 Cannot convert to the specified type
- 65443 External exception %x
- 65444 Assertion failed
- 65445 Interface not supported
- 65446 Exception in safecall method
- 65447 %s (%s, line %d)
- 65448 Abstract Error
- 65449 Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p
- 65450 Cannot access package information for package '%s'
- 65451 Can't load package %s.\n%s
- 65452 Invalid package file '%s'
- 65453 Invalid package handle
- 65454 Cannot load package '%s.' It contains unit '%s,'which is also contained in package '%s'
- 65455 System Error. Code: %d.\n%s
- 65456 Custom variant type ($%.4x) already used by %s
- 65457 Custom variant type ($%.4x) is not usable
- 65458 Invalid variant operation ($%.8x)
- 65459 Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
- 65460 Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
- 65461 Variant overflow
- 65462 Invalid argument
- 65463 Invalid variant type
- 65464 Operation not supported
- 65465 Variant operation ran out memory
- 65466 Unexpected variant error
- 65467 Recursion while doing a VarDataClear
- 65468 Recursion while doing a VarDataCopy
- 65469 Recursion while doing a VarDataCopyNoInd
- 65470 Recursion while doing a VarDataInit
- 65471 Recursion while doing a VarDataCastTo
- 65472 Variant or safe array index out of bounds
- 65473 Variant or safe array is locked
- 65474 Unexpected variant or safe array error: %s%.8x
- 65475 Invalid variant type conversion
- 65476 Invalid variant operation
- 65477 Invalid NULL variant operation
- 65478 Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s
- 65479 Range check error for variant of type (%s)
- 65480 Range check error while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
- 65481 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range
- 65482 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s
- 65483 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable
- 65484 Too many custom variant types have been registered
- 65485 Variant is not an array
- 65486 Unknown custom variant type ($%.4x)
- 65487 Custom variant type ($%.4x) is out of range
- 65488 Access violation
- 65489 Stack overflow
- 65490 Control-C hit
- 65491 Quit key hit
- 65492 Privileged instruction
- 65493 Operation aborted
- 65494 Exception %s in module %s at %p.\n%s%s\n
- 65495 Application Error
- 65496 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument
- 65497 No argument for format '%s'
- 65498 Variant method calls not supported
- 65499 Read
- 65500 Write
- 65501 Format result longer than 4096 characters
- 65502 Format string too long
- 65503 Error creating variant or safe array
- 65504 Invalid filename
- 65505 Too many open files
- 65506 File access denied
- 65507 Read beyond end of file
- 65508 Disk full
- 65509 Invalid numeric input
- 65510 Division by zero
- 65511 Range check error
- 65512 Integer overflow
- 65513 Invalid floating point operation
- 65514 Floating point division by zero
- 65515 Floating point overflow
- 65516 Floating point underflow
- 65517 Invalid pointer operation
- 65518 Invalid class typecast
- 65519 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p
- 65520 <unknown>
- 65521 '%s' is not a valid integer value
- 65522 '%s' is not a valid floating point value
- 65523 '%s' is not a valid currency value
- 65524 '%s' is not a valid date
- 65525 '%s' is not a valid time
- 65526 '%s' is not a valid date and time
- 65527 '%g' is not a valid date and time
- 65528 '%d.%d' is not a valid timestamp
- 65529 '%s' is not a valid GUID value
- 65530 '%s' is not a valid boolean value
- 65531 Invalid argument to time encode
- 65532 Invalid argument to date encode
- 65533 Out of memory
- 65534 I/O error %d
- 65535 File not found