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- Art of Illusion Version History
- v2.4, Dec. 9, 2006
- - Mesh editors allow the selection to be changed with any tool, not
- just the "Select and Move" tool.
- - Added a new compound move/scale/rotate tool to the mesh editors
- (based on an implementation by Francois Guillet).
- - The raytracer can render implicit surfaces.
- - The raster renderer can render transparent textures and materials.
- - The raster renderer can generate high dynamic range images.
- - The Color Selector window now maintains a list of recent colors.
- - The Image procedural module can now output HSV and HLS color components
- as well as RGB.
- - Replaced the Perlin Noise function used for procedures with Simplex Noise
- (based on an implementation by Stefan Gustavson).
- - Lots of internal changes to provide better support for the PolyMesh plugin.
- - Upgraded to JOGL JSR-231 1.0.0.
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v2.3.1, June 24, 2006
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v2.3, May 20, 2006
- - Created an architecture for configurable keyboard shortcuts.
- - Implemented dockable panels in the main window.
- - Added the Object Properties panel to the main window.
- - Plugins can now add custom dockable panels to the main window.
- - The editing window for boolean objects now provides most of the same
- features as other editing windows (split view, multiple undo, grids, etc.).
- - Transparent display mode is now available in the main window.
- - The mouse scroll wheel can be used to zoom a view.
- - Added a right-click context menu to views in the main window.
- - There is an option to use a dark gray background instead of white in the views.
- - Lots of improvements to the Scripts and Plugins Manager, including user
- interface changes, filtering of scripts and plugins, and support for dependencies
- between plugins.
- - The raytracer now supports having the camera or a photon source inside an
- object with a material.
- - Upgraded to Buoy 1.7.
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v2.2.1, Feb. 11, 2006
- - Upgraded to Buoy 1.6.
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v2.2, Nov. 6, 2005
- - The Raytracer is now multithreaded, allowing it to take advantage of
- multiple processors.
- - Scattering materials can now be rendered with photon maps, allowing accurate
- simulation of multiple scattering.
- - Added Ambient Occlusion as a new global illumination method.
- - When rendering global illumination, the raytracer can use more than one ray
- to sample the environment.
- - Various changes to the model for defining materials to make it more intuitive:
- renamed "material color" to "emissive color", added "transparency" parameter,
- changed various default values.
- - Added "Project Control Mesh Onto Surface" feature to the triangle mesh editor.
- - Texture previews can now be zoomed and panned using the standard keyboard
- shortcuts.
- - Added Exposure Correction camera filter.
- - The Camera Filter window now allows you to configure the preview rendering options.
- - The Camera Filter window now updates the preview automatically when any filter
- changes.
- - Dialogs for loading image files now show a preview of the image.
- - Tolerant selection mode in the triangle mesh editor now accepts edges/faces
- that overlap the selection region in any way, even if no vertex is inside
- (implemented by Csaba Nagy).
- - Many options in the mesh editor are now persistent between sessions.
- - Upgraded to Buoy 1.5.
- - Upgraded to Beanshell 2.0b4.
- - Upgraded to JOGL 1.1.1.
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v2.1, June 14, 2005
- - OpenGL is now used for interactive rendering, allowing hardware acceleration
- (requires Jogl to be installed).
- - The Scale Object, Create Sphere, Create Cube, and Create Cylinder tools show
- the objects being resized in real time, rather than just bounding boxes.
- - The Preview Animation command can now use any of the standard display modes,
- not just wireframe.
- - When saving scenes, it now does a safe save (implemented by Nik Trevallyn-Jones).
- - There is an option to keep a backup file when saving.
- - When displaying a grid in parallel mode, the grid lines are numbered.
- - The Lathe, Extrude, and Skin tools place the newly created object in the same
- location as the objects it was created from.
- - When saving a scene or image, it asks for confirmation before overwriting an
- existing file.
- - The Scripts and Plugins Manager is now much faster when scanning for new scripts
- or plugins to download (written by Francois Guillet).
- - Some minor optimizations to rendering speed.
- - Upgraded to Buoy 1.4.
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v2.0, March 7, 2005
- - Added noise reduction filter to the raytracer.
- - Mesh editing windows now offer a split view.
- - Changing the selection is now undoable.
- - Added new selection commands in mesh editing windows: invert selection, select
- boundary of current selection, select edge loop, and select edge strip.
- - When you select a face in the triangle mesh editor, it now hilights the entire
- face, not just the outline.
- - Saved scenes now use PNG compression for the image maps, which leads to smaller
- scene files.
- - Can use spacebar to toggle between tools.
- - Added popup menu to texture previews to view the object from different sides,
- and to select what object to show the texture on (sphere, cube, cylinder, or cone).
- - Added HLS module in the procedure editor.
- - When saving a movie as separate images, you can now number the frames starting
- at any number.
- - The object list now uses standard modifier keys (shift-click to select a range,
- control-click or command-click to toggle selection).
- - There is now a Swedish translation (written by Rasmus Anthin).
- - Upgraded to Buoy 1.3.
- - Bug fixes.
- v1.9, Oct. 27, 2004
- - Lots of optimizations to improve speed and memory use, especially in the raytracer.
- - Added tooltips to all the toolbar icons.
- - The template image can now be set separately for each view.
- - When the grid is enabled on a perspective view, it now shows a ground plane.
- - Added Show Coordinate Axes command.
- - Added Open Recent command.
- - The Create Cylinder tool now lets you specify the ratio of
- top/bottom radius.
- - Multiple levels of undo are now available.
- - The mouse scroll wheel can be used to scroll the score.
- - All of the deformation tools in the mesh editors now deform the surface in
- real time as it is dragged.
- - Rendered images can be saved in PNG format.
- - The color model selected in the Color Chooser window is now remembered between
- sessions.
- - With the Move Object, Rotate Object, and Move Points tools, you can use
- Alt+arrow keys to nudge objects by ten pixels at a time.
- - Added Comment modules to the procedure editor.
- - There is now a Portuguese translation (written by Marcos Sobrinho)
- - Upgraded to Buoy 1.2.
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v1.8, July 26, 2004
- - The user interface has been completely rewritten to use Buoy
- instead of AWT.
- - Nearly all text in the program is now localized.
- - Added Skeleton Shape tracks.
- - Added Link to External Object command.
- - Added the Script and Plugin Manager (written by Francois Guillet).
- - The script editing window now provides smart indentation.
- - Added a "Mask" output to Image modules in the procedure editor.
- - Various bug fixes and minor UI improvements.
- v1.7, Mar. 3, 2004
- - Texture parameters can now be assigned per-face or per-face-vertex,
- as well as per-object or per-vertex.
- - UV mapping can now be done independently for each face.
- - Added Hide Selection command in the triangle mesh editor.
- - Added Textured display mode.
- - Added "Use Gestures to Shape Mesh" option to Inverse Kinematics tracks.
- - Texture previews in the procedure editor, texture mapping window,
- and UV mapping window are now resizeable.
- - Plugins can now define new procedure modules.
- - OBJ importer automatically rescales objects to better fit scene.
- - Camera filters can now depend on the depth map.
- - Added Outline filter.
- - There is now an Italian translation (written by Paolo Scarpa).
- - Upgraded to Beanshell 1.3.0.
- - Some optimizations to reduce memory use.
- - Many bug fixes.
- v1.6, Sept. 14, 2003
- - Rewrote the inverse kinematics solver. It is now much more stable,
- and allows multiple joints to be pinned.
- - Added inverse kinematics tracks as a new type of distortion track.
- - The Bevel/Extrude function can now be applied to vertices and edges
- as well as faces.
- - Added Bevel/Extrude tool to give a more interactive interface for
- this function.
- - Added Create Vertex tool to the triangle mesh editor (partly written
- by Michael Butscher).
- - The "Close Selected Boundary" and "Join Selected Boundaries"
- commands can now be applied to incomplete (partially selected) pieces
- of boundaries.
- - The Skeleton tool now provides Forward Kinematics handles for
- adjusting each degree of freedom separately.
- - Added Import Skeleton command.
- - Added Set Parent Bone command.
- - Improved the appearance of bones in the mesh editor. They are now
- three dimensional, and show through the surface when the Skeleton tool
- is selected.
- - The UV texture mapping window now has a Move View tool for scrolling
- the texture (implemented by Michael Butscher).
- - Improved antialiasing in the raytracer to reduce noise.
- - There is now a Japanese translation (written by Tanaka Masahiko).
- - There is now a French translation (written by Francois Guillet).
- - Various bug fixes and other minor improvements.
- v1.5, May 31, 2003
- - Added photon mapping. This can be used to render both caustics and
- global illumination. There are now three options for global
- illumination: Monte Carlo (the old method), Photon Mapping, or Hybrid.
- - Procedural textures can now depend on the angle at which the surface
- is viewed.
- - Cameras can have filters attached to them. Current filters include
- Brightness, Saturation, Tint, Blur, and Glow. Filters can be animated
- by adding a Pose track to the camera.
- - There is now a Danish translation (written by Jan Rouvillain).
- - A few bug fixes.
- v1.4, Feb. 15, 2003
- - The VRML and OBJ exporters can now export 2D textures as image maps.
- - Redesigned the antialiasing algorithm for the raytracer. It now
- offers two levels of antialiasing, and produces better looking images
- while needing fewer rays/pixel.
- - Added "extra smoothing" options to the raytracer to reduce noise in
- global illumination.
- - Can load high dynamic range images in Radiance (.hdr) format for use
- as texture and environment maps.
- - Can save raytraced images as high dynamic range (.hdr) images.
- - Pose tracks now have a "relative" mode allowing complex motions to
- be built up from multiple tracks.
- - Restructured the "Add Track" submenu to make it easier to add
- different types of position and rotation tracks.
- - Display mode can be set independently for each of the four views in
- the main window.
- - The "Set Smoothness" and "Edit Points" commands now update the display
- in real time to give immediate feedback.
- - The procedure editor now supports cut and paste.
- - There is now a German translation (written by Martin Winkelbauer).
- - Added "Render Immediately" command.
- - Added "Optimize Mesh" command to the triangle mesh editor.
- - Added "Display as Quads" command to the triangle mesh editor.
- - Magnification can now be set to any value, rather than a fixed
- list of values. In parallel projection mode, control-drag with the
- Move View tool zooms by changing the magnification.
- - Object editors now gray out anything which is not selectable based on
- your current tool and selection mode.
- - Can save rendered images in BMP format (implemented by Michael Butscher).
- - Converting a curve to a triangle mesh now produces a much better
- triangulation of the curve.
- - Minor user interface improvements too numerous to list (some
- implemented by Michael Butscher).
- - Various bug fixes.
- v1.3, Nov. 24, 2002
- - Added Beanshell scripting (requires Java 1.2 or later).
- - Added UV mapping.
- - There is now a "Shininess" texture property for setting the strength of
- specular highlights independent of specular reflections.
- - The raytracer now offers Russian Roulette sampling as an advanced option.
- - Implemented Ken Perlin's "improved" noise function.
- - The .obj importer can now import textures from .mtl files.
- - Added POV-Ray export (implemented by Norbert Krieg).
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v1.2, Aug. 9, 2002
- - Added procedural distortions (Bend, Twist, Scale, Shatter, and Custom).
- - Added Tube objects.
- - Position and Rotation tracks can apply to any joint in the skeleton of
- an object.
- - Animations can be saved as Quicktime movies (implemented by Ken McNeill,
- requires Java Media Framework).
- - Added "Bind to Parent Skeleton" command.
- - Added a Preferences window for setting global options.
- - Added a freehand selection mode in object editors.
- - Object editors now let you independently hide or show the control mesh,
- object surface, and skeleton.
- - You can set a template image to use as the background in editing windows.
- - Started the (very long) process of internationalizing all text in the
- program, so it can be translated into other languages. Spanish translation
- provide by Julio Sangrador Paton.
- - Bug fixes and speed improvements.
- v1.1, May 5, 2002
- - The raytracer now supports global illumination.
- - Can now import and export Wavefront .obj files.
- - Revised the inverse kinematics algorithm so that bones now move more
- easily, and meshes deform more smoothly around joints.
- - Added grids to the object editors.
- - The object editors now allow you to view other objects in the scene,
- and to work in either local or scene coordinate systems.
- - Added procedural position and rotation tracks.
- - Textures may now be applied to only the front or back surface of
- a mesh.
- - Added contextual popup menus on the item list in the main window, and
- the list of tracks in the score.
- - Added Frame Scene With Camera and Frame Selection With Camera commands.
- - Added a preview to the Bevel/Extrude window in the triangle mesh editor.
- - Added a 1D random noise module to the procedure editor.
- - Revised the interpolating subdivision algorithm for triangle meshes so
- that changing the smoothness of vertices now works in a more useful and
- intuitive way.
- - Lots of miscellaneous user interface improvements, including new keyboard
- equivalents for lots of commands.
- - Lots of bug fixes.
- v1.0, Feb. 10, 2002
- - Added Pose tracks, which allow you to animate the shape and other
- internal parameters of objects.
- - Adding a Pose track to a Spline Mesh or Triangle Mesh will convert it
- into an Actor. This allows you to create predefined gestures for the
- object, which can be blended in arbitrary combinations and automatically
- morphed between.
- - Every Spline Mesh and Triangle Mesh now has a skeleton. This can be
- used as a tool for shaping the mesh (with forward and inverse kinematics),
- and also allows morphing between gestures to happen in a more natural way.
- - Added an Array tool (written by Rick van der Meiden) for creating evenly
- spaced copies of objects.
- - Position, Rotation, and Constraint tracks can now be relative to any
- object (or, if it is a mesh, to any bone in its skeleton), not just to the
- immediate parent object.
- - Texture parameters can now be specified on a per-object basis, as well
- as per-vertex.
- - Added Texture Parameter tracks which allow you to animate the values
- of per-object texture parameters.
- - Texture mapping coordinates can now be bound to the vertices of a mesh,
- so that the texture will distort with the mesh.
- - The Move, Rotate, and Resize tools, as well as the Transform Object
- command, offer new options to specify how they interact with parent-child
- hierarchies and to set the center for rotation/scaling.
- - The file format is now finalized. This means that files created with this
- version are guaranteed to be openable by later versions.
- - Many, many bug fixes and other minor improvements.
- v0.9, Aug. 25, 2001
- Where do I begin? This version introduces animation, which touches (or
- will touch) almost every part of the program in one way or another.
- - Each object may have any number of animation tracks, which are applied
- according to their individual weight curves. Current track types include
- Position, Rotation (XYZ and quaternion), Visibility, and Constraint.
- - The Score provides a user interface for viewing and editing tracks and
- keyframes.
- - A Preview Animation command allows you to quickly render and view
- wireframe tests of animation sequences.
- - Animations can be rendered to a series of image files. Multiple
- subframes per image can be used to create motion blur.
- - Various bulk keyframe editing commands allow you to simultaneously
- modify large numbers of keyframes at once.
- - A Set Path from Curve command allows you to create animation paths
- from curve objects.
- - Any object can now be made a child of any other object by dragging it
- within the Object List, which is now a hierarchical display.
- - I have eliminated the Group and Ungroup commands. They caused problems
- for animation, and the parent-child relationships described above offer
- a more powerful way of doing the same things.
- - There are several new modules in the procedural texture and material
- editor. The most important of these is the Expression module (written
- by David Turner), which allows you to enter arbitrary mathematical
- expressions to be evaluated. Others are Min, Max, Lighter, and Darker
- (the last two also by David Turner). In addition, the Cells module now
- offers a choice of three different distance metrics.
- - Added a "tolerant selection mode" in the triangle mesh editor.
- - The Textures and Materials dialogs now allow you to import textures
- and materials from files.
- - Added Null objects.
- - Thanks to Carmen DiMichele for the beautiful new icons!
- - Bug fixes and miscellaneous user interface improvements beyond all
- reckoning.
- v0.8, April 5, 2001
- - Added Raster renderer. Features include: Gouraud, Phong, and Hybrid
- shading methods; antialiasing; fog; bump mapping; displacement mapping;
- and environment mapping.
- - Added Lathe tool.
- - Added Extrude tool.
- - Added Skin tool.
- - Added Boolean Modelling tool.
- - Added lots of new commands to the triangle mesh and/or spline mesh
- editors: Clear, Select Boundary, Extend Selection, Close Selected Boundary,
- Join Selected Boundaries, Extract Selected Curve, and Invert Surface
- Normals.
- - All editing tools in the object editors now respect the mesh tension.
- - Added a tool for moving vertices inward or outward along the local
- surface normal.
- - Any camera in a scene can now be specified as the viewpoint in a scene
- window. (Removed the "View Through Camera" command, which was no longer
- needed.)
- - In the "Align Objects" command, can now specify the precise coordinates
- to align to.
- - Lots of bug fixes and user interface improvements.
- v0.7, Jan. 15, 2001
- - Added a graphical editor for creating procedural textures and materials.
- - Added displacement mapping.
- - Can now save rendered images as TIFF files with transparency information.
- - Assorted bug fixes, etc.
- v0.6, Oct. 5, 2000
- - Split the old "Material" class into two new classes: Textures, which
- describe surface properties, and Materials, which describe bulk properties.
- - Any Texture can now be used as an environment map.
- - Added layered textures.
- - Added per-vertex texture parameters.
- - Completely rewrote routines for raytracing Materials to add support for
- nonuniform Materials, Materials with internal scattering, and Materials
- which cast shadows.
- - Added "Ambient" and "Decay Rate" parameters for point lights and spot
- lights.
- - Implemented plugin API for procedural Textures and Materials.
- - The usual crop of bug fixes, etc.
- v0.5, July 15, 2000
- - Added interactive rendering (wireframe, flat shaded, smooth shaded,
- and transparent views).
- - Replaced the old Line and Spline objects with a new Curve object.
- - Added Spline Mesh objects.
- - The VRML exporter now saves explicit normals for IndexedFaceSets.
- - A few bug fixes and user interface improvements.
- v0.4, May 3, 2000
- - Rewrote the triangle mesh smoothing code to use subdivision surfaces.
- This also involved many changes to the triangle mesh editor.
- - Can now load and save scenes. However, the file format is NOT final.
- Later versions will NOT be able to open files created with this version.
- - Material previews can now be rotated by dragging the image.
- - Added a "solid" checkbox to the Set Material dialog.
- - A few bug fixes.
- v0.3, Feb. 18, 2000
- - Added image mapped materials.
- - Added bump-mapping to the raytracer.
- - Rewrote the adaptive distribution raytracing code. It now does a much
- better job of figuring out when to send more rays, and can use up to 256
- rays/pixel.
- - Added spotlights.
- - Added soft shadows to the raytracer.
- - A huge number of bug fixes, optimizations, and user interface improvements.
- v0.2, Dec. 23, 1999
- - The raytracer can now directly render spheres, ellipsoids, and cylinders
- without having to break them into triangles.
- - The raytracer now supports antialiasing, depth of field, and
- gloss/translucency effects.
- - Added "Render Preview" command to the triangle mesh editor.
- - Added automatic preview feature to the material editor.
- - Rendered images can now be saved as JPEG files.
- - Added a tool for creating circular and elliptical spline curves.
- - There is now a "specular color" material property.
- - Can now export scenes to VRML files.
- - Many bug fixes and user interface improvements.
- v0.1, Oct. 29, 1999
- The first public release. After six months gestation, a new program has
- come into the world!
- April 21, 1999
- The very first line of code was written (in Vec3.java).