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- -- dtd_gen.lua
- --
- -- a DTD generator for wireshark
- --
- -- (c) 2006 Luis E. Garcia Ontanon <luis.ontanon@gmail.com>
- --
- -- $Id: dtd_gen.lua 19581 2006-10-17 18:26:44Z lego $
- --
- -- Wireshark - Network traffic analyzer
- -- By Gerald Combs <gerald@wireshark.org>
- -- Copyright 1998 Gerald Combs
- --
- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- -- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- -- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- --
- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- -- GNU General Public License for more details.
- --
- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- -- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- if gui_enabled() then
- local xml_fld = Field.new("xml")
- local function dtd_generator()
- local displayed = {} -- whether or not a dtd is already displayed
- local dtds = {} -- the dtds
- local changed = {} -- whether or not a dtd has been modified
- local dtd -- the dtd being dealt with
- local dtd_name -- its name
- -- we'll tap onto every frame that has xml
- local ws = {} -- the windows for each dtd
- local w = TextWindow.new("DTD Generator")
- local function help()
- local wh = TextWindow.new("DTD Generator Help")
- -- XXX write help
- wh:set('DTD Generator Help\n')
- end
- local function get_dtd_from_xml(text,d,parent)
- -- obtains dtd information from xml
- -- text: xml to be parsed
- -- d: the current dtd (if any)
- -- parent: parent entity (if any)
- -- cleanup the text from useless chars
- text = string.gsub(text ,"%s*<%s*","<");
- text = string.gsub(text ,"%s*>%s*",">");
- text = string.gsub(text ,"<%-%-(.-)%-%->"," ");
- text = string.gsub(text ,"%s+"," ");
- while true do
- -- find the first tag
- local open_tag = string.match(text,"%b<>")
- if open_tag == nil then
- -- no more tags, we're done
- return true
- end
- local name = string.match(open_tag,"[%w%d_-]+")
- local this_ent = nil
- if d == nil then
- -- there's no current dtd, this is entity is it
- d = dtds[name]
- if d == nil then
- d = {ents = {}, attrs = {}}
- dtds[name] = d
- end
- dtd = d
- dtd_name = name
- end
- this_ent = d[name]
- if this_ent == nil then
- -- no entity by this name in this dtd, create it
- this_ent = {ents = {}, attrs = {}}
- d.ents[name] = this_ent
- changed[dtd_name] = true
- end
- if parent ~= nil then
- -- add this entity to its parent
- parent.ents[name] = 1
- changed[dtd_name] = true
- end
- -- add the attrs to the entity
- for att in string.gmatch(open_tag, "([%w%d_-]+)%s*=") do
- if not this_ent.attrs[att] then
- changed[dtd_name] = true
- this_ent.attrs[att] = true
- end
- end
- if string.match(open_tag,"/>") then
- -- this tag is "self closed" just remove it and continue
- text = string.gsub(text,"%b<>","",1)
- else
- local close_tag_pat = "</%s*" .. name .. "%s*>"
- if not string.match(text,close_tag_pat) then return false end
- local span,left = string.match(text,"%b<>(.-)" .. close_tag_pat .. "(.*)")
- if span ~= nil then
- -- recurse to find child entities
- if not get_dtd_from_xml(span,d,this_ent) then
- return false
- end
- end
- -- continue with what's left
- text = left
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function entity_tostring(name,entity_data)
- -- name: the name of the entity
- -- entity_data: a table containg the entity data
- -- returns the dtd text for that entity
- local text = ''
- text = text .. '\t<!ELEMENT ' .. name .. ' (' --)
- for e,j in pairs(entity_data.ents) do
- text = text .. " " .. e .. ' |'
- end
- text = text .. " #PCDATA ) >\n"
- text = text .. "\t<!ATTLIST " .. name
- for a,j in pairs(entity_data.attrs) do
- text = text .. "\n\t\t" .. a .. ' CDTATA #IMPLIED'
- end
- text = text .. " >\n\n"
- text = string.gsub(text,"<!ATTLIST " .. name .. " >\n","")
- return text
- end
- local function dtd_tostring(name,doctype)
- local text = '<? wireshark:protocol proto_name="' .. name ..'" hierarchy="yes" ?>\n\n'
- local root = doctype.ents[name]
- doctype.ents[name] = nil
- text = text .. entity_tostring(name,root)
- for n,es in pairs(doctype.ents) do
- text = text .. entity_tostring(n,es)
- end
- doctype.ents[name] = root
- return text
- end
- local function element_body(name,text)
- -- get the entity's children from dtd text
- -- name: the name of the element
- -- text: the list of children
- text = string.gsub(text,"[%s%?%*%#%+%(%)]","")
- text = string.gsub(text,"$","|")
- text = string.gsub(text,
- "^(.-)|",
- function(s)
- if dtd.ents[name] == nil then
- dtd.ents[name] = {ents={},attrs={}}
- end
- dtd.ents[name].ents[s] = true
- return ""
- end
- )
- return ''
- end
- local function attlist_body(name,text)
- -- get the entity's attributes from dtd text
- -- name: the name of the element
- -- text: the list of attributes
- text = string.gsub(text,"([%w%d_-]+) [A-Z]+ #[A-Z]+",
- function(s)
- dtd.atts[s] = true
- return ""
- end
- )
- return ''
- end
- local function dtd_body(buff)
- -- get the dtd's entities from dtd text
- -- buff: the dtd text
- local old_buff = buff
- buff = string.gsub(buff,"<!ELEMENT ([%w%d_-]+) (%b())>%s*",element_body)
- buff = string.gsub(buff,"<!ATTLIST ([%w%d_-]+) (.-)>%s*",attlist_body)
- end
- local function load_dtd(filename)
- local dtd_filename = USER_DIR .. "/dtds/" .. filename
- local buff = ''
- local wireshark_info
- dtd_name = nil
- dtd = nil
- for line in io.lines(dtd_filename) do
- buff = buff .. line
- end
- buff = string.gsub(buff ,"%s*<%!%s*","<!");
- buff = string.gsub(buff ,"%s*>%s*",">");
- buff = string.gsub(buff ,"<!%-%-(.-)%-%->"," ");
- buff = string.gsub(buff ,"%s+"," ");
- buff = string.gsub(buff ,"^%s+","");
- buff = string.gsub(buff,'(<%?%s*wireshark:protocol%s+.-%s*%?>)',
- function(s)
- wireshark_info = s
- end
- )
- buff = string.gsub(buff,"^<!DOCTYPE ([%w%d_-]+) (%b[])%s*>",
- function(name,body)
- dtd = { ents = {}, attrs = {}}
- dtd_name = name
- dtds[name] = dtd
- dtd_body(body)
- return ""
- end
- )
- if not dtd then
- dtd_body(buff)
- end
- if wireshark_info then
- dtd.wstag = wireshark_info
- end
- end
- local function load_dtds()
- -- loads all existing dtds in the user directory
- local dirname = persconffile_path("dtds")
- local status, dir = pcall(Dir.open,dirname,".dtd")
- w:set('Loading DTDs from ' .. dirname .. ' \n')
- if not status then
- w:append("Error: could not open the directory" .. dirname .. " , make sure it exists.\n")
- return
- end
- for dtd_filename in dir do
- w:append("File:" .. dtd_filename .. "\n")
- load_dtd(dtd_filename)
- end
- end
- local function dtd_window(name)
- return function()
- local wd = TextWindow.new(name .. '.dtd')
- wd:set(dtd_tostring(name,dtds[name]))
- wd:set_editable()
- local function save()
- local file = io.open(persconffile_path("dtds/") .. name .. ".dtd" ,"w")
- file:write(wd:get_text())
- file:close()
- end
- wd:add_button("Save",save)
- end
- end
- local function close()
- if li ~= nil then
- li:remove()
- li = nil
- end
- end
- w:set_atclose(close)
- -- w:add_button("Help",help)
- load_dtds()
- local li = Listener.new("frame","xml")
- w:append('Running')
- function li.packet()
- w:append('.')
- local txt = xml_fld().range:string();
- get_dtd_from_xml(txt)
- end
- function li.draw()
- for name,j in pairs(changed) do
- w:append("\n" .. name .. " has changed\n")
- if not displayed[name] then
- w:add_button(name,dtd_window(name))
- displayed[name] = true
- end
- end
- end
- retap_packets()
- w:append(t2s(dtds))
- w:append('\n')
- end
- register_menu("DTD Generator",dtd_generator,MENU_TOOLS)
- end