2019 Local version of\n%1\nhas been changed.\nDo you want to save to a local file?
6560 Delivery failed for %d messages.\n\nThese messages have been left in the Outbox folder.\nBefore they can be delivered, the errors must be\ncorrected.
6561 Delivery failed for 1 message.\n\nThis message has been left in the Outbox folder.\nBefore it can be delivered, the error must be\ncorrected.
6562 You have included the same document twice: first as a quoted\ndocument (meaning: with '>' at the beginning of each line), and\nthen as an attachment (meaning: as a second part of the message,\nincluded after your new text).\n\nSend it anyway?
6563 You haven't typed anything, and there is no attachment.\nSend anyway?
6564 Not found.
6565 At least one of your mail folders is wasting a lot\nof disk space. If you compress your Mail folders now,\nyou can recover %ld Kbytes of disk space. Compressing\nfolders might take a while.\n\nCompress folders now?
6566 Error writing mail file!
6567 Error saving newsrc file!
6568 %.300s does not appear to be a mail file.\nAttempt to write it anyway?
6569 %.300s does not appear to be a mail file.\nAttempt to read it anyway?
6570 News Error!\nNews host responded: %.512s\n
6571 Message not cancelled.
6572 Unable to cancel message!
6573 This message does not appear to be from you.\nYou may only cancel your own posts, not those made by others.
6574 Are you sure you want to cancel this message?
6575 No SMTP host has been specified in Mail and News Preferences.
6576 The return email address set in Preferences is: %s\n\nThis does not appear to be complete (it contains no `.' in the host name.)\nA valid email address will be of the form `USER@HOST', where USER is\nusually your login ID, and HOST is name of the machine.
6577 The return email address set in Preferences is: %s\n\nThis does not appear to be complete (it contains no `@' and host name.)\nA valid email address will be of the form `USER@HOST', where USER is\nusually your login ID, and HOST is the name of the machine.
6579 Your email address has not been specified.\nBefore sending mail or news messages, you must specify a\nreturn address in Mail and News Preferences.
6580 A newsrc file exists but is unparsable.
6581 The given message ID doesn't exist in the folder.
6582 Couldn't open temporary folder file for output.
6583 Folder summary file no longer exists?
6584 Folder no longer exists?
6585 Couldn't open FCC file
6586 Message cancelled.
6587 %d new newsgroups have been added to this server\nsince the last time you checked. They have been added\nto the end of the list. To subscribe to any of these\ngroups, click on their ``subscribed'' checkboxes.
6588 One new newsgroup has been added to this server\nsince the last time you checked; It has been added\nto the end of the list. To subscribe to this group,\nclick on the ``subscribed'' checkbox.
6589 No new newsgroups have been added to this server\nsince the last time you checked.
6590 No POP3 host has been specified in preferences.
6591 Couldn't create a mail folder directory. Mail will not work!
6592 Couldn't create default inbox folder!
6593 Can't delete a folder without first deleting the messages in it.
6594 Can't delete a folder without first deleting the messages in it.
6595 The folder already exists.
6596 Couldn't create the folder!
6597 Cannot copy messages into the `unsent drafts' folder:\nThat folder is only for holding messages which have\nhave not yet been queued delivery.
6598 Cannot copy messages into the `Outbox' folder:\nThat folder is only for holding messages which\nhave been deferred for later delivery.
6599 Can't move or copy messages to the folder they're already in.
6665 There was an attempt to redirect a url request,\nbut the attempt was not allowed by the client.
6668 Authorization failed
6669 Object is not a directory:\n %s
6670 Could not create directory:\n %s
6671 Cannot create directory because a file or\ndirectory of that name already exists: \n %s
6672 Could not remove directory:\n %s
6673 Could not delete file:\n %s
6674 This is a pre-release copy of Netscape Navigator that\nwill expire at %s.\nTo obtain a newer pre-release version or the latest full\nrelease of Netscape Navigator (which will not expire) \nchoose Software from the Help menu.
6675 Could not post the file: %.80s.\nFor reason:\n %.200s\n\nYou may not have permission to write to\nthis directory.\nCheck the permissions and try again.
6678 An error occurred while saving mail messages.
6679 There isn't enough room on the local disk to download\nyour mail from the POP3 server. Please make room and\ntry again. (The `Empty Trash' and `Compress This Folder'\ncommands may recover some space.)
6680 An error occurred while removing messages from the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6681 An error occurred while getting messages from the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6682 An error occurred while querying the POP3 server for\nthe last processed message.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6683 An error occurred while listing messages on the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6684 No new messages on server
6685 An error occurred while sending your password to the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6686 An error occurred while sending your user name to the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6687 Error getting POP3 password.
6688 Netscape is unable to use the POP3 server because\nyou have not provided a username. Please provide\none in the preferences and try again
6689 An error occurred with the POP3 server.\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6691 Netscape was unble to connect to the secure news server\nbecause of a proxy error
6692 Communications exception (%d).
6693 No NNTP server is configured.\n\nCheck your News preferences and try again.
6694 Netscape could not find a News file (newsrc)\nand is creating one for you.
6695 A News error occurred. The scan of all newsgroups is incomplete.\n \nTry to View All Newsgroups again.
6696 A News (NNTP) error occurred:\n %.100s
6697 No WAIS proxy is configured.\n\nCheck your Proxy preferences and try again.
6698 This pre-release copy of Netscape Navigator has expired\nand can only be used to download a newer version of Navigator.
6699 This copy of Netscape has expired.\nThis pre-release copy of Netscape Navigator has expired\nand can only be used to download a newer version of Navigator.
6719 A network error occurred:\n unable to connect to server\nThe server may be down or unreachable.\n\nTry connecting again later.
6720 Your signature exceeds the recommended 79 columns.\nFor most readers, the lines will appear truncated, or\nwill be wrapped unattractively. \n\nPlease edit it to keep the lines shorter than 80 characters.
6721 Your signature exceeds the recommended four lines.
6722 Printing stopped. A problem occurred while receiving\nthe document. Transmission may have been interrupted\nor there may be insufficient space to write the file.\n\nTry again. Check that space is available in the\ntemporary directory or restart Netscape.
6725 This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
6731 Error writing temporary file.
6732 No subject was specified.
6733 No recipients were specified.
6734 No sender was specified.
6739 Netscape currently can only process 3500 articles in\na newsgroup at a time. After reading these, revisit this\ngroup to get more articles.
6740 An authorization error occurred:\n\n%s\n\nPlease try entering your name and/or password again.
6747 Netscape is unable to open the temporary file:\n %.200s\n\nCheck your `Temporary Directory' setting and try again.
6748 A network error occurred while Netscape\nwas receiving data.\n(Network Error: %s)\n\nTry connecting again.
6749 Document contains no data
6750 The disk is full. Netscape is cancelling the file\ntransfer and removing the file.\n\nPlease remove some files and try again.
6753 Netscape is unable to locate your proxy server.\nThe server may be down or may be incorrectly configured.\n\nPlease verify that your Proxy preferences are correct\nand try again, or contact the server's administrator.
6754 Netscape is unable to connect to your proxy server.\nThe server may be down or may be incorrectly configured.\n\nPlease verify that your Proxy preferences are correct\nand try again, or contact the server's administrator.
6755 Netscape is unable to complete a socket connection \nwith this server. There may be insufficient system\nresources.\n\nTry restarting Netscape or restarting Windows.
6757 Netscape was unable to create a network socket connection.\nThere may be insufficient system resources or the network\nmay be down. (Reason: %s)\n\nTry connecting again later or try restarting Netscape. You\ncan also try restarting Windows.
6758 Netscape's network connection was refused by the server:\n %.200s\nThe server may not be accepting connections or\nmay be busy.\n\nTry connecting again later.
6759 There was no response. The server could be down\nor is not responding.\n\nIf you are unable to connect again later, contact\nthe server's administrator.
6760 A network error occurred:\nunable to connect to server (TCP Error: %s)\nThe server may be down or unreachable.\n\nTry connecting again later.
6764 A network error occurred while Netscape\nwas sending data.\n(Network Error: %s)\n\nTry connecting again.
6765 An error occurred sending mail:\nthe return mail address was invalid.\n\nPlease verify that your email address is correct\nin your Mail preferences and try again.
6766 An error occurred sending mail: SMTP server error.\nThe server responded:\n %s\nContact your mail administrator for assistance.
6767 An error occurred sending mail.\nThe mail server responded:\n %s\nPlease check the message and try again.
6768 SMTP Error while sending mail.\nServer responded: %s
6769 An error occurred sending mail.\nThe mail server responded:\n %s\nPlease check the message recipients and try again.
6770 An error occurred sending mail.\nThe mail server responded:\n %s\nPlease verify that your email address is correct\nin your Mail preferences and try again.
6771 An error occurred sending mail:\nNetscape was unable to connect to the SMTP server.\nThe server may be down or may be incorrectly configured.\n\nPlease verify that your Mail preferences are correct\nand try again.
6777 Netscape is unable to open the file:\n %.200s\n\nCheck the file name and try again.
6778 Netscape is unable to open your News file (newsrc).\n\nPlease verify that your News preferences are\ncorrect and try again.
6779 The News item is unavailable. It may have expired.\n\nTry retrieving another item.
6780 The server has disconnected.\nThe server may have gone down or there may be a\nnetwork problem.\n\nTry connecting again.
6781 Netscape is unable to locate the server:\n %.200s\nThe server does not have a DNS entry.\n\nCheck the server name in the Location (URL)\nand try again.
6782 There was no response. The server could be down\nor is not responding.\n\nIf you are unable to connect again later, contact\nthe server's administrator.
6783 An error occurred with the News server.\n\nIf you are unable to connect again, contact the\nadministrator for this server.
6784 A News error occurred: Invalid NNTP connection\n\nTry connecting again.
6785 Netscape is unable to find the file or directory named:\n %.200s\n\nCheck the name and try again.
6786 Netscape is unable to send a port command to the FTP\nserver to establish a data connection.\n\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6787 Netscape is unable to send the change directory (cd)\ncommand, to the FTP server. You cannot view another\ndirectory.\n\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6788 Netscape is unable to set the FTP transfer mode with\nthis server. You will not be able to download files.\n\nYou should contact the administrator for this server\nor try again later.
6789 Unable to use FTP passive mode
6791 This Location (URL) is not recognized:\n %.200s\n\nCheck the Location and try again.
6793 Netscape is out of memory.\n\nTry quitting some other applications or closing\nsome windows.
6794 A communications error occurred.\n (TCP Error: %s)\n\nTry connecting again.
6795 Netscape is unable to connect to the server at\nthe location you have specified. The server may\nbe down or busy.\n\nTry connecting again later.
6796 A communications error occurred.\n (TCP Error: %s)\n\nTry connecting again.
17004 interrupted system call
17009 Bad file number
17013 Permission denied
17022 Invalid argument
17035 Operation would block
17036 operation now in progress
17048 Address already in use
17049 Can't assign requested address
17050 Network is down
17051 Network is unreachable
17052 Network dropped connection because of reset
17053 Connection aborted
17054 Connection reset by peer
17055 Not enough memory
17056 Socket is already connected
17057 Socket is not connected
17060 Connection timed out
17061 Connection refused
17064 Host is down
17065 No route to host
17093 Winsock is uninitialized
22001 (unrecognized)
22002 (autoselect)
22003 (default)
22004 (not found)
22010 %s image %dx%d pixels
22011 Images are %d bits deep with %d cells allocated.
22012 Images are monochrome.
22013 Images are %d bit greyscale.
22014 Images are %d bit truecolor.
22020 This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:
22031 Main Hotlist
22032 <!-- This is an automatically generated file.\n It will be read and overwritten.\n Do Not Edit! -->\n
22033 ---End of History List---\n
22040 Connect: Looking up host: %.256s...
22041 Connect: Contacting host: %.256s...
22042 Error: Could not make connection non-blocking.
22043 Unable to locate host %.256s.
22044 Unable to locate host %.256s.
22045 Reading file...
22046 Reading file...Error Zero Length
22047 Reading directory...
22048 Reading file...Done
22049 Reading directory...Done
22050 Receiving FTP file
22051 Receiving FTP directory
22052 Receiving data.
22053 Transferring data from %.256s
22054 Connect: Host %.256s contacted. Waiting for reply...
22055 Connect: Trying again (HTTP 0.9)...
22056 Connect: Host contacted. Waiting for reply (Gopher)
22057 Mail sent successfully
22058 News: Receiving newsgroups...
22059 News: Receiving newsgroups...
22060 News: Receiving articles...
22061 News: Receiving articles...
22062 News: Reading newsgroup list
22063 News: Reading newsgroup overview information
22064 News: Sorting articles...
22101 Unable to invoke external viewer
22102 Proxy is requiring an authentication scheme that is not supported.
22107 URN's not internally supported, use an HTTP proxy server:
22108 reentrant call to Interrupt window
22109 Bad message number
22110 Article number out of range
22111 Could not load mailbox
22113 SMTP Error sending mail. Server responded: %.256s
22114 Warning: unrecognized encoding: `
22115 Alert! did not find a converter or decoder
22116 Cannot add the result of a form submission to the hotlist
22131 are
22132 may be
22133 Authorization failed. Retry?
22134 Proxy authorization failed. Retry?
22135 Repost form data?
22136 Before viewing all newsgroups, Netscape saves\na copy of the newsgroup list.\n\nOn a modem or slow connection, this may take a\nfew minutes. You can choose New Window from the\nFile menu to continue browsing. Proceed?
22137 This form is being submitted via e-mail.\nSubmitting the form via e-mail will reveal\nyour e-mail address to the recipient, and\nwill send the form data without encrypting\n
22138 This dialog may be\ndisabled from the Protocols section\nof Network Preferences, available from\nthe Options Menu.
22139 it for privacy. You may not want to submit\nsensitive or private information via this\nform. You may continue or cancel this\nsubmission.
22151 message: invalid specifier `%c'\n
22152 Implement more temp name
22153 Implement more XPStats
22160 Please enter a username for news server access
22205 <b><p>Perhaps the article has expired</b><p>\n
22218 <TITLE>FTP Error</TITLE>\n<H1>FTP Error</H1>\n<h2>Could not login to FTP server</h2>\n<PRE>
22219 <TITLE>FTP Error</TITLE>\n<H1>FTP Error</H1>\n<h2>FTP Transfer failed:</h2>\n<PRE>
22220 <TITLE>Gopher Index %.256s</TITLE><H1>%.256s <BR>Gopher Search</H1>\nThis is a searchable Gopher index.\nUse the search function of your browser to enter search terms.\n<ISINDEX>
22221 <TITLE>CSO Search of %.256s</TITLE><H1>%.256s CSO Search</H1>\nA CSO database usually contains a phonebook or directory.\nUse the search function of your browser to enter search terms.\n<ISINDEX>
22222 <TITLE>Missing Post reply data</TITLE>\n<H1>Data Missing</H1>\nThis document resulted from a POST operation and has expired from the\ncache. If you wish you can repost the form data to recreate the\ndocument by pressing the <b>reload</b> button.\n
22250 RSA Public Key Cryptography
22251 International
22252 This is an insecure document that is not encrypted and offers no security protection.
22253 <h3>No new groups</h3>
22256 Enter username for %.200s at %.200s:
22257 Type in a Newsgroup to add to the list:
22260 This is a secure document that uses a medium-grade encryption key suited for U.S. export
22261 This is a secure document that uses a high-grade encryption key for U.S. domestic use only
22270 Bookmarks have changed on disk and are being reloaded.
22271 The address book has changed on disk and is being reloaded.
22272 Bookmarks have changed on disk. Discard your unsaved changes\nand reload?
22273 The address book has changed on disk. Discard your unsaved changes\nand reload?
22274 Error saving bookmarks file!
22275 Error saving address book file!
22276 This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords:
22277 Reset
22278 Submit Query
22279 <H3>No info while document is loading</H3>\n
22280 <LI>Encoding:
22281 <b>Form %d:</b><UL>
22282 %ld hours ago
22283 %ld days ago
22284 There are %ld aliases to this %s
22285 There is 1 alias to this %s
22286 There are no aliases to this %s
22287 Nicknames may only have letters and numbers\nin them. The nickname has not been changed.
22288 An entry with this nickname already exists.\nThe nickname has not been changed.
22289 This item has %d alias(es). These aliases \nwill be removed, as well.
22290 Some of the items you are about to remove \nhave one or more aliases. The aliases will \nbe removed, as well.
22291 <!-- This is an automatically generated file.
22292 It will be read and overwritten.
22293 Do Not Edit! -->
22294 New Folder
22295 New Bookmark
22296 Not Found
22297 Open bookmarks file
22298 Import bookmarks file
22299 Save bookmarks file
22300 Less than one hour ago
22301 The global history database is currently closed
22302 Unknown
22303 The global history database is currently empty
22304 <BR>\n<TT>Date:</TT> %s<P>
22305 \n<HR>\n<TT>Total entries:</TT> %ld<P>
22306 Personal Bookmarks
22307 <!-- This is an automatically generated file.\nIt will be read and overwritten.\nDo Not Edit! -->\n
22325 A plugin for the mime type %s\nwas not found.
22326 Could not load the plug-in '%s' for the MIME type '%s'. \n\n Make sure enough memory is available and that the plug-in is installed correctly.
22335 Connect: Please enter password for host...
22336 Proxy is requiring an authentication scheme that is not supported.
22337 Proxy nonces appear to expire immediately.\nThis is either a problem in the proxy's authentication \nimplementation, or you have mistyped your password.\nDo you want to re-enter your username and password?
22338 unidentified proxy server
22339 Proxy authentication required for %.250s at %.250s:
22340 Connect: Please enter password for proxy...
22341 Bad keyword in proxy automatic configuration: %s.
22342 Try connecting to the proxy again?
22343 Try connecting to SOCKS again?
22344 Try connecting to proxy / SOCKS again?
22345 Proxy server is unavailable.\n\nTry connecting to proxy %s again?
22346 All proxy servers are unavailable.\n\nTry connecting to %s again?
22347 SOCKS is unavailable. Try connecting to SOCKS %s again?
22348 SOCKS and proxies are unavailable. Try\nconnecting to %s again?
22349 All proxies are unavailable. Do you wish to temporarily\noverride proxies by connecting directly until proxies\nare available again?
22350 SOCKS is unavailable. Do you wish to temporarily\noverride SOCKS by connecting directly until SOCKS\nare available again?
22351 Both proxies and SOCKS are unavailable. Do you wish to\ntemporarily override them by connecting directly until they\nare available again?
22352 All proxies are still down.\nContinue with direct connections?
22353 SOCKS is still down.\n\nContinue with direct connections?
22354 SOCKS and proxies are still down.\n\nContinue with direct connections?
22355 No proxy automatic configuration file was received.\n\nNo proxies will be used.
22356 The proxy automatic configuration file is empty:\n\n %s\n\nUse the configuration from the previous session instead?
22357 The proxy automatic configuration file has errors:\n\n %s\n\nUse the configuration from the previous session instead?
22358 The proxy automatic configuration file has errors:\n\n %s\n\nNo proxies will be used.
22359 The proxy automatic configuration file is not of the correct type:\n\n %s\n\nExpected the MIME type of application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig.\n\nUse the configuration from the previous session instead?
22360 The proxy automatic configuration file could not be loaded.\n\nCheck the proxy automatic configuration URL in preferences.\n\nNo proxies will be used.
22361 The proxy automatic configuration file could not be loaded.\n\nCheck the proxy automatic configuration URL in preferences.\n\nUse the configuration from the previous session instead?
22362 The backup proxy automatic configuration file had errors.\n\nNo proxies will be used.
22363 Proxy automatic configuration load was cancelled.\n\nNo proxies will be used.
22364 Warning:\n\nServer sent an unrequested proxy automatic\nconfiguration file to Netscape:\n\n %s\n\nConfiguration file will be ignored.
22365 Receiving proxy auto-configuration file...
22366 Cache cleanup: removing %d files...
22367 The database selected is valid, but cannot\nbe validated as the correct database because\nit is missing a name entry. Do you wish to\nuse this database anyway?
22368 The database selected is named:\n%.900s\nThe database requested was named:\n%.900s\nDo you wish to use this database anyway?
22369 The page currently loading has requested an external\ncache. Using a read-only external cache can improve\nnetwork file retrieval time.\n\nIf you do not have the external cache requested,\nselect "Cancel" in the file selection box.
22370 The proxy automatic configuration file is not of the correct type:\n\n %s\n\nExpected the MIME type of application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig.\n\nNo proxies will be used.
22371 Reading segment...Done
22372 <TITLE>Directory listing of %.1024s</TITLE>\n
22373 <H1>Directory listing of %.1024s</H1>\n<PRE>
22374 ">Up to higher level directory</A><BR>
22375 Could not login to FTP server
22376 Error: Could not make connection non-blocking.
22377 Posting file %.256s...
22378 <TITLE>Directory of %.512s</TITLE>\n <H2>Current directory is %.512s</H2>\n <PRE>
22379 %d URL's waiting for an open socket (limit %d)\n
22380 %d URL's waiting for fewer active URL's\n
22381 %d Connections Open\n
22382 %d Active URL's\n
22383 \n\nUsing previously cached copy instead
22384 Server returned no data
22385 >\n<HR><H3>Transfer interrupted!</H3>\n
22386 \n\nTransfer interrupted!\n
22387 Mail: Reading folder %s...
22388 Mail: Reading message...
22389 Mail: Emptying trash...
22390 Mail: Compressing folder %s...
22391 Mail: Delivering queued messages...
22392 Mail: Reading message...Done
22393 Mail: Reading folder...Done
22394 Mail: Emptying trash...Done
22395 Mail: Compressing folder...Done
22396 Mail: Delivering queued messages...Done
22398 Connect: News host contacted. Waiting for reply...
22399 Please enter a password for news server access
22400 News: Message sent; waiting for reply...
22401 No Answer
22402 The POP3 server (%s) does not\n support UIDL, which Netscape Mail needs to implement\n the ``Leave on Server'' and ``Maximum Message Size''\n options.\n\n To download your mail, turn off these options in the\n Servers panel of the ``Mail and News'' Preferences.
22403 Receiving: message %lu of %lu
22404 The POP3 server (%s) does not\nsupport the TOP command.\n\nWithout server support for this, we cannot implement\nthe ``Maximum Message Size'' preference. This option\nhas been disabled, and messages will be downloaded\nregardless of their size.
22405 The POP3 server responded: \n%s\nPlease enter a new password.
22526 <B>This message exceeded the Maximum Message Size set in Preferences,\nso we have only downloaded the first few lines from the mail server.<P>Click <A HREF="
22527 ">here</A> to download the rest of the message.</B></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER>\n
22528 (no headers)
22529 (unspecified)
22530 Macintosh File
22531 The directory %s does not exist. Mail will not\nwork without it.\n\nCreate it now?
22532 Save decoded file as:
22533 The file %s has been changed by some other program!\nOverwrite it?
22534 Open News Host
22535 news.announce.newusers
22536 news.newusers.questions
22537 news.answers
22538 Mail: Compressing folder %s...
22539 Mail: Compressing folder %s...Done
22540 Can't open %s.
22541 Save attachment in BinHex file as:
22542 %lu byte%s
22544 s
22545 %s of %s (%s, %s)
22546 %s of %s (%s)
22547 %s of %s
22548 %s read (%s)
22549 %s read
22550 Mail: Message sent; waiting for reply...
22551 <TITLE>Information about the Netscape global history</TITLE>\n<h2>Global history entries</h2>\n<HR>
22568 yes, solid color background <tt>#%02x%02x%02x</tt>
22569 no
22570 Transparency:
22571 Comment:
22572 Unknown
22573 Compressing image cache:\nremoving %s\n
22574 Add Newsgroup...
22575 Find Again
22576 Send
22577 Send Later
22578 Attach...
22579 Attachments Inline
22580 Attachments as Links
22581 Forward Quoted
22582 Are you sure you want to remove the news host %s\nand all of the newsgroups in it?
22583 All Fields
22584 The `Outbox' folder contains a message which is not\nscheduled for delivery!
22585 The `Outbox' folder contains %d messages which are not\nscheduled for delivery!
22586 \n\nThis probably means that some program other than\nNetscape has added messages to this folder.\n
22587 The `Outbox' folder is special; it is only for holding\nmessages which have been deferred for later delivery.
22588 \nTherefore, you can't use it as your `Sent' folder.\n\nPlease verify that your outgoing messages destination is correct\nin your Mail & News preferences.
22589 An error occurred delivering deferred mail.\n\n%s\nContinue delivery of any remaining deferred messages ?
22590 Password for POP3 user %.100s@%.100s:
22591 %s%s's Bookmarks%s
22592 %sPersonal Bookmarks%s
22593 %s%s's Address book%s
22594 %sPersonal Address book%s
22595 sock: %d con_sock: %d protocol: %d\n
22596 URL not found in cache:
22597 Partial cache entry, getting rest from server:\n
22598 Checking server to verify cache entry\nbecause force_reload is set:\n
22599 Object has expired, reloading:\n
22600 Checking server to verify cache entry:\n
22601 Checking server to verify cache entry\nbecause last_modified missing:\n
22602 Netsite:
22603 Location:
22604 File MIME Type:
22605 Currently Unknown
22606 Source:
22607 Currently in disk cache
22608 Currently in memory cache
22609 Not cached
22610 <H1>The window is now inactive</H1>
22611 Local cache file:
22612 none
22613 %s Local time
22614 Last Modified:
22615 %s GMT
22616 Content Length:
22617 No date given
22618 Expires:
22619 Mac Type:
22620 Mac Creator:
22621 Charset:
22622 Status unknown
22623 Security:
22624 Certificate:
22625 Untitled document
22626 </b></FONT> has the following structure:<p><ul><li>
22627 Document info
22628 about:editfilenew
22629 file:///Untitled
22630 Brief
22631 Normal
22632 There are still messages in folder '%s'.\nAre you sure you still want to delete this folder?
22633 The proxy automatic configuration file could not be loaded.\n\nCannot fail over to using no proxies since your autoconfig url\nis locked.\nSee your local system administrator for help.
22634 No proxy automatic configuration file was received.\n\nCannot fail over to using no proxies since your autoconfig url\nis locked.\nSee your local system administrator for help.
22635 There was a problem receiving your proxy autoconfig\ninformation. Since your autoconfig URL has been locally\nlocked, we cannot failover to allowing no proxies.\n\nSee your local system administrator for help.
22636 Import address book file
22637 Save address book file
22638 bookmark
22639 entry
22640 %ld seconds
22641 %ld minutes
22642 %ld hours %ld minutes
22643 Main Bookmarks
22644 Address Book
22645 Wrap long lines
22646 Auto Saving %s
22647 Cannot edit non-HTML documents!
32769 Open a networked document\nOpen
32770 Create a new top level document viewing window with new history list
32771 Save a copy of the active document
32780 Return to previous document in history list\nBack
32781 Move forward to next document in history list\nForward
32782 Reload current document\nReload
32783 Redraw the current document
32788 Show or hide the location bar
32789 View the source of the current document
32790 Extended configuration options
32791 Modify general program configuration
32792 Use enhanced ftp processing
32793 Use enhanced news processing
32795 Interrupt the current transfer\nStop
32802 Change the mappings between viewers
32803 Reload the current document
32804 Loads images in the message\nLoad Images
32805 Redraw the current message
32806 View the source of the current document
32807 Go to the homepage\nHome
32808 Pop up the history list\nHistory List
32810 Mail the current document
32811 Add the current document to the bookmark list\nAdd Bookmark
32812 View bookmarks list
32813 Netscape Communications Corporation home page
32814 Interesting places to start browsing
32815 Meta-index of Internet information
32817 Automatically load inlined images
32818 Should inlined images be dithered?
32819 Search for text in the current document...\nFind
32820 Repeat last find...
32834 Online version of the manual
32835 Answers to common questions
32838 Save window styles
32839 Set default document encoding
32840 Show those wonderful starter buttons
32841 Give detailed FTP file descriptions (does not work with all FTP servers)
32846 Information about the current document
32847 Show or hide the security color bar
32849 &Forward
32850 &Open this Link
32851 (none)
32853 (none)
32855 &Add Bookmark
32856 Open in &New Window
32857 &Save Link As...
32858 &Copy Link Location
32859 Sa&ve Image As...
32860 Co&py Image Location
32861 &Open
32862 View &Image
32863 &Load Image
32864 Embed
32865 (none)
32866 &Save Embed As...
32867 &Activate
32868 &Copy Embed Location
32871 Delete the current selection
32873 &Back
32874 Save this file\nSave As
32875 &Copy
32879 Compose a new mail message
32880 Repeat the last find operation
32882 Modify mail and news configuration
32883 Modify security and java configuration
32884 Modify networking configuration
32885 Open the address book\nAddress Book
32886 Bring up the bookmark window\nBookmarks
32887 &New Message...
32888 Cu&t
32889 &Copy
32890 &Paste
32891 &Delete
32892 Make &Alias
32893 Use For Boo&kmarks Menu
32894 Use For Ne&w Bookmarks
32895 Insert &Folder
32896 Insert &Separator
32897 Insert &Bookmark
34001 Open a new mail folder
34003 Open the mail reading window
34004 Uh, like check for new mail and stuff
34005 Open the news reading window
34006 Uh, like get new mail and stuff
34007 Deliver any queued mail
34008 Create a new Mail Folder
34009 Remove deleted messages from folder
34010 Remove deleted messages from all folders
34011 Permanently delete all messages in Trash
34013 Print the current message\nPrint
34016 Close all windows and quit this application
34022 Move the current message to the Trash
34023 Permanently delete the selected folder
34024 Select all messages in this thread / folder
34025 Select all marked messages in this folder
34026 Select all messages
34028 Compose a new mail message
34029 Reply to sender of message
34030 Reply to everyone in message
34031 Forward message
34032 Save message to a file
34033 Put message in inbox
34034 Put message in trash
34037 Rotate message text by 13 characters
34039 Sort folder again
34043 Go to the first unread message
34044 Show all headers or just important ones
34047 View messages hierarchically, grouping message threads together
34048 Thread messages
34049 Set the folder's sort order: ascending or descending
34050 Sort by date
34051 Sort by subject
34052 Sort by sender
34054 Show all headers when displaying a message
34055 Unscramble naughty jokes
34056 Open the bookmark window
34084 Send the current message now\nSend Now
34085 Attach a file to the current message\nAttach File(s)
34086 Paste the text of the original document in quoted form\nQuote Original
34087 Add a new host to the news host list
34088 Remove a host from the news list
34089 Open General Preferences
34090 Show all newsgroups that you are subscribed to
42083 Change character, paragraph, and font properties
42084 Change Java Applet properties
42085 Change plug-in properties
42086 Change target (Named Anchor) properties
42087 Change HTML tag properties
42092 Align to left margin\nAlign Left
42093 Align to right margin\nAlign Right
42094 Center between margins\nCenter
42095 Wrapped Right
42096 Wrapped Left
42097 Increase indent of paragraph one level\nIncrease Indent
42098 Decrease indent of paragraph one level\nDecrease Indent
42099 Top
42100 Insert Image at current cursor location\nInsert Image
42101 Insert Horizontal Line at current cursor location\nInsert Horiz. Line
42102 Insert break to continue text on a new line
42103 Insert break to continue text below the image at the left
42104 Insert break to continue text below the image at the right
42105 Insert break to continue text below images to the left and the right
42106 Insert Java Applet at current cursor location\nInsert Java
42107 Insert Plug-in at current cursor location\nInsert PlugIn
42108 Insert a Target (Named Anchor)\nInsert Target (Named Anchor)
42109 Insert an arbitrary HTML Tag at cursor location\nInsert HTML Tag
42111 Create &Link Using Selected...
42113 Insert New &Link...
42116 Link &Properties...
42121 Cu&t
42122 &Copy
42123 &Paste
42124 &Paste Link
42126 &Save Image as...
42128 \nis on a different device than the current document.\nLink will not work if document is accessed remotely.\nDo you want to use this link anyway?
42129 \nis on a different device than the current document.\nImage will not display if document is accessed remotely.\nDo you want to use this image anyway?
42131 Insert Link
42132 Create Link
42133 Modify Link
42134 Insert a new link at caret or create a link to the selected text or image\nInsert Link
42147 %1\nYou are already editing this file in another window.\nAre you sure you want to replace this file?\nSelect "No" to choose a different filename.
42149 Editor Preferences
42150 Document Properties
42151 Open a file in a new editor window\nOpen file to edit
42155 &Browse to:
42157 Open Link in &New Browser Window
42158 &Copy Link to Clipboard
42159 Open Link in &Editor
42160 &Save Link as...
42162 &Add Bookmark for Link
42163 Normal text
42164 Link text
42165 Active (selected) link
42166 Followed (visited) link
42167 Validate Image File
42168 Continue saving document?
42169 Netscape Default Colors
42171 These settings will be applied to new documents, not to the current document.
42172 Default Color Schemes
42173 Default Text Colors
42174 Default Background
42176 Reverse Video
42178 The selection contains links.\nRemove all links from this selection?
42179 Clear All Character Styles
42180 Start, change to, or clear an unnumbered (bulleted) list\nBullet List
42181 Start, change to, or clear a numbered list\nNumbered List
42182 Insert a non-breaking space character at cursor location
42183 File / Edit Tools
42184 Paragraph Properties
42185 Character Properties
42186 Form Objects
42187 Edit document &Source
42189 Plug-In Properties
42190 Text Properties
42191 Image Properties
42192 Remove Links
42193 Java Applet Properties
42206 File is marked Read-Only
42207 File Write Error
42208 Cannot write to file at this time. Try again later.
42209 Bad file URL
42210 Error opening file for writing.
42211 Not enough disk space
42212 Error creating backup file
42213 Error deleting backup file
42214 Error writing to file:\n
42215 You must save:\n%1\nto a local file before modifying links or image references.
42216 Upload current file or directory to a server for public viewing\nPublish
42217 Edit document file with another program
42218 Image &properties...
42219 Horizontal Line &properties...
42220 Pa&ragraph / List properties...
42221 Character &properties...
42222 Image / Link &properties...
42223 Tag &properties...
42224 Select Image File
42225 Change to document's default font color
42226 Properties
42227 % of window
42228 Bullet (Unnumbered) List
42229 Numbered List
42230 Block Quote
42231 Directory List
42232 Menu List
42233 Description List
42234 Default
42235 List
42236 1, 2, 3...
42237 I, II, III...
42238 a, b, c...
42239 A, B, C...
42240 Solid circle
42241 Open circle
42242 Solid square
42243 &Number style:
42244 &Bullet style:
42245 Automatic
42246 Target &properties...
42247 &Edit Image...
42248 \nEnter string in Editor Preferences now?
42249 The new document template location is not set.
42250 The HTML editor preference is not set.
42251 The image editor preference is not set.
42252 New Document
42253 Edit HTML
42254 Edit Image
42255 Select Image Editor Application
42256 Select HTML Editor Application
42257 Enter any additional attributes, such as Java Script, for the HREF tag. Carriage returns are ignored.
42259 Select File to Publish
42260 Select Directory to Publish
42261 Publish destination must begin with "ftp://" or "http://"
42263 Select a named target in current document (optional):
42264 Select a named target in the specified file (optional):
42265 (No targets in selected document)
42266 The selection may contain other links.\nRemove all links in this selection?
42267 &Remove Link
42268 &Remove Links
42269 &Remove all links in selection
42270 Remove link at caret or all links within selected region\nRemove Links
42271 Enter Java Script, Target Frames, or other attributes to include in the link tag:
42272 Other Link Attributes
42273 Unable to launch external editor! Error code=%d
42274 Image is at a remote location.\nSave image to disk before editing.
42275 Color will not be changed in selected text.
42276 Selected text will be set to the chosen color.
42277 Create a new document\nNew Document
42279 Create a new blank document
42280 Create a new document using a template document
42281 Create a new document using New Page Wizard at Netscpape Web site
42282 This document has been modified by another program.\nReload document to see changes?
42283 Reload File
42287 Publishing Document
42290 You are about to download a remote document or image.\nYou should get permission to use any copyrighted images or documents.
42291 Display graphic at end of each paragraph
42292 Pixels
42293 Set character style to type Server Java Script text
42294 Set character style to type Client Java Script text
42295 \n\nBrowse to your default publishing location now?
42296 Error in HTML Tag
42297 Unopened Tag: '<' was expected
42298 Unclosed: '>' was expected
42299 Premature close of tag
42300 Tagname was expected
42301 Unterminated String in tag: closing quote expected
42302 Unknown tag error
42303 Cannot copy or cut at this time, try again later.
42304 The selection includes a table cell boundary.\nDeleting and copying are not allowed.
42305 Command Not Available
42306 Nothing is selected.
42307 White on Black
42308 White on Blue
42309 Blue on Orange
42310 Black on Yellow
42311 Black on Lt.Yellow
42312 Black on Off-White
42313 Black on Lt.Blue
42314 Black on Medium Blue
42315 White on Green
42316 White on Violet
42317 Insert table at current caret location\nInsert Table
42318 Insert a new row in the table\nInsert Table Row
42319 Insert a new column in the table\nInsert Table Column
42320 Insert a new cell (row and column) in the table\nInsert Table Cell
42322 Delete table at current caret location\nDelete Table
42323 Delete a row in the table\nDelete Table Row
42324 Delete a column in the table\nDelete Table Column
42325 Delete a cell (row and column) in the table\nDelete Table Cell
42342 % of parent cell
42345 Table &Delete...
42346 Table &Insert...
42349 Table Properties
42350 T&able Properties...
42351 &Insert
42352 &Delete
42353 &Row
42354 C&olumn
42355 &Cell
42356 &Table
42357 Select the entire table
42358 % of table
42359 Black on White
42360 Please enter an integer between %d and %d
42362 i, ii, iii...
42363 Set the style to Underline <U>\nUnderline
42365 Nothing to delete.
42366 Sorry, you can't edit frames in this version.
42367 Mixed styles (don't change)
42368 Check if there is enough disk space.
42369 AutoSave New Document
42370 Press Cancel to turn off AutoSave until you save this document later.
42371 Don't change
42372 -2
42373 -1
42374 0
42375 1
42376 2
42377 3
42378 4
57344 Netscape
57345 Netscape
57346 Select an object on which to get Help
57600 Create a new empty frame window
57601 Open a local document
57602 Close the current window
57603 Save the active document
57604 Save copy of message in progress\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options
57606 Change the printer and printing options
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nClear selection
57633 Erase everything\nErase all
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the clipboard\nCut
57636 Search for text in the current message\nFind
57637 Insert clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect all
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo what was undone\nRedo
57665 Close all windows in the application and exit
57666 List Help topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows
57670 Display help for current task or command
57680 Switch to the next window pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar
59393 Show or hide the status bar
59394 To edit your document, use the Navigator Gold program.
60010 Uhhhh.... Like see the license file and stuff.
60030 !<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html" CHARSET="iso-8859-1">\n<TITLE>The Mozilla Team</TITLE>\n<TABLE WIDTH=100%>\n <TH COLSPAN=2 VALIGN=CENTER>\n <FONT SIZE="+3"><B>The Mo
60034 !rom the Home Planet\n\n <P><FONT SIZE="+1"><i>MS Windows</I></FONT><BR>\n <LI><B>Garrett Blythe</B> - Don't call him <I>Gilbert</I>\n <LI><B>Jim Everingham</B> - "The Barry Manilo
60035 !w of computer programming"\n <LI><B>Scott Jones</B> - His Royal Whoness\n <LI><B>Chris Houck</B> - Prophet of Doom\n <LI><B>Ken Thomaston</B> - Unplugged\n\n <P><FONT SIZE="+1"
60036 !><i>X Windows</I></FONT><BR>\n <LI><B>Suresh "dp" Duddi</B> - The Man From U.N.C.L.E.\n <LI><B>Spence Murray</B> - Fretless Bass\n\n <P><FONT SIZE="+1"><i>Cross Platform Developm
60052 !Vice President of Stuff\n <LI><B>Michael Toy</B> - White Board Operator\n </DL>\n </DL>\n\n </TD>\n </TR>\n </TABLE>\n\n<DIV ALIGN=CENTER><BLOCKQUOTE>\nAll human actions are equivalen
60053 t ... and ... all are on principle doomed ...\n<BR><FONT size="-1">Jean-Paul Sartre (<I>Being and Nothingness,</I> \nConclusion, sct. 2)</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV>\n
60090 !From: Mozilla <info@netscape.com>\nDate: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 20:47:45 -0800 (PST)\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\nSubject: Welcome!\nMessage-ID: <30208242nsintro@netscape.com>\n\n
60091 !<HEAD>\n<BASE HREF="http://home.netscape.com/">\n<TITLE>Welcome to Netscape</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n\n<HR SIZE=4 WIDTH="50%">\n<CENTER>\n<FONT SIZE="+1">Welcome to<BR></FONT>\n<FONT SIZE="+2"><
60092 !B>Netscape Mail</B><SUP><FONT SIZE="-1">TM</FONT></SUP></FONT>\n</CENTER>\n<HR SIZE=4 WIDTH="50%">\n\n<P>\n<FONT SIZE="+1">As you see here, this mail message bears remarkable\nsimilarity to Netscape's ho
60093 !me page. That's because Netscape's integrated email\npresents messages with the familiar formatting, images, and links of World Wide Web pages.\n</FONT><P>\n\n<CENTER>\n <A HREF="/misc/home.map">\n <IMG SR
60095 ! <DT>\n <FONT SIZE="+2">Features in Brief</FONT>\n <UL>\n <LI>Use the toolbar to quickly browse and reply to messages.\n <LI>Use menu items for the complete range of mail features.\n <LI>
60096 !Create all messages in <B>Message Composition</B> windows,\n which are created with the various <B>Reply</B> commands.\n <LI>From the Message Composition window, use the <B>Options</B>\n menu
60097 !to choose <I>immediate</I> or <I>deferred</I> delivery.\n <LI>Drag and drop messages into folders to organize your mail.\n <LI>Click on column headings to sort messages.\n <LI>Drag column headings to
60098 !reorder their presentation.\n <LI>Click-and-drag on the space between column headings to change\n the relative sizes of the columns.\n <LI>Click the Mail icon in the lower right of any Netscape wi
60099 !ndow\n to check for new messages.\n <LI>Choose <B>Address Book</B> from the <B>Window</B> menu to\n store and access your addresses.\n <LI>Choose <B>Mail and News</B> from the <B>Optio
60100 !ns</B> menu to \n set your preferences.\n </UL>\n </DL>\n </TD>\n <TD VALIGN=TOP>\n <CENTER>\n <P>\n <IMG SRC="about:logo" ALT="N E T S C A P E">\n </CENTER>\n </TD>\n</TR>\n<T
60101 !R>\n <TD COLSPAN=2>\n <DL>\n <DT>\n <FONT SIZE="+2">Learn More about Netscape Mail</FONT>\n <DD>\n The <A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/handbook/">Netscape Navigator Handbook</A>\n offers tutorial
60102 !and reference information on \n <A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/handbook/docs/mnb.html#C0">mail features</A>. \n Take advantage of the Handbook's \n <A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/handbook/docs/atoz.html#M">index<
60103 !/A>\n for quick access to the topics that interest you.\n\n <P>Unix users, especially those who use <B>procmail</B>, should \n be sure to read \n <A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/relnotes/demo/movemail.htm
60104 !l">this document</A>,\n which explains some important Unix-<WBR>system-<WBR>dependent issues about\n file locking, which are important to understand to avoid losing mail.\n\n <P>\n <DT>\n <FONT SIZ
60110 !Warning! Although this document is secure, the information you have submitted is insecure and could be observed by a third party while in transit. If you are submitting passwords, credit card
60111 numbers, or other information you would like to keep private, it would be safer for you to cancel the submission.
60120 You have requested a secure document that contains some insecure information. The insecure information will not be shown. For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu.
60130 !Warning! You have requested an insecure document that was originally designated a secure document (the location has been redirected from a secure to an insecure document). The document
60131 and any information you send back could be observed by a third party while in transit.
60132 Somethings going on with security that I don't understand...
60140 !This is a secure document. The document is encrypted to prevent a third party from observing the information while in transit. Any information you send back (such as replying in a form) is also encrypted.
60141 !\n\nYou can determine if a document is secure by looking at the graphic in the status area or the colorbar above the content area (blue indicates secure; grey indicates insecure).
60142 For more information about security, consult the Handbook.
60150 !This is an insecure document. The document has no protection to prevent a third party from observing the information while in transit. Any information you send back (such as replying in a form) can also be viewed.
60151 !Information that you want kept private should not be submitted in an insecure document. \n\nYou can determine if a document is secure by looking at the graphic in the status area or the colorbar above the
60152 content area (blue indicates secure; grey indicates insecure). For more information about security, consult the Handbook.
60160 You have requested a secure document. The document and any information you send back are encrypted for privacy while in transit. For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu.
60170 You have requested an insecure document. The document and any information you send back could be observed by a third party while in transit. For more information on security choose Document Information from the View menu.
60180 !Any information you submit is insecure and could be observed by a third party while in transit. If you are submitting passwords, credit card numbers, or other information
60181 you would like to keep private, it would be safer for you to cancel the submission.
60190 !<HEAD>\n<TITLE>The Book of Mozilla, 12:10</TITLE>\n<BODY bgcolor="#800000" text="#FFFFFF">\n<CENTER>\n<FONT size=4><I>\n<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>\nAnd the beast shall come forth surrounded by a ro
60191 !iling\n<FONT size="+2">cloud</FONT> of <FONT size="+2">vengeance.</FONT>\nThe house of the unbelievers shall be <FONT size="+2">razed</FONT>\nand they shall be <FONT size="+2">scorched</FONT> to t
60192 he earth.\nTheir tags shall <FONT size="+2">blink</FONT> until\nthe end of <FONT size="+2">days.</FONT>\n\n<UL><UL><UL>\n<FONT size=6>\n<BR>from <B>The Book of Mozilla,<B> 12:10\n
60203 !hts reserved.\n </CENTER>\n <P>\n <FONT SIZE="2">\n This software is subject to the license agreement set forth in the \n <A HREF="about:license">license</A>. Please read and agree to all
60204 ! \n terms before using this software.\n <P>\n Report any problems through the \n <A HREF="http://cgi.netscape.com/cgi-bin/auto_bug.cgi"> \n feedback page</A>.\n <P>\n Netscape Communication
60205 !s, Netscape, Netscape Navigator and the Netscape\n Communications logo are trademarks of Netscape Communications Corporation.\n </FONT>\n</TD>\n</TR>\n<TR>\n<TD COLSPAN="2"><HR SIZE="3"></TD>
60208 !d Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks\n of Sun Microsystems, Inc in the United States and other countries.\n </FONT>\n </TD>\n</TR>\n<TR>\n<TD COLSPAN="2"><HR SIZE="3
60209 !"></TD>\n</TR>\n<TR>\n <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><IMG SRC="about:rsalogo" ALT=""></TD>\n <TD>\n <FONT SIZE="2">\n Contains security software from RSA Data Security, Inc.\n <BR>Copyright
60211 !about:qtlogo" ALT=""></TD>\n <TD>\n <FONT SIZE="2">\n Contains QuickTime<SUP><FONT SIZE="1">TM</FONT></SUP> plug-in software developed by Apple Computer, Inc.<BR>\n Copyright &co
60212 !py; 1996 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n QuickTime is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.\n </FONT>\n </TD>\n</TR>\n<TR>\n<TD COLSPAN=
60213 !"2"><HR SIZE="3"></TD>\n</TR>\n</TABLE>\n<FONT SIZE="2">\n</FONT>\n<FONT SIZE="2">\n</FONT>\n<FONT SIZE="1">\nAny provision of Netscape Software to the U.S.Government is with "Restricted\nr
60214 !ights" as follows: Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is\nsubject to restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the\nCommercial Computer Restricted Rights clause
60215 ! at FAR 52.227-19 when\napplicable, or in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data\nand Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and in similar clauses\nin the NASA FAR S
60216 upplement. Contractor/manufacturer is Netscape Communications\nCorporation, 501 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, California, 94043.\n</FONT>\n</BODY>\n
60248 Netscape is unable to communicate securely with this site\nbecause the server does not support high-grade encryption.
60249 Netscape is unable to communicate securely with this site\nbecause the server requires the use of high-grade encryption.\n\nThis version of Netscape does not support high-grade\nencryption, probably due to U.S. export restrictions.
60250 Netscape and this server cannot communicate securely\nbecause they have no common encryption algorithm(s).
60251 Netscape is unable to find the certificate or key necessary\nfor authentication.
60252 Netscape is unable to communicate securely with this site\nbecause the server's certificate was rejected.
60254 The server has encountered bad data from the client.
60255 Netscape has encountered bad data from the server.
60256 Netscape has encountered an unsupported type of certificate.\n\nA newer version of Netscape may solve this problem.
60257 The server is using an unsupported version of the security\nprotocol.\n\nA newer version of Netscape may solve this problem.
60259 Client authentication failed due to mismatch between private\nkey found in client key database and public key found in client\ncertificate database.
60260 Netscape is unable to communicate securely with this site\nbecause the domain to which you are attempting to connect\ndoes not match the domain name in the server's certificate.
60262 This site only supports SSL version 2. You can enable\nsupport for SSL version 2 from the Security Preferences panel.
60263 SSL has received a record with an incorrect Message\nAuthentication Code. This could indicate a network error,\na bad server implementation, or a security violation.
60264 SSL has received an error from the server indicating an\nincorrect Message Authentication Code. This could indicate\na network error, a bad server implementation, or a\nsecurity violation.
60265 The server cannot verify your certificate.
60266 The server has rejected your certificate as revoked.
60267 The server has rejected your certificate as expired.
60301 !Modified by the Netscape Navigator Administration Kit.<P>\n
60302 !Version: %s<BR>\n
60303 !User agent: %s<BR>\n
60304 </BODY></HTML>\n
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61204 You must specify a valid email address for yourself\nin the Preferences window (under the "Options" menu)
61205 Unable to make return address.\nPlease check your email settings in the Preferences window.
61206 Unable to build mail message.
61207 Document too long to mail.\nTruncating at 30,000 characters.
61208 Search String Not Found!
61209 This operation requires authentication. Please enter your user name and password:
61210 This browser's view source capability can not handle a document this large.\nTry using an external HTML viewer\n (see Preferences... under the Options menu).\n
61219 http://home.netscape.com/
61225 No document has been loaded
61226 Unable to open clipboard
61227 Unable to empty clipboard
61229 Unable to initialize the network layer! Check your winsock for errors.
61231 3.04Gold
61232 Unable to save bookmarks. Please check your preferences.
61234 OLE 2.0 initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.\n
61238 Failed to create object. Make sure the object is entered in the system registry.
61241 WWW_OpenURL
61242 WWW_ShowFile
61243 WWW_Activate
61244 WWW_ListWindows
61245 WWW_GetWindowInfo
61246 WWW_ParseAnchor
61247 WWW_Exit
61248 WWW_RegisterProtocol
61249 WWW_UnRegisterProtocol
61250 WWW_RegisterViewer
61251 WWW_QueryViewer
61254 WWW_ViewDocFile
61255 WWW_UnRegisterViewer
61256 WWW_RegisterURLEcho
61257 WWW_URLEcho
61258 WWW_UnRegisterURLEcho
61259 WWW_RegisterWindowChange
61260 WWW_WindowChange
61261 WWW_UnRegisterWindowChange
61262 WWW_BeginProgress
61263 WWW_SetProgressRange
61264 WWW_MakingProgress
61265 WWW_EndProgress
61266 WWW_Alert
61270 WWW_Version
61271 WWW_CancelProgress
61272 WWW_QueryURLFile
61300 Unable to launch application. Reason=%u
61301 Unable to launch application. Insufficient system resources
61302 Unable to launch application. The application was not found
61303 Unable to launch application. Incompatible executable format
61304 Unable to launch application. Can not load more than one instance of the application
61305 Unable to launch application. Requires 32 bit Windows
62000 Select an appropriate viewer
62001 Document Load Complete
62002 Helper application not found!
62003 Unable to launch external viewer! Error code=%d
62004 Spawning External Viewer
62005 Save As...
62006 Failed to create temp file! \n
62007 Loading....
62008 Document: Received %ld of %ld bytes
62009 Document: Received %ld bytes
62010 No viewer configured.\n
62011 Unable to find application %s
62012 Unable to launch application! Error code=%d
62013 Spawning Application
62014 Log in as %s.
62015 Document: Done
62016 Done with file save
62017 Cannot add the result of a form submission to the bookmark list
62018 Export Bookmarks To:
62019 Import File As Bookmarks
62020 Not a URL!
62021 Remove category \"%s\" and its %d entr%s?
62022 No Items to Remove
62023 New Item
62024 New Folder
62025 This message has not yet been sent. Are you sure you want to discard it?
62026 No source currently loaded.
62027 Unable to load source for given document.
62028 Couldn't Select Palette (1)
62029 Invalid INI file on command line. Attempting to use default.
62030 Invalid command line flag
62031 Unable to determine INI file location. Using the default of %s.
62032 Error: disk cache directory %s does not exist. Please enter a new directory in the preferences box.
62033 Error: temporary directory %s does not exist. Please enter a new directory in the preferences box.
62034 Current URL:
62035 No document currently loaded
62036 This is the bottom ledge
62037 Can not print while loading.
62038 Can not preview while loading.
62039 File save already in progress
62040 Saving file %s
62041 Laying out document...\n
62042 Laying out document: %ld Percent done. \n
62043 Styles
62044 Mail and News
62045 Cache and Network
62046 Applications and Directories
62047 Images and Security
62048 Proxies
62049 Helper Applications
62050 This will mark all links as unvisited.\nContinue?
62051 You must complete both fields
62052 Select an appropriate viewer
62053 Select a telnet application
62054 Select an HTML viewer
62055 Select a tn3270 application
62056 Select a newsrc file
62057 Signature file
62058 Select a bookmark file
62059 Select a temp dir (overridden by TMP env variable)
62060 This will remove all the files currently in your disk cache.\nContinue?
62061 This will remove all the files currently in your memory cache.\nContinue?
62062 Location:
62063 Go to:
62064 Server Error #
62069 Double click to activate the embedded
62073 Netscape will launch the application %s in order to view a document.
62074 Don't show this for %s, again.
62076 Margins (Inches)
62077 Margins (Centimeters)
62078 cm
62080 This operation may interrupt an ongoing file save operation. Are you sure you want to do this?
62081 Source (*.htm)\n*.htm\nPlain Text (*.txt)\n*.txt\nAll Files (*.*)\n*.*\n
64344 An I/O error occurred during security authorization.\nPlease try your connection again
64345 The security library has experienced an error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64346 The security library has received bad data.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64347 The security library has experienced an error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64348 The security library has experienced an error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64349 The security library has experienced an error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64350 The security library has experienced an error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64351 The security library has experienced an error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64352 The security library has experienced an error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64353 The security library has encountered an improperly formatted\nDER-encoded message.
64354 The server's certificate has an invalid signature.\nYou will not be able to connect to this site securely.
64355 The certificate for this server has expired.\nCheck your system date and time.
64356 The server's certificate has a revoked signature.\nYou will not be able to connect to this site securely.
64357 The certificate issuer for this server is not recognized by\nNetscape. The security certificate may or may not be valid.\n\nNetscape refuses to connect to this server.
64358 The server's public key is invalid.\nYou will not be able to connect to this site securely.
64359 The security password entered is incorrect
64361 The security library has experienced an error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64362 The security library has experienced a database error.\nYou will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.
64363 The security library has experienced an out of memory error.\nPlease try to reconnect.
64364 The certificate issuer for this server has been marked as\nnot trusted by the user. Netscape refuses to connect to this\nserver.
64365 The certificate for this server has been marked as not\ntrusted by the user. Netscape refuses to connect to this\nserver.
64366 The Certificate that you are trying to download\nalready exists in your database.
64367 You are trying to download a certificate who's name\nis the same as one that already exists in your database.\nIf you want to download the new certificate you should\ndelete the old one first.
64368 Error adding certificate to your database
64369 Error refiling the key for this certificate
64370 The private key for this certificate can\nnot be found in your key database
64371 This certificate is valid.
64372 This certificate is not valid.
64373 No Response
64374 The certificate authority that issued this site's\ncertificate has expired.\nCheck your system date and time.
64669 %banner-sec%<b><font size=4>%0% is a site that uses encryption to protect transmitted information. %-cont-%
64670 However, Netscape does not recognize the authority who signed its Certificate.</font></b><p>Although Netscape does not recognize the %-cont-%
64671 signer of this Certificate, you may decide to accept it anyway so that you can connect to and exchange information with this site.<p>This %-cont-%
64672 assistant will help you decide whether or not you wish to accept this Certificate and to what extent.%1%
64673 %banner-sec%Here is the Certificate that is being presented:<hr><table><tr><td valign=top><font %-cont-%
64675 key)</font></td><td valign=bottom><input type="submit" name="button" value="%moreinfo%"></td></tr></table><hr>The signer of the %-cont-%
64676 Certificate promises you that the holder of this Certificate is who they say they are. The encryption level is an indication of how difficult it %-cont-%
64677 would be for someone to eavesdrop on any information exchanged between you and this web site.%5%
64678 %banner-sec%Are you willing to accept this certificate for the purposes of receiving encrypted %-cont-%
64679 information from this web site?<p>This means that you will be able to browse through the site and receive documents from it and that all of %-cont-%
64680 these documents are protected from observation by a third party by encryption.<p><input type=radio name=accept value=session%0%>Accept this %-cont-%
64681 ID for this session<br><input type=radio name=accept value=cancel%1%>Do not accept this ID and do not connect<br><input type=radio name=accept %-cont-%
64682 value=forever%2%>Accept this ID forever (until it expires)<br>%3%
64683 %banner-sec%By accepting this ID you are ensuring that all information you exchange with this site %-cont-%
64684 will be encrypted. However, encryption will not protect you from fraud.<p>To protect yourself from fraud, do not send information %-cont-%
64685 (especially personal information, credit card numbers, or passwords) to this site if you have any doubt about the site's integrity.<p>For your %-cont-%
64686 own protection, Netscape can remind you of this at the appropriate time.<p><center><input type=checkbox name=postwarn value=yes %0%>Warn me %-cont-%
64687 before I send information to this site</center><p>%1%
64688 %banner-sec%<b>You have finished examining the certificate presented by:<br>%0%</b><p>You have %-cont-%
64689 decided to refuse this ID. If, in the future, you change your mind about this decision, just visit this site again and this assistant will %-cont-%
64690 reappear.<p>Press Finished to return to the document you were viewing before you attempted to connect to this site.%1%
64691 %banner-sec%<b>You have finished examining the certificate presented by:<br>%0%</b><p>You have %-cont-%
64692 decided to accept this ID and have asked that Netscape Navigator warn you before you send information to this site.<p>If, in the future, you %-cont-%
64693 change your mind about this decision, open Security Preferences and edit the Site Certificates.<p>Press Finished to begin receiving documents.%1%
64694 %banner-sec%<b>You have finished examining the certificate presented by:<br>%0%</b><p>You have %-cont-%
64695 decided to accept this ID and have decided not to have Netscape Navigator warn you before you send information to this site.<p>If, in %-cont-%
64696 the future, you change your mind about this decision, open Security Preferences and edit the Site Certificates.<p>Press Finished to begin %-cont-%
64697 receiving documents.%1%
64698 %banner-sec%The certificate that the site '%0%' has presented does not contain the correct site %-cont-%
64699 name. It is possible, though unlikely, that someone may be trying to intercept your communication with this site. If you suspect the %-cont-%
64700 certificate shown below does not belong to the site you are connecting with, please cancel the connection and notify the site administrator. <p>%-cont-%
64701 Here is the Certificate that is being presented:<hr><table><tr><td valign=top><font size=2>Certificate for: <br>Signed by: <br>Encryption: %-cont-%
64704 %banner-sec%Please enter your new password. The safest passwords are a combination of letters %-cont-%
64705 and numbers, are at least 8 characters long, and contain no words from a dictionary.<p>Password: <input type=password name=password1><p>Type in %-cont-%
64706 your password, again, for verification:<p>Retype Password: <input type=password name=password2><p><b>Do not forget your password! Your %-cont-%
64707 password cannot be recovered. If you forget it, you will have to obtain new Certificates.</b>
64708 %banner-sec%You did not enter your password correctly. Please try again:<p>Password: <input %-cont-%
64709 type=password name=password1><p>Type in your password, again, for verification:<p>Retype Password: <input type=password name=password2><p>%-cont-%
64710 <b>Do not forget your password! Your password cannot be recovered. If you forget it, you will have to obtain new Certificates.</b>
64711 %banner-sec%Netscape Navigator will use a password to encrypt your Certificates' private keys %-cont-%
64712 on disk. This makes it difficult for others to steal your Certificates and/or use them to pose as you to other users or sites.<p> If you are in %-cont-%
64713 an environment where other people have access to your computer (either physically or over the network) you should have a password.<p> However, %-cont-%
64714 if you are in an environment where no other people have access to your computer, then you may choose not to have a password.<p><input %-cont-%
64715 type=radio name=usepw value=true %0%> Other people have access to this computer; I want a password (recommended)<br><input type=radio %-cont-%
64716 name=usepw value=false %1%> This computer is completely isolated; I do not want a password
64717 %banner-sec%Netscape Navigator will need to know your password every time you use a %-cont-%
64718 Certificate (for example, when you connect to a site that requests your Certificate).<p><input type=radio name=askpw value=once %0%> Ask for %-cont-%
64719 password once per session<br><input type=radio name=askpw value=every %1%> Ask for password every time it's needed<br><input type=radio %-cont-%
64720 name=askpw value=inactive %2%> Ask for password after <input type=int size=4 name=interval value=%3%> minutes of inactivity<p>You can change %-cont-%
64721 these settings, later, in Security Preferences.<p>Press Finished to return to Netscape Navigator.
64722 %banner-sec%You entered a blank password. If you do not wish to have a password, then press Back %-cont-%
64723 and select "I do not want a password". Please try again:<p>Password: <input type=password name=password1><p>Type in your password, again, for %-cont-%
64724 verification:<p>Retype Password: <input type=password name=password2><p><b>Do not forget your password! Your password cannot be recovered. If %-cont-%
64725 you forget it, you will have to obtain new Certificates.</b>
64726 %banner-sec%You have elected to operate without a password.<p>If you decide that you would like to %-cont-%
64727 have a password to protect your private keys and Certificates, you can set up a password in Security Preferences.<p>Press Finished to return to %-cont-%
64728 Netscape Navigator.
64729 %banner-sec%Please enter your old password:<p> Password: <input type=password name=password>
64730 %banner-sec%You did not correctly enter your current password. Please try again:<p>Password: %-cont-%
64731 <input type=password name=password>
64732 %banner-sec%You may:<p><input type=radio name=usepw value=true %0%> Change the password<br>%-cont-%
64733 <input type=radio name=usepw value=false %1%> Have no password
64734 %banner-sec%You entered a blank password. If you do not wish to have a password, then press Back %-cont-%
64735 and select "Have no password". Please try again:<p>Password: <input type=password name=password1><p>Type in your password, again, for %-cont-%
64736 verification:<p>Retype Password: <input type=password name=password2><p><b>Do not forget your password! Your password cannot be recovered. If %-cont-%
64737 you forget it, you will have to obtain new Certificates.</b>
64738 %banner-sec%You will no longer be asked to type in a password.
64739 %banner-sec%Your attempt to change, set, or disable your password failed.<p>This may be because your %-cont-%
64740 key database is inaccessible (which can happen if you were already running a Navigator when you started this one), or because of some other %-cont-%
64741 error.<p>It may indicate that your key database file has been corrupted, in which case you should try to get it off of a backup, if possible. As %-cont-%
64742 a last resort, you may need to delete your key database, after which you will have to obtain new personal Certificates.
64745 %banner-sec%This function is not implemented:<br>%0%<br>Certificate name:<br>%1%
64746 %0%%1%
64747 Are you sure that you want to delete this Personal Certificate?<p>%0%
64748 Are you sure that you want to delete this Site Certificate?<p>%0%
64749 Are you sure that you want to delete this Certificate Authority?<p>%0%
64750 %0%<hr>This Certificate belongs to an SSL server site.<br><input type=radio name=allow value=yes %1%>Allow connections to this site<br>%-cont-%
64751 <input type=radio name=allow value=no %2%>Do not allow connections to this site<hr><input type=checkbox name=postwarn value=yes %3%>Warn %-cont-%
64752 before sending data to this site
64753 %0%<hr>This Certificate belongs to a Certifying Authority<br><input type=radio name=allow value=yes %1%>Allow connections to sites certified %-cont-%
64754 by this authority<br><input type=radio name=allow value=no %2%>Do not allow connections to sites certified by this authority<hr><input %-cont-%
64755 type=checkbox name=postwarn value=yes %3%>Warn before sending data to sites certified by this authority
64756 %banner-sec%<b>Warning: You are about to send encrypted information to the site %0%.</b><p>It is %-cont-%
64757 safer not to send information (particularly personal information, credit card numbers, or passwords) to this site if you are in doubt about its %-cont-%
64758 Certificate or integrity.<br>Here is the Certificate for this site:<hr><table><tr><td valign=top><font size=2>Certificate for: <br>Signed by: %-cont-%
64761 value=sendandwarn checked>Send this information and warn again next time<br><input type=radio name=action value=send>Send this information %-cont-%
64762 and do not warn again<br><input type=radio name=action value=dontsend>Do not send information<br>%6%
64763 %banner-sec%You are about to go through the process of accepting a Certificate Authority. This has %-cont-%
64764 serious implications on the security of future encryptions using Netscape. This assistant will help you decide whether or not you wish to %-cont-%
64765 accept this Certificate Authority.
64766 %banner-sec%A Certificate Authority certifies the identity of sites on the internet. By accepting %-cont-%
64767 this Certificate Authority, you will allow Netscape Navigator to connect to and receive information from any site that this authority certifies %-cont-%
64768 without prompting or warning you. <p>If you choose to refuse this Certificate Authority, you will be prompted before you connect to or %-cont-%
64769 receive information from any site that this authority certifies.
64770 %banner-sec%Here is the certificate for this Certificate Authority. Examine it carefully. The %-cont-%
64771 Certificate Fingerprint can be used to verify that this Authority is who they say they are. To do this, compare the Fingerprint against the %-cont-%
64772 Fingerprint published by this authority in other places.<hr> <table><tr><td valign=top><font size=2>Certificate for: <br>Signed by: </font></td>%-cont-%
64775 %banner-sec%Are you willing to accept this Certificate Authority for the purposes of certifying %-cont-%
64776 other internet sites?<p>This would mean that if you connect to and receive information from a site that this Authority certifies, you will %-cont-%
64777 not be warned.<p><input type=radio name=accept value=yes %0%> Accept this Certificate Authority<br><input type=radio name=accept value=no %1%>%-cont-%
64778 Do not accept this Certificate Authority<br>
64779 %banner-sec%By accepting this Certificate Authority, you have told Netscape Navigator to connect to %-cont-%
64780 and receive information from any site that it certifies without warning you or prompting you.<p>Netscape Navigator can, however, warn you before %-cont-%
64781 you send information to such a site.<p><input type=checkbox name=postwarn value=yes %0%>Warn me before sending information to sites %-cont-%
64782 certified by this Certificate Authority
64783 %banner-sec%You have accepted this Certificate Authority. You must now select a nickname that will be %-cont-%
64784 used to identify this Certificate Authority, for example <b>Mozilla's Certificate Shack</b>.<p>Nickname: <font size=4><input type=text %-cont-%
64785 name=nickname></font>
64786 %banner-sec%By rejecting this Certificate Authority, you have told Netscape Navigator not to connect %-cont-%
64787 to and receive information from any site that it certifies without prompting you.
64788 %0%
64789 %banner-sec%The site '%0%' has requested client authentication.<p>Here is the %-cont-%
64799 <img src=about:security?banner-mixed><br clear=all><p><B>Some of the files that you have requested were encrypted.</B><p> Some of these files %-cont-%
64800 are sent to you encrypted for privacy while in transit. Others are not encrypted and can be observed by a third party while in transit.<p>To %-cont-%
64801 find out exactly which files were encrypted and which were not, open Document Information.<p> <center><input type="submit" name="button" %-cont-%
64803 <img src=about:security?banner-insecure><br clear=all><p><B>None of the files that you have requested are encrypted.</B><p>Unencrypted files can %-cont-%
64804 be observed by a third party while in transit.<p> <center><input type="submit" name="button" value="%ok%"></center>%0%
64805 <img src=about:security?banner-payment><br clear=all><p>In order to complete your purchase, you will need to provide credit card %-cont-%
64806 information.<p>The information you provide will be encrypted separately from your order so that it can only be decrypted by <em>%0%</em>.<hr>%-cont-%
64807 <table><tr><td><font size=2>Press %showcert% if you want more information about <em>%1%</em>.</font></td><td><input type="submit" %-cont-%
64808 name="button" value="%showcert%"></td></tr></table><hr>Press Cancel to interrupt your purchase, Next to continue.%2%
64809 <img src=about:security?banner-payment><br clear=all><p>Your purchase order, as presented by the Merchant:<p><font size=4><pre>%0%</pre></font>%-cont-%
64810 %1%
64811 <img src=about:security?banner-payment><br clear=all><p>%0%%1%%2%The total amount to be billed to your account is: %3%<hr><table><tr><td><font %-cont-%
64812 size=2>Press %showorder% if you want to review your order.</font></td><td><input type="submit" name="button" value="%showorder%"></td></tr>%-cont-%
64813 </table><hr>If this is OK, press Next or press Cancel to interrupt your purchase.%4%
64815 <img src=about:security?banner-payment><br clear=all><p>Enter the information for your account:<p>Account number: <font size=4><input %-cont-%
64816 type=text name=pan size=20 maxlength=30 %0%></font><p>Month of expiration: <select name=expmonth>%1%</select> Year of expiration: %-cont-%
64817 <select name=expyear>%2%</select><p>Press Next to continue with your purchase.%3%
64818 <img src=about:security?banner-payment><br clear=all><p>In order to verify your identity, some financial institutions require that you %-cont-%
64819 provide your Billing Address, exactly as it is used for your account.<p>Street address: <font size=4><input type=text name=street size=30 %-cont-%
64822 <img src=about:security?banner-payment><br clear=all><p>You have completed the information necessary to make your purchase. The amount of %-cont-%
64823 %0% will be charged to your account.<p>If you need to change any information, press Back.<p>Press Finished to submit the charge to your %-cont-%
64824 account and complete your purchase.%1%
64825 %banner-sec%<h3>Select ciphers to enable for SSL v%0%</h3><ul>%1%</ul>%2%
64826 %banner-sec%<p>You are downloading a new personal certificate that you have previously %-cont-%
64827 requested from %0%. This certificate may be used, along with the corresponding private key that was generated for you at the time you %-cont-%
64828 requested your certificate, to identify yourself to sites on the internet. Using certificates and private keys to identify yourself to %-cont-%
64829 internet sites is much more secure than the traditional username and password.%1%
64830 %banner-sec%Here is the information from your new certificate. Press the More Info button to %-cont-%
64831 see all of the details of the certificate. <hr><table><tr><td valign=top><font size=2>Certificate for: <br>Signed by: </font></td><td valign=top>%-cont-%
64834 %banner-sec%You will now enter a name that Netscape will use to refer to this certificate. You %-cont-%
64835 may use the name provided or enter one that is more meaningful to you.<p>Certificate Name: <font size=2><input type=text size=60 name=nickname %-cont-%
64836 value="%0%"></font><p>%1%
64837 %banner-sec%Your new certificate has successfully been installed. You may now use it to %-cont-%
64838 identify yourself to internet sites that require certificates.%0%
64839 %banner-sec%Netscape is about to generate a private key for you. This private key will be used along %-cont-%
64840 with the certificate you are now requesting to identify yourself to internet sites. Your private key never leaves your computer, and is %-cont-%
64841 protected by your Netscape password. It is important that you never give anyone your password, because that will allow them to use your %-cont-%
64842 private key to impersonate you on the internet. <p>When you press the OK button below, Netscape will generate your private key for you. This is %-cont-%
64843 a complex mathematical operation, and may take up to several minutes for your computer to complete. If you interrupt Netscape during this %-cont-%
64844 process it will not create your key, and you will have to re-apply for your certificate.%0%
64845 %banner-sec%%0% is a site that uses encryption to protect transmitted information. However the %-cont-%
64846 digital Certificate that identifies this site has expired. This may be because the certificate has actually expired, or because the date on %-cont-%
64847 your computer is wrong.<p>The certificate expires on %1%.<p>Your computer's date is set to %2%. If this date is incorrect, then you %-cont-%
64848 should reset the date on your computer.<p>You may continue or cancel this connection.%3%
64849 %banner-sec%%0% is a site that uses encryption to protect transmitted information. However the %-cont-%
64850 digital Certificate that identifies this site is not yet valid. This may be because the certificate was installed too soon by the site %-cont-%
64851 administrator, or because the date on your computer is wrong.<p>The certificate is valid beginning %1%.<p>Your computer's date is set to %-cont-%
64852 %2%. If this date is incorrect, then you should reset the date on your computer.<p>You may continue or cancel this connection.%3%
64853 %banner-sec%%0% is a site that uses encryption to protect transmitted information. However one of %-cont-%
64854 the Certificate Authorities that identifies this site has expired. This may be because a certificate has actually expired, or because the date %-cont-%
64855 on your computer is wrong. Press the More Info button to see details of the expired certificate.<hr><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td %-cont-%
64857 valign=center align=right><input type="submit" name="button" value="%moreinfo%"></td></tr></table><hr>Your computer's date is set %-cont-%
64858 to %3%. If this date is incorrect, then you should reset the date on your computer.<p>You may continue or cancel this connection.
64859 %banner-sec%%0% is a site that uses encryption to protect transmitted information. However one of %-cont-%
64860 the Certificate Authorities that identifies this site is not yet valid. This may be because a certificate was install too soon by the site %-cont-%
64861 administrator, or because the date on your computer is wrong. Press the More Info button to see details of the expired certificate.<hr><table %-cont-%
64864 <hr>Your computer's date is set to %3%. If this date is incorrect, then you should reset the date on your computer.<p>You may continue or cancel %-cont-%
64865 this connection.
64866 Cancel
64867 OK
64868 Continue
64869 Next>
64870 <Back
64871 Finished
64872 More Info...
64873 Show Certificate
64874 Show Order
64875 Show Document Info
64876 Next>
64877 <Back
64878 You have elected to use your <em>
64879 </em> card. If you wish to change this, press Cancel and go back to your order form to make the change there.<p>
64880 Alert
64881 View A Certificate
64882 Certificate Name Check
64883 Certificate Is Expired
64884 Certificate Is Not Yet Good
64885 Certificate Authority Is Expired
64886 Certificate Authority Is Not Yet Good
64887 Encryption Information
64888 View A Personal Certificate
64889 Delete A Personal Certificate
64890 Delete A Site Certificate
64891 Delete A Certificate Authority
64892 Edit A Site Certificate
64893 Edit A Certification Authority
64894 No User Certificate
64895 Select A Certificate
64896 Security Information
64897 Generate A Private Key
64898 New Site Certificate
64899 New Certificate Authority
64900 New User Certificate
64901 Review Order
64902 Making a Purchase
64903 Setting Up Your Netscape Password
64904 Change Your Netscape Password
64905 Enable Your Netscape Password
64906 Password Error
64907 Configure Ciphers
64908 %banner-sec%The certificate that you have selected has expired and may be rejected by the server. You may press Continue to send it anyway, or Cancel to abort this connection.
64909 %banner-sec%<table><tr><td>The certificate that you have selected has expired and may be rejected by the server. You may press %continue% to send it %-cont-%
64910 anyway, or %cancel% to abort this connection. To renew your certificate press the %renew% button.</td><td><input type=submit name=button value=%renew%></td></tr></table>
64911 Renew
64912 %banner-sec%The certificate that you have selected is not yet valid and may be rejected by the server. You may press Continue to send it anyway, or Cancel to abort this connection.
64913 Your Certificate Is Expired
64914 Ask every time
64915 Let Navigator choose automatically
64916 1024 (High Grade)
64917 768 (Medium Grade)
64918 512 (Low Grade)
64919 View Certificate Policy
64920 Check Certificate Status
64921 RC4 encryption with a 128-bit key
64922 RC2 encryption with a 128-bit key
64923 Triple DES encryption with a 168-bit key
64924 DES encryption with a 56-bit key
64925 RC4 encryption with a 40-bit key
64926 RC2 encryption with a 40-bit key
64927 RC4 encryption with a 128-bit key and an MD5 MAC
64928 Triple DES encryption with a 168-bit key and a SHA-1 MAC
64929 DES encryption with a 56-bit key and a SHA-1 MAC
64930 RC4 encryption with a 40-bit key and an MD5 MAC
64931 RC2 encryption with a 40-bit key and an MD5 MAC
64932 No encryption with an MD5 MAC
65000 Netscape Communications Corporation Home Page
65001 What's New on the net
65002 Cool sites on the net
65003 Read Newsgroups
65004 Netscape Galleria
65005 Exploring the Net
65006 Internet Search
65007 People and Places
65008 About the Internet
65010 Product registration and support information
65011 Online Version of the manual
65012 Information about the version of Netscape you are running
65013 Answers to common questions
65014 Information about Netscape's security
65015 Instructions on how to give feedback about Netscape
65016 Instructions on getting support for Netscape
65017 How to create Web services
65018 Information about plugins
65019 Information about Netscape software and upgrades
65020 Information and links to resources for new web publishers\nWeb Page Starter
65021 New document wizard at Netscape home web site\nNew Document Wizard
65022 Display information about Usenet News
65199 Display program information, version number and copyright