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- WAPman Change Log
- -----------------
- Version 1.7.3 Build 2000122200
- -------------------------------
- Fixes:
- ======
- - [Common] Fixed another bug in URL resolution
- - [Common] Gateway port selection now only shows applicable ports
- Version 1.7.2 Build 2000112400
- -------------------------------
- New:
- ====
- - [Common] Memory usage optimizations
- - [Common] Implemented 'inline' select lists
- - [Common] Better handling of unknown literal attributes in layout
- - [Common] Allow the primary data returned as a result of a go to be anything
- (previously we only allowed a WML deck)
- - [Common] Implemented Basic Authentication support
- - [Common] Implemented support for vCard format
- - [Win32] Scrollbar style change
- - [Win32] New Skin variable: canvas.scrollbar.showscrollbar(0/1) - turn on/off
- the scrollbar
- - [Win32] Smooth scrolling
- - [Win32] Implemented vCardsupport. Data will be shown in a dialog box
- - [PalmOS] Implemented vCard support. Data will be added to address book
- Fixes:
- =====
- - [Common] Fixed a bug in URL resolution introduced sometime in July!
- - [Common] Fixed a bug in the Unicode->GB and GB->Unicode translation process
- - [Common] GIF decoding fix for some GIF89a files
- - [Common] Fixed bug which caused the previous HTTP method to be used
- incorrectly when a URL link was selected
- - [Common] Fixed bug to handle large attribute values in select lists
- - [Common] Fixed bug to handle NULL postdata during POST method
- - [Common] Fixed a little bug in gateway proxy port redirection
- - [Common] Fixed bug which disallows access to any files starting with h using
- WMLBrowser.go()
- - [Common] Fixed bug with access control path decoding
- - [Common] Fixed bug with URL-unescaping of a variable
- - [Common] Fixed bug with WMLScript loadstring function
- - [Win32] Fixed bug in GIF drawing routine which was causing problems with
- non-word aligned GIF data
- - [Win32] Fixed bug in reading preference profiles where the internal
- MAX_PROFILES value was not being used
- - [PalmOS] Fixed bug which can cause WAPman Pro to crash after dialup
- - [PalmOS] Fixed 32bit integer bug
- Known Issues:
- ============
- - [PalmOS] For <input> tag format checking, the on-screen keyboard cannot be
- accessed. Only graffiti input is possible.
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1500 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use
- IR Enhancementfrom Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- (Do people still use IR Link??)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.7.1 Build 2000092200
- ------------------------------
- - [Common] Various bug fixes
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.7.1 Build 2000092001
- ------------------------------
- - Fixed float conversion in palm
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.7.1 Build 2000092000
- ------------------------------
- - [Common] Redirected flag is passed up to the loader
- - [Common] Removed redundant WAE function layer (this is equivalent to the loader layer).
- - [Common] Images now honor nowrap
- - [Common] Added support to re-issue the current request being processed after the new
- connection is establised, if the gateway sends a disconnect and a reconnect to another
- gateway
- - [Common] Updated location support (for OS 3.3 and upwards)
- - [Common] Put in special-case handling of query strings when doing URL resolution
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1500 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink. (Do people still use IR Link??)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.7 Build 2000091300
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] added multiple profiles for gateway settings in preferences
- - [Common] added INPUT tag format checking (only for CS_CHARSET_NONE)
- - [Common] Fixed all non-float wmlscripts.
- - [Common] Implemented better handling of different content types in
- the cache
- - [Common] Sendreferrer implemented for WML
- - [Common] Added a link to a WML WAPman registration page from the
- registration dialog
- - [Common] Added support for disable images
- - [Common] Added support for multipart posts
- - [Common] Fixed problem in infinite loop in dep checks
- - [PalmOS] Fixed bug which was causing crashes on PalmOS 3.3 when
- the menu is activated
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1500 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink. (Do people still use IR Link??)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.7 beta Build 2000082500
- ---------------------------------
- - [Common] improved Bookmarks UI - ok we knew it sucked before!
- - [Common] added color GIF support
- - [Common] added local image support
- - [Common] Fixed bug in URL parsing
- - [Common] Fixed a lot of WML Script compliance issues
- - [Common] Fixed bug which was crashing the browser if the canvas area is clicked/tapped before
- any content is loaded or after clearing the cache
- - [Common] finally implemented the getReferer method
- - [Common] fixed bug in accessing POST method decks via the back button (and prev tag)
- - [Win32] added scrollbar and skin color support for scrollbar
- - [PalmOS] fixed bug in clearing the cache database records
- - [PalmOS] fixed bug in "Clear Cache" menu item where the clear cache method was not being called
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1500 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink. (Do people still use IR Link??)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.6.3 Build 2000071100
- ------------------------------
- - [Common] Soft hyphens fixed in layout
- - [Common] Layout buffer blank strings removed
- - [Common] Layout overlap of long table column contents fixed
- - [Common] Fixed bug in WML script external function calling
- - [Common] Fixed another bug in handling of disconnection from the WAP gateway
- - [Common] Layout fixes for para spacing, image spacing & alignment
- - [Common] Fixed a several bugs with the timers
- - [Common] Treat unknown DTDs properly
- - [PalmOS] Fixed cache size preferences not getting updated when the user changes
- the setting
- - [PalmOS] Fixed some UI bugs
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1500 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink. (Do people still use IR Link??)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.6.2 Build 2000070400
- ------------------------------
- - [Common] Fixed bug in handling of onPicks in selection boxes. Previously we were only
- doing onpicks on selections (not de-selections)
- - [Common] Fixed bug in handling refreshes and starting timers
- - [Common] Fixed input, link number & duplicate event name issues in Layout
- - [Common] Fixed bug introduced in 1.6 where table lines were not getting drawn
- - [Common] Fixed bug in selection boxes and text input boxes where data entered was getting
- processes even when cancel was pressed in the dialog box
- - [Common] Added protection against corrupted WSP headers which could crash WAPman
- previously
- - [Common] Fixed compliance bug: newcontext is to be honored only for go tasks
- - [PalmOS] Added a menu item to launch the Palm OS dialup preference dialog
- - [PalmOS] Added italic, bold italic, large italic and large bold italic custom fonts
- - [PalmOS] added help text accessible by tapping the "i" icon in some dialog boxes
- - [Win32] Changed the cache filename mechanism such that cache filename is independent
- of URL
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Some layout bits are not completly compliant. We are in the process of fixing
- these
- - [PalmOS] The display doesn't get completely cleaned up sometimes after existing from
- the preferences dialog
- - [PalmOS] The activity indicator sometimes get drawn on the menu!
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1500 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink. (Do people still use IR Link??)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.6.1 Build 2000062700
- ------------------------------
- - [Common] Optimized the call stack for the VM engine due to previous premise that code
- size has to be limited to one segment in Palm.
- - [Common] Fixed the multiple GO problem in the WML Script Library
- - [Common] Fixed bug in URL parsing where "./" was not being properly handled when resolving
- to a fully qualified URL
- - [Common] Added protection against possible crash with tables having empty content
- - [Common] Handle special case of URL resolving where the relative URL by itself is not a valid
- URL, but the base+relative URL may be a valid URL
- - [Common] Optimized the call stack for the WML Script VM engine due to previous premise that
- code size has to be limited to one segment in Palm.
- - [Common] Fixed bug in handling of disconnection from the WAP gateway
- - [Common] Fixed bug where the card title was not getting reset when the cache is cleared
- - [Common] Fixed input and link number issues in Layout
- - [Win32] Fixed bug where the shortcut keys of WAPman was active in all Windows applications
- and causing problems in these applications
- - [PalmOS] Fixed bug in title display
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1500 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink. (Do people still use IR Link??)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.6 Build 2000062000
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Fixed bug in handling of onPicks in selection boxes.
- - [Common] Fixed bug in handling refresh's were variables were getting cleared when they
- shouldn't have been
- - [Common] Fixed WMLScript Jump Opcodes which inhibits the function of while, for, if,
- loops / conditionals.
- - [Common] Removed context var stack. Now there is only one pool of context vars. Only
- the navigation history has a stack
- - [Common] Removed "Always copy context vars" option since it is not relevent anymore
- - [Common] Fixed bug where setvars were not getting set correctly for prev's
- - [Common] Fixed bug where the emptyok attribute was being processed incorrectly
- - [Common] Got rid of some memory leaks and reduced memory fragmentation
- - [Common] Added WTLS connection types to the preferences dialog boxes
- - [Common] Added a "Add" button in the bookmarks dialog to allow adding of
- bookmarks without actually going to the URL first.
- - [Common] Added "Clear cache" menu item to enable faster access to clear
- cache functionality
- - [Common] Fixed bug where page refresh's were only retrieved the content for the WML from
- the origin server. Dependent content (like images) were not being retrieved from the
- origin server
- - [Common] Cache now honours cache control information provided in the WSP headers.
- - [Common] Fixed bug where timer was getting reset when a <refresh> tag is encountered.
- - [Common] Added dialog box to indicate successfull keycode registration
- - [Common] Fixed bug where parsing url's with paramaters caused crashes
- - [Win32] Fixed bug where only a maximum of three do tags could be displayed
- - [Win32] Allow close and minimizing via Windows application bar icon
- - [Win32] By default debug logs are disabled. User can enable them using preferences
- options tab. When enabled, debug logs will be written to c:\wapout.log
- - [Win32] Allow scrolling and selection via keyboard up/down arrow keys and the Enter kay
- (needs be enabled in preferences/options tab)
- - [Win32] Allow users to select the directory in which cache files are created
- - [Win32] Added "Hot-keys" to Go, Clear Cache (Ctrl-L), Abort (Ctrl-A), Refresh (Ctrl-R),
- Previous page (Ctrl-P), bookmarks (Ctrl-B) and home ((Ctrl-H)
- - [PalmOS] Fixed some UI inconsistencies
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] WML Script VM crashes sometimes. Cause is being investigated
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.5.2 Build 2000042601
- ------------------------------
- - [Common] Fixed bug in HTTP redirection code where we were not fully qualifying the
- new URL (this is when the redirected URL returned by the gateway is a relative URL)
- - [Common] Put in work around to prevent crashes due to a null pointer being returned
- WSP TID table look ups (symptom was random crashes while in connectionless mode) Needs
- investigation
- - [Common] Fixed bug in selection boxes where WAPman crashed if the entry values were
- longer than the entry titles
- - [Common] A broken image bitmap gets displayed now if a WBMP cannot be loaded
- - [Common] Fixed bug where we were poping the context stack even when dependant data such
- as image data was not loadable. Now WAPman only pops the context stack if WML data fails
- to load.
- - [Common] Added a new preference tab where all misc options will be setable
- - [Common] Added new preference to enable disable copying of all context variables to the
- next deck. A lot of WAP sites out there seems to depend on all the variables being copied
- over.
- - [Common] Fixed bug in password text input where new text entered is displayed directly
- instead of showing "****"
- - [Common] Added a new preference tab where local the character set can be selected for
- multilanguage support
- - [Common] Select lists to display titles instead of values
- - [PalmOS] Fixed bug where layout was expecting the value of a variable not to exceed 64
- bytes. Now extended to handle upto 100 bytes
- - [PalmOS] Fixed bug with handling of pen taps at the bottom of the screen where WAPman
- was processing clicks before PalmOS managed to process clicks on the action buttons
- - [PalmOS] Added multiple selection support for select lists
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server. (This is almost fixed!)
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.5 Build 2000041201
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Added support for UTF-8 to GB/Big5 Translation (Needs to be
- enabled in layout for specific versions)
- - [Common] UTF-8 intelligence added
- - [Common] Context is copied across decks (seems thats what WML specs
- want us to do)
- - [Common] Context copies do not copy blank variables any more
- - [Common] Fixed problem with refresh tag ignoring cache
- - [Common] Fixed problem with onenter events calling refresh and thus
- going into infinite loops
- - [Common] Added support for HTTP redirection in the browser (we were expecting the
- Gateway to do it earlier)
- - [Common] Fixed bug in browser state changing which was causing problems when ONENTER
- events had GO's in them
- - [PalmOS] Fixed more memory leaks in cache and display
- - [PalmOS] Fixed bug which can potentially cause fatal errors when accessing preferences
- - [Win32] Changed the URL in the about box to point to our new website
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server. (This is almost fixed!)
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- - [PalmOS] Memory leaks or memory fragmentation causes WAPman to crash after prolonged use.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.4 Build 2000032400
- ----------------------------
- - [WSP] URI in Method Invokes are no longer NULL terminated, previous fix was not sufficient.
- - [PalmOS] Fixed memory leaks in cache, history and browser contexts (set
- maximum limits to history/context entries)
- - [PalmOS] Fixed display problems on PalmOS 3.5
- - [PalmOS] Put in a warning for low memory conditions and force an exit when memory is
- critically low
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server. (This is almost fixed!)
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- - [PalmOS] Memory leaks or memory fragmentation causes WAPman to crash after prolonged use.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.3 Build 2000031500
- ----------------------------
- - [WSP] Removed NULL terminated URI methods requests.
- - [Common] Fixed up bug which was crashing the browser if the body
- of the reply was empty
- - [Common] Fixed bug introduced in the previous release which was
- causing browser to misbehave after clearing the cache
- - [Common] Added support to automatically reconnect if the gateway
- disconnects the client
- - [Common] Fixed bug where postdata in GET methods were not being
- added to the URL as a query string correctly
- - [WSP] Fixed the Cache Delete -> Abort Error
- - [Common] Fixed bug where URL's were being unescaped needlessly
- - [Common] Fixed bug where the context stack was not being poped correctly
- after an abort
- - [PalmOS] Fixed garbage which does not get cleared just below the icon bar
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server. (This is almost fixed!)
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- - [PalmOS] Memory leaks or memory fragmentation causes WAPman to crash after prolonged use.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.2 Build 2000022000
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Support for connectionless mode (unit methods)!!!
- - [Common] Fixed up (removed) all DB references in the VM
- - [Common] Redirection added into the stack
- - [Common] Fixed a few minor bugs in the stack
- - [Common] When adding bookmarks, if a page title is not available, the url is now used as
- the bookmark title
- - [Common] Added a advanced preferences option to modify behaviour of NEWCONTEXT to just clear
- variables and not history as well (this breaks WML 1.1 spec)
- - [Common] Fixed bug which was causing calls back to the server for non-cachable decks
- even when doing inter-deck navigation
- - [Win32] Fixed the maximum length for text entry boxes which was being read incorrectly.
- (It was reading one character less than it should have)
- - [Win32] Fixed the display of the "&" character
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server. (This is almost fixed!)
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.1 Build 2000020401
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Fixed bug the way disconnects were being handled
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server. (This is almost fixed!)
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.1 Build 2000020400
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Fixed bug in the handling of the newcontext attribute
- - [Common] Fixed layout bug which was causing incorrect handling of POSTs
- - [Common] New optimized client WSP implementation
- - [Common] Ironied out memory leaks
- - [Common] Fixed problem with URL resolution for multiple attributes
- - [Common] Alpha push support and UI
- - [Common] Optimization of some cache functions
- - [Common] Reconnection when in offline mode now automatically puts the browser in online
- mode
- - [Common] Fixed bug where WAPman was still waiting for data from the gateway even if WAPman
- gets disconnects from the gateway after the method request has been made
- - [Common] Fixed bug with the back button (both the button on the WAPman skin as well as the
- WML prev tag) which was not working with pages which were fetched using POST method
- - [Win32] Added windows icon!!
- - [Win32] Fixed preferences dialog to resize depending on OS display settings
- - [Win32] Improved the handling of skin files (should get rid of most of those
- "Invalid Skin file" messages)
- - [Win32] Fixed bug which caused the current skin to get detroyed (and the entire window
- to disappear) if an invalid skin was selected during a change skin operation
- - [Win32] Fixed bug which was causing cache files to get created in the directory
- which contains the skin file
- - [Win32] Removed the annoying flicker when moving/clicking on the wapman window
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server. (This is almost fixed!)
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 2000010700
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Support for offline browsing of cache content
- - [Common] Support for Deck Access control
- - [Common] Fixed bug in URL encoding routines which caused the parsing to get confused if it
- found a non-port number indicating : in the URL
- - [Common] Fixed bug which causes VM to die on some scripts
- - [Common] Fixed the timer *again* this time it was too fast!
- - [Common] Fixed a bug which caused the second timer not to work when two consecutive cards
- had timers
- - [Common] Fixed bug with POST method GO's
- - [Common] Fixed problem with cases in known token decoding
- - [Common] Fixed problem with URL with variable substitution decoding
- - [Common] Fixed bug which caused the previous card title to get cleared if an error
- occures while going to a new card/deck
- - [PalmOS] Fixed problem of the first page not getting displayed
- - [PalmOS] Extended expiry
- - [Win32] Variable references shown in WML source
- - [Win32] Added skin support for bookmarks, menu and connection indicator
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server.
- - [Common] Ironing out some memory leaks due to the new implementation
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 1999122700
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Bug which caused missing first letter on new tag which caused
- word wrap fixed
- - [Common] Added missing align= tag into wml interpreter
- - [Common] Added bookmark support
- - [Common] Optimized the WML layout/rendering flow to increase speed
- - [Common] Removed the requirement to do a re-layout each time data
- in text fields and selection fields change.
- - [Common] Fixed timer for ONTIMER events
- - [Common] *** gets displayed when rendering content rather than
- <Password> for Password text field content
- - [PalmOS] Fixed bug which prevented the url from not getting copied
- from selection box to text box in the Go URL dialog
- - [PalmOS] Card title is now displayed.
- - [PalmOS] Bug which caused the WBMP images to be inverted fixed
- - [PalmOS] Fixed icky bug which caused selection dialog to crash
- if a selection box is activated after a text box is activated
- - [PalmOS] Any existing text in the variable used for password text boxes do not get
- copied into the password text box the next time the same password text box is activated.
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server.
- - [Common] Ironing out some memory leaks due to the new implementation
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side. Work-around: Use IR Enhancement
- from Palm. That allows you to dialout via IR withou IRLink.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 1999121000
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Added some error handling to report OS TCP/IP library errors
- - [Common] Added "Accept" headers to indicate what types of content is accepted by WAPman
- - [Win32] Clear background behind card title before drawing the new title
- - [Win32] Fixed bug with skin background not getting update properly.
- - [Win32] Fixed bug which was causing text/action/confirmation dialog boxes to get
- really stretched.
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] Cache content do not honour expiry information in the headers. An explicit
- "Refresh" is required to re-get the content from the server.
- - [Common] Ironing out some memory leaks due to the new implementation
- - [PalmOS] Content limited to a max of 1400 bytes.
- - [PalmOS] Initial connection problems when using IRLink 1.2. Packets do
- not seem to get transmitted to the gateway. Suspected that some buffering
- is happening either at the PalmOS level or IRLink side.
- - [PalmOS] WBMP images are inverted.
- - [PalmOS] Card title is not displayed.
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 1999113001
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Revamped the WTP for speed improvements
- - [Common] Implemented Memory Passthrough to speed up memory lags.
- - [Win32] Changable skins support.
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Win32] Skins background does not update properly when covered.
- - [Common] Ironing out some memory leaks due to the new implementation
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 1999103101
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] extended expiry till 30th Nov 1999
- - [Common] buffer overflows better handled in layout
- - [Common] speeded up the browser
- - [Common] WMBP errors are ignored... this allows pages with WBMP content to load even if
- there are errors
- - [Common] fixed multiple bitmap load restrictions
- - [Win32] decompilation of WML shows tags and attributes as lowercase
- - [PalmOS] Increased the size of the Info dialog box
- - [PalmOS] User selections are now flashed rather than drawing a box around them
- - [PalmOS] Added a splash screen and updated the About box.
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] need to create a 'broken' WBMP image to render when WBMP's cannot be retrieved
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 1999102200
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] fixed a problem with URL resolving code which dies if the base URL is not a
- fully qualified URL
- - [Common] fixed the WAPStack to handle large data packets better.
- - [PalmOS] fixed speed issues
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] layout yet to be updated to show lowercase attributes (WML1.1)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 1999101900
- ----------------------------
- - [common] reduced layout memory footprint
- - [common] fixed problem with the current context getting corrupted when gateway
- errors occur
- - [PalmOS] fixed bug in WDP which caused a crash
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] layout yet to be updated to show lowercase attributes (WML1.1)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 1999101800
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] rewrote the URL parsing code
- - [Common] improved error handling a better error messages
- - [Common] layout modified to handle multiple dependency restrictions
- - [Common] layout modified to handle case insensitive attributes (WML1.0/1.1 conflicts)
- - [Common] layout picks default card if requested card not found
- - [Win32] new goto URL dialog box with access to the URL history
- - [Win32] new tabbed preferences dialog box with a couple of new options
- - [PalmOS] fixed bug which was preventing cache clearing
- - [PalmOS] fixed bug which caused the WML content to get drawn on the Preferences dialog
- - [PalmOS] new goto URL dialog box with access to the URL history
- - [PalmOS] new preferences dialog box with a couple of new options
- - [WAPStk] Fixed Unit Methods to gracefully die.
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] layout yet to be updated to show lowercase attributes (WML1.1)
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.0 Build 1999092700
- ----------------------------
- - [Common] Browser handles connection problems with the server better, and gives nicer and
- (hopefully) more informative error messages.
- - [Common] Added "Reconnect" and "Disconnect" menu items to the right-click menu
- - [Win32] Changed the activity indicator from the circle thingie to a growing 'e'
- - [Win32] The icons on the icon bar now gets 'blurred-out' (as apposed to grayed-out)
- when something is happening and the abort button changes to bright red.
- - [PalmOS] Fixed the memory problem which was causing crashes on PalmIII's
- - [PalmOS] Added a vertical scroll bar and changed the look and placement of the
- horizontal scroll buttons
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Common] If the gateway aborts a data retrieval, the client reports it as
- a user abort
- ==========================================================================================
- Version 1.7.1 Build 20001020
- - [Common] [WTP] Enabled WTP Responder support for PUSHes. #define
- WTP_PUSH_RESPONDER in WAP.h to enable this.
- - [Common] [WSP] Fixed storing of handles for WTP Push Responder support.
- Confirmed Pushes are handled correctly now.
- - [Win32] [Loader] Temporary fix for handling of pushEnabled flag in Browser
- capabilities. We take it now from WAP.h, NOT from the registry. There should be
- an option to change browser preferences to set this. Otherwise, on PCs where
- WAPman is upgraded using the exsisting registry settings, push will always be
- disabled as the registry sets it to zero.
- Known Bugs in this release:
- ---------------------------
- - [Win32] [Loader] Currently, push enable/disable is not configurable via a GUI.
- It is set at compile time. If needed there should be a check box for this that
- writes/reads from the registry.
- - [PalmOS] [Loader] Make changes corresponding to the Win32 version to set the
- Push flags and MOP correctly.