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PalmZip (!pZip) v1.2
Features for v1.2:
- TrapWeaver and EvPlugBase compatibility fixed;
- Overclocking option for faster unpacking;
I *** do not *** support this feature. Use it on your own risk!!!
Thanx to Afterburner's author for overclocking code source.
- Status message indicating the process added;
First release v1.1:
OS 2.0 or later required.
Now compatible with any system with >128 K memory:
- PalmPilot(PersonalPro), PalmIII, PalmIIIx, PalmV (tested on emulator)
- PalmIII (tested on a real hardware)
- Palm with TRG boards (tester's reports)
Packing procedure works under:
- Windows 95/98 only
- For WindowsNT and Linux you are welcome to visit my site
http://klyatskin.da.ru to get an update.
Source code for !pZip packing is available at http://klyatskin.da.ru
If your Palm hangs while running packed application be sure to check
and delete unpacked application after reset.
If you are registered user of !pZip and found any application to be not
compatible with !pZip could you report the fact both to me
(klyatskin@hotmail.com) and application's developer.
0a. Any bugs known for ver 1.2?
- No bugs known yet.
But you should not pack files with spaces in its filenames.
0b. What OS is supported now for packing tools?
- Windows 95/98/NT, Linux! This distributive supports Windows 95/98 only!
- Check new versions of packing tools on at http://klyatskin.da.ru
0c. Should I upgrade v1.1 for 1.2?
- No, if you are not using TrapWeaver or EvPlugBase and have no wish to
have a risk to crash you Palm by overclocking.
0d. I've used v1.1 without TrapWeaver or EvPlugBase and had no problems.
Now I intalled them as well as !pZip v1.2 but packed applications fail
to find !pZip. What is the problem?
- You have to repack an application by tools from this distributive (v1.2).
Without TrapWeaver or EvPlugBase installation you are still able to
use application packed by v1.1
1. What is the programm designed for?
- For compressing PRC files (PalmPilot applications) before installing
them on a Palm to save Palm limited memory.
More than 40 percents could be your award.
1a. Should I do something to unpack installed files on a Palm?
- Sure, you have to tap their icons to launch them. Nothing more.
1b. Can I move !pZip or packed application to FlashMemory by TRG products?
- Yes, both PalmZip and comperessed applications are compatible with
FlashPro and FlashBuilder by TRG.
- I'd like to emphasize that flash memory is very limited space and
you can about double it by using !pZip.
1c. Please advise what to pack?
- I assume that you should not pack every-hour used application unless
they are smaller than 30 kB. To unpack application some time is
required. The larger application is the more time you should wait.
- Pack applications you use seldom, or on unregular basis.
- IMPORTANT: best choise is to pack a set of numerous applications. Very
bad idea is to pack only one application. When an application is
being launched it creates an unpacked data. So here comes an example of
your wins/losts in memory while using packed applications:
1 application packed from 20 Kb to 10 Kb:
Win 10 Kb (20-10) Lost 20 (for temporal unpacked data)
Total: Lost 10 Kb (10-20)
2 application packed from 20 Kb to 10 Kb:
Win 20 Kb ((20-10)*2) Lost 20 (for temporal unpacked data)
Total: Draw (no wins/no lost) (20-20)
8 applications packed from 20 Kb to 10 Kb:
Win 80 Kb ((20-10)*8) Lost 20 (for temporal unpacked data)
Total: Wins 60 Kb (80-20)
2. What do I need to begin work?
- To pack some PRC on your PC
- To install !pZip.PRC plus your packed applications. It will be
activated through reset just after HotSync.
3. What are steps to do?
- Copy PRC file you want to pack to directory where Pack.BAT is.
- Launch Pack.BAT with name of PRC file as an argument
(eg.: pack my_appl.prc)
Please do not ask me how to run a command string in W95/98. Read mannuals...
I do recomend FAR shell from http://www.rarsoft.com. IMHO: Best shell.
- You'll get a *.PRC file ready to be installed with "!" prefix in name
Don't forget to install !pZip.PRC file on your Palm.
- Install via HotSync both !file.prc and !pZip (if not installed yet)
- Done.
4. What applications are compatible?
- Not all application may be packed for PalmZip even theoretically.
(eg.: It can not be Hackmaster's modules. Programs activated by
Alarm or HotSync are not supported by this verion as well.)
- So you should try either an application of yours is compatible with !pZip.
5. How to register and what will the price is?
- Now you can do it through PGHQ service for USD 8.00.
Just click a shotscreen of a program on my site http://klyatskin.da.ru
- Any updated info will be published in...
(yes, sure http://klyatskin.da.ru)
6. Can I support you before registration?
- Sure, buy another progs of mine from http://klyatskin.da.ru
It might be usefull anyway.
7. What are future enhancements for PalmZip?
- More compatibility, more packed ratio, more speed, more platforms.
- Support for packed databases on a fly on a Palm.
8. Can I have both packed and unpacked copy of an application?
- No, only one copy of application is allowed. Please remove either
original file or its compressed copy.
9. I launch !pZip but I'm not sure what overclocking speed to choose...
- There is no way rather then by experiment to determine maximum speed
- Be ware that you can crash the Palm if you'll choose too high speed.
- You can make !pZip to do nothing with overclocking changes by
choosing NORMAL speed. If you use Afterburner or something similar
application this option is recommended.