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- , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , .
- ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` `
- ` Padlock Plus 1.1 '
- ' Rest Assured, Rest Secured. `
- ` '
- ' Copyright ⌐ 1998, 1999 Daniel McCarty `
- ` All Rights Reserved. '
- ' (Lawyer people love that stuff.) `
- `. , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . , . ,'
- ' ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' ` ' `
- (This readme file looks best in a fixed font.)
- What's new? Look for the *new!* as you read.
- Padlock Plus allows you to enter your password with the hardware buttons on
- your Palm handheld. (These are the Datebook/Address/ToDo/Memo and Page
- Up/Down buttons). No more fumbling around with your stylus, worried that
- people are looking over your shoulder while you enter your password! No
- more skimping on security because entering the password takes too long
- every time you start up your handheld. With Padlock Plus entering your
- password is as easy as pushing a few buttons!
- *new!*
- The following changes were made to Padlock Plus 1.1:
- * Padlock Plus looks for a "Done" button as well, for you Check-In
- users
- * Padlock Plus looks for "passphrase" as well, for you ReadThis!
- users
- * The times for 2, 5 and 15 minutes were incorrect and were fixed
- * A potential crash problem was fixed
- * Padlock Plus is faster, smaller and more stable
- This is version 1.1 of Padlock Plus. Please email any questions or
- comments to mcdan@csi.com and include "Padlock Plus" in the subject.
- Visit the web pages for Padlock Plus at
- http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mcdan/
- NOTE: The source code is available! Visit the Padlock Plus pages above.
- .------------------------.
- '------------------------'
- We've provided an easy, secure means of registering Padlock Plus through
- PilotGear at this link:
- http://www2.viaweb.com/pilotgearsw/danielpmccarty.html
- If you like the unregistered version we'd be honored if you'd register. It
- only costs $4.95, about the same price as a happy meal.
- .-------------------------.
- '-------------------------'
- To install Padlock Plus you need HackMaster. This is the Hack manager
- written by Edward Keyes, available at http://www.daggerware.com/hackmstr.htm
- (or by searching any of the PalmPilot archives). Once you've installed
- HackMaster, install Padlock Plus like you would any other application. See
- below for the configuration options.
- If you have an earlier version of PadlockHack, like 1.5 or 1.3a (or earlier)
- you WILL need to delete it first before installing Padlock Plus. You will
- not be able to install Padlock Plus if PadlockHack is present.
- *new!*
- However, you can install Padlock Plus 1.1 right over Padlock Plus 1.0.
- As with any hack, you should always be careful when installing it. It's a
- good idea to backup any important information you have stored on your Palm
- handheld.
- .--------------------------.
- '--------------------------'
- The Configure Padlock Plus screen has a few basic functions. The first is
- setting the letters for each button. Each button may have 1 and only 1
- letter that it "types." Pick the 6 characters that you want to use in your
- password.
- You can now assign letters to hit the OK button and Backspace in your
- password! If you enter the letter "/" for any button, when that button is
- pressed instead of entering a "/" in your password Padlock Plus will hit
- the "OK" button. And entering a "<" letter will do the same for Backspace.
- You can use the next/previous field characters to move between fields, or
- just tap on the one you want to edit. Leaving a letter blank and selecting
- OK will result in that letter being reset to its last value.
- Below the 6 letters is a handy reference to your password. This mirrors the
- functionality in the Security app, so any password you set/change/delete here
- will be set there, and vice versa. You can use the set hardware buttons to
- type in your password in any of these dialog boxes.
- WARNING: using the hardware buttons without Padlock Plus enabled will
- switch to that application.
- WARNING: the password you set in Padlock Plus is the same password in the
- Security application. Do remember your password!
- WARNING: If you set a LOT OF MONEY on top of your car, watch out!--the
- slightest bit of wind could blow it all away! (For those who
- were getting tired of all these warnings :)
- .---------------------.
- '---------------------'
- Wow! You've made it this far.
- AutoLock has been improved with many more possibilities.
- Never : AutoLock won't lock your Palm device.
- Always: AutoLock will always lock whenever the Palm device is turned off
- Smart : If you power off with the green button then Padlock Plus will
- AutoLock. If the device times out and turns itself off it will
- not AutoLock.
- Ask me: As you turn off your handheld Padlock Plus will ask you how to
- shut down: Off, AutoLock or TimeLock. Even if TimeLock isn't
- enabled in the configuration screen you can activate it here.
- TimeLock will activate and lock your Palm handheld after the specified time
- span if the "Timed" option is enabled. You can TimeLock after 1, 5, 15 or
- 30 minutes, or 1, 2 or 5 hours.
- If you select "Always" for AutoLock then there's no reason for the "Timed"
- option; it will simply go away. If you turn on your device before the time
- specified then it won't lock.
- .----------------------.
- '----------------------'
- Padlock Plus can handle the security of your private records as well.
- If you want to hide your private records whenever your device is turned
- off, make sure that "off: Hide" is enabled. And vice versa if you want
- to show your private records whenever it's turned on.
- And if you're already in an application and want to show/hide your records,
- a stroke from the Menu button <--> to the Find button will do the trick.
- Menu --> Find: show private records
- Find --> Menu: hide private records
- When attempting to show private records a password dialog box will appear
- for you to enter your password before showing your private records.
- .--------.
- | ISSUES |
- '--------'
- This hack was designed to run on OS 2.0 or greater. If you experience any
- problems using this hack on any platform please let us know.
- There are no known bugs or problems with Padlock Plus, but if you encounter
- any problems please email us at mcdan@csi.com and we will try to have a fix
- available within 24 hours.
- .------------------.
- '------------------'
- __-----_. Standard "Palm handheld" legal disclaimers apply.
- / \ \ Naturally, since this is a hack, you take FULL
- / | | \_---_ RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY for any use of this
- | | \ software. This software is provided AS-IS; there
- | | |@ is NO WARRANTY, express or implied.
- \___/ ___ /
- \____(____\___/ But don't let that legal stuff worry you. As with
- |__| all code we produce, this hack has been created with
- / \-_- the utmost attention to detail and quality. You
- / \_"__ _ // most likely won't have a problem using it, but
- / "| |>) /~~~(O) we also trust that you won't sue us if something
- ( _| | / | does go wrong. Thank you for being an honorable
- \_____________|(_________| person. Enjoy using Padlock Plus!