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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mail+ v1.3.0
- Copyright (C) 1999-2000
- By Network Orion,
- All rights reserved.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Oct 23, 2000
- Email: support@netorion.com
- Web: http://www.netorion.com/
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Installation
- 3. What's New
- 4. Online Help
- 5. Registration
- --------------
- Introduction
- --------------
- Mail+ is an advanced email client for the Palm pilot. Mail+ is built
- right on top of the old email client, so that it will seamlessly
- syncronize with Outlook (via the Palm Mirror software that came with
- your palm pilot) and/or the Palm desktop.
- In addition to the user interface improvements, Mail+ allows you to
- beam emails to other palm pilots (that are running Mail+), and tighter
- integration with the address book. If your friends don't have Mail+,
- you can beam it to them through the "Options" menu of the main screen.
- Mail+ does not work on the Palm m100 yet because the m100 does not
- include the Palm Mirror software. NetOrion is working on our own
- version of this software, so keep checking our website for updates. It
- is not know if Mail+ will work with the Palm VII's email system
- Customers have reported that Mail+ works with EasySync and Intelli-
- Sync, however, we do not officially support these synchronization
- platforms so we cannot provide support. It has also been reported that
- Mail+ will run on the Palm VII, however, we do not officially support
- the Palm VII because Mail+ currently relys on the Palm Mirror software
- to send/receive emails so it cannot take advantage of the connectivity
- offered by the Palm VII.
- --------------
- Installation
- --------------
- To install Mail+, use WinZip or another "Un-zipping" program "un-zip"
- the archive. This should create a directory. Inside that directory should
- be an "Help" folder and this document.
- In addition, there should be the "mailp.prc" executable. Double-click on
- it to install it. If you have a registered version of Mail+, then you
- should also have the "MailpRgDB.PDB" file. You can double-click on it to
- install it as well.
- --------------
- What's New
- --------------
- New Features:
- - Column headers (can be turned on or off)
- - Sort emails by click on a column header.
- Bug Fixes:
- - Fixed crash when moving emails in OS 3.5
- - Correclty redraws the "Email Folders..." form in OS 3.5
- - Does not crash when deleting emails from custom folders
- in OS 3.5
- - No longer crashes in Emulator when moving emails between
- folders.
- - New emails are stored in the correct folder regardless
- of where they were created.
- - Fixed a redraw bug involving the number of emails displayed
- at the top of the main form.
- --------------
- Online Help
- --------------
- Mail+ has a extensive online help manual that is included with the
- distribution in HTML format. It should located in the "help" folder,
- within this folder. To use it, open the "help" folder, and double-
- click on the "index.html" file.
- Also, the help documentation is availible online at:
- http://www.netorion.com/products/mailp/help
- The online help documentation will have the most current information
- as well as frequently asked questions (FAQ).
- ---------------
- Registeration
- ---------------
- Registration of Mail+ will help support shareware, unlock your
- demo version, and give you access to all future versions of Mail+. The
- following are the features to be added in the next few versions:
- Version Date Additional Features
- ------- ---- -------------------
- 1.5 11/00 - Unlimited Folders
- - More user interface enchancements
- - Tighter integration with:
- - Datebook
- - Memo
- - Todo list
- - Address book
- - Email Filters
- - More Hot sync options
- 2.0 2/01 - POP Support
- - Attachments
- - Auto complete email address entry
- - Printer support
- - International versions
- We are always looking for feedback from users, so if you have any
- features that you would like to see, please let us know and we will
- do our best to code it. You can do this through the "Feedback" command
- in the "Help" menu on the Main screen.
- -----------------
- Legal Stuff
- -----------------
- Portions copyright (c) 2000 Palm, Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights
- reserved.
- "NetOrion", "Network Orion", "Mail+" and "Mail Plus" are all registered
- trademarks of Network Orion, Inc. All rights reserved.